Tuesday 18 November 2014

Did you know gardenia tree.

Glass Plates.
Gardenia or Glass Plates (Gardenia augusta) is an annual herbaceous coffee-copy of the tribe or Rubiaceae. The flowers are white and very fragrant. Plants are also known by the name of Gardenia jasminoides binomial which means "like jasmine," although nothing to do with clan Jasminum (Jasmine).
In Bali, the plant is known by the name of the mascot Jempiring and interest Denpasar.

Gardenia an upright shrub with a height of 1-2 m. The stem is woody, branched, young twigs wax coated, with brownish-green color.


This flower is a commodity cut flowers, used in bouquets and corsages. The leaves can be used as a remedy thrush and roots as a remedy toothache.
Fruit contains crocin (one kind karotenoida), bright yellow as found in saffron. Dried fruit is a coloring agent. In Japan, the dyes of gardenia used for dyeing textiles and dyes traditional cakes (wagashi) and pickled radish (takuan).

Benefits gardenia plants.

Gardenia originated from China and Japan. Can be found as an ornamental plant in pakarangan in mountainous areas with an altitude of 400 m above sea level and only bear fruit if an elevation of about 3,000 feet above sea level.

Upright shrub with a height of 1-2 m has a round rod woody, branched, young twigs, and leaves waxed. Located opposite leaves or rocky three, thick and smooth as the skin, short-stemmed elliptical or ovoid shape breech, the tip and the base tapering, flat edge, upper surface shiny, 4.5 to 13 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, green color old. Single flower, short-stemmed, white color, out of the top branches, smells wonderful. Fruit ovoid shape, thin skin, containing a yellow pigment, and berbji much.

In China, the flowers are used as a flavor enhancer in tea leaves. The fruit is edible and can be used as a yellow dye in foods (such as turmeric). Propagation by seed, transplant, or stem cuttings.

The nature and efficacy.

Gardenia fruit taste bitter, cold nature, with affinity to the meridian of the heart, liver, lung, stomach, and Sanjiao. Gardenia fruit serves as a heat and flame cleaning, cooling blood, removing toxins, and eliminate moisture. Efficacy gardenia fruit is improving liver function and soothe emotions (sedative), malancarkan flow of bile into the intestine (kolagoga), anti-inflammatory (antiflogistik), antibiotics, fever reliever (anti-pyretic), sputum, laxative urine (diuretic), blood conditioning, bidders toxins (detoksikan), stop bleeding (hemostasis), and destroys blood clots. Potent hepatoprotective gardenia fruit extract, which protects the liver from damage caused by toxins.

Roots and flowers efficacious laxative menstruation. Flowers efficacious hemostasis, tranquilizers (sedatives), and a laxative urine (diuretic).

Chemical Ingredients

Fruits contain essential oils, gardenin, gardenosid, geniposid, genipin1-D gentiobioside, gardoside (8.10 dehydrologanin), scandoside menthyl esters, glikosid, sitosterol, mannitol, nonacosane, krosetin, krosin, klorogenin, tannin, and dextrose. Gardenin is golden yellow chloroform, soluble in alcohol and chloroform. Rind contains ursolic acid. The leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, and essential oils.

Parts used.

Parts of the plant are used as medicine is ripe fruit (zhi zi) and roots. The leaves and flowers are also used as medicine. Fruit picked after cooking, then steamed or boiled briefly before being dried for storage. The fruit can be used fresh or after drying. The leaves are picked throughout the year. Once washed, then dry in the sun to dry.


Gardenia fruit used to treat:

* Diseases with fever which give high fever, irritability, delirium, impaired consciousness,
* Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), jaundice (jaundice) accompanied fever, no appetite, urine slightly (oliguria), and urinary pain (dysuria),
* Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder (cystitis),
* Inflammation of the breast (mastitis),
* Bleeding from hot blood like vomiting blood (hematemesis), blood urine (hematuria), dysentery, coughing up blood (hemoptysis), nosebleeds (epistaxis),
* Sleep disorders (insomnia),
* Sore throat, mouth sores, toothache,
* Dysentery, snake bites,
* Eyes swelling and pain (acute conjungtivitis), and
* High blood pressure (hypertension).

Gardenia leaves used to treat:

* Fever,
* Shortness of breath,
* High blood pressure (hypertension), and
* Sprue (mouthwash).

How to Use

For drugs taken, using 30-60 g of root or 3-9 g of fruit, then boiled and drinking water

For external use only, minced fresh gardenia fruit until smooth, then add the egg white or white wine. Next, attach the parts of the body, such as bruises, sprains, inflammation of the skin (boils, abscesses, ulcers, snake pox / shingles), burned, scalded, and toothache. Pasta gardenia finely ground herbs and mixed with flour and white wine is very effective for the treatment traima in tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles. In Vietnam, gardenia is used to treat disorders of the eye to resolve.

Effects Farmokogis and Research.

Studies in rats and rabbits prove efficacious kolagoga gardenia fruit and choleretic.

Extra ethanol gardenia fruit aktivitar spontaneous decrease in animals that indicate a sedative effect. Besides, it also has antipyretic properties.

Cooking water or ethanol extract of gardenia fruit exhibit hypotensive effects in animal experiments.

