Monday 14 September 2015

You Know About Heart Valve Disease.

Valvular heart disease is any disease that involves one or more than one type of valves in the heart (aortic and mitral valve in the left ventricle, and the pulmonary and tricuspid valve in the right heart). Valvular heart disease is usually a disease congenital (inborn) or acquired (due to several reasons that occur after birth). Heart valve disease management may include medical treatment, but when it gets worse then it should be done surgery, such as valve repair or replacement (repair or replacement).

Some causes of heart valve abnormalities.


Valve dysplasia is a disorder of development that is at the heart valves (commonly exposed to one or more of the heart valves). The disorder often occurs is tetralogy of Fallot, where the abnormality is composed of four kinds of abnormalities with one of them is narrowing / stenosis of the pulmonary valve. Ebstein's anomaly is an abnormality of the tricuspid valve.

Rheumatic Heart Disease.

Valvular heart disease caused by fever rhema called "rheumatic heart disease". In the developing countries (including Indonesia), the incidence of rheumatic heart disease is still very high, and diminishing in developed countries. It is closely linked with the number of infectious diseases and better treatment of infections in developed countries.


Inflammatory / inflammation of the heart valves whatever the cause is called endocarditis; most often caused by a bacterial infection, commonly also from cancer (marantic endocarditis), or some autoimmune circumstances (Libman-Sacks endocarditis) and hypereosinophilic syndrome (Loeffler endocarditis). Some of the drugs associated with heart valve disease emergence is ergotamine such as pergolide and cabergoline.

Mitral heart valve abnormalities.

Mitral valve (also known as the bicuspid valve / left atrioventricular valve) is the valve that is in the heart consists of two cusps. The mitral valve is a heart valve that separates anatara left atrium and left ventricle). The mitral valve and tricuspid valve is due to atrioventricular valve is located between the foyer and the heart chambers, and both control the blood flow rate.

When diastole, normal functioning mitral valve opens as a result of increasing pressure from the left atrium fills with blood (preload). When the atrial pressure increases above the left ventricle, the mitral valve opens allowing blood to flow passively to the left ventricle. Diastole ended when 20% contraction of the atria pump blood from the rest of the left atrium to the left ventricle, which is referred to as end diastolic volume (EDV), and mitral valve closes at the end of atrial contraction to prevent blood flow back to the heart


Mitral valve (bicuspid valve) It is in the heart (between the atrium and the left ventricle) Rata2 mitral valve size is 4-6 cm².
Mitral valve (bicuspid valve) It is in the heart (between the atrium and the left ventricle)
The average size of mitral valve 4-6 cm². The mitral valve has two valve / flyers (leaflets anteromedial and posterolateral leaflet). Valve valve is limited by a ring called the annulus of the mitral valve. Valve covers 2/3 of the anterior mitral valve area, and the rest by the posterior valve. Valve is guarded by a tendon attached to the posterior part of the valve, prevent valve prolapse. These tendons called chordae tendineae.

Chordae tendineae to the papillary muscles attached to its end (papillary muscles) and the valve. Papillary muscle itself is a protrusion of the left ventricular wall. When the left ventricle contracts, intraventricular pressure forced the mitral valve to close. Tendon keep the leaflet remain parallel to each other and do not leak into the atrium.

Normal physiology.

When the left ventricular diastole, after the reduced pressure in the left ventricle due to muscle relaxation ventricle, the mitral valve opens and blood flow from the left atrium into the ventricle kiri.sebanyak 70-80% of the blood flowing through the early phase of filling of the left ventricle (move because of the pressure difference).

Contraction of the left atrium (left atrial systole) simultaneously with left ventricular diastole, causing the rest of the blood remaining in the left atrium immediately flows into the left ventricle. This is also referred to as atrial kick.
Annular / ring of the valve change shape and size when the cardiac cycle lasts. The shape shrink when atrial systole because of left atrial contraction. Disturbances in the annulus, valve and mitral valve support structure can make the mitral valve is leaking (regurgitation / insufficiency) or narrowed (stenosis).

General Operating Procedures.
The surgical procedure on heart disease is largely synonymous but will have different techniques at the core of its operations, depending on the abnormalities that occur.

Most operations will use a heart-lung machine in the procedure, but there are also techniques that do not use the heart-lung machine for example at Off Pump CABG, where the heart will continue beating during surgery.

