Monday 18 May 2015

Did you know Measles.

Measles (rubeola, measles 9 days, measles) is a highly contagious viral infection, which is characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of connective eye / conjunctiva) and skin rashes. The disease is caused by the measles virus infection Paramixovirus group.
Transmission of infection occurs by inhaling spray saliva measles. Patients can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before the onset of skin rashes and 4 days after the rash there.

German Measles.
Before the widespread use of measles vaccination, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children aged pre-school and elementary school children. If someone has had measles, then the rest of his life normally he will be immune to the disease.


Measles, rubeola (not rubella = German measles), or measles (in some areas also called tampek, dabaken or morbili) is an infectious disease that is contagious or infectious since the beginning of the prodromal period, ie the range of the first 4 days since the appearance of the rash. Measles is caused by paramiksovirus (measles virus). Transmission occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth and throat with measles (water borne). The incubation period is 10-14 days before symptoms appear.
Immunity is obtained after vaccination against measles, active and passive immunity infection in a baby has been born to mothers who are immune (lasts for 1 year).

People who are susceptible to measles are :

- Infants aged over 1 year - babies who did not get immunized - teens and young adults who have not received a second immunization.


Symptoms begin to appear within 7-14 days after infection, which are :

* Heat agency
* Painful throat
* Colds Coryza
* Cough (Cough)
* Koplik spots
* Muscle pain
* Red-eye (conjuctivitis)
2-4 days later the small white spots appear in the mouth of the inner (Koplik's spots). Rash (redness of the skin), which feels a bit itchy appear 3-5 days after the onset of the above symptoms. This could take the form of macular rash (rash redness horizontal) and papules (reddish rash that stands out). At first the rash appears on the face, which is in front of and below the ears and on the neck next to the side. Within 1-2 days, the rash spreads to the trunk, arms and legs, while a rash on the face started to fade.
At the peak of the disease, people feel very sick, the rash spread and his temperature reaches 40 ° Celsius. 3-5 days later the body temperature drops, the patient begins to feel better and remaining rash quickly disappears.
Fever, lethargy, runny nose, cough and sore red eyes for a few days followed by a red blotchy rash that starts on the face and spreads down the body and lasts 4 days to 7 days.


In children who are healthy and sufficient nutrition, measles is rarely serious repercussions. Some of the complications that can accompany measles:
Bacterial infections: pneumonia and middle ear infections
Sometimes thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), so that patients prone to easy bruising and bleeding
Encephalitis (brain infection) occurs in 1 out of 1.000 to 2000 cases.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and a characteristic skin rash.
Other tests may be done:
blood tests, examination of peripheral blood
examination Ig M anti-measles
Examination of complications of measles:


There is no specific treatment for measles. Children should undergo a break. To reduce fever, given acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are given. So it must be on guard.


Measles vaccine is part of routine immunization in children. The vaccine is usually given in combination with mumps and German measles (MMR / mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine, injected in the muscles of the thigh or upper arm.
If only contains measles vaccine given at the age of 9 months. In the form of MMR, the first dose given at 12-15 months of age, the second dose is given at age 4-6 years.
In addition, patients should also be advised to rest for at least 10 days and eat nutritious food in order to increase immunity.
There is also a MMRV vaccine, a combination vaccine MMR vaccine and chickenpox (varicella). With this combination, the governance of vaccination is simpler, because the number of injections fewer and cheaper. But for children aged 2 years or less, MMRV vaccine have more side effects than the vaccine MMR and chickenpox vaccines separately in one day. The addition of febrile seizures occurring events 7 to 10 days after vaccination, the incidence of mild fever and the addition of additional events such as itching measles. But MMRV vaccination at age 4 to 6 years there was no evidence of the incidence of febrile seizure compared to the addition of the vaccine MMR and chickenpox vaccines separately.

Incubation time.

Time of exposure to illness: About 10 to 12 days until first symptoms, and 14 days until the rash develops. Immunisation (MMR) at 12 months and 4 years. People who are close and are not immune should not attend school or work for 14 days.

Time suggested exile.

Is recommended for at least 4 days after the rash appears.

Beware of German Measles Due to Hot Weather and fatigue.

In hot weather, as now, the immune system tends to weaken and thus susceptible to viral infections. One of the viral infection is endemic middle commonly known as German measles or 3-day measles, which is characterized by a reddish rash on the skin surface.

German measles (Rubella) is different from the regular measles (measles) which lasts longer and healing old wounds as well. German measles only lasted 3 days and not too dangerous except in pregnant women because it can cause fetal defects.

Even many people who are unknowingly exposed to German measles when experience. A red rash around the neck or body mistaken for allergies, while the fever is considered normal fever.

German measles is often prevalent in hot and dry weather as happened in the last few days. Moreover, most people are fasting, so the body is easy to feel tired and durability decrease.

German Measles virus infection characterized by high fever and a red rash on the skin surface, sometimes accompanied by pain in the throat when used for swallowing. German Measles generally not lethal, but be wary in pregnant women because it can trigger a miscarriage.

"Just like the flu, German measles virus is also transmitted through droplets (droplets of sputum that comes out when coughing or sneezing). Hence it is often in contact with the office, because it was in one room," said an expert in internal medicine from the University of Indonesia.

To prevent transmission of German Measles, the first thing to do is to keep the immune system by eating nutritious foods. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins are highly recommended, if necessary, can be added supplements of vitamin C and B complex.

In addition, if there is a very important should not linger activities under the scorching sun. Even if forced to leave the room, you should use umbrellas or other protective so that the body does not overheat.

German Measles transmission risk is influenced by several factors, among others, as follows :

1. Immune system
2. The amount of virus circulating
3. Environment including the weather and cleanliness.

German measles is also often referred to as the 3-Day Measles because most will heal by itself within 3 days. Although harmless, these infections need to watch out for is endemic and in such hot weather is a higher risk of transmission of dengue fever.  Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 18, 2015 at 11:55
Tags : Did you know Measles.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:55

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