Monday 17 November 2014

Did you miss fruit.

Nona fruit.
Sugar apple or fruit lady is a tropical plant that grows in the archipelago despite the fact that these plants are from the West Indies. Fruit with a round base form, skinned fruit with scales convex shape and taste sweet flesh is characteristic, although certain varieties of scales there are not convex. He called nona fruit because fruit is including the family Annonaceae.

Benefits Fruit Benefits And Miss.

The roots are bitter, cold nature. Efficacious anti-inflammatory, antidepressant. The leaves are bitter, chelate, its a little chilly. Efficacious astringent, anti-inflammatory, laxative intestinal worms (anthelmintic), and accelerate cooking boils and abscesses. Nutritious seeds stimulate digestive enzymes, abortivum, anthelmintic, and killer insects (insecticides). Bark efficacious astringent and tonic. Young fruit and seeds are also efficacious antiparasitic.

Biological Effects and Pharmacology.

Infuse sugar apple fruit seeds larvicidal effect against Aedes aegypti; whereas seed extracts against Culex quinquevasciatus larvicidal effect, but no effect on the ability of mosquitoes to lay eggs and hatchability. A.squamosa seed extract soluble in water at a concentration of 1.0% -2.0% and the oil obtained from the seeds of the pressing directly cause the death of test insects. Isolation asetogenin compounds from methanol-soluble extract of the seeds of Annona muricata and Annona cherimola (Annonaceae) has an important activity in the larval infection Molinema dessetae. Annona squamosa leaf extract is able to kill Ascaridia galli, leaves of Annona squamosa infuse otherwise not have the ability to kill Ascaridia galli. Juice of soursop leaf (Annona muricata) 1: 1 and leaf sugar apple (Annona squamosa) 1: 2 as antifertility and embryotoxic effect on the fetus when given during the start of pregnancy until the completion of the period of organogenesis, but does not cause the outer shape of fetal defects (defects macroscopic) . Strength juice sugar apple leaf turns out to be relatively more embryotoxic when compared with soursop leaf juice. Leaves of Annona squamosa have antifertility and embryotoxic effects in female rats; as well as the effect on the reproductive power Sitophillus zae ori. Insecticide compounds contained in the seeds of Annona squamosa has the power to kill ectoparasites. Tetrahydroisoquinoline have cardiotonic activity. Higenamin (p-hidroksibenzil6,7-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline dihidroksi-) interact with adrenoceptor, resulting in a positive inotropic activity of the heart muscle. Polyketide compounds and bistetrahidrofuran have antitumor effects.


Can irritate the eyes and soft tissues, as well as the possibility to cause conjunctivitis and inflammation.


Parts used: Parts of plants that can be used as a medicine, namely the leaves, roots, fruit, bark, and seeds.


The leaves are used to overcome: cough, fever, rheumatism, lowers blood uric acid levels are high, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse in children, worms, head lice, external use for ulcers, sores, boils, scabies, scurvy, and eczema .
Seeds are used to overcome: weak digestion, intestinal worms, and off head lice and insects.
Young fruit is used to overcome: diarrhea, acute dysentery, and indigestion (dyspepsia Atonik).
The roots are used to overcome: constipation, acute dysentery, mental depression, and back pain.
The bark is used to overcome: diarrhea, dysentery, and bleeding wounds.

How to Use.

For drugs taken, see how to use. For external use, boiled leaves and water, then use it to wash wounds and ulcers. In addition, it can also be done by grinding the seeds into powder, used to eradicate head lice, fleas, and insects. Use ripe fruit to treat a swollen bruise and abscess.

Usage examples.

Ulcers, boils hard.
Wash the fresh leaves to taste, then milled until smooth. Add a little salt, then use this herb to plaster the ulcer and bandaged. Within a day, 2-3 times change.

finalize ulcers

Take the contents of the fruit is ripe, then finely milled. Add a little salt, stirring evenly, Turapkan a boil, then wrapped with gauze.