Measures heart surgery commonly performed are as follows :

Physician Anesthesia will perform general anesthesia.
Surgeon will start an incision in the midline of the chest, from the skin to open the breastbone.
- Physician Anesthesia will perform general anesthesia.
- Surgeon will start an incision in the midline of the chest, from the skin to open the breastbone. At BPAK surgery, previous surgeon will take the blood vessels that will be installed in the heart, the saphenous vein in the leg or the radial artery in the arm.
- Then the chest cavity will be widened by using a retractor.
- If the heart-lung machine is used, the heart will be connected to the heart-lung machine and cardioplegic substances included. Cardioplegic substances while making the heart stops beating and the heart-lung machine takes over the function of the vital organ.
- Operations carried out in accordance with the diagnosis of disease.
- Heart made pulsing back so that the heart-lung machine can be weaned.
- When the work of the heart and lungs are already stabilized, closed chest wall and sternum connected using a special wire.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 14 September 2015 12:32
Tag : Heart, Valve Disease, Heart Valve Disease,

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:32

Do You Know About Vasectomy.

Vasectomy is a minor surgery (minor surgery) done to prevent the transport of sperm in the testicles and penis.
Vasectomy is a highly effective procedure to prevent pregnancy because it is permanent. Under normal conditions, the sperm produced in the testes. At the time of ejaculation, sperm flow through two pieces of tube-shaped duct (vas deferens), mix with semen (sperm carrier fluid), and out through the penis. When the sperm and egg join the ladies, then there was a pregnancy, duct (vas deferens) are cut and tied both ends of the channel, so that sperm can not flow and mix with semen.
In other words clinics vasectomy is a procedure to stop the man with the capacity of doing grafting vasa deferensia thus impeded the flow of sperm transport and process fertilasi (union with ovum) does not occur.


There are several kinds of methods to close the vas deferens which at this time is still considered preponderance, among others are:
- Pinning the vas deferens with clips (clasps) of tantalum.
- Conducting cautery / fulturasi both ends.
- Injecting the vas deferens with sclerotizing agent (a substance that causes sclerosis), making it so clogged, for example with formaldehyde, phenol and others.
- Can do without surgery.
- Close the lid of the vas deferens with a sort of needle.
- Just tying the vas deferens.
- The combination of the two methods, such as tying and kauterisa

Clappers and losses vasectomy.


- It will not interfere with erections, sexual potency, hormone production.
- Protection against pregnancy is very high.
- Can be used for life.
- Do not interfere with the sexual life of husband and wife.
- More secure because fewer complaints.
- More practical to require only one action.
- More effective with very small failure rate.
- More economical because it only requires a fee for all the action.
- Do not endanger lives.
- Patients do not need to be hospitalized.
- There is no health risk.


- This procedure is only for couples who have decided not to have any more children.
- Should the surgery.
- Must use condoms for a few days or weeks until the sperm to be negative.
- It can not be done with people who still want to have children again.

No-scalpel vasectomy.

Along with the development of technology, vasectomy is now easier and faster to do, namely with the no-scalpel vasectomy.


- Preoperative Preparation
- Shaving pubic hair to better ensure sterislisasi.
- No need previous fasting.
- Search for, recognize, and filsasi vas deferens then flops with a special clamp pliers pliers-shaped end, and then injected local anesthetic.
- Do stabbing at the midline of the scrotum with curved and sharp pointed tool for making small cuts which then widened about 0.5 cm. Then it will look vas deferens are tough and hard as steel wire. Membranes covering the vas deferens is opened carefully. After wrapping is set aside on the edge, it will be apparent vas deferens shiny pearly white.
- Do okulisi vas deferens ligation and resection of a segment of the vas deferens.
- The closure of the surgical wound.

Requirements vasectomy.

- Must be voluntary.
- Obtain the approval of his wife.
- The number of children are enough.
- Knowing the effects of vasectomy.
- Age of candidates is not less than 30 years.
- Age of the wife is not less than 20 years and not more than 45 years.
- A married couple has had children at least two people, and the youngest child must be aged over two years.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 14 September 2015 at 11:45
Tag : About Vasectomy.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:45

You Know Myths About Contraception.

Some of the myths that we hear most about contraception. You do not have to trust him again after reading this article. Indeed, sometimes the women are often sanctioned by the contraception of their choice.

Myth 1: The pill makes you fat.

Fact: Research has revealed that women do not have to experience a significant weight gain as a result of using oral contraceptive pills. Simply put, the pill will not make you fat! Weight gain can occur due to hormonal reasons and you may experience water retention which can often make the weight creeping up. The good news is that there are certain types of birth control pills that prevent water retention, so if this is an issue for you, you can talk with your doctor to change your birth control pills.

Myth 2: The pill is less reliable than condoms.

Fact: The combination pill 99% effective if taken properly. By comparison, the condom is only 98% effective if used correctly. However, when we look at the figures typical use, the failure rate increases because most women do not take the Pill consistently and correctly. It is estimated that 8 out of 100 women who use the pill for one year will get pregnant. In the typical usage, of 100 women who used condoms with their partners during the year, it is estimated that 15 will become pregnant.

Myth 3: The birth control pill cause acne, making greasy hair and hairy bodies.

