Tuesday 18 March 2014

Did You Know About Hanuman.

AnomanHanuman (Sanskrit: हनुमान्; Hanuman) or Hanumat (Sanskrit: हनुमत्; Hanumat), also referred to as Anoman, is one of the deities in the Hindu religious beliefs, as well as the protagonist in the epic Ramayana most famous. He is a white monkey and a son Batara Bayu and Anjani, brother of Vali and Sugriva. According to the book Fiber Pedhalangan, Hanuman actual figure of the epic Ramayana was the original, but the character development is also sometimes appeared in serial Mahabharata, thus becoming inter-era figures. In India, Hanuman is worshiped as the patron god and some temples dedicated to worship him.


Hanuman was born as the son Tretayuga during Anjani, a female Vanara. Formerly Anjani actually an angel, named Punjikastala. However, due to a curse, he was born into the world as a female Vanara. The curse can be ended when she gave birth to a son who is an incarnation of Shiva. Anjani married to Kesari, a mighty Vanara. Along with Kesari, Anjani do penance before Shiva to Shiva incarnated as a willing their son. Because Shiva was impressed with worship conducted by Anjani and Kesari, he granted their request to come down to earth as Hanuman.
One version tells that when Anjani adored ascetic Shiva, elsewhere, King Dasarata do Putrakama Yadnya to obtain offspring. The result, he received some food to share with his three wives, who later gave birth to Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrugna. Over the will of the gods, a bird snatched the piece of food, and drop it on top of the forest where Anjani was imprisoned. Bayu, the god of wind, deliver the food to fall in the hands of Anjani. Anjani consuming these foods, and Hanuman was born.
One version says that Hanuman was born by accident because the relationship between Bayu and Anjani. Told that one day, God Bayu Anjani see beauty, then he hugged her. Anjani angry because they feel harassed. But God Bayu replied that Anjani will not be tarnished by Bayu touch. He hugged Anjani not in his body, but in his heart. Bayu also said that the future will Anjani gave birth to a son whose power is equivalent to Bayu and most intelligent among the Vanara.
As the son of Anjani, Hanuman was called Anjaneya (pronounced "Aanjanèya"), which literally means "born of Anjani" or "son of Anjani".


Hanuman was a child at the time, he thought the sun was a fruit that can be eaten, then flew toward him and was about to eat it. Lord Indra saw it and become anxious about sun safety. To anticipate, he threw petirnya towards Hanuman small monkeys that fell and crashed into a mountain. Seeing this, God Bayu became angry and silent. As a result of his actions, all the creatures on earth becomes limp. The Dewa Bayu also appealed to in order to get rid of his anger. Dewa Bayu stop the anger and Hanuman were given abundant gifts. Lord Brahma and Lord Indra gave Hanuman a boon that would be immune from any weapons, and death will come only by his own will. Therefore, Hanuman became immortal beings or Chiranjiwin.

Meeting with Rama. 

At the time of Rama and Lakshman see come to Kiskenda, Sugriva feel anxious. He thought that they were messengers sent to kill Vali Sugriva. Sugriva then call the flagship warrior, Hanuman, to investigate the intentions of the two men. Hanuman accepted the job then he disguised as a Brahmin and approached Rama and Lakshmana.
When meeting with Rama and Lakshmana, Hanuman feel calm. He does not see any signs of hostility of the two young men. Rama and Lakshman were also impressed with the ethics of Hanuman. Then they talked freely. They recount their life history. Rama also shared his desire to meet Sugriva. Because no suspicious again to Rama and Lakshmana, Hanuman returned to its original form and deliver Rama and Lakshmana meet Sugriva.

Quest for Sita. 

In a mission to help Rama searching for Sita, Sugriva sent his Vanara army that went to all corners of the earth to look for signs of Sita, Rama and brought him to if able. Sugriva the Vanara troops deployed led by Hanuman, Anggada, Nila, Jembawan, and others. They traveled for days and explore a cave, then get lost and find a city that stands majestically in it. The above information Swayampraba who live there, the city was built by architect Mayasura and now deserted as Maya goes to the nature of the Gods. Then Hanuman tells the journey with the intent to Swayampraba length. The assistance of the magic Swayampraba, Hanuman and other Vanara disappeared from the cave and were on a beach in a heartbeat.
At the beach, Hanuman and other Vanara met with Sempati, giant wingless birds. He sat alone on the beach while waiting for food animal carcasses. Because he overheard a conversation about the Wanara Sita and Jatayu's death, Sempati be sad and requested that the Wanara recounted the incident actually happened. Anggada recount at length and then ask for help Sempati. The above information Sempati, the Wanara know that Sita captive in a castle in the kingdom of Lanka teretak. The kingdom was ruled by a demon king named Ravana. The Wanara thank you after receiving information Sempati, then they think of ways to get in of Lanka.

Go to Lanka. 