Suddenly collapsed, calming hysterical patients

Wash the fresh leaves to taste, then mash until smooth. Bring mill last leaf on the patient's nose that smells inhaled by the patient.

Eradicate fleas

Bathe your dog fleas with water decoction of the leaves or seeds srikaya. The trick, finely crushed leaves or seeds srikaya, add enough water, then strain the water and use to bathe a dog.

Deadly head lice

Wash sugar apple seeds (10 grains) and leaf fresh sugar apple (1 cell), then milled until smooth. Add a little oil, then stir well. Close the scalp and wrap with a cloth. After three hours, open and wash thoroughly. Do not let the rinse water into the eye because it can cause irritation and inflammation.

Worms in children

Wash fresh sugar apple leaf (15 sheets), then boiled with five cups of water until the remaining three cups. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day, each one glass.


Wash the leaves of fresh sugar apple taste, milled until smooth, then add coconut oil to taste. Stick it in the stomach.


Wash skin stem sugar apple (6-10 g), cut into small pieces, then add brown sugar to taste. Boil four cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink twice a day, each one glass.


Wash fresh sugar apple leaf (15 sheets), then milled until smooth. Squeeze the water whiting much as a teaspoon and use to rub skin scabies. Do it twice a day. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 14:52
Tag : Did you miss fruit.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:52

Do you know fro.

Fro (fruit roof)
Fro (fruit roof) is the name of chewy snacks and white oval shaped transparent and has a refreshing taste. Fro the Dutch language is commonly called glibbertjes, made from the seeds of palm trees (Arenga pinnata) are shaped flat and gummy. To make fro, fro entrepreneurs usually burn palm fruit until charred, then take the seeds to be boiled for several hours. Boiled beans are then soaked in a solution of lime water for a few days so that fermented.
Fro has a very high water content, reaching 93.8% in every 100 grams of her. Fro also contains 0.69 grams of protein, four grams of carbohydrates, and ash content of about one gram and 0.95 gram of crude fiber.
Besides having a refreshing taste, consume fro also helps facilitate the work of human gastrointestinal tract.
Carbohydrate content owned and fro can provide satiety for the people who eat them, but it also stops the appetite and lead to decreased consumption of processed foods, making it suitable consumed as food diet.

Benefit fro you do not know.

What is fro it? And what benefit fro itself to those who consume?

Fruit and fro often known also by the name of the roof pieces. Fro the fruit produced from palm trees, palm tree seeds rather flat and gummy that process into fro.

The fruit is already known to all foreign and fruit can be found in the traditional markets that exist. The appearance of the fruit is white and oval shaped and soft.

In the usual processing of palm seeds in the first fuel to burn. This is so the sap content owned this fruit can be lost. For information sap can cause skin rashes, after being burned and then peeled one by one.

Fruit and fro is still not able to be consumed after the peel of the skin, the fruit should be boiled first and soaked with lime water for days to be fermented.

Nutrition and fro.
When viewed from the nutritional value, fruit and fro is not too great nutritional value, this fruit contains 27 calories, 0.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.6 grams fiber, 91 magnesium calcium , 243 milligrams of phosphorus, and 0.5 grams of iron, in every dose of 100 grams and fro.

Benefits of Fruit and fro.

1. Streamlining Digestion.

The first benefit is to facilitate digestion. Coarse fiber content owned and fro very useful in the conduct of the process of digestion in our bodies. Carbohydrates also can provide a sense of fullness and energize the body. For those of you who want to diet, to and fro is a food that is suitable for you.

2. Treating Arthritis.

Benefit fro the second is to treat arthritis. In general, the carbohydrates contained in the fro is galaktomannan. Galaktomannan is often used as an ingredient in the manufacture of drugs for arthritis.

Galaktomannan itself has a function to relieve or reduce pain caused by arthritis.

To take advantage of fruits and fro in treating pain suffered because of arthritis, cook it yourself by boiling fruit without sugar or coloring.