Fact: If you are having acne / oily hair / body hair growth after taking the pill, may be caused by your body's response to the levels of certain hormones in the pill you. Talk with your doctor. You may be advised to switch to a pill that is better suited to tackle this problem, or change to a different method of contraception altogether.

Myth 4: Contraceptive implant / implant can cause osteoporosis.

Fact: Studies have shown that long-term use of contraceptive implants do not affect bone mineral density.

Myth 5: IUDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

Fact: Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the cervix, fallopian and / or other reproductive organs and cause symptoms such as lower abdominal pain. Studies have shown that in addition to a small risk of infection associated with IUD insertion (that is why you are advised to do a check-up after IUD insertion), IUD users is actually at greater risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease than non-users IUD. The risk is low unless there is exposure to STDs.

Myth 6: Contraceptives spiral (IUD) can cause ectopic pregnancy.

Fact: Ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes. IUD works by preventing pregnancy the uterus, a pregnancy that may happen is the possibility of an ectopic. This is where the misunderstanding that there is a relationship between IUD use and ectopic pregnancy. This risk is very small, as well as the risk of uterine pregnancy with IUD use.

Myth 7: You can not get pregnant while breastfeeding.

Fact: You can get pregnant while breastfeeding! Although you may be less fertile, you may still get pregnant while breastfeeding. Some women do not menstruate for months after childbirth, but when your body decides it's time to release the first egg after giving birth, she did it before you get your first period. So, you will not know that you have ovulated until two weeks later, when you menstruate.
To avoid pregnancy, talk to your doctor about the type of contraception that you can use while breastfeeding.

Myth 8: Using contraception makes it harder to get pregnant after you stop.

Fact: After stopping the pill or remove the implant, vaginal ring or IUD, you can expect to return to your previous fertility. However, the return of fertility may take longer to CICs. It is normal when your body needs time to readjustment after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptive methods. But if your periods have not returned to normal within three months after stopping contraception, talk to your doctor.

Myth 9: Emergency contraceptive pills are the same as the abortion pill.

Fact: emergency contraceptive pill ("the pill Kondar") and very different from the abortion pill. If you have unprotected sex, you can take a pill Kondar to help avoid pregnancy before it begins. Mifepristone, which is often referred to as the abortion pill, is a drug used in medical abortion after pregnancy begins. Medical abortion is an abortion performed with the guidance of a doctor for medical reasons, such as life-threatening mother.

Myth 10: You need a break from the pill.

Fact: If you have been taking the pill regularly with no side effects, you do not need to take a break. In fact, if you stop taking the pill and then picked up again a few months later, you may experience side effects similar to those you went through in a few months they were when you first use it while your body adjusts.

Long Term Reversible Contraception More Effectively.

A new study titled "Effectiveness of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception" by Winner et al. in the New England Journal of Medicine (May 24, 2012) mentions that about 50% of unwanted pregnancies in the United States related to contraceptive failure, primarily as a result of the use of inconsistent or incorrect.

The researchers noted that the use of long-term reversible contraception (Long-Acting Reversible Contraception / LARC), such as spiral or implant is much more common in developed countries other than the US. Those countries also have the unintended pregnancy rate is lower than the US, where only 5.5% of women using contraception chose spiral (IUD).
The researchers designed a prospective cohort study to assess the use of long-term reversible contraceptive methods as a means to reduce unintended pregnancies. For this analysis, they compared the failure rate among users LARC with other contraceptive users.

Participants in the study were 9,256 women aged 14-45 St. Louis region and at risk of unwanted pregnancy. Each participant received counseling regarding the efficacy, side effects, risks and benefits of all reversible contraceptive method, spiral, implants, injections, pills, transdermal patches and vaginal rings. Each woman was then given the appropriate contraceptive method of choice without charge for two or three years, and participants were allowed to stop or move on another method at any time during the study.
After the initial interview comprehensive, researchers collected data on the use of contraceptives participants, including the start date and cessation, and interview them by telephone at three months, six months and every six months thereafter.

Of the 7486 participants who successfully followed, occurred 334 unwanted pregnancies. Of these, 156 associated with contraceptive failure.
At one, two and three the first year, the number of unwanted pregnancies is higher among pill users, patch and ring than among those who use long-term contraception. The rate on the injections is similar to the long-term contraceptive users.
When stratified by age, the rate of unwanted pregnancies among users of the pill, patch and ring are younger than 21 years of almost two times higher than among the older participants. Failure rate does not vary significantly with age among users inject and long-term contraception.
Overall, participants who use the pill, patch or ring had contraceptive failure risk 20 times higher than those using long-term contraception.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 14 September 2015 at 10:37
Tag : Myths About Contraception.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:37

Recognize Contraception.

Family planning contraceptives.
Various contraceptive indeed often confuse us to choose what is good and suitable for our use. Lack of information and knowledge is becoming a major factor in choosing a contraceptive mistake is good and not good to be used to prevent pregnancy.

Some kinds of contraceptives and a little explanation :

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Pill Combination.

- Highly effective when taken daily.
- When you stop taking the pill may occur in pregnancy.
- In the first months of use may cause side effects, such as nausea, bleeding between menstrual periods or spots, weight gain, or headaches. All these symptoms are not dangerous.

- Safe for almost all women because the side effects are rare.
- Can be used by women of various ages, either already or not to have children.
- Can prevent certain cancers, anemia (iron deficiency), pain during menstruation and several other health.

Pros And Disadvantages Injectable Contraceptives.

Is very effective in preventing pregnancy when injected every 1 month or 3 months (according to the type of syringe).

Common bleeding disorders - such as spots, minor bleeding between the 2 periods. After the redemption of one year often do not experience menstruation. Weight gain are also common or raised mild headache.

Can be used by women of various ages, either already or not to have children.

If you stop taking this contraception, pregnancy can occur immediately.
Safe to use during breastfeeding, after 6 weeks after childbirth.
Help prevent cervical cancer; preventing pregnancy outside the womb

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Implant.

There are 3 kinds of stem implant consists of 1, 2 rods, and 6 stems.
1,2 or 6 pieces of this rod is inserted under the skin on the upper arm.
Very effective for a period of 3 years (for types 1 and 2 rods) and 5 years (for types 6 bars).

If desired, the implant can be removed at any time.
Immediately after the implant is removed, a woman can get pregnant.

Changes in menstrual pattern is still in the normal range, light bleeding between menstrual periods, spots or no menstruation. Also raised a mild headache.

Safe to use during lactation, installed after 6 weeks after childbirth.
Helps prevent anemia and pregnancy outside the womb.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Pills Progestin / Mini Pill.

A good option for mothers who are breastfeeding and want to use the pill, began drinking at the 6th week after delivery.
Very effective during lactation.
If used during lactation, usually a change in menstrual patterns, especially spots between periods.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraception Condoms.

In addition to preventing pregnancy also may protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV / AIDS.
Condoms can be used to prevent HIV / AIDS, as well as family planning
With a little practice, easy to use correctly.
Effective when done correctly each.
Some men feel that condoms interfere with sexual intercourse and reduced pleasure.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraception IUD (intrauterine device).

Small tool consists of a flexible plastic material, which is inserted into the uterine cavity by a midwife / doctor trained.
Very effective, and when it stopped using an IUD, pregnancy can occur. The IUD is a long-term contraceptive methods.

IUD TCU-380 type A for example, is effective for at least 10 years.
Menstrual periods may become longer and many, especially in the first months of use. Experience a little discomfort after the IUD is inserted.
No effect on breastfeeding. A doctor / midwife who has received special training can put it shortly after childbirth.
Pelvic infections tend to attack users of IUDs especially if the wearer has been infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

IUDs can be out alone at times straining, especially in the first few months of use, so it is very important to check the rope.
Not recommended be used by women who have STDs.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods Simplified / vaginal.

Spermisid / tissue contraception, diaphragm and hood, is a contraceptive method that can be used alone by women.
Must be inserted into the vagina (vagina coitus) every time before intercourse. Performed immediately before sexual intercourse.
Effective when used correctly.
Can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Using this contraceptive method, tend to urinary tract infections.
Tissue contraception is not easy to obtain.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods Women Operation (MOP) / tubektomi.

How to permanent birth control for women who sure did not want to have children again consider carefully before making a decision.
Safe and simple operation. Requires only a local anesthetic.
Very effective.
There has been no long-term side effects. Experiencing discomfort after surgery. Serious complications due to surgery are rare.
Does not affect the ability or sexual feelings.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Male Contraception Method of Operation (MOP) / vasectomy.

How to permanent family planning for men who have decided not wish to have more children. Consider carefully before making a decision.
Safe operation, and easy. Requires only a few minutes in a clinic or doctor's office. Using a local anesthetic.
The new effective after ejaculation is 20 times or 3 months postoperatively. Before that still need to use condoms.
There is no long term side effects.
Does not affect the ability or sexual satisfaction.

Pros And Disadvantages Calendar Contraception System.

Women should know the fertile period in a woman's menstrual cycle.
Calendar systems are: the fertile period are not having sex. When associated use of condoms, contraceptive tissue, diaphragm and hood, or withdrawal during the fertile period.
Can be effective if done properly. But in reality is often less effective.

Needed a good cooperation with their partners, because it is difficult to avoid sexual intercourse for a long time.
No physical side effects.
This method is recommended if another contraceptive method used at times difficult to have a fever, vaginal infection, after childbirth or during breastfeeding.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods LAM (Lactational Amenorrhoe Methode) / Breastfeeding.

How to contraception through exclusive breastfeeding (breastfeeding infants from 0 s / d 4 months without additional food).
A breastfeeding woman is said to be using the method of LAM, if:
In full or breastfeeding her baby did not receive additional food, often mothers breastfeeding, day and night;
Has not gotten her period;
6 month old baby yet.
Women should already planning the use of another family planning method, when not using LAM.

Some contraceptive methods are not recommended because of certain health conditions.

Health condition.

Which is not the recommended method.

Smoked and aged over 35 years. Contraceptive pills (pill combination).
Known to have high blood pressure. If high blood pressure,
high, use injectable contraceptives.
The first 6 months of breastfeeding. Use a pill.
The first 6 weeks of breastfeeding. Dream DMPA, progestin pills (POPs)
Some of heart disease, vascular birth control pills, progestin pills, injectable DMPA,
blood rare, and some implants. Or ask your doctor / midwife.
Migrant headaches - headaches that contraceptive pills, but the use of the pill
who come repeatedly, often restricted to two conditions, namely:
on one side of the head only, or throbbing.
1. Women aged 35 years / more
which causes nausea, symptoms of the more
2. Women's unlimited lifespan if poorly when exposed to light or hear the visually impaired, noises or trouble speaking or moving
when experiencing headaches.
Has transmitted infections due to IUD / IUD. Use condoms, disease sex or disease even though it uses means inflammation of the pelvis at this point or 3 months other contraceptives (bleeding in the vagina last. High risk - because it has an unusual, is probably more than one pair of either the husband or signs of infection due to his wife. intercourse). The conditions were not perfect particular IUD / IUD. Ask your doctor / midwife of female organs. you. Known was pregnant. IUD / IUD. The contraceptive pill first 21 days after birth.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 14 September 2015 at 09:53
Tag : Contraception.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:53

Sunday 13 September 2015

Do You Know About Gout.

Uric acid (English: uric acid, urate) is a purine derivative compound with chemical formula C5H4N4O3 and plasma ratios between 3.6 mg / dL (~ 214μmol / L) and 8.3 mg / dL (~ 494μmol / L) (1 mg / dL = 59.48 mol / L).
Excess (hyperuricemia, hyperuricemia) or shortage (hipourisemia, hyporuricemia) plasma uric acid levels in the blood is often an indication of a disease or disorder in the human body.
In humans, uric acid is a product of purine nucleotide catabolism last track, because the absence of urikase enzyme that converts uric acid into allantoin. Excessive levels of uric acid can cause kidney stones and / or gout in the joints.



Gout is the result of excessive consumption of purine substances. Purines into uric acid is processed body, but if excess uric acid levels, so the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.
Uric acid is a disease of purine metabolic waste substances originating from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself is a substance contained in each food derived from living bodies. In other words, in the living body are purine substance, and then because we eat living beings, then the purine substances move into our bodies. A variety of vegetables and fruits also contained purines. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases. Usually gout attack in the elderly, because the accumulation of these purine material.

Abstinence gout sufferers.

- Offal:

brain, lungs, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys and tripe.

- Seafood (seafood):

shrimp, crab, squid, octopus, clams, cuttlefish, mussels, oysters, anchovies, sardines.

- Riverfood (Food river):

catfish, eel, shrimp, crabs and snails.

- Extract the meat.

such as shredded and jerky.

- Food that has been canned.

(example: corned beef, sardines, beef and pork).

- Meat.

mutton, dog meat, pork, beef, buffalo meat and horse meat.

- Poultry.

Ducks, geese and turkeys.

- Birds and bats.

- Nuts.

soybeans (including processed products such as tempeh, tofu, tauco, oncom, soy milk), peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts and chips melinjo.

- Vegetables.

cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, beans, mushroom, leaves of cassava / sweet potato, papaya, spinach and chilli / chilli.

- Cream.

ice cream and broth or gravy is thick.
- Certain fruits such as durian, pineapple and coconut water.
- Foods that are fried or cooked using coconut milk or margarine / butter.
- Foods rich in protein, fat and blood.

Additional tips for people with gout.

- Consumption of foods containing high potassium such as tomatoes, potatoes, yogurt and bananas.
- Consumption of fruit that contains vitamin C, such as oranges, papaya and strawberries.
Examples of fruit and vegetables to treat gout: dragon fruit, starfruit, ginger, pumpkin, mustard greens, chicory, lemon grass and tomato.
- Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates such as rice, cassava / sweet potato and bread.
- Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates such as type of fructose sugar, candy, cotton candy, cotton candy and syrup.
- Do not take aspirin.
- Do not work too hard / fatigue.
- In people who are overweight (obesity), usually uric acid levels quickly rose but spending a little bit, then you should lose weight with exercise.
- Adjust energy intake with the body's needs, based on height and weight.

To cure this disease there are several things that must be done, including  :

- Avoid foods that can increase uric acid, such as offal (liver, kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, lungs and brain), avoid seafood (shrimp, scallops, squid, crab); canned food (corned beef, sardines and meat extracts), broth or gravy is thick.
- Avoid foods such as chips, kale and spinach, cassava leaves / sweet potatoes, leaf cashew nuts, asparagus, beans and cauliflower. Avoid nuts (peanuts, green beans, soybeans, tempe, tauco, bean sprouts, oncom) and soy milk.
- Avoid eating durian, avocado, pineapple, coconut water.
- The food is safe to eat, some of which are: rice, fish fins and scales, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk and some fruits.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages and food.
- In obese people, uric acid is usually increased while spending less, then for security, people are usually advised to lose weight.
- Drink plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day, due to drink plenty of water, we can help dispose of purines in the body.

Risk factor.

Some risk factors that can cause a person to have high levels of uric acid in the body are:

- Lifestyle.

Consumption of foods high in purines, alcohol consumption, can increase uric acid levels in the blood.

- Medical Condition.

Medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, often associated with cases of gout.

- Drugs.

The use of drugs such as diuretics, aspirin should be considered and consulted a doctor because it can increase uric acid levels.

- Genetic.

Some people who have a family history of gout history is also one risk factor.

- Age and Gender.

Men have a greater risk of developing inflammatory disorders because of gout, but women who have entered menopause are also at risk as much as men.

Ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is a chemical compound called vitamin C, in addition to dehydroascorbic acid. He shaped whitish yellow crystalline powder soluble in water and has antioxidant properties. Ascorbic name is derived from the root word a- (without) and scorbutus (skurvi), a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. In 1937, the Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded to Walter Haworth for his work in determining the chemical structure of ascorbic acid. At the time of its discovery in the 1920s, he called heksuronat acid by some researchers.

In general, the cell nucleus of eukaryotic cells with concentrations of ascorbic acid are much more concentrated, which is absorbed through the transporter SVCT1 or / and SVCT2, compared with a concentration in erythrocytes and concentration in blood plasma. For example in plasma or erythrocyte concentrations around 40-80 μM, concentrations of ascorbic acid in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes can reach 4 mM. Among mammals, humans have a ratio smaller plasma ascorbic acid and uric acid is higher, because of genetic mutations with L-gulonolakton oxidase expression and urikase.

Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant amazing that protect cells from stress extracellular, with an increase in the proliferation of endothelial cells, stimulating the synthesis of collagen type IV, the degradation of LDL oxidation, inhibiting atherosclerosis and stress intracellular by maintaining levels of α-tocopherol in erythrocytes and neurons, and protect hepatocytes from oxidative stress caused by exposure to allyl alcohol. The antioxidant properties derived from the hydroxyl group of a C number 2 and 3 were donated H + ion together with electrons leading to a variety of compounds with a free radical oxidants such as oxygen or nitrogen group, peroxide and superoxide. Nevertheless, in the cytoplasm with high concentrations of Fe compounds, ascorbic acid can be pro-oxidant because redox reactions of Fe3 + to Fe2 + which triggers the compound superoxide and ultimately become free radicals highly reactive hydroxyl groups. Vasodilation / constriction of blood vessels that are generally caused by the decrease of NO secretion by endothelial cells can also be muted ascorbic acid by increasing the secretion of NO by endothelial cells through the path of NO synthase or cyclase guanilat, mengreduksi nitrita becomes NO, and inhibit LDL oxidation.

Ascorbic acid also plays a very important role as a coenzyme and an electron donor in organic reactions such dioxygenase enzymatic hydroxylation on carnitine, EGF; or mono- and di-oxygenation in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters and peptide hormones, noradrenaline, cholesterol and amino acids; demethylation of histone and nucleic acids; dealkylation Oxidative DNA; improve the quality of succinic acid, malic acid and glycerol 3-phosphate in the mitochondria; proton homeostasis force; deglikanasi proteoglycan compound; ROS excess catch to decrease oxidative stress. One function very well known cofactor is hydroxylase prolil and lisil that mengkopling hydroxylated in hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and procollagen.
Therefore capacity as antioxidants that reduce reactive oxygen species that can cause hypertension, ascorbic acid is often considered to be high blood pressure. A study showed that ascorbic acid can reduce the ratio of plasma C-reactive protein, 8-isoprostanes, and malondialdehyde-modified LDL, though not always accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

Ascorbic acid is also used as an anti-cancer therapy in certain species because of the pressing nature of cytokines IL-18 and hyaluronidase enzyme in the degradation of hyaluronic acid to prevent metastasis, stimulation of collagen to isolate the tumor cells in vivo, preventing the effects of oncogenic viruses, and carcinogens. Ascorbic acid is known to be toxic to several types of cancer cells, but not be so against the body's normal cells. Clinical studies showed that administration of high doses of vitamin C, either through injection or intake, can relieve simtoma pathogens and extend the life expectancy of patients with advanced cancer, such as RCC, bladder tumors, lymphoma B cells
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 13 September 2015 11:28
Tag : About Gout.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:28

About methylone.

Methylone is a patented medicine Peyton Jacob and Alexander Shulgin in 1996 as an antidepressant. These drugs such as LSD and MDMA (ecstasy), which originally as an experimental psychiatric drugs. However, its use is changing rapidly from the clinical importance of being for recreational (fun).

Methylone crystals.

Methylone is a combination of stimulant phenethylamine, amphetamine and cathinone classes or (cathinone). This drug is illegal in some countries such as Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel. And these substances are not recognized in the US.

Methylone have chemical structures and effects similar to MDMA.
Methylone is a derivative of cathinone (cathinone), which includes narcotics Class I in the Law number 35 of 2009.

In chemical terms, Methylone have a +4 force or stronger than other cathinone derivatives. Effects of Methylone can make users feel nausea, vomiting, dizziness, seizures, chest palpitations, cramps heart, and can lead to death.

Cathinone is a Category I drug that should only be used for research purposes.
Cathinone for medical purposes once, is not permitted, especially for recreational purposes.
Methylone Similarly, it is very dangerous substance if used for recreational.

The effect is similar to Methylone can ngefly stimulants such as amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine. These effects include euphoria and increased energy. Users also feel cool and more confident if consumed

Consuming Methylone could force the body to work more quickly.
Heart rate be increased to a point that can make users experience palpitations or irregular heart beat, even after he stopped taking medication.
The use of these substances like alcohol, can cause blurred vision and nausea.
As well as ecstasy, which can cause jaw clenching or grinding its teeth.

Consuming Methylone also cause the fingers and toes turned into blue. User preferences can be suppressed, but can cause anorexia (an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy weight and excessive fear of weight gain due to a distorted self-image) wiki.
For the long term, a person who uses methylone, can increase energy and vitality that can progress to circulatory problems, paranoia, and insomnia. Halusi and delusions can also accompany the users of these drugs, but the symptoms can occur when unwanted. If the drug was inhaled, nasal passages and mouth can become inflamed. This could lead to nosebleeds.

Methylone not yet known whether the effect can create the effect of physically addictive, although evidence has shown the users become psychologically addictive.

Methylone is chemically very similar to Mephedrone. A substance that is estimated to be a factor of the death of two British teenagers. But it has not been proven. But that does not mean Methylone safe for consumption. Substances that can be even more dangerous than what we had expected.

Recognize methylone / methylone as Narcotics Group 1.

Methylone (Methylone) are a class of drugs including narcotics Category I in the Narcotics Act No. 35 of 2009 which is a derivative of cathinone (cathinone). Methylone have chemical structures and effects similar to MDMA was first patented Peyton Jacob and Alexander Shulgin in 1996 as an antidepressant. The drugs such as LSD and MDMA (ecstasy), which originally as an experimental psychiatric drugs. However, its use is changing rapidly from the clinical importance of being for recreational (fun).

Cathinone is a Category I drug that should only be used for research purposes. For medical purposes once, narcotics groups are not allowed, especially for recreational purposes. Methylone Similarly, it is very dangerous substance if used for recreational.

The effects of the use of methylone which can ngefly similar to stimulants such as amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine. These effects include euphoria and increased energy. Users also feel cool and confident when taking methylone. Methylone have a +4 force or stronger than other cathinone derivatives. Users can feel nausea, vomiting, dizziness, seizures, chest palpitations, cramps heart, and can lead to death.

Eating methylone can force the body to work more quickly. Heart rate be increased to a point that can make users experience palpitations or irregular heart beat, even after he stopped taking medication. The use of these substances like alcohol, can cause blurred vision and nausea. As well as ecstasy, which can cause jaw clenching or grinding its teeth.

Fingers and toes can also be turned into bluish. User preferences can be reduced, which can lead to anorexia. For the long term, a person who uses methylone, can increase energy and vitality that can progress to circulatory problems, paranoia, and insomnia. Halusi and delusions may come, but the symptoms may at once unwelcome. If the drug was inhaled, nasal passages and mouth can become inflamed. This could lead to nosebleeds.

Not yet known whether the effect methylone can make physically addictive, although evidence has shown can be psychologically addictive. Methylone is chemically very similar to Mephedrone. A substance that is estimated to be a factor of the death of two British teenagers. But it has not been proven. But that does not mean Methylone safe. It is even more dangerous substances.

Methylone certainly illegal in some countries such as Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel. whereas in the United States these substances are not recognized.

Description Pharmaceutical Chemists.

Methylone effect Most Dangerous and Powerful.

National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to request the opinion of many experts to determine what kind of content chatainone derivatives or methylenedioxy 3.4 substance methcathinone, or better known as methylone (M1). A pharmaceutical chemist, Sr. Pol Djusnir Mufti stated methylone including narcotics group 1.

