Friday 28 February 2014

MUI never reported income.

Never reported MUI Halal Certificate results to the state.

Members of the House of Representatives Commission VIII, Hasrul Anwar, say, the Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI ) never reported the income giving halal certification . In fact , revenue from the provision of halal certification in the pockets of the MUI and not transferred to the state treasury through non-tax revenues ( non-tax revenues ) .
"There is no (report), has never been reported. Dan (revenue) to bag the MUI," said Hasrul Parliament Complex in Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (02/27/2014).
Hasrul explained , revenue from the provision of halal certification should be tightly controlled and put into state coffers . This is one of the spirit of the draft Law on Halal Product Guarantee that is being held in the Commission VIII .
Currently , Hasrul said , there is no official rates to obtain halal certification from MUI . The applicant for certification was only required to bear all the requirements for granting certification process carried out , such as the cost of accommodation , transportation , and others .
"When the bill is passed , all the income will be certified in the state treasury , " he concluded .
As reported , the problem of giving halal certification is still reaping the spotlight . Halal Product Warranty bill proposed at the initiative of the House of Representatives since 2006, has not completed its discussion until the end of the assignment period 2009-2014 .
In addition to regulating the tariff and non-tax revenues , the bill would also regulate the institutions that will provide halal certification . Proposals regarding institutions that create internal debates at the Commission VIII and with the government and ultimately the bill never passed into law .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 28, 2014 at 10:20
Tag : MUI never reported income.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:20

The title of Professor.

Rhoma Irama
Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh said , the title of professor are pinned to dangdut Rhoma Irama equalization should be tested first in the country . If it turns out not to be valid Rhoma degree , according to Noah , could have been sentenced Rhoma accordance with Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education ) .
" So that would be if he was graduated abroad , not necessarily we admit . There should be a name equalization . We'll see if it has been accredited institution , the curriculum , only if already qualified , we set it equal , " Noah said when met at Bidakara , Jakarta , Thursday ( 27/02/2014 ) .
Noah said he did not know anything about Rhoma obtained the title of professor . He also questioned the title because typically , a professor still teaches and has research work recognized .
" It's usually when in Indonesia . If outside , I do not know . But usually a great teacher is one who teaches . This general rule everywhere for a great teacher . He has papers and has research , "said Noah .
What impact, if carelessly pinned academic degree ? " Yes there are sanctions , trying to read in the Education Law , " said Noah .
Rules on the use of criminal sanctions are not appropriate academic degree is governed by Article 68 of Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System . In verse two and four aforementioned article stated , " Any person who uses a diploma , a certificate of competence , academic degree , professional , and / or vocational education units obtained from ineligible shall be punished with imprisonment of five years and / or criminal maximum fine of Rp 500,000,000.00 ( five hundred million rupiah ) . "
In the fourth paragraph of Article 68 stated , "Everyone who acquire and / or use the designation professor who does not comply with Article 23 Paragraph ( 1 ) and / or paragraph ( 2 ) shall be punished with imprisonment of five years and / or fined maximum of Rp 500,000,000.00 ( five hundred million rupiah ) . "
As reported , billboards and banners illustrated Rhoma Irama in the Western Cape Street Raya , South Jakarta , was invited talks . Because these billboards that read " President Prof Together We Rhoma Irama " .
Rhoma admitted he was more than happy if just written Rhoma Irama without using his title . According to him , the addition of a professor that is the initiative of a team of supporters .
Presidential candidate from PKB was claimed the title of professor from the American University of Hawaii in 2005 . At that time, there were three professors who came to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah . The award , called Rhoma , because he was regarded as a great teacher in Indonesian dangdut music .
" Those who give the title because they assess Rhoma is professor of music , so given the title of Professor in Music , " Rhoma said .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 28, 2014 at 10:03
Tag : Rhoma Irama Can Be Sentenced, You Know Use the title of Professor.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:03

Thursday 27 February 2014

The Roman Empire.

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire (Latin: Imperium Romanum IMPERIVM ROMANVM or) is a political entity that once in power in Italy today with Rome as the center of government. Although the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC, it took 500 years for the Roman government to affirm its power to pass through the Italian peninsula.
In the process of expanding its power, the Roman clashed with Carthage (government established in 814 BC by the Phoenicians). As a result, they fought in a war called Punic War (264-241 BC). The war ended with the capture of the city of Carthage by the Romans in 146 BC, which marked the beginning of the dominance of the Roman government in Europe, which continued to rule with supreme power over the next six centuries.

The dissolution of the Roman Republic (50 BC). 

Julius Caesar is remembered as the most perfect Roman emperor (although Rome was still a republic office of the emperor during his lifetime and has not established until he died). He ruled the Roman Republic a few years after the conquest of Gaul in force last alesia hill, until his tragic death in the Senate in 44 BC trial.
Julius Caesar owned power acquired while he was serving as a member of the triumvirate (a governing board consisting of the triad, when it: Caesar, Crassus and Pompei) as a military leader. It was then that he started a plan to seize vast areas in northern Europe dominated the Gauls with the support of her best friend, Pompei (106-48 BC).
Since the defeat of Carthage, about a century before Caesar's birth, the Republic of Rome was filled with civil war, rebellