Tuesday 19 May 2015

Did you know Wijayakusuma Flowers.

Flowers Wijayakusuma (Epiphyllum anguliger) including types of cactus plants that have dicotiledoneae class. These plants come from tropical America (Venezuela and the Caribbean) and can live in areas with moderate to tropical climates. Even so, not all of these plants can bloom as it is influenced by climatic conditions, soil fertility is also a way of maintenance.

Wijayakusuma interest only broke a few moments and can grow well in places that are not too hot. In general, a type of cactus plants is rather difficult to determine the morphology, unlike the case with Wijayakusuma. This plant is easily identified after old age, we can see where the leaves, which stems, and other parts. Among the people of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, especially the palace, believed that a king who would ascend to the throne must have Wijayakusuma interest as a requirement. This interest is also believed to be the incarnation of Vishnu heritage palace Dwarawati the Nature conservationists, Batara Kresna.

Plants form.

The trunk is made up of the leaf blade is hardened and shrunk in which the parent is a cylindrical rod shape. Plant height can reach 2-3 meters, while the leaves around 13-15 cm. Leaf blade itself shaped flat and green with smooth leaf surface without spines unlike other cacti. Then every edge leaves indentations are usually covered with leaves and flower buds. The flower diameter is 10 cm, white and bloom only at night. Forms round fruit that has a red color and has black seeds. Breeding is usually done by cuttings or seed.

Plants efficacy.

Flowers Wijayakusuma have properties to reduce pain and neutralize blood clotting. This interest also has the power accelerates wound healing abscesses. It's easy, stay Wijayakusuma mashing the leaves and rub on the wound and then use a bandage to wrap the wound that has been smeared collision leaves. Moreover, these flowers can also treat ulcers, simply put flowers on the boil before bed and do it regularly. In addition, Wijayakusuma can be used as anti-inflammatory drugs, cough medicine, also bleeding (hemostatic). Other properties are overcome asthma pulmonary tuberculosis with cough, coughing up blood and vomiting blood.

Various Flowers Wijayakusuma  :

1. Pink Milk

Wijayakusuma flowers pink milk.
Wijayakusuma flower with soft pink color (pink milk), the color looks so soft and charming. Types of flowers and large trees.

2. Red Light

Wijayakusuma bright red flowers.
Wijayakusuma large flower with a bright red color, there is a little white on the inside petals. It looks very alluring.

3. Orange

Wijayakusuma orange flowers.
Wijayakusuma orange flower also not less interesting. With rare and exclusive colors of this, when flowering, looks elegant, and totally prestigious collection.

4. Yellow

Wijayakusuma yellow flowers.
Hardly anyone knows that wijaya kusuma have yellow flowers as well. Do not believe? This proof!

5. Red Maroon, Maroon

Wijayakusuma flowers maroon.
The red color on Wijayakusuma are manifold, one of which is the color maroon. Still very rare!

6. Red - white

Wijayakusuma red and white flowers.
Wijayakusuma interest is experiencing a cross between red and white, so that the outer crown red while the red crown pink inside, rather white.

7. Purple

Wijayakusuma purple flowers.
One word: Very exotic!

8. Red - Purple

Wijayakusuma red-purple flowers.
Cruciferous blend two colors appear attractive; red crown color outside, while the inside of the crown, purple or pink.

9. Yellow - White

Wijayakusuma white yellow flowers.
Wijayakusuma rare flower, yellow crown on the outside, while the inside is white crown.

10. Purple - White

Wijayakusuma purple and white flowers.
Purple crown on the outside, while the inside of the pink bit whitish.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 19, 2015 at 11:15
Tags : Did you know Wijayakusuma Flowers.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 11:15

Monday 18 May 2015

Lowering Cholesterol Without Statins.

Statins are a class of drugs that are often prescribed by doctors to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Thus, statins help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Studies show that, in certain people, statins reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death from heart disease by 25 to 35 percent. Studies have also shown that statins may reduce the likelihood of recurrent stroke or heart attack by about 40%.

"High cholesterol runs in conjunction with other problems. If you take statins, you only attack cholesterol, do not fix other problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome, "said Chauncey Crandall, MD.

Dr. Crandall recommends the following steps to lower cholesterol without statins :

Change your diet.

Plant-based diet, which consists mostly of fruits, vegetables, and grains, along with meat substitutes such as beans, lowering cholesterol naturally.

Take supplements of plant sterols.

Plant sterols, also known as plant stanols, is the plant version of cholesterol. And when consumed in sufficient quantities, plant sterols block the absorption of cholesterol in the human small intestine.

There are some products that contain plant sterols, such as a special margarine, but they also contain chemicals, so you better take a daily supplement of 2 grams.

Begin the day with oatmeal.

Oatmeal is the best defense against cholesterol foods. The reason is because oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which turns into a gel in the body, which helps you feel full and also interfere with digestion cholesterol, removing it from your body.

Get 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

Lack of sleep can increase LDL cholesterol, known as cholesterol is "bad," contributes to high blood pressure, and lead to overeating. If you snore, or find yourself excessively sleepy during the day, check yourself for sleep disorders are common and dangerous that known as sleep apnea.

Check your vitamin D levels.

Lack of vitamin D linked to high cholesterol. The body's ability to synthesize vitamin D from the sun decreases with age. Check your vitamin D levels with blood tests. If it is low, take a daily supplement of vitamin D.

Check your blood sugar levels.

You must have a fasting blood sugar level of 100 or less. Blood glucose levels are too high cause LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and high triglycerides, which are harmful blood fats, cholesterol remainder.

Reduce eating gluten.

Grain-based foods cause obesity and inflammation, which research shows can be a carrier of heart disease is even more dangerous than cholesterol. If you consume wheat products, make sure that you eat are whole grains, and avoid multi-grain products that are not healthy.

Exercise one hour every day.

Walk briskly for one hour will help lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, and ensure the flow of blood to your heart.

Take the supplement red yeast rice.

Red yeast rice is traditionally used in Chinese medicine. Red yeast rice contains substances that are chemically identical to the active ingredient in the statin drug. Download using instructions from your doctor.

Sprinkle foods with cinnamon.

In one study, researchers found that about half a tablespoon of cinnamon every day cut total cholesterol by 26 percent.

Cinnamon is also an excellent way to make heart-healthy foods, such as cheese or low-fat Greek yogurt, it tasted delicious. And if you sprinkle on oatmeal or other foods, you will encourage your breakfast power in the fight against cholesterol. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 18, 2015 at 13:56
Tags : Lowering Cholesterol Without Statins.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 13:56

Did you know Waking Things Herpes Virus.

Although it can be cured, herpes (skin rash illness caused by a virus) can always recur because the drugs can only be expelled most viruses. The rest will be crystallized, sleeping and hiding in the blood to rise again someday if he met with the trigger.
herpes disease.

There are two types of the virus that causes herpes, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type-1 and type-2. HSV type 1 is more common in the face, eyes and throat while HSV type 2 triggers infection in the genital or genital area.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 65 percent of adults are carriers of HSV type-2. Viruses are crystallized in the blood is generally not realized because it has no symptoms, although actually be active again if at any time to meet with the trigger.

There are three things that can awaken the herpes virus from hibernation or sleep length.

1. Sunlight

A study published in the American Sports Medicine reveals the relationship between oral herpes with sunlight, especially ultraviolet-B (UV-B). Mentioned, the skier who often bask have a higher risk for relapse oral herpes.

Rhoda Ashley Morrow, PhD, a virologist from the Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle said that risk can be prevented by sunscreen. According to him, SPF-36 have been powerful enough to ward off 100 percent of UV-B.

2. Stress

All the things that trigger stress can weaken the immune system. In these conditions, the herpes virus can rise and trigger an infection, especially in the throat, causing inflammation.

A study published in the journal Antiviral Research said, the recurrence of herpes due to stress can be prevented with red wine. Not only because it can relieve stress, direct contact with the alcohol can also prevent bangkutnya herpes virus and prevent infection in the throat.

3. Remove the gear

Dentists from Nova Southeastern University in Ft Lauderdale, Michael A Siegel, DDS said that the recurrence of herpes can be triggered by trauma that occur in the oral cavity. One form of trauma is tooth extractions and injections in the gums.

If you experience symptoms of sore throat in 12 hours after tooth extraction, contact your doctor to get antivirus. These preventive measures need to be done, especially if you have a history of herpes attacks up to 4 times a year.

How to Avoid Illness Herpes

Many people do not realize that he had been infected with the herpes virus because sometimes herpes does not cause symptoms. How is herpes disease transmission and how to avoid them?

There are two types of herpes that can infect humans, namely herpes zooster (shingles) that looks like chickenpox and genital herpes (herpes simplex).

Both diseases are caused by a different virus infection. If zooster herpes disease caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), genital herpes disease caused by Herpes HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus 2). Both of these diseases are different, but both are contagious disease.

Modes of transmission.

1. The disease is genital herpes (genital).

Transmission is through direct skin contact is from the infected area to the affected areas.

For example, when someone who is infected kissing or having sex such as oral, vaginal or anal, it can cause infected partner.

This type of herpes most contagious if someone is sick condition, usually characterized by itching, tingling and other sensations before appear any of the skin.

2. zooster herpes disease.

This disease usually affects adults who have immune system is declining. The herpes virus is everywhere but if someone has a good immune system, it rarely affected by this condition.

Varicella zoster virus is a virus that also causes smallpox. If the person has been exposed to smallpox rarely exposed to herpes zooster.

In contrast to smallpox, herpes zooster results in pain and tremendous pain. And location of the disease only occurs in some side of the body. Sometimes there are also attacking the eyes, face, neck, around the ears and the tip of the nose.

The first symptom is pain felt in one particular area. Followed by a rash which contains a liquid whose characteristics are similar to chickenpox. If scratched can lead to infection.

How to avoid

There are several ways you can do to avoid genital herpes infections, namely:

1. Using a condom is good for men or women.
A study showed that the herpes virus can not pass through latex condoms if used correctly. This practice enough to reduce the risk of transmission.

2. To be honest with your partner if one has a sexually transmitted infection, it can help to reduce transmission through sexual contact.

3. Do not perform oral sex if the flu or known to have HSV-1 in the mouth, because this could be spreading the virus to the genitals.

4. Faithful to one partner (monogamous) and practice safe sex every time you have without any exception. Reduce friction and also prevent small cuts in the vagina or penis potential entry of the virus into the body.

5. Wash your hands after touching the sores before touching other parts of the body to avoid the spread of the virus.

To avoid zooster herpes (shingles) there are several ways you can do, namely :

1. If you have not been getting chickenpox at all, try not contiguous with the person being smallpox.

2. Perform a vaccine to prevent infection with the varicella virus zooster. A person can not get herpes zooster if not ever get chicken pox, so one way is to protect yourself from chickenpox by the smallpox vaccine.

3. If you're having herpes zooster, frequently wash your hands so that the disease does not spread to other body parts.

4. As much as possible avoid touching or contact with people who are sick herpes zooster, because touch is one of the media the spread of this disease.

5. Keeping the immune system in order not to decrease, making it difficult virus to infect the body. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 18, 2015 at 12:36
Tags : Did you know Waking Things Herpes Virus.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 12:36

Did you know Measles.

Measles (rubeola, measles 9 days, measles) is a highly contagious viral infection, which is characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of connective eye / conjunctiva) and skin rashes. The disease is caused by the measles virus infection Paramixovirus group.
Transmission of infection occurs by inhaling spray saliva measles. Patients can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before the onset of skin rashes and 4 days after the rash there.

German Measles.
Before the widespread use of measles vaccination, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children aged pre-school and elementary school children. If someone has had measles, then the rest of his life normally he will be immune to the disease.


Measles, rubeola (not rubella = German measles), or measles (in some areas also called tampek, dabaken or morbili) is an infectious disease that is contagious or infectious since the beginning of the prodromal period, ie the range of the first 4 days since the appearance of the rash. Measles is caused by paramiksovirus (measles virus). Transmission occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth and throat with measles (water borne). The incubation period is 10-14 days before symptoms appear.
Immunity is obtained after vaccination against measles, active and passive immunity infection in a baby has been born to mothers who are immune (lasts for 1 year).

People who are susceptible to measles are :

- Infants aged over 1 year - babies who did not get immunized - teens and young adults who have not received a second immunization.


Symptoms begin to appear within 7-14 days after infection, which are :

* Heat agency
* Painful throat
* Colds Coryza
* Cough (Cough)
* Koplik spots
* Muscle pain
* Red-eye (conjuctivitis)
2-4 days later the small white spots appear in the mouth of the inner (Koplik's spots). Rash (redness of the skin), which feels a bit itchy appear 3-5 days after the onset of the above symptoms. This could take the form of macular rash (rash redness horizontal) and papules (reddish rash that stands out). At first the rash appears on the face, which is in front of and below the ears and on the neck next to the side. Within 1-2 days, the rash spreads to the trunk, arms and legs, while a rash on the face started to fade.
At the peak of the disease, people feel very sick, the rash spread and his temperature reaches 40 ° Celsius. 3-5 days later the body temperature drops, the patient begins to feel better and remaining rash quickly disappears.
Fever, lethargy, runny nose, cough and sore red eyes for a few days followed by a red blotchy rash that starts on the face and spreads down the body and lasts 4 days to 7 days.


In children who are healthy and sufficient nutrition, measles is rarely serious repercussions. Some of the complications that can accompany measles:
Bacterial infections: pneumonia and middle ear infections
Sometimes thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), so that patients prone to easy bruising and bleeding
Encephalitis (brain infection) occurs in 1 out of 1.000 to 2000 cases.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and a characteristic skin rash.
Other tests may be done:
blood tests, examination of peripheral blood
examination Ig M anti-measles
Examination of complications of measles:


There is no specific treatment for measles. Children should undergo a break. To reduce fever, given acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are given. So it must be on guard.


Measles vaccine is part of routine immunization in children. The vaccine is usually given in combination with mumps and German measles (MMR / mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine, injected in the muscles of the thigh or upper arm.
If only contains measles vaccine given at the age of 9 months. In the form of MMR, the first dose given at 12-15 months of age, the second dose is given at age 4-6 years.
In addition, patients should also be advised to rest for at least 10 days and eat nutritious food in order to increase immunity.
There is also a MMRV vaccine, a combination vaccine MMR vaccine and chickenpox (varicella). With this combination, the governance of vaccination is simpler, because the number of injections fewer and cheaper. But for children aged 2 years or less, MMRV vaccine have more side effects than the vaccine MMR and chickenpox vaccines separately in one day. The addition of febrile seizures occurring events 7 to 10 days after vaccination, the incidence of mild fever and the addition of additional events such as itching measles. But MMRV vaccination at age 4 to 6 years there was no evidence of the incidence of febrile seizure compared to the addition of the vaccine MMR and chickenpox vaccines separately.

Incubation time.

Time of exposure to illness: About 10 to 12 days until first symptoms, and 14 days until the rash develops. Immunisation (MMR) at 12 months and 4 years. People who are close and are not immune should not attend school or work for 14 days.

Time suggested exile.

Is recommended for at least 4 days after the rash appears.

Beware of German Measles Due to Hot Weather and fatigue.

In hot weather, as now, the immune system tends to weaken and thus susceptible to viral infections. One of the viral infection is endemic middle commonly known as German measles or 3-day measles, which is characterized by a reddish rash on the skin surface.

German measles (Rubella) is different from the regular measles (measles) which lasts longer and healing old wounds as well. German measles only lasted 3 days and not too dangerous except in pregnant women because it can cause fetal defects.

Even many people who are unknowingly exposed to German measles when experience. A red rash around the neck or body mistaken for allergies, while the fever is considered normal fever.

German measles is often prevalent in hot and dry weather as happened in the last few days. Moreover, most people are fasting, so the body is easy to feel tired and durability decrease.

German Measles virus infection characterized by high fever and a red rash on the skin surface, sometimes accompanied by pain in the throat when used for swallowing. German Measles generally not lethal, but be wary in pregnant women because it can trigger a miscarriage.

"Just like the flu, German measles virus is also transmitted through droplets (droplets of sputum that comes out when coughing or sneezing). Hence it is often in contact with the office, because it was in one room," said an expert in internal medicine from the University of Indonesia.

To prevent transmission of German Measles, the first thing to do is to keep the immune system by eating nutritious foods. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins are highly recommended, if necessary, can be added supplements of vitamin C and B complex.

In addition, if there is a very important should not linger activities under the scorching sun. Even if forced to leave the room, you should use umbrellas or other protective so that the body does not overheat.

German Measles transmission risk is influenced by several factors, among others, as follows :

1. Immune system
2. The amount of virus circulating
3. Environment including the weather and cleanliness.

German measles is also often referred to as the 3-Day Measles because most will heal by itself within 3 days. Although harmless, these infections need to watch out for is endemic and in such hot weather is a higher risk of transmission of dengue fever.  Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 18, 2015 at 11:55
Tags : Did you know Measles.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 11:55

Do You Know About Eczema.

Eczema is often called eczema, or dermatitis is a severe inflammation that causes the formation of small blisters or bubbles (vesicles) on the skin until finally burst and eject the liquid. The term eczema is also used for a group of conditions that cause changes in the pattern of the skin and cause specific changes in the surface. The term is derived from the Greek word meaning 'boiling or flow out'.


Some types of eczema are :

disease eczema.

Atopic dermatitis :

One type of eczema is the most common and is a hereditary disease. Atopic dermatitis usually begins when a baby and kid with symptoms such as itching, rash, and in some people with asthma often arise and hay fever (hay fever).

Contact dermatitis :

Covering allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by a delayed immune reaction (delayed immune system) as a result of skin contact with the allergenic substances that cause inflammation of the skin within 48 hours after exposure occurs. Some causative agent of this type of eczema is nettles, perfumes, cosmetics preservatives, metal, and dyes. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs because of exposure to irritant compounds that can damage the skin chemically, for example, harsh soaps, detergents and other cleaning products. The irritant compounds can remove oil and moisture from the outer layer of skin, then damage the protective layer and trigger inflammation.

Eczema numular :

Some plaques of eczema that is usually associated with dry skin and occur on the outside of the feet, hands, and arms.

Stasis eczema :

Chronic eczema types underfoot area inside associated with varicose veins.


The main symptom of the onset of mild eczema is an area of ​​smooth, slightly flushed dry, scaly, can cause itching or not, and usually found in the legs or arms. In patients with acute eczema, skin will experience intense itching, usually occurs in the front of the elbows, behind the knees, and face. However, any area of ​​skin may be affected. Furthermore, the skin becomes more sensitive to scratchy fabrics, especially wool. In the winter, the eczema will become more severe because the indoor air is very dry.

Factors affecting.

Some materials that can aggravate eczema is sand, dust, detergents, soap, foam soap, perfume, stress, emotional disturbances, chlorine, as well as scratching and rubbing. Environmental temperature extremes, such as cold weather with low humidity and dry air, also aggravate the disease. In some cases, food allergies can also affect eczema. Examples of foods such as cow's milk, fish, eggs, oranges, peanuts, and wheat.


Mild eczema require no treatment, but skin hydration should be maintained so as not too dry. Including by using hydrocortisone cream on the infected skin area several times a day. For patients with acute eczema, can use steroid creams or antihistamines to prevent or control the itching. Some other treatments to deal with eczema include cold compresses, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and phototherapy.

Causes, Characteristics and Ways to Overcome Eczema Skin Disease.
Eczema, or eczema as described by experts is a chronic skin disorder that results in the affected body part will feel very itchy. Eczema occurs because of an inflammation of the skin layers, both in the epidermis and dermis layers. As you know, that the skin consists of three layers: the cuticle layer (epidermis), the dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.

Epidermis as the uppermost layer formed on the gestation of 5-6 weeks. At least, ranging from 28 days the skin will be replaced with new skin in infants. In addition, there are pigment cells that protects the body from the effects of sunlight. When the baby's skin looks red, then there is little on the frantic mother, worried about her weight that the skin disease eczema, but it is not always so.

Before the mother claimed the child eczema, then know first signs of eczema. Signs of skin diseases such as eczema rosy, also may take the form of dry skin, but wet. The characteristics of eczema may also form a thick and scaly. Likewise characteristics eczema inflammation, ie the body's reaction to a foreign body, which is characterized by a burning sensation, swelling, pain, and disorders can also result in organ function (part of the body organs can not function optimally.

Usually eczema, or eczema new people then somewhat redder skin color, then also a bit wet, which is also accompanied by swelling. Well, as for the chronic or long stages, the skin will be thicker, scaly, dry, and somewhat blackish color. As for eczema in infants usually appear on the cheeks, forehead and scalp. The skin will itch, also looked reddish, scaly or sometimes looks a little wet, and when scratched will cause damage to the skin barrier, so it would be bad form of infection caused by bacteria.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is also a chronic inflammation, which occurs in the upper layers of the skin, causing itching highly. Eczema is a hypersensitivity disease that often occurs in patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma or allergy sufferers.

Causes Eczema.

The exact cause of eczema is still unknown. Experts argue that this eczema is genetically inherited. Likewise, environmental conditions with various chemicals such as soap, cigarette smoke, perfume, too often in air-conditioned room (with temperatures below 18 degrees Celsius), and frequent use clothes of wool, it all becomes a trigger of the occurrence of eczema ,

Eczema in infants is usually caused by changes in eating habits, and also a habit of flipping brand of formula, as well as babies who do not get enough milk consumption. Other factors in the form of changes in the weather, a lot of sweat, nature allergic to something, dust in the house.

Tips to Overcome and Prevent Eczema.

When symptoms of Eczema appears as itchy or red color appears. So to address the immediate Eczema immediately remembered before, what to eat and worn on the body, and then quickly to avoid it if potentially make the body itch.
To relieve the itching, the doctor will usually give an antihistamine, which can relieve itching, so it can be more convenient.
The Eczema in infants can be treated with anti-inflammatory cream with a doctor's prescription, this cream aims to eliminate redness and swelling of the skin. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 18, 2015 at 11:01
Tags : Do You Know About Eczema.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 11:01

Sunday 17 May 2015

Brutal Execution fond.

Compared to late grandfather and his father, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un easier to execute.
Not just target political opponents, the death penalty was 32 years in the style of leader also applies to the allies, namely those which he values ​​traitor or unfaithful.
Regardless of whether or not the report, Jong-un has been successfully building its image as a fierce leader. Western media even called the youngest son of Kim Jong-il as a bloodthirsty dictator.
"Two North Korean leader rarely execute previously included high-ranking officials. Those who are not faithful usually only shunned," said Andrei Lankov.

Lankov is widely recognized as a political analyst, said North Korea, during his life, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il is often alienating officials they deem mischievous.
If not exiled, officials deemed disloyal or treason were sent to labor camps. The situation is no better than facing a firing squad.

Although execution by firing squad was his favorite method of punishment, Jong-un also several times impose brutal force, including the execution of the anti-aircraft guns, mortars, flamethrowers and with poison. Previous methods of execution by throwing the target into the kennels of prey also on the list, and the final report was corrected.

Jang Song-thaek, uncle Jong-un that at the beginning of his reign had become a political adviser dying in front of a firing squad. Politicians once touted as the number two in the execution after Pyongyang was accused of corruption and treason. On December 2013, Jang was shot dead in front of his family and political officials to North Korea.

Kim Kyong-hui, who is also the wife of Jang Jong-un's aunt, died not long after her husband dies. Female 68-year-old reportedly suffered a stroke and died in May 2014. But the report says that Kim died of poisoning. Reportedly Jong-un himself who asks her aunt poisoned after repeatedly protesting the death of Jang. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 17, 2015 at 17:24
Tags : Brutal Execution fond.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 17:24

Execution Controversy North Korea.

Kim Jong-un is more cruel than the father-grandfather.

This week South Korea reported that Hyon Yong-chol be targeted executions terbatu Jong-un. Men 66 years of defense minister was reportedly killed by anti-aircraft guns or machine guns that can shoot down aircraft from the ground. Whether or not the report is still a matter of controversy.

Many observers have questioned the accuracy and motives of the National Intelligence Agency (NIS) South Korea disseminate information about executions in front of hundreds of party officials and colleagues Jong-un was. They argue difficulty in reasoning why Hyon executed as it is, because during this Hyon including officials, even a month ago, he became one of the speakers at the international symposium in Moscow, Russia.

Other evidence corroborating analysis of the North Korean observers, Hyon still performing with North Korean leader Kim Yong-un in the latest propaganda films were screened this week. Normally, people are excluded from the rule will not appear in the official records, names and images they will be immediately removed.

North Korea watchers Instute Sejong, South Korea, Cheong Seong-chang said that North Korea's Rodong Sinmun media still contained the names of General Hyon edition on 29 April, when the NIS said that Hyon was executed on April 30. "That is, he was arrested April 30 and executed on the same day.
It is hard to believe, but he tried separately do something like kill Kim Jong-un, "said Cheong.

Although many question the dubious enter their information, NIS is adamant that the execution right. That's why NIS want to share that information with the Korean parliament Selatn. But they could not reveal the source of such information.
If really executed, Hyon be the most important official who was ousted by Jong-un, in addition to Jang.
"(Execution) This could mean that solidarity with the Pyongyang regime has cracked or is other evidence that Kim Jong-un is being reinforce his power," said Koh Yuhwan, special observers of North Korea at Dongguk University, Seoul. Jong-un is the way to get rid of people who do not agree with him.

During this time, getting rid of officials who do not like for the sake of joining forces has become a political game that is common in North Korea. Kim Jong-un's grandfather and founder of North Korea Kim Il-sung also get rid of his political rivals in order to consolidate the power of the post-war Korea in 1953. Jong-il, Jong-un's father, not too extreme in carrying out executions of political opponents.
He prefers to combine the elderly and young groups in the country's political elite. People who used to be loyal to his father even got high positions. Jong-il feel safe because it has been gaining strength for 20 years to before finally ruling.

This is different to Jong-un, his power when he was young and did not have time to join forces. When Jong-il suffered a stroke in 2008, Jong-un was 20 years old and had to replace his father. When Jong-il died in 2011 and plenipotentiary, Jong-un begin to clean, at least 72 senior leaders in the military and party officials were executed.
"Kim Jong-un might feel the need to quell dissatisfaction and rising skepticism in the military elite of the government to make an example of one of their ministers, General Hyon," said North Korea analyst at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, South Korea Kim Dong-yup. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 17, 2015 at 11:59
Tags : Execution Controversy North Korea.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 11:59