Gardenia fruit decoction is also efficacious antibacterial and in vitro inhibit the activity of a wide variety of skin fungus. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 18 November 2014 at 16:06
Tag : Did you know gardenia tree.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 16:06

About Avocados.

Avocado (Persea americana Mill / Persea gratissima Gaerth)

Brief History.

Avocado is a fruit crop plants a tree with the name alpuket (West Java), avocado (East Java / Central Java), boah pokat, Jamboo pokat (Batak), advocates, Jamboo butter, Jamboo pooan, pookat (Lampung) and others. Avocado plants derived from lowland / Central America and the expected high into Indonesia in the 18th century. Officially between years 1920-1930 Indonesia had introduced 20 varieties of avocados from Central America and the United States to obtain improved varieties in order to improve health and nutrition, especially in the highlands.

Type Plants.

Complete classification avocado plants are as follows:
Division: Spermatophyta
Children division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Ranales
Family: Lauraceae
Highways: Persea
Varieties: Persea americana Mill

Based on the ecological nature, avocado plant consists of three types of offspring / race, namely :

Race Mexico.

Hailing from the highlands of Mexico and Ecuador semi tropical climate with an altitude between 2400-2800 m asl. This race has leaves and fruit that smells of fennel. Flowering period until the fruit can be harvested approximately 6 months. Small fruit weighing 100-225 grams, ellipse shape (oval), short-stemmed, thin and smooth skin. Large seed meets the fruit cavity. Fruit flesh has an oil content / fat highest. This race is resistant to cold temperatures.

Race Guatemala.

Hailing from the highlands of Central America sub-tropical climate with an altitude of about 800-2400 m above sea level. This race is less resistant to cold temperatures (tolerance to -4.5 degrees C). Leaves no smell of fennel. The fruit has a considerable size, weighing between 200-2300 grams, thick rind, hard, easily broken and rough (berbintil-nodule). Ripe fruit between 9-12 months after flowering. The seeds are relatively small and tightly stuck in the cavity, with the seed coat attached. Fruit pulp has a medium oil content.

Race West Indies.

Derived from lowland Central America and South America tropical, with an altitude below 800 m asl. This variety is very sensitive to low temperatures, with a tolerance of up to minus 2 degrees C. The leaves no smell of anise, leaves a lighter color than the other races. The fruit is large, weighing between 400-2300 grams, short stalks, somewhat tough rind smooth and thick. Ripe fruit 6-9 months after flowering. Large seeds and often loose in the cavity, coarse grain pieces. Oil content and flesh lowest.

Avocado varieties in Indonesia can be classified into two, namely:

yielding varieties.

Superior properties include high production, tolerant to pests and diseases, uniform fruit oval and medium-sized, good quality fruit flesh and not fibrous, small drupe attached to the seed cavity, as well as fruit skin slippery. As of the date of January 14, 1987, the Minister of Agriculture has set two superior varieties of avocado, avocado green is long and green circular. The properties of both varieties, among others:

a. Tree height: 5-8 m long green avocado, avocado green round 6-8 m.
b. The shape of the leaves: green avocado long elliptical with flat edge, avocado green round round long with wavy edges.
c. Fruitful: avocado green continuous length, depending on the location and soil fertility, avocado green round constantly, depending on the location and soil fertility.
d. Fruit weight: 0.3-0.5 kg long green avocado, avocado green round 0.3-0.4 kg.
e. Fruit shape: long green avocado pear shape (pyriform), avocado green oval round (oblong).
f. Fruit flavors: avocado green long-tasty, savory, somewhat soft, round green avocado delicious, savory, somewhat dry.
g. Diameter of fruit: avocado green 6.5-10 cm long (average 8 cm), avocado green round 7.5 cm.
h. Fruit length: long green avocado 11.5 to 18 cm (average 14 cm), avocado green round 9 cm.
i. Results: long green avocado 40-80 kg / tree / year (average 50 kg), avocado green round 20-60 kg / tree / year (average 30 kg).

Other varieties.

This is a group of avocado varieties of germplasm Installation Research and Technology Assessment, Tlekung, Malang. Some varieties of avocado are contained in the experimental garden Tlekung, Malang is long red avocado, red round, dickson, butler, winslowson, Benik, puebla, furete, Collinson, waldin, Ganter, mexcola, duke, ryan, Leucadia, queen and edranol.

Benefits of Plants.

Parts of the avocado plant is widely used as a food fruit fresh fruit. In addition, the use of meat usual avocado European society is used as a food ingredient that is processed in a variety of cuisines. Another benefit of the flesh of an avocado is for cosmetic ingredients.

Other parts that can be used is the young leaves as traditional medicine (medicine kidney stones, arthritis).

Planting Center.

Avocado-producing countries on a large scale is the United States (Florida, California, Hawaii), Australia, Cuba, Argentina, and South Africa. From year to year, Americans have constantly increased avocado orchard.

In Indonesia, avocado crop is still the garden plants, has not been cultivated in scale farming. Avocado producing areas are West Java, East Java, parts of Sumatra, South Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara.

Term Growth.