Because the Wanara persuasion, Hanuman thought of strength and fly across the ocean in order to get of Lanka. Once he set foot there, he disguised as a small monkey and searching for Sita. He saw the fortress of Lanka as a strong and heavily guarded city. He saw the inhabitants sing Vedic mantras and hymns of victory to Ravana. But often there are people faced with the cruel and poorly armed. Then he came to the palace of Ravana and observe the beautiful women countless, but he did not see Sita ailing. After observing the back and forth, he entered a garden that has never investigates. There he saw a woman who looked sad and melancholy that he believed as Sita.
Then Hanuman saw Ravana to seduce Sita. After Ravana failed to seduction and go left Sita, Hanuman approached Sita and told he had come. Sita initially suspect, but suspicion Sita Hanuman lost when handed a ring belonging to Rama. Hanuman also promised help would soon arrive. Sita Hanuman suggested that flew with him to the presence of Rama, but Sita rejects. He expects Rama came as a true knight and came to Lanka to rescue him. Hanuman then ask the blessing and farewell from the presence of Sita. Before going home he ravaged the palace garden in Ravana's Ashoka. He killed thousands of soldiers, including soldiers Jambumali options like Ravana and Aksha. Finally, it can be caught with a weapon Indrajit Brahma Astra. The weapon memilit hanoman body. But the power of Brahma Astra disappear when adding a giant army of straw rope. Indrajit angry and disappointed because Brahma Astra can be released anytime Hanuman, but Hanuman has not reacted as it waits for the right moment.

Burning of Lanka. 

When Ravana was about to deliver the death penalty to Hanuman, Hanuman Wibisana defended that his sentence was commuted, remembering Hanuman is a messenger. Then Ravana sentence that Hanuman burnt tail. Seeing this, Sita prayed that the fire that burns Hanuman's tail be cool. Because Sita to Agni prayers had been answered, the fire that burns Hanuman's tail be cool. Then he rebelled and release Brahma Astra that bind him. With tails blazing like a torch, he set fire to the city of Lanka. City of Lanka had become a sea of ​​fire. After pose a major fire, he plunged into the sea in order to fire on its tail goes out. Heavenly host praising Hanuman courage and said that in addition to the residence of Sita, the city of Lanka engulfed in flames.
By bringing the good news, overlooking Rama and Hanuman tells Sita circumstances. After that, Rama prepares to storm the Vanara forces of Lanka

Great battle. 

In the great battle between Rama and Ravana, Hanuman eradicate many rakshasa soldiers. When Rama, Lakshmana, and another army Nagapasa ensnared by the magic weapon, Hanuman went to the Himalayas on the advice Jembawan to find medicinal plants. Not knowing exactly how the characteristics of the tree in question, Hanuman cut the mountain and bring the pieces to the presence of Rama. After Rama and his soldiers recovered, Hanuman continue the fight and eradicate many rakshasa forces.

The next life. 

After a great battle against Ravana ends, Rama was about to give a gift to Hanuman. But Hanuman declined because he only wanted Sri Rama is residing in his heart. Understand the meaning of Hanuman and Rama dwells spiritually in the physical. Finally, Hanuman went to meditate on a mountaintop mendo'akan salvation of the world.
At the time of Dwapara Yuga, Hanuman Bhima and Arjuna met by the palace of Hastinapur. From meeting with Hanuman, Arjuna uses the symbol of Hanuman as his carriage at the time Bhāratayuddha banner.

Tradition and worship. 

In the Indian state dominated by Hinduism, there are many Hanuman temples to worship, and wherever there is a picture Awatara Vishnu, there is always a picture of Hanuman. Hanuman temples can be found in many places in India and it is said the area around the temple was freed from a giant or a crime.
Some famous Hanuman temple are:
Hanuman temple at Nerul Navi Mumbai, India.
Peak monkeys, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Jhaku Temple, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Sri Suchindram Temple, Tamilnadu, India.
Sri Hanuman Vatika, Orissa, India.
Saakshi Hanuman Temple, Tamilnadu, India.
Shri Krishna Matha (Krishna Temple), Udupi.
Krishnapura Matha, Krishnapura near Surathkal.
Ragigudda Anjaneya Temple, Jayanagar, Bangalore.
Hanumangarhi, Ayodhya.
Sankat Mochan Temple, Benares.
Hanuman Temple, near Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka.
Balaji Salasar, Churu District, Rajasthan.
Mehandipur Balaji Temple, Rajasthan.
There Balaji, forest reserves in Sariska, Alwar, Rajasthan.
Eleven Maruthi temples in Maharashtra.
Shri Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place, New Delhi.
Shri Hanuman Baal, Tughlak Road, New Delhi.
Prasanna Veeranjaneya Swami Temple, Mahalakshmi Layout in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Sri Anjaneya Swami Devasthanam Nettikanti, Kasapuram, Andhra Pradesh.
Yellala Anjaneya Swami, Yellala, Andhra Pradesh.
Sri Mahavir Temple, Patna, Bihar.
Sri Vishwaroopa Anchaneya Temple, Tamilnadu, India.