You can also make it as sweets and use the extra sugar cubes and pandan leaves or ginger. Eat and fro as much as 100 s / d 200 grams per day.

3. Prevent Osteoporosis.

Benefit fro the third is to prevent osteoporosis. In general, most people only know that milk is a source of calcium in the body multiply. However, the milk also contains calories high enough and can lead to weight gain.

If you gain weight and strength beyond the capacity of bone to support the body. Then the joints will feel more pain.

Every 100 grams of whole milk contains 125 milligrams of calcium, while every 100 grams fro contains 91 milligrams of calcium. High calcium content that is on fro can be used as an alternative source of calcium which is good enough for the growth of our body.

Fro, too, is a healthy meal to break the fast because fro high enough fiber. Then you do not have to wonder why most of the people are always present at the iftar meal.

According to experts of good healthy food for consumption at the time of breaking the fast is sufficient fiber-containing foods such as vegetables, fruits, and tubers. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 12:28
Tag : Do you know fro.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:28

Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

bamboo shoots.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Shoots is one food that is quite popular in the community. Bamboo shoots are usually discarded petals, sliced all the way, then processed by steaming or boiling. Bamboo shoots are often known by the name bung (Javanese), by rural communities has been since ancient times used as a cooking ingredient.
Bamboo shoots are young bamboo shoots. It is known, bamboo shoots used as a vegetable. In traditional societies, bamboo shoots is believed to reduce the risk of some diseases even though medical research has not been done about it.

- fiber
- potassium
- fat
- Vitamin A
- thiamin
- riboflavin
- Vitamin C
- phosphorus
- iron

Bamboo shoots.

Bamboo shoots are young shoots of bamboo plants that appear on the bottom surface of the clump. Young bamboo shoots are good to eat, so it is classified into the vegetables. In English, bamboo shoots, known as bamboo shoots. Shoots growing at the base of a bamboo grove and usually filled by glugut (bamboo hair) that itch. Morphology conical bamboo shoots, each end of the bamboo hair has sections such as bamboo leaf tip, but brown.

According to botanical classification, bamboo plants including doneae Monocotyle class, order Graminales, subfamily Dendrocalamae, Dendrocalamus genus, species Dendrocalamus asper.

Harvesting bamboo shoots can be done throughout the year. Harvest bamboo shoots during the rainy season, which is between the months of December to February. Usually bamboo shoots are harvested when the height has reached 20 cm from ground level, with a trunk diameter of about 7 cm.

If harvested late, in 2-4 months into the plant bamboo shoots are already complete. Shoots usually taken is bamboo shoots can not grow up. Not all the shoots that grow bamboo can live into adulthood. At times when the shoots that have aged a few weeks, stop growing and eventually die. Rural communities have understood the type of shoots that can not grow up, so it should be harvested when young. However, if no, bamboo shoots which can be taken for vegetables.

To take shoots of bamboo grove is not difficult. By using a large knife, sickle, or other device, bamboo shoots can be cut at the base. After that, bamboo shoots peeled for hair-hair discarded. Once clean, bamboo shoots and then cut into small pieces to taste. In the market, bamboo shoots are sold in two forms, namely the whole shape and form thin slices.

Bamboo type.

Bamboo is widely grown in tropical Asia. These plants can be grown in the lowlands to the place with a height of 2,000 meters above sea level. Not all types of bamboo shoots that have good to eat. Some species of bamboo have a bitter bamboo shoots shoots are commonly made dishes, a selection of bamboo shoots.

Not all bamboo shoots can be processed into food. Bamboo kind of smear (ping smear in the Java language) is one of Janis bamboo can not be processed into food, because it tastes bitter. Types of shoots that have good taste is the yellow bamboo shoots, rampal / flute, ori, and ater. Bamboo shoots of bamboo betung have the most delicious flavor. Shoots betung red brown and corms (petal tip) at the end of the purple bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are protected by strong petals fluffy.

Potassium rich.

The main compounds in the raw bamboo shoots is water, which is about 91 percent. In addition, bamboo shoots contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, as well as other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. When compared with other vegetables, protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the shoots, do not differ much.

Shoots have fairly high potassium content. Levels of potassium per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Potassium-laden foods, ie at least 400 mg, can reduce the risk of stroke. Role similar to the sodium potassium, which together with chloride, helps maintain osmotic pressure and acid-base balance. Potassium maintain osmotic pressure in the intracellular fluid, and partly bound to protein. Potassium also helps activate the enzyme reaction. Symptoms of potassium deficiency is usually a muscle softening.

Fiber rich.

The fiber content of food in bamboo shoots are also quite good. The content of dietary fiber in the shoots was 2.56 percent, higher than other types of tropical vegetables, such as soybean sprouts (1.27 percent), pecay (1.58 percent), cucumber (0.61 percent), and mustard (1, 01 percent). Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was quite long overlooked as an important factor in human nutrition because it does not produce energy. In addition, the lack of fiber does not cause specific symptoms, as was the case on the lack of certain nutrients.

Lately, through epidemiological studies have demonstrated the physiological role of dietary fiber on bowel. Lack of fiber can cause disease in the style of Western society, such as aterosklorosis (clogged arteries), coronary, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypercholesterolemia (excess cholesterol), hypertension, hyperlipidemia (excess fat), and cancer of the colon (large intestine).

Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate-shaped compound found in many food plant cell walls. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract, but have functions that are panting for health maintenance, disease prevention, and as an important component in nutritional therapy. The average consumption of dietary fiber Indonesia's population is 10.5 grams per day. This figure shows that the new Indonesian population meet the needs of fiber around a third and ideal requirement of 30 grams per day.

So pickles, pickled, flour, vinegar, and chips.

Although not yet have scientific evidence some people believe that shoots have properties that are beneficial for the body. In traditional medicine, believed yellow bamboo shoots can be used to treat liver cirrhosis. Shoots also been used to treat diseases productive cough and fever.

Bamboo shoots can be eaten as a single vegetable or used as an ingredient in other dishes mixing vegetables. Many exotic cuisine prepared from bamboo shoots, such as: Lumpia, stir-stir typical probolinggo, vegetable bojonegoro diamond, as well as coconut milk curry. Bamboo shoots are also often made into pickles or pickled, which is very nice to be a snack.

Currently bamboo shoots can already be processed for a variety of food preservation. With advances in technology, bamboo shoots can be processed into flour has shoots that have a high starch content. This type of flour is good for cakes made materials. Bamboo shoots can also be processed into vinegar, which is excellent for use as a meal vinegar. Other processed products bamboo shoots that have bright prospects are: chips bamboo shoots that taste and texture is not lost with potato chips and frozen bamboo shoots as a material for vegetables. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 11:54
Tag : Shoots prevention of thrombosis.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:54

Do you know AdSense.

AdSense is an advertising partnership program through the medium of the Internet are hosted by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, the owner of the website or blog that has been signed and approved for membership may put an ad units that form and material has been determined by Google in their web pages. The owner of the website or blog will get profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, which is known as a pay per click (PPC) or pay per click.
In addition to providing ads with pay-per-click system, also provides a Google AdSense AdSense for search (AdSense for Search) and ad landing (Referral). In AdSense for search, web site owners can install the Google search box on their web pages. The site owner will get revenue from Google for each search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results. On referral ads, the site owner will receive income after clicking on the advertisement continues with specific actions by visitors who have agreed on between Google and advertisers.