1. Climate.

Wind required by avocado plants, especially for the pollination process. However, winds of 62.4 to 73.6 km / h may be able to break twigs and stems of plants belonging avocado soft, brittle and easily broken.
The minimum for growth rainfall is 750-1000 mm / year. West Indies and cross-bred races thrive in lowland tropical climate with rainfall of 2500 mm / year. For areas with rainfall less than the minimum requirement (2-6 dry months), avocado plants can still grow origin of ground water depth up to 2 m.
The need sunlight for growth avocado range 40-80%. Mexico and Guatemala to race more resistant to cold weather and dry climate, when compared with the West Indies race.
The optimal temperature for growth ranging from 12.8 to 28.3 degrees avocado C, Given the avocado plant can be grown in the lowlands to highlands, avocado plants can tolerate temperatures between 15-30 degrees C or more. The amount of avocado plants cardinal temperature dependent races respectively, among others, the Mexican race has a tolerance to -7 degrees C, Guatemala to -4.5 degrees C, and the West Indies to 2 degrees C.

2. Growing Media.

Avocado plants that grow optimally need loose soil, not easily waterlogged, (drainage / water disposal well), fertile and high in organic matter.
The type of soil is good for growing avocado is sandy loam soil types (sandy loam), clay loam (clay loam) and clay sediments (alluvial loam).
The acidity of the soil is good for growing avocado ranged slightly acidic to neutral pH, (5.6 to 6.4). When the pH is below 5.5 the plant will suffer from poisoning because the elements Al, Mg, and Fe dissolved in considerable amounts. In contrast to the above pH 6.5 several functional elements such as Fe, Mg, and Zn will be reduced.

3. Altitude.

In general, avocado plant can be grown in the lowlands to highlands, ie 5-1500 m asl. However, these plants will thrive with satisfactory results at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level. For race avocado plants Mexico and Guatemala is more suitable to be planted in an area with an altitude of 1000-2000 m., While the West Indies race at altitude 5-1000 m asl.

Cultivation Guidelines.

1. Breeding

1) Requirements Seeds

Good seed among others derived from

a) The fruit is quite old.

b) The fruit does not fall until rupture.

c) Procurement of more than one type of seed to ensure the possibility of cross pollination.

2) Preparation of Seed.

Until now only be obtained avocado seed generative (via seeds) and vegetative (grafting shoots / graft and splicing eye / grafting).
Of the three ways that seeds obtained from the seeds is less favorable for long fruiting plants (6-8 years) and there is the possibility of different fruit produced by the parent. While the results of grafting and graft seedlings faster fruiting (1-4 years) and fruit which have acquired the same properties as its parent.

3) Seed Seeding Technique.

a) Connection of shoots (graft)
The main tree is used to graft are plants that have been aged 6-7 months / may also 1-year-old, plants derived from seeds from the fruit that was old and cook, height 30 cm / less, and that is important in the base network yet woody stems. As a branch of the limb joints used young and approximately 0.7 cm in diameter. The Wicker oblique cut in accordance with the existing gap in the trees along the principal approximately 10 cm, and then inserted into a tree beside the principal parts are fastened / bandaged. Good material for binding are rubber bands, plastic, raffia / waxy cloth. We recommend switching on the subject tree made as low as possible so as not to be able to bud on staple crops. Graft-graft which has been spliced put in the shade, not windy, and humid. Every day the plants watered, and to prevent disease should plants sprayed fungicide. In the dry season the white mite pests often attack, for it should be prevented by spray kelthane. Seeds usually can be moved into the garden after 9-16 months of age, and their removal is done at the start of the rainy season

b) Connection of the eye (grafting)
Grafting seedling production is carried out at the base of the tree aged 8-10 months. As the eye to be drawn from the branches were grafted healthy, with the age of 1 year, and his eyes looked clear. The best time to stick to that at the time of seedling bark is removed from the timber. The trick is bark slashed staple length of 10 cm and a width of 8 mm. The skin is removed from the timber and pulled down and cut into 6 cm. Furthermore slashed an eye with a little timber of eye branch (enthout), the wood is released slowly without damaging the eye. Skin eyed inserted between the leather and wood that has been slashed in the subject tree and closed again, the record should not be closed eyes. Finally the dressing entirely with plastic tape. If within 3-5 days of his eyes still green, the attachment successfully.

The next 10-15 days after attachment, plastic rope opened. Principal tree trunks are cut transversely as deep as half its diameter, approximately 5-7.5 cm above the graft, and the eye is curved so that growth can be faster. Once the rod out of the eye reaches a height of 1 m, then the curved part of the principal trees are cut just above the grafting and wound flattened, then covered with paraffin that has been thawed. The grafting of trees can be moved to the garden after the age of 8-12 months and the removal of the most well is at the beginning of the rainy season. In vegetative propagation to note is to maintain high humidity in order to stay (+ 80%) and air temperature at the connection should not be too high (between 15-25 ° C). It also should not be done in the season of heavy rain and too much direct sunlight. Seeds in the form of the connection needs to be watered regularly and fertilized 2 weeks. Fertilization can be concurrent with watering, ie by dissolving 1-1.5 grams of urea / NPK into 1 liter of water. Foliar fertilizers can also be supplied with the recommended dose in the packaging. While the control of pests and diseases is done only when necessary.

Media Processing Plant.

Land for avocado plants should be done well; must be cleared of trees, shrubs, plants sign stumps, and rocks are intrusive. Furthermore, land in or on the hoe, hoe and smooth 2-3 times. Execution of land should be done in the dry season planting which can then be performed at the beginning or during the rainy season.

Planting Technique.

1) Planting Pattern.
The pattern should be done planting avocado combination of different variations. It is given that most varieties of avocado plant can not pollinate themselves, except varieties which have long green flower type A. There are two types of flowers of some varieties of avocado in Indonesia, namely type A and type B. The varieties are classified as type A flower is green long, green round, long red, red round, waldin, butler, benuk, dickinson, puebla, taft, and hass. While classified as type B is Collinson, itszamma, winslowsaon, fuerte, lyon, Nabal, Ganter, and queen. Cross-pollination occurs only between the two types of flowers. Therefore, planting avocado in a land should be combined between varieties with flower type A and type B flower that blooms each pollinate each other.

2) Hole Making Plant.
a) Soil excavated with a length, width, and height of 75 cm respectively. The hole left open for about 2 weeks.
b) Land of the top and bottom separated.
c) the planting hole covered with its original position. First upper soil mixed with 20 kg of manure before it is inserted into the hole.
d) the planting hole that had been closed again pegged to move considering the location of the planting hole.

3) How to planting.
Proper planting time is at the beginning of the rainy season and the existing soil in the planting hole is no longer decreased. The thing to note is the existing soil in the planting hole should be higher than the surrounding soil. This is to avoid stagnant water when flushing his or rain.

Steps planting is as follows:
a) the planting hole is closed, dug again the size of the container seedlings.
b) Seeds are removed from the basket or polybag with slashed in order to remain intact soil clods.
c) seeds were still clumped together with land included in stem neck-high hole, then backfilled and tied to a stake.
d) Each seed should be given shade to avoid direct sunlight, wind, and rain shower. The shade is made oblique with a high portion to the east. This shade serves to grow new shoots or approximately 2-3 weeks.

4. Plant Maintenance.
1) Weeding
Weeds grow around the plant because in that place there are many nutrients. In addition to a rival in obtaining food, weed is also a breeding place of pests and diseases. Therefore, so that plants can grow well, the weeds must be weeded (repealed) regularly.

2) tilling the soil.
Soil watered every day of course will be more solid and getting a little air in it. As a result, the plant roots can not absorb nutrients freely. To avoid this, the soil around the plants should be made with caution loose so that the roots are not severed.

3) Watering.
Newly planted seedlings need a lot of water, so watering should be done every day. The right time for watering is early morning / afternoon, and when the rains do not need to be watered again.

4) Pruning Plants.
Pruning is only done on the branches that grow too tight or dead branches. Pruning is done carefully in order to avoid pruning wounds from infection and pruning wounds should be given fungicide / cover wounds.

5) Fertilization.
In the avocado crop cultivation required a good program and regular fertilization. Given the avocado plant root system, especially the roots of his hair, only slightly less extensive and growing the fertilizer should be given rather frequently with small doses. The amount of fertilizer applied depending on the age of the plant. When the annual fertilization program using urea (45% N), TSP (50% P), and KCl (60% K) then to plant a young age (1-4 years) given urea, TSP, and KCl respectively as 0 , 27 to 1.1 kg / tree, 0.5-1 kg / tree and from 0.2 to .83 kg / tree. For crop production life (5 years) is given urea, TSP, and KCl respectively as much as 2.22 to 3.55 kg / tree, 3.2 kg / tree, and 4 kg / tree. Fertilizer should be given four times a year.

Given the avocado plant has little hair roots, then the fertilizer should be placed as close as possible to the roots. How to embed the fertilizer into the hole depth of 30-40 cm, where the hole is made just below the edge of the plant canopy, encircling the plant. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 18 November 2014 at 15:06
Tag : About Avocados.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:06

Lowland Longan characteristics.

Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.)
Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Are included in the family Sapindaceae close relatives with lychee and rambutan is a subtropical plant that has been known 2000 years ago. Its origin of the South China region and utilization over the medicinal properties, not as a table fruit, the fruit is known as the Dragon Eye. Of South China, the plant is then developed into areas of Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Indonesia litchi grows well in areas with altitudes between 300-900 m above sea level. Longan require cold temperatures to stimulate flowering is between 5-22 ° C. According to a researcher that the distribution of litchi cultivation dominant plateau in Java, namely in the area of Salatiga, Ambarawa, Waterford, Mixed, and Magelang. Most of the area has a subtropical rainfall pattern as in Ambarawa, Salatiga, and Mixed. Because it requires such a requirement grows, litchi development in Indonesia is limited only in certain areas. In addition, generally litchi plateau have early production is between 5-8 years old so its development into other areas rather slow.

Growing Conditions.

Compared plateau longan, litchi lowland no special requirements for growth. Longan lowlands can be planted in areas with an altitude of 0-400 m above sea level and does not require extreme temperature differences in order to bloom. Longan lowland especially Pingpong can be grown in almost any type of soil due to the high adaptability. Especially for Itoh, because it is basically a subtropical plant that requires little special treatment.


Varieties that have been cultivated in Indonesia is Pingpong, Diamond River, Itoh, and Selarong (derived from the highlands). Each variety has different characteristics.


Named longan Pingpong, because under normal conditions the fruit produced is able to reach the size of a ping-pong ball.

Characteristics: Fruit reddish when young and gradually become yellow brown to light brown when ripe ahead, the maximum size of a ping-pong ball. Sweet fruit flavors, reaching 20ยบ Brix levels, average fruit flesh wet, high water levels and large seeds.

Diamond River.

Characteristics: Heading compact and dense, branching is more easily formed, green leaves, erect, yellowish-white flowers and is formed at the end of branching, brownish-yellow fruit fruit size is smaller than the Pingpong sweet fruit flavors and high water content.


Characteristics: Heading dense, sturdy, and compact green leaves with wavy edges, similar to Diamond River but not upright but fell. Longer leaf size. Yellowish-white flowers fruit the size of a Diamond River but the taste is sweet, dried fruit and thick flesh and small seeds.


Longan longan varieties originally a native Selarong Bandungan have adapted in low-lying areas and then released into the new varieties in 1998. Litchi Selarong mainly found in the area Selarong Displays District of Bantul Yogyakarta. Characteristics: lush tree canopy and compact. The leaves are green and shiny. Brownish yellow flowers and generally appear once a year in November-December and harvested in June-July. Flowers are formed at the ends of branches branching and especially in sunlight, therefore care and pruning should be done in order to obtain maximum results. Fruits are round brown-yellowish. White flesh, chewy, fragrant and sweet.

Flowering and fruiting patterns.

Longan lowland introduced from Thailand and Vietnam, including early-maturing crops. Seeds of graft Pingpong and Diamond River average flowering under the age of one year while the seeds begin flowering at the age of 2 years. Especially for Itoh, with fertilizer treatment can be flowering at the age of 2 years. Unlike the case with the introduction of litchi, longan Selarong a long flowering age is about 2-3 years and 6-7 years of grafts from seed. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 18 November 2014 at 10:24
Tag : Lowland Longan characteristics.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 10:24

Monday 17 November 2014

Ebola virus.

Ebola virus.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a human disease caused by the Ebola virus. Symptoms usually begin two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, the presence of fever, sore throat, muscle aches, and headache. Usually followed by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as liver and kidney function decline. At that time, some people began experiencing bleeding problems.

Causes and diagnosis. 

The virus may be obtained through contact with blood or body fluids of an infected animal (usually a monkey or bat). The spread through the air has never been recorded in the natural environment. Fruit bats are believed to be able to carry and spread the virus without contracting. Once an infection in humans, the disease can spread to people. Men who survived the disease can spread through sperm for nearly two months. To make a diagnosis, usually other diseases with similar symptoms, such as malaria, cholera and other viral hemorrhagic fever should be excluded first. To confirm the diagnosis, blood samples were tested for viral antibodies, RNA virus, or the virus itself.


Prevention includes efforts to reduce the spread of disease from infected monkeys and pigs to humans. This can be done by checking the animals against infection, as well as kill and dispose of animals with true if the disease is found. Cooking meat properly and wear protective clothing when meat processing may also be useful, as well as wearing protective clothing and wash hands when around people who suffer from the disease. Samples of fluid and tissue of patients with the disease should be treated with extreme caution.
There is no specific treatment for this disease, efforts to help those affected include the provision of oral rehydration therapy (water that is slightly sweet and salty to drink) or intravenous fluids. This disease has a high mortality rate: often killed between 50% to 90% of people infected with the virus. EVD was first identified in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The disease is usually endemic in tropical regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Since 1976 (when it was first identified) until 2013, less than 1,000 people per year have been infected. Largest outbreak to date is the 2014 Ebola outbreak of West Africa is going on, and struck Guyana, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria possibilities. As of August 2014, more than 1600 cases have been identified. Efforts are underway to develop a vaccine, but have not produced results.

Deadly Ebola virus: 
one sign of symptoms of patients with Ebola.

A scourge of the deadly Ebola virus's citizens. The virus is highly lethal and until now there is no medicine that can cure it. Even the doctors and nurses had to use extra protection for clothing and all medical devices that are not contracted Ebola victims. The virus is spread in Africa. Whether to go to Indonesia? No one knows. However, the government has issued a travel warning for pilgrims and also people who will be traveling to Africa and Arabia.

Definition and History of Ebola virus. 

Definition of Ebola virus is one type of virus derived from genes Ebolavirus and including the family of Filoviridae. Also known by EBV and EBOV. Based on data from the WHO UN news more than 1600 people living in countries of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone have been infected with the outbreak. More than half of the patients with this disease die and the opportunity to recover until today only 0%.

History of the Ebola virus was first discovered searches in 1976. Allegedly the victim died from eating meat infected with a gorilla. However, this hypothesis is not proven by the refutation should apes and gorillas more dead. Then, scientists stated that the cause is the bats based research 276 bats were captured in Bangladesh.

Distribution patterns are apes and humans eat the fruit that had been exposed to saliva bat or even just a touch of fruit and objects that already exist bat saliva.

The characteristics of Ebola virus. 

Until now there are 4 types of viruses. That attack humans there are 3 that Ebola Zaire, Ivory Coast and Sudan. While one other type only transmitted to primates, namely Ebola Reston. Characteristics and shape can be seen in the picture below.

Cause and Transmission of Ebola virus. 

The process of transmission, causing the victim to suffer the Ebola virus is very simple.

Just simply by physical contact. Good contact with sweat, saliva, and other bodily fluids.
By touching and or eat fruit that has been touched by the victim.
Myth in infected countries, just say the word then it could be infected with Ebola.

But there is no evidence that this virus is able to transmit through the air media such as influenza. The most at risk are first neighbors, friends, relatives, families of victims. Both the medical personnel treating patients.

Patients with symptoms of Ebola virus. 

The initial symptoms are suffered dizziness, pain, fever. Next comes a rash on her body and then followed by diarrhea and vomiting as usual. This process occurs for 8 to 10 days. The next critical phase is half the patients experienced vomiting blood urine or blood.

Why ebola can be deadly? 

The culmination of a series of symptoms above ebola virus are blood vessels secrete many body fluids. The effect of blood pressure dropped dramatically so that all vital organs such as heart, liver, kidney, brain stops working.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com 
name: Bambang Sunarno. 
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 15:38
Tag : Ebola virus.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:38

Did you miss fruit.

Nona fruit.
Sugar apple or fruit lady is a tropical plant that grows in the archipelago despite the fact that these plants are from the West Indies. Fruit with a round base form, skinned fruit with scales convex shape and taste sweet flesh is characteristic, although certain varieties of scales there are not convex. He called nona fruit because fruit is including the family Annonaceae.

Benefits Fruit Benefits And Miss.

The roots are bitter, cold nature. Efficacious anti-inflammatory, antidepressant. The leaves are bitter, chelate, its a little chilly. Efficacious astringent, anti-inflammatory, laxative intestinal worms (anthelmintic), and accelerate cooking boils and abscesses. Nutritious seeds stimulate digestive enzymes, abortivum, anthelmintic, and killer insects (insecticides). Bark efficacious astringent and tonic. Young fruit and seeds are also efficacious antiparasitic.

Biological Effects and Pharmacology.

Infuse sugar apple fruit seeds larvicidal effect against Aedes aegypti; whereas seed extracts against Culex quinquevasciatus larvicidal effect, but no effect on the ability of mosquitoes to lay eggs and hatchability. A.squamosa seed extract soluble in water at a concentration of 1.0% -2.0% and the oil obtained from the seeds of the pressing directly cause the death of test insects. Isolation asetogenin compounds from methanol-soluble extract of the seeds of Annona muricata and Annona cherimola (Annonaceae) has an important activity in the larval infection Molinema dessetae. Annona squamosa leaf extract is able to kill Ascaridia galli, leaves of Annona squamosa infuse otherwise not have the ability to kill Ascaridia galli. Juice of soursop leaf (Annona muricata) 1: 1 and leaf sugar apple (Annona squamosa) 1: 2 as antifertility and embryotoxic effect on the fetus when given during the start of pregnancy until the completion of the period of organogenesis, but does not cause the outer shape of fetal defects (defects macroscopic) . Strength juice sugar apple leaf turns out to be relatively more embryotoxic when compared with soursop leaf juice. Leaves of Annona squamosa have antifertility and embryotoxic effects in female rats; as well as the effect on the reproductive power Sitophillus zae ori. Insecticide compounds contained in the seeds of Annona squamosa has the power to kill ectoparasites. Tetrahydroisoquinoline have cardiotonic activity. Higenamin (p-hidroksibenzil6,7-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline dihidroksi-) interact with adrenoceptor, resulting in a positive inotropic activity of the heart muscle. Polyketide compounds and bistetrahidrofuran have antitumor effects.


Can irritate the eyes and soft tissues, as well as the possibility to cause conjunctivitis and inflammation.


Parts used: Parts of plants that can be used as a medicine, namely the leaves, roots, fruit, bark, and seeds.


The leaves are used to overcome: cough, fever, rheumatism, lowers blood uric acid levels are high, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse in children, worms, head lice, external use for ulcers, sores, boils, scabies, scurvy, and eczema .
Seeds are used to overcome: weak digestion, intestinal worms, and off head lice and insects.
Young fruit is used to overcome: diarrhea, acute dysentery, and indigestion (dyspepsia Atonik).
The roots are used to overcome: constipation, acute dysentery, mental depression, and back pain.
The bark is used to overcome: diarrhea, dysentery, and bleeding wounds.

How to Use.

For drugs taken, see how to use. For external use, boiled leaves and water, then use it to wash wounds and ulcers. In addition, it can also be done by grinding the seeds into powder, used to eradicate head lice, fleas, and insects. Use ripe fruit to treat a swollen bruise and abscess.

Usage examples.

Ulcers, boils hard.
Wash the fresh leaves to taste, then milled until smooth. Add a little salt, then use this herb to plaster the ulcer and bandaged. Within a day, 2-3 times change.

finalize ulcers

Take the contents of the fruit is ripe, then finely milled. Add a little salt, stirring evenly, Turapkan a boil, then wrapped with gauze.

