Wednesday 19 March 2014

Google announce smart watches.

Smart Watches.

Google finally officially jumped into the competition that could be used or wearable . The company has announced a device called Android Wear , operating system designed specifically for wearable devices .
For starters , the system created for smart watches , and develops strategies such as Nexus , Google worked with major vendors to manufacture the device .
Last night , Tuesday ( 18/3 ) , Google released two videos showing how the watches interface design . In addition , Motorola and LG have launched the Android -based smart watches Wear their prime .
Motorola watches can be seen in the picture above . The design is minimalist and relatively classic , like a stopwatch that is attached to the wrist . So , what are the features of these watches ?
Same with the Galaxy Gear , it is important feature when you 're exercising . Google says , you will be able to get information in real-time speed , distance and time when you are running , cycling or walking .
The watch is also integrated with Google Maps , so you can get directions straight from your wrist .
In addition , the watch utilizes the power of Google Now , which will deliver reminders important information , such as flight schedules , football and so on .
Interestingly , these watches are also designed to connect with the Android smartphone , so you will be able to get around the notification that you want from any application installed on your phone . Interesting is not it?
Voice command feature is also already quite advanced . You just say " OK Google " to search . Finally, Google also showed off a multi - screen functionality of watches that use the Android Wear .
For example , Google says that you can use voice commands to move the video to Chromecast or play a tune on your mobile phone .
Just like Google Glass , use the Android -based watches Wear will not only be limited to the lovers of technology , but also targeting the fashion industry . Wear to produce more Android devices , Google Android has been working with partners that exist today , such as Asus , HTC , LG , Motorola , and Samsung .
Wear your Android device will be named the inaugural LG G Watch , and is currently being produced in collaboration with Google , as they do when making the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 . G Watch will be available in the second quarter of this year .
Google does not convey detailed information about the timing of the launch even more Android devices Wear , but the preview version of the operating system is already available , so that users can ensure their application notifications will be able to function in Android Wear .
For more information about Google's Android Wear will be presented at the Google I / O from 25 to 26 June. So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 19, 2014 at 17:10
Tag : Google announce smart watches.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:10

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