The effect is most dangerous in Indonesia today. Because of its effect on the human body exceeds MDMA (ecstasy) and chatinone as the molecular basis methylone maker.

To note, the Mufti was an expert witness who claimed that ecstasy is a drug courier in the case of the arrest of thousands of ecstasy pills in 1995, before the Law 5/1997 on Psychotropic Substances.

BNN chairman of West Nusa Tenggara is explained, chatinone not a new substance because it was found experts in Europe, long before MDMA (Ecstasy) and amphetamine derivatives. However, because class has a great danger, then out his name amphetamine derivatives. Later today appear again this new substance.

Perhaps the chatinone it is the basic molecular structure. If the molecular structure of R1, R2, R3 and R4 as side groups that will be derived chatinone, that basically substituted compounds with methyl group, the name was changed so methylcathinone.

Furthermore, if chatinone substituted with methyl groups and 3.4, the compound name methylone, or 3.4 methylendioxy methcathinone, or better known as methylone (M1). With this structure then, methylon incoming class 1 narcotics because he derived from chatinone.

Now have to watch out for danger more devastating impact these substances than ecstasy / sahbu the basic structure of MDA.

Table-level force base effect of narcotic substances, including amphetamine influence on the adrenaline level is plus 4, MDA, chatinone and methacatinone were on level plus 3, while methylone plus 4, more powerful than chatinone.

So taking methylone affect the hormone adrenaline is very strong, very powerful. So that the effect could be as a stimulant, psychoactive cause seizures that are not controlled.

In addition, people who consumed methylone can be nausea, vomiting, dizziness, to the use of over-dosage, these compounds can lead to a heart spasm lead to death. This already exists in literary studies can be found in European journals.

Let us urge people to support the task BNN save future generation from the dangers of narcotic substances. Expected by the expert testimony, the investigator could determine the legal decisions, and articles. Because of the structure of the harmful effects, so it needs to be watched and anticipated circulation.
So Derivatives chatinone it methylone. Methylone more powerful, plus 4 strength. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 13 September 2015 at 10:38
Tag : Methylone.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:38

About contraception.

Contraception is derived from the word counter means to prevent or fight, which means fertilization and conception. So contraception is to prevent fertilization of an egg by Sergeant Major so there is no pregnancy. In general, contraception is divided into two methods, namely the permanent and non-permanent.

Some kinds of contraceptives.


1. Permanent Contraception.

Permanent contraception is often referred to as permanent contraception, which makes the ability to conceive becomes difficult refunded or can not get pregnant again. Permanent contraception effort done by surgery, in both men and women.

In women, permanent contraception called tubal ligation, which cuts the channel Fallopian tube (oviduct). There are also performed by simply tying the oviduct so that the ovum or sperm can not pass so there is no fertilization. One moment the bond can be released again. Tubectomi goal is to ovum at ovulation can not be through the oviduct (oviduct) so it can not meet the sperm.

In men, known as vasectomy permanent contraception, namely the cutting line up deference. There are also the only binding up deference. A bond when it can be released if the person concerned wants it. The goal is so that sperm can not get into the urethra, so that sperm can not be excluded. Testicular sperm produced will be reabsorbed (reabsorption). The person can still secrete semen does not contain sperm, which comes from the prostate gland.

2. The non-permanent contraception.

Non-permanent contraceptive method is also called non-permanent contraception, ie a method of contraception in which the ability of pregnant refundable. This method can be done with or without the use of tools.

a. Without using tools.

The method without using tools, can be done by:

(1) extend the period of breastfeeding
(2) did not have intercourse during the woman's fertile period
(3) removing the sperm outside the body in order not to get into the woman's uterus (called coitus interruptus).

b. Using the tools.

(1) Using a tool that prevents ovulation with a hormone use


Contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone. If the user does not discipline, the use of the pill is not useful. The side effects are happening obesity in most of the wearer.


Placed under the skin of the arm. Implant secretes hormones that prevent ovulation. The side-effect is that users can experience the menstrual cycle disorder.


Performed by administering the hormone once every 3 months to prevent ovulation. Side effects of obesity on the part of the wearer.

(2) Using a tool aimed at blocking the sperm and ovum fertilization or embryo attachment blocking.

- IUD (Intra Uterine Device). 

Better known as spiral, mounted inside the uterus (womb) women. Spiral prevent the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. Side effects of IUD insertion is possible bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.

- Jellies, tablets foam and sponge.

These materials are essentially contains a spermicide (sperm killer). Some people are allergic to the material.

- Diaphragm or cervical cup.

Covering the uterus, thus preventing sperm from entering the uterus.

- Condoms.

Make sperm stuck inside the condom so that sperm can not fertilize an egg. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 13 September 2015 at 09:40
Tag : Contraception permanent and non-permanent.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:40