Tuesday 18 March 2014

Mark Zuckerberg protest to Obama.

Mark Zuckerberg
Related to Facebook Spying by the NSA .
The government's espionage United States (U.S. ) makes Mark Zuckerberg furious .
The owner of the Facebook social network yesterday ( 14/3 ) states had called U.S. President Barack Obama . He was upset that the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) has been spying on their way Facebook users posing as social networking server .
Zuckerberg felt that the action was out of bounds . Therefore , he filed a complaint directly to the number one in the U.S. .
" I have called on President Obama to express my frustration over the damage done by the government in our future," said Zuckerberg on his Facebook page.
" Unfortunately , it seems it took a long time for a thorough reform , " he added .
A day earlier , Edward Joseph Snowden revealed to the media the latest documents related to the activities of the NSA wiretapping conducted .
In documents revealed that former CIA employee stated that the NSA uses a program called Turbine .
The program was created to spy on millions of computers in the world . In addition , the program posing as Facebook servers to infiltrate people's computers are being targeted .
Not only Facebook , Google and Yahoo are also infiltrated . That's what makes Zuckerberg furious .
According to him, the internet can walk for people and companies to do the same.
They work together to create a safe Internet environment .
" This is why I was very upset and frustrated with the repeated statements about the behavior of the U.S. government . When our engineers worked tirelessly to improve security , we dream can protect users from a wide range of issues related to crime . Was not ( protect ) from our own government , " he said .
Zuckerberg added that the government should be more transparent with what they are doing .
In addition , the government should be supporting the existence of the internet and does not pose a threat .
If it continues to happen, so people can actually considers government as a threat.
So far, Facebook is hard refused to give access to customers . Except for urgent needs and done legally and transparently .
If all is done in a transparent , customer confidence may be restored .
Actually , there is already an agreement between Facebook and the government , namely ;
* Facebook will publish details of any data that is requested by the government .
Zuckerberg status in the home straight to get much of a response . Within one hour after the in - post - it , there are already 73 thousand "likes "
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 18, 2014 at 19:58
Tag : Mark Zuckerberg protest to Obama.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 19:58

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