AdSense program established after Google acquired Pyra Labs in February 2003. The next month, exactly on March 4, 2003, Chairman and CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, announced a content-targeted advertising service called AdSense. To support the adsense program, on 23 April 2003 or a month later that Google acquired Applied Semantics AdSense technology support services.
Since established AdSense, AdSense for Content unit only supports English and several languages of countries in Europe, the Middle East and East Asia, and Southeast Asian countries, namely the Thai language. But finally on February 1, 2012 Google officially announced that Indonesian is now supported for displaying AdSense for Content ad units, after the Indonesian previously only supported for AdSense for Search only units. AdSense for Content now supports 36 languages of the world.
On November 7, 2012 announced the update application AdSense application for a new publisher who signed up for AdSense through the host partner, meaning that new applicants who signed up for AdSense through YouTube, Blogger and Hubpages. Since that time the AdSense account can be divided into two kinds, namely AdSense account hosted and non-hosted AdSense account. Based on Google's official records, the number of AdSense publisher has now reached more than 2 million publishers worldwide.

The term in AdSense.


Publisher or ad serving is the person or the owner of a website that has been registered or approved by the manager of the advertising application to put AdSense ads on their sites. Publishers who publish ads google called google adsense publisher. Previous google adsense publisher must first sign up for Google AdSense and Google can only display ads on their website after the application is approved. Each google adsense publisher is only allowed to have a google adsense account, but they are allowed to put Google ads on their site that meets all the requirements of google adsense program.

Ad Units.

What is meant by Ad Units are AdSense ads themselves. Ad Units consist of several types and several sizes. The most common type of ad text. By the time a visitor clicks on this ad unit, then (if valid) advertisers will get revenue in accordance with the CPC her.

Link Units.

Link Units similar to Ad Units, except that the format is similar to the format of the regular menu we encountered on websites. What distinguishes the Ad Link Units Units is at the time a visitor clicks on these ads, then he will be redirected to the page of search results in Google's search engine. The new publisher will earn when a visitor clicks on one ad unit on the page. In practice, Link Units proved to generate more revenue than usual Ad Units.

AdSense for Content.

AdSense for Content is AdSense ads are placed in a page. The ads that appear are the ads that relate to the contents page. Or call using contextual concept. Ad Units and Link Units are included in the AdSense for Content.

Alternate Ads.

In the AdSense for Content, advertising does not always appear. The reason, among others, could be because it's advertising inventory that relate to the content of the site is up or Google can not predict what the actual content of the site. If this happens, by default, which is displayed is the public service ads or commonly known as PSA (Public Service Ads). Because the type of donations, so if clicked, this ad does not produce anything for the publisher. To overcome this, Google will allow us to install the Alternate Ads or advertising alternatives. If Ad Units are made has been set by using the Alternate Ads, so if Ad Units can not be performed, which emerges is an alternative advertising prearranged.


Channels are a kind of label that can be given to the Ad Units, Link Units, AdSense for Search, and Referrals. One ad unit may have more than one label, and vice versa, one label can be used for more than one ad unit. On the page of Google AdSense report, the report will be grouped based on Channels, so the use of Channels will greatly facilitate AdSense publishers to analyze their performance. Generally, the publisher will give Channels same name on ad units that exist in one site. If you want more detail, fine to give a different name Channels on each ad unit at each site. Remember, the maximum allowed number of Channels currently are 200 channels.

Page Impressions.

Page Impressions is the number that indicates how many times the page that contains the Ad Units opened by visitors. Its value is not affected by the quantity of Ad Units in the relevant page.


Clicks is the number of clicks on Ad Units owned by the publisher. In the report page AdSense, publishers can see the total clicks that he had, and by Ad Units or channel.

CTR (Clickthrough Rate).

CTR is the ratio in percent between the number of clicks received an Ad Units by the number of views Ad Units. For example, an Ad Units are displayed 40 times and clicked 10 times the value of CTR 25% (10:40).

CPC (Cost Per Click).