Hanuman in Javanese wayang. 

Hanuman the son of Lord Javanese wayang is a student and teacher who became the adopted son of Lord Bayu. Hanuman is a character itself across generations since the time of Rama until age Jayabaya.


Anjani is the eldest daughter of Rishi Gotama affected by the curse of so-faced monkeys. At the behest of his father, he was imprisoned in the lake naked Madirda. One time, Batara Guru and Narada flew through the sky. When viewed Anjani, Guru amazed to secrete semen. The puppet king of the gods was to wipe the leaves acid (Javanese: SINOM) and banished to the lake. Sinom leaves fell in the lap of Anjani. He was picked up and eat it so it contains. When it came time to give birth, the angels assisted Anjani Guru submissions. She gave birth to a baby white hairy ape, whereas he himself re beautiful face and was taken to heaven as an angel.

Devoted to Sugriva. 

Baby intangible white ape is the son of Anjani taken by Batara Bayu and raised as a child. After his education was completed, Hanuman returned to the world and serve his uncle, namely Sugriva, the monkey king Kiskenda Cave. At that time, Sugriva had just defeated by his brother, namely Vali, Hanuman other uncle. Hanuman meets Rama and Lakshman successful, a prince of Ayodhya who are undergoing disposal. The two later worked together with Sugriva to defeat Vali, and together attack the country of Lanka frees Sita, Ravana kidnapped Rama's wife Vali students.

Fight of Lanka. 

Hanuman first infiltrate the palace of Lanka to investigate the strength of Ravana and Sita state witness. There he made a mess that was caught and sentenced to burn. Instead, Hanuman actually managed to burn most of the capital city of Lanka. The event known as Hanuman Obong. After returning to the Rama Hanuman, the monkey army of Lanka were off invade. Hanuman appeared as a hero who killed many forces of Lanka, for example Surpanaka (Sarpakenaka) sister of Ravana.

Tasks for Hanuman. 

In the final battle between rival overwhelmed Rama Ravana who had Pancasunya Aji, ie the ability to live forever. Each time the weapon Rama killed Ravana, Ravana also immediately bounced back. Wibisana, brother of Ravana who sided Rama asked Hanuman to assist immediately. Hanuman lifted Mount Ungrungan to inflict upon the bodies of Ravana when Ravana had just died at the hands of Rama for the umpteenth time. Seeing impudence Hanuman, Rama Ravana sentenced him to maintain the cemetery. Rama believes that Ravana gencetan still live below the mountain, and at any time could unleash the spirit to create chaos in the world.
A few years later after the death of Rama, Ravana spirit of Mount Ungrungan escaped and went to Java to find the reincarnation of Sita, the sister Subhadra Krishna. Krishna himself is the reincarnation of Rama. Hanuman pursue and meet Bhima, brother of fellow adoptive son Bayu. Hanuman then serve Krishna. He also managed to capture the spirit of Ravana and locked at Mt Kendalisada. In the mountain Hanuman acts as a recluse.

Family members. 

Unlike the original version, Hanuman in the puppet has two sons. The first named Trigangga tangible white ape like him. That said, while returning from the burning of Lanka, Hanuman pictured Trijata face, which keeps Wibisana daughter Sita. Over the ocean, Hanuman semen fall and cause sea water to boil. Without his knowledge, Varuna created foam into Trigangga. Trigangga adult immediately and met with Bukbis, son of Ravana. Both friendly and impartiality of Lanka against Rama. In the war Trigangga successfully kidnaps Rama and Lakshman, but pursued by Hanuman. Narada fell to intervene and explain the relationship between the blood in the white ape. Finally, Trigangga also turned against Ravana.
Purwaganti second son named Hanuman, who recently appeared at the time of the Pandavas. He is credited with rediscovering the lost heritage Yudhisthira named Kalimasada. This Purwaganti birth of a daughter of the pastor who married Hanuman, named Purwati.


Hanuman aged very long to get tired of living. Narada fell to grant the petition, the "want to die", as long as he could finish the last task, namely to reconcile the sixth descendant of Arjuna who was involved in a civil war. Hanuman was disguised with the name and successfully marry Rishi Mayangkara Astradarma, son Sariwahana, with Pramesti, daughter Jayabaya. Among families with Jayabaya Sariwahana involved in the dispute even though they are both descendants of Arjuna. Hanuman then appear to face an enemy Jayabaya named Yaksadewa, king Selahuma. In that war, Hanuman killed, missing with his body, while Yaksadewa back to its original form, namely Batara Kala, the god of death. there are other versions, especially in Java that hanoman not die in the war, but he moksha after meeting Sunan time watch and asked the meaning of the talisman Kalimasada contained because the first hanoman promise you will not want to die before knowing the meaning of the text contained in Kalimasada talisman.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 18, 2014 at 20:58
Tag : Hanuman.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 20:58

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