Suddenly collapsed, calming hysterical patients

Wash the fresh leaves to taste, then mash until smooth. Bring mill last leaf on the patient's nose that smells inhaled by the patient.

Eradicate fleas

Bathe your dog fleas with water decoction of the leaves or seeds srikaya. The trick, finely crushed leaves or seeds srikaya, add enough water, then strain the water and use to bathe a dog.

Deadly head lice

Wash sugar apple seeds (10 grains) and leaf fresh sugar apple (1 cell), then milled until smooth. Add a little oil, then stir well. Close the scalp and wrap with a cloth. After three hours, open and wash thoroughly. Do not let the rinse water into the eye because it can cause irritation and inflammation.

Worms in children

Wash fresh sugar apple leaf (15 sheets), then boiled with five cups of water until the remaining three cups. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day, each one glass.


Wash the leaves of fresh sugar apple taste, milled until smooth, then add coconut oil to taste. Stick it in the stomach.


Wash skin stem sugar apple (6-10 g), cut into small pieces, then add brown sugar to taste. Boil four cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink twice a day, each one glass.


Wash fresh sugar apple leaf (15 sheets), then milled until smooth. Squeeze the water whiting much as a teaspoon and use to rub skin scabies. Do it twice a day. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 14:52
Tag : Did you miss fruit.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:52

Do you know fro.

Fro (fruit roof)
Fro (fruit roof) is the name of chewy snacks and white oval shaped transparent and has a refreshing taste. Fro the Dutch language is commonly called glibbertjes, made from the seeds of palm trees (Arenga pinnata) are shaped flat and gummy. To make fro, fro entrepreneurs usually burn palm fruit until charred, then take the seeds to be boiled for several hours. Boiled beans are then soaked in a solution of lime water for a few days so that fermented.
Fro has a very high water content, reaching 93.8% in every 100 grams of her. Fro also contains 0.69 grams of protein, four grams of carbohydrates, and ash content of about one gram and 0.95 gram of crude fiber.
Besides having a refreshing taste, consume fro also helps facilitate the work of human gastrointestinal tract.
Carbohydrate content owned and fro can provide satiety for the people who eat them, but it also stops the appetite and lead to decreased consumption of processed foods, making it suitable consumed as food diet.

Benefit fro you do not know.

What is fro it? And what benefit fro itself to those who consume?

Fruit and fro often known also by the name of the roof pieces. Fro the fruit produced from palm trees, palm tree seeds rather flat and gummy that process into fro.

The fruit is already known to all foreign and fruit can be found in the traditional markets that exist. The appearance of the fruit is white and oval shaped and soft.

In the usual processing of palm seeds in the first fuel to burn. This is so the sap content owned this fruit can be lost. For information sap can cause skin rashes, after being burned and then peeled one by one.

Fruit and fro is still not able to be consumed after the peel of the skin, the fruit should be boiled first and soaked with lime water for days to be fermented.

Nutrition and fro.
When viewed from the nutritional value, fruit and fro is not too great nutritional value, this fruit contains 27 calories, 0.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.6 grams fiber, 91 magnesium calcium , 243 milligrams of phosphorus, and 0.5 grams of iron, in every dose of 100 grams and fro.

Benefits of Fruit and fro.

1. Streamlining Digestion.

The first benefit is to facilitate digestion. Coarse fiber content owned and fro very useful in the conduct of the process of digestion in our bodies. Carbohydrates also can provide a sense of fullness and energize the body. For those of you who want to diet, to and fro is a food that is suitable for you.

2. Treating Arthritis.

Benefit fro the second is to treat arthritis. In general, the carbohydrates contained in the fro is galaktomannan. Galaktomannan is often used as an ingredient in the manufacture of drugs for arthritis.

Galaktomannan itself has a function to relieve or reduce pain caused by arthritis.

To take advantage of fruits and fro in treating pain suffered because of arthritis, cook it yourself by boiling fruit without sugar or coloring.

You can also make it as sweets and use the extra sugar cubes and pandan leaves or ginger. Eat and fro as much as 100 s / d 200 grams per day.

3. Prevent Osteoporosis.

Benefit fro the third is to prevent osteoporosis. In general, most people only know that milk is a source of calcium in the body multiply. However, the milk also contains calories high enough and can lead to weight gain.

If you gain weight and strength beyond the capacity of bone to support the body. Then the joints will feel more pain.

Every 100 grams of whole milk contains 125 milligrams of calcium, while every 100 grams fro contains 91 milligrams of calcium. High calcium content that is on fro can be used as an alternative source of calcium which is good enough for the growth of our body.

Fro, too, is a healthy meal to break the fast because fro high enough fiber. Then you do not have to wonder why most of the people are always present at the iftar meal.

According to experts of good healthy food for consumption at the time of breaking the fast is sufficient fiber-containing foods such as vegetables, fruits, and tubers. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 12:28
Tag : Do you know fro.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 12:28

Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

bamboo shoots.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Bamboo shoots are young bamboo shoots. It is known, bamboo shoots used as a vegetable. In traditional societies, bamboo shoots is believed to reduce the risk of some diseases even though medical research has not been done about it.

