Showing posts with label Shoots prevention of thrombosis.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoots prevention of thrombosis.. Show all posts

Monday 17 November 2014

Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

bamboo shoots.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Bamboo shoots are young bamboo shoots. It is known, bamboo shoots used as a vegetable. In traditional societies, bamboo shoots is believed to reduce the risk of some diseases even though medical research has not been done about it.

- fiber
- potassium
- fat
- Vitamin A
- thiamin
- riboflavin
- Vitamin C
- phosphorus
- iron

Bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are young shoots of bamboo plants that appear on the bottom surface of the clump. Young bamboo shoots are good to eat, so it is classified into the vegetables. In English, bamboo shoots, known as bamboo shoots. Shoots growing at the base of a bamboo grove and usually filled by glugut (bamboo hair) that itch. Morphology conical bamboo shoots, each end of the bamboo hair has sections such as bamboo leaf tip, but brown.

According to botanical classification, bamboo plants including doneae Monocotyle class, order Graminales, subfamily Dendrocalamae, Dendrocalamus genus, species Dendrocalamus asper.

Harvesting bamboo shoots can be done throughout the year. Harvest bamboo shoots during the rainy season, which is between the months of December to February. Usually bamboo shoots are harvested when the height has reached 20 cm from ground level, with a trunk diameter of about 7 cm.

If harvested late, in 2-4 months into the plant bamboo shoots are already complete. Shoots usually taken is bamboo shoots can not grow up. Not all the shoots that grow bamboo can live into adulthood. At times when the shoots that have aged a few weeks, stop growing and eventually die. Rural communities have understood the type of shoots that can not grow up, so it should be harvested when young. However, if no, bamboo shoots which can be taken for vegetables.

To take shoots of bamboo grove is not difficult. By using a large knife, sickle, or other device, bamboo shoots can be cut at the base. After that, bamboo shoots peeled for hair-hair discarded. Once clean, bamboo shoots and then cut into small pieces to taste. In the market, bamboo shoots are sold in two forms, namely the whole shape and form thin slices.

Bamboo type.

Bamboo is widely grown in tropical Asia. These plants can be grown in the lowlands to the place with a height of 2,000 meters above sea level. Not all types of bamboo shoots that have good to eat. Some species of bamboo have a bitter bamboo shoots shoots are commonly made dishes, a selection of bamboo shoots.

Not all bamboo shoots can be processed into food. Bamboo kind of smear (ping smear in the Java language) is one of Janis bamboo can not be processed into food, because it tastes bitter. Types of shoots that have good taste is the yellow bamboo shoots, rampal / flute, ori, and ater. Bamboo shoots of bamboo betung have the most delicious flavor. Shoots betung red brown and corms (petal tip) at the end of the purple bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are protected by strong petals fluffy.

Potassium rich.

The main compounds in the raw bamboo shoots is water, which is about 91 percent. In addition, bamboo shoots contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, as well as other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. When compared with other vegetables, protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the shoots, do not differ much.

Shoots have fairly high potassium content. Levels of potassium per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Potassium-laden foods, ie at least 400 mg, can reduce the risk of stroke. Role similar to the sodium potassium, which together with chloride, helps maintain osmotic pressure and acid-base balance. Potassium maintain osmotic pressure in the intracellular fluid, and partly bound to protein. Potassium also helps activate the enzyme reaction. Symptoms of potassium deficiency is usually a muscle softening.

Fiber rich.

The fiber content of food in bamboo shoots are also quite good. The content of dietary fiber in the shoots was 2.56 percent, higher than other types of tropical vegetables, such as soybean sprouts (1.27 percent), pecay (1.58 percent), cucumber (0.61 percent), and mustard (1, 01 percent). Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was quite long overlooked as an important factor in human nutrition because it does not produce energy. In addition, the lack of fiber does not cause specific symptoms, as was the case on the lack of certain nutrients.

Lately, through epidemiological studies have demonstrated the physiological role of dietary fiber on bowel. Lack of fiber can cause disease in the style of Western society, such as aterosklorosis (clogged arteries), coronary, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypercholesterolemia (excess cholesterol), hypertension, hyperlipidemia (excess fat), and cancer of the colon (large intestine).

Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate-shaped compound found in many food plant cell walls. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract, but have functions that are panting for health maintenance, disease prevention, and as an important component in nutritional therapy. The average consumption of dietary fiber Indonesia's population is 10.5 grams per day. This figure shows that the new Indonesian population meet the needs of fiber around a third and ideal requirement of 30 grams per day.

So pickles, pickled, flour, vinegar, and chips.

Although not yet have scientific evidence some people believe that shoots have properties that are beneficial for the body. In traditional medicine, believed yellow bamboo shoots can be used to treat liver cirrhosis. Shoots also been used to treat diseases productive cough and fever.

Bamboo shoots can be eaten as a single vegetable or used as an ingredient in other dishes mixing vegetables. Many exotic cuisine prepared from bamboo shoots, such as: Lumpia, stir-stir typical probolinggo, vegetable bojonegoro diamond, as well as coconut milk curry. Bamboo shoots are also often made into pickles or pickled, which is very nice to be a snack.

Currently bamboo shoots can already be processed for a variety of food preservation. With advances in technology, bamboo shoots can be processed into flour has shoots that have a high starch content. This type of flour is good for cakes made materials. Bamboo shoots can also be processed into vinegar, which is excellent for use as a meal vinegar. Other processed products bamboo shoots that have bright prospects are: chips bamboo shoots that taste and texture is not lost with potato chips and frozen bamboo shoots as a material for vegetables. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 11:54
Tag : Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:54