Wednesday 19 March 2014

The most extreme heat.

There are many places on this earth has a temperature that is hot . Most of the land in the arid parts of the earth there , like a dry desert where there is little life or little chance to survive . An example is the hottest place Lut desert . This desert is one of the hottest places in the world .
There are some " heat-seeking " in this world who are brave enough to leave for a place in the summer just to get experience extreme . But the hottest spot on Earth can change from year to year .
According to experts , to survive in the extreme heat is much more difficult than survive in the extreme cold . While the body can adjust to very low temperatures by requiring more calories , but dehydration and heat stroke in place is a very serious problem .

Lut desert , Iran .

Lut desert , Iran .

Desert of Lut ( " Emptiness Desert " ) is known as the Lut Desert , is a large salt desert in southeastern Iran's Kerman and including 25 largest desert in the world . The surface of the sand has been measured at temperatures as high as 70.7 ° C ( 159 ° F ) , and it is one of the driest places in the world .
Measurement MODIS (Moderate - Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ) onboard NASA satellite " Aqua " from 2003 to 2005 testified that the hottest land surface of the earth and the Lut Desert is located at the ground surface temperature up to 70.7 ° C ( 159.3 ° F ) , even though the air temperature above the cooler .

Death Valley , California .

Death Valley

The name of the place is like saying it all . Located in southeastern California , Death Valley is one of the hottest , driest and lowest in North America . The hottest temperature recorded in Death Valley is around 56.7 ° Celsius ( 134.06 ° Fahrenheit ) . Although Death Valley is very hot during the day , at night the temperature often drops below freezing. In this place there was a rare phenomenon that is Rock the Walk Alone .

Al ' Aziziyah , Libya .

Al ' Aziziyah , Libya

Meanwhile elsewhere in Al ' Aziziyah , Libya , is one of the hottest places in the world as a burning sandy wind called the Ghibli , which often appears without warning and can raise the temperature to 20 ° C in just a few hours .
Al ' Aziziyah , which is located in the Northwest of Libya , is one of the hottest places on Earth that is inhabited . In 1922 , the high temperature of 57.8 ° C ( 136.04 ° F ) was recorded in Al ' Aziziyah . However , these calculations were reportedly taken untrained people , but the area is still considered one of the hottest in the world .

Kebili , Tunisia .

Kebili , Tunisia

Kebili also an oasis town located in central Tunisia , Africa . This area is considered to be one of the hottest places on Earth with the hottest day ever recorded at 55 ° Celsius .

Timbuktu , Mali .

Timbuktu , Mali

Timbuktu is located in Mali West Africa . This is one of the most famous places in Africa . Temperatures can reach as high as 54.5 ° Celsius (130 ° Fahrenheit). Timbuktu was an important center of scholarship key for the spread of Islam in Africa . There are three prominent mosques Djinguereber , Sidi Yahya and Sankore in Timbuktu and one of the world's largest collection of ancient manuscripts. So, thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 19, 2014 at 19:47
Tag : The most extreme heat.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:47

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