- fiber
- potassium
- fat
- Vitamin A
- thiamin
- riboflavin
- Vitamin C
- phosphorus
- iron

Bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are young shoots of bamboo plants that appear on the bottom surface of the clump. Young bamboo shoots are good to eat, so it is classified into the vegetables. In English, bamboo shoots, known as bamboo shoots. Shoots growing at the base of a bamboo grove and usually filled by glugut (bamboo hair) that itch. Morphology conical bamboo shoots, each end of the bamboo hair has sections such as bamboo leaf tip, but brown.

According to botanical classification, bamboo plants including doneae Monocotyle class, order Graminales, subfamily Dendrocalamae, Dendrocalamus genus, species Dendrocalamus asper.

Harvesting bamboo shoots can be done throughout the year. Harvest bamboo shoots during the rainy season, which is between the months of December to February. Usually bamboo shoots are harvested when the height has reached 20 cm from ground level, with a trunk diameter of about 7 cm.

If harvested late, in 2-4 months into the plant bamboo shoots are already complete. Shoots usually taken is bamboo shoots can not grow up. Not all the shoots that grow bamboo can live into adulthood. At times when the shoots that have aged a few weeks, stop growing and eventually die. Rural communities have understood the type of shoots that can not grow up, so it should be harvested when young. However, if no, bamboo shoots which can be taken for vegetables.

To take shoots of bamboo grove is not difficult. By using a large knife, sickle, or other device, bamboo shoots can be cut at the base. After that, bamboo shoots peeled for hair-hair discarded. Once clean, bamboo shoots and then cut into small pieces to taste. In the market, bamboo shoots are sold in two forms, namely the whole shape and form thin slices.

Bamboo type.

Bamboo is widely grown in tropical Asia. These plants can be grown in the lowlands to the place with a height of 2,000 meters above sea level. Not all types of bamboo shoots that have good to eat. Some species of bamboo have a bitter bamboo shoots shoots are commonly made dishes, a selection of bamboo shoots.

Not all bamboo shoots can be processed into food. Bamboo kind of smear (ping smear in the Java language) is one of Janis bamboo can not be processed into food, because it tastes bitter. Types of shoots that have good taste is the yellow bamboo shoots, rampal / flute, ori, and ater. Bamboo shoots of bamboo betung have the most delicious flavor. Shoots betung red brown and corms (petal tip) at the end of the purple bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are protected by strong petals fluffy.

Potassium rich.

The main compounds in the raw bamboo shoots is water, which is about 91 percent. In addition, bamboo shoots contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, as well as other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. When compared with other vegetables, protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the shoots, do not differ much.

Shoots have fairly high potassium content. Levels of potassium per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Potassium-laden foods, ie at least 400 mg, can reduce the risk of stroke. Role similar to the sodium potassium, which together with chloride, helps maintain osmotic pressure and acid-base balance. Potassium maintain osmotic pressure in the intracellular fluid, and partly bound to protein. Potassium also helps activate the enzyme reaction. Symptoms of potassium deficiency is usually a muscle softening.

Fiber rich.

The fiber content of food in bamboo shoots are also quite good. The content of dietary fiber in the shoots was 2.56 percent, higher than other types of tropical vegetables, such as soybean sprouts (1.27 percent), pecay (1.58 percent), cucumber (0.61 percent), and mustard (1, 01 percent). Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was quite long overlooked as an important factor in human nutrition because it does not produce energy. In addition, the lack of fiber does not cause specific symptoms, as was the case on the lack of certain nutrients.

Lately, through epidemiological studies have demonstrated the physiological role of dietary fiber on bowel. Lack of fiber can cause disease in the style of Western society, such as aterosklorosis (clogged arteries), coronary, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypercholesterolemia (excess cholesterol), hypertension, hyperlipidemia (excess fat), and cancer of the colon (large intestine).

Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate-shaped compound found in many food plant cell walls. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract, but have functions that are panting for health maintenance, disease prevention, and as an important component in nutritional therapy. The average consumption of dietary fiber Indonesia's population is 10.5 grams per day. This figure shows that the new Indonesian population meet the needs of fiber around a third and ideal requirement of 30 grams per day.

So pickles, pickled, flour, vinegar, and chips.

Although not yet have scientific evidence some people believe that shoots have properties that are beneficial for the body. In traditional medicine, believed yellow bamboo shoots can be used to treat liver cirrhosis. Shoots also been used to treat diseases productive cough and fever.

Bamboo shoots can be eaten as a single vegetable or used as an ingredient in other dishes mixing vegetables. Many exotic cuisine prepared from bamboo shoots, such as: Lumpia, stir-stir typical probolinggo, vegetable bojonegoro diamond, as well as coconut milk curry. Bamboo shoots are also often made into pickles or pickled, which is very nice to be a snack.

Currently bamboo shoots can already be processed for a variety of food preservation. With advances in technology, bamboo shoots can be processed into flour has shoots that have a high starch content. This type of flour is good for cakes made materials. Bamboo shoots can also be processed into vinegar, which is excellent for use as a meal vinegar. Other processed products bamboo shoots that have bright prospects are: chips bamboo shoots that taste and texture is not lost with potato chips and frozen bamboo shoots as a material for vegetables. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 11:54
Tag : Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 11:54