CPC is the amount of money to be earned by the publisher when a particular Ad Units clicked. CPC value of each Ad Units vary and are determined by many factors, including the performance and quality of the publisher's site. But in general, the maximum value possible is 20% of the value of the dynamic bid offered by the advertiser.

eCPM (Effective CPM).

eCPM or CPM (Cost Per Million) is the result of dividing the number of publisher revenue by the number of page impressions (per 1,000) which he got from advertisements. For example, a publisher who produces $ 200 from 50,000 impressions will have the CPM value of $ 4 ($ 200 divided by 50).

AdSense program policies.

Although the AdSense program provides great benefits, Google set strict rules to protect the interests of all parties involved, including the advertisers who are often disadvantaged by the site owners act improperly AdSense program members. Some restrictions that must be adhered to the owner of the website or blog AdSense program participants are:
Clicking the ads displayed their own sites, either manually or with the help of special software
Deliberately encourage visitors to click on ads that appear, for example, with the words "click the ads" or "visit this page"
Changing the shape and size of the ad unit that has been determined by Google
Creating a direct link to the search results page AdSense for search
Automatically fill AdSense search box with specific keywords
Manipulating targeted ads with hidden keywords or the IFRAME
AdSense ad unit code should be placed directly in the html code of a web site without any changes. The site owner is not allowed to alter the AdSense code for any reason, for example, with the purpose of showing the results click on the pop-up or divert advertising targets.

AdSense Revenue Optimization.

Potential advantages AdSense program makes many website owners develop various methods to increase the number of clicks on the ads they publish. Most methods of proven illegal and against official policy AdSense program. Another method is allowed, even encouraged its use by Google. Several methods are considered valid are:
Modify color ad units using the color palette provided AdSense
Laying the ad units on a specific position on a web page that is considered to have a high degree of legibility
Eliminate the ad unit margins and equate the background color with the background color so that the web page ad units appear to blend into the content of the page

Banned Google AdSense.

Banned google adsense is a prohibition display google ads on publisher web sites, where these sanctions imposed by google adsense for publishers who violate the policy program. Banned google there are several kinds, the first ad is disabled so that ads can not look at one particular page in violation of program policies. Then the site is disabled so that the website can not display ads on all pages. And the last is adsense account is disabled, this is the punishment for a gross violation so that publishers can no longer display ads on all websites owned and no longer allowed to register in google adsense permanently.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 10:43
Tag : Do you know AdSense.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:43

Closer look animated Google Doodle.

You must be familiar with Google. All Internet users around the world familiar with the company the technology is so powerful. Companies based in the Mountain View, United States is so well known for its search engine as well as a variety of products other innovative technologies.

Google's global success has never ceased to innovate and present the best for all users. Search engines to display the algorithm is fairly simple and almost did not make the perfect touch of Google quite satisfied with its achievements. One of the unique innovations we would find when visiting the page of the Google search engine is Google Doodle.

What is Google Doodle.

Google Doodle is a unique image display that is placed on the home page of Google. Google Doodle Google logo is usually made as well as a special form of speech made by Google to commemorate certain events, such as holidays, birthdays world leaders or other historic days. Doodle word itself means "fun, create a shocked or spontaneous change". Of philosophy says that eventually Google Doodle tries to present something that is spontaneous, yet unique and able to entertain users.

Google Doodle concept usually specifically designed by the team of the company Google Doodler. A Doodle picture will be released in the early hours of 12 days before the special day and will last for 24 hours on the home page of Google to 12 early in the morning the next day.

Beginning emergence of Google Doodle.

The concept was first Google Doodle was born when the two founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, go to the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert in 1998. At that time the two of them decided to do a little modification on the Google logo by adding a stick behind the letter O in the word Google . The modification aims for entertainment purposes only and as a unique message to the users of Google to show that the two founders are going on vacation and not at work.

In the 2000s, a Google webmaster named Dennis Hwang was doing an internship at the company Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin then remembered with a Google Doodle concept and submit a request to Dennis Hwang to make special themed Google logo on Bastille Day. Dennis also proceed accordingly and make graffiti themed Bastille Day Google logo. Tit for tat, created by Dennis favored by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and it makes Dennis Hwang was appointed head of the Google Doodle team.

Over time, the creation of Google Doodle team got a good response from the international community. This makes Google formed a special team in charge consisting of the Google Doodle illustrators makers. The illustrator team then known as doodlers. For doodlers, "doodle" Google home page to be one way to communicate interactively and cheerful with all Google users around the world.

Doodlers: Share Your Thoughts and for Idea.

Doodlers members normally would meet periodically to decide what events will also be celebrated with a Google Doodle. The selection process will be carried out strictly in order of Google Doodle generated increasingly attractive and reflect personal Google company who likes to innovate.

In addition to coming from brainstorming doodlers members, the idea to create a Google Doodle usually also comes from Google users around the world. In fact we can also participate contribute ideas by sending an email to Every day Doodler can receive thousands of ideas about the Google Doodle to be made. Although not all of these ideas can be realized, however doodlers still read one by one idea carefully to find the right inspiration before making a Google Doodle.

Until 2014, there were already more than 1,000 Google Doodle that is released to the home page of Google in the whole world. Hopefully doodlers never stopped pouring his creative imagination through graffiti Google Doodle cool and inspiring. Thank you for reading this article. 
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 17 November 2014 at 10:20
Tag : Closer look animated Google Doodle.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:20

Sunday 16 November 2014

The birth of Silicon Valley.

How often do you access the Internet, use the gadgets and a wide range of applications? If you are currently sitting while reading this article, the answer to that question is a definite "often" or maybe even "very often".

For those of you who currently works as a student, students, or employees modern businessman sure you will access your laptop or gadget least 1 time a day. Not to mention the use of smartphones, it is definitely every day you often come into contact with information technology products. Although you often use information technology products, if you know the history of Silicon Valley?

Probably most of you do not know what of the Silicon Valley, or which can be translated as the Silicon Valley in Indonesia.Well language, let's take a little bit of your free time to enrich the knowledge in the field of information technology.

What is a Silicon Valley? How origins?
Silicon Valley is an area that includes the area of San Francisco, Bay Area and California, known as the information technology industry producing region in the world. It could even be said that this is the heart of Silicon Valley technology companies of the world. The name "Silicon Valley" alone is certainly not legally registered as the name of an area. This name is simply the name for the area call center technology industry who are in the United States.

Silicon Valley which consists of the area of San jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto and some other developing regions as the heart of the company's technology for research and research carried out by students from Stanford University.Hal starts from two friends who set up the company in 1939 in the region. The company is a forerunner of HP company fronted by 2 founders, Hewlett and Packard.

Both the friend who set up the company's electronic measurement equipment is an alumni of Stanford University. Furthermore, the company HP growing rapidly and successfully into a larger company. Several other companies are getting attracted to settle in the region to participate gain success, as the company #Apple Computer, Xerox PARC and Fairchild Semiconductor.

During its development, Silicon Valley is often known as the "valley of opportunity", because the area is considered to be an opportunity for many information technology companies to develop various advanced technologies that affect the community's lifestyle.

Some listed companies thrive in Silicon Valley area are:
Yahoo! and Google (search engine on the internet)
Intel (semi-conductor field)
Sun Microsystems (the workstations)
Silicon Graphics (3D graphic design)
Cisco Systems and 3Com (field of computer network)
Why Named Silicon Valley?

The use of the name Silicon Valley is not derived from the results of the negotiations the companies settled in the region. The name was first popularized by a California businessman named Ralph Vaerst. The term is often used by Ralph is becoming increasingly popular as one of his companions, Don Hoefler use it to write an article.

Article published on January 11, 1971 in the weekly newspaper Electronic News is titled "Silicon Valley in the USA". The emergence of the term Silicon Valley in the newspaper made this term increasingly popular and widely used by the community to refer to a region consisting of many of the technology companies.

The use of the phrase Silicon Valley is not a term that made arbitrarily by Ralph Vaerst. Selection of said silicon is intended to refer to situations where large corporations using silicone material to make the semi-conductor technology and other technological devices. While the word Valley synonymous with the Santa Clara Vallet located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay.

Whatever the term used, Silicon Valley has become a place that makes a lot of people holding out to the development of the information technology world. This area is also one of the biggest jobs that provide hope for job seekers and investors. Hopefully the technological advances that stems from Silicon Valley can thrive in other regions around the world. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 16 November 2014 at 18:45
Tag : Silicon Valley.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:45

The most controversial websites.

Internet users certainly feel that the internet is one of the essential needs of every day. Naturally, due to the use of the internet we can do a variety of things, ranging from exchanging e-mail, search for scientific references, upload and download entertainment content to communicate with Internet users around the world.

Although the Internet has many benefits for human life, not infrequently there are those who seek to use the internet eccentric for the benefit of a somewhat "less fair". Things are less fair much embodied in the form of the existence of websites with content that is less prevalent or taboo for most people.

Websites with content that is quite eccentric and most controversial in the world:


Rotten is one website with content most terrible in the world. With the tagline "an archive of disturbing illustration", a website that serves a variety of terrible news ranging from physical abnormalities human, tragic accidents, acts of cannibalism as well as a variety of other strange things.

Rotten has been operated since 1996 by Soylent Communications. But unfortunately this one rarely website to update the content. Hmm, maybe this exciting website for us who like unusual things are terrible.

Murderauction & Serial Killer Calendar.

Murderauction is an online store with a concept that is very unique and like no other. This online store sells a wide range of objects that are closely related to the murder. Some items are sold in Murderauction also comes from the collection of objects such world famous killer David Brown, John Wane Gacy, Charlie Manson and several other famous killers.

While the Serial Killer Calendar is also not much different from Murderauction. Serial Killer Calendar also sell a variety of goods and merchandise on a serial murder case. Several types of goods sold ie mugs, keychains, posters, calendars, postcards, and so on.

Men Are Better Than Women.

Do degrading women is still a common thing? Of course not. But the website made by Dick Masterson is trying to do.
The controversial website discusses various things superiority of men are being compared with the weakness of women. Even on his homepage, the site of this one forbid women to access it.

Men Are Better Than Women finally reap a lot of criticism from women activists organizations. There's even an online petition demanding the closure of the controversial website on this one.

Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Shortly after opening the Encyclopedia Dramatica, zoom certainly will remind us with Wikipedia. But it turns out the content in the Encyclopedia Dramatica is very much different from Wikipedia content. When Wikipedia provides a variety of useful information for many people, this one controversial website provides a variety of content and discussion scented anti-SARA (Tribe, Religion, Race and Inter-group). Wow, the name and the zoom was not reflect the benefits of the content therein.


NAMBLA is a website that is a means for the pedophile to voice their opinions and aspirations. Pedophilia is a term for people who suffer from psychological disorders and was excited at the sight of children under age. A breakthrough that dared to voice the aspirations of minorities even in a negative sense.

Ogrish / LiveLeak.

LiveLeak is a website that provides content such as photos, news and videos about accidents. The whole content in LiveLeak not censored. The tagline "can you handle life" accidentally delivered to stimulate adrenaline adventure visitors. But over time, the website that originally named Ogrish are showing improvement and change its name to LiveLeaks. Not only that, vulgar appearance began to be organized and there is a change tagline became "uncover reality". contains a variety of content about medical facts, laws, and a review of religion on the follow euthanasia (lethal injection for mengakhirir measures a person's life). Even those of us who are interested in performing euthanasia, has provided a list of contacts that provide clinical and follow-euthanasia.

The existence of controversial websites that should make us aware that we continue to be a savvy internet users and wise. Do not let the controversial website's existence leads us to perform various actions negatively. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 16 November 2014 at 18:30
Tag : The most controversial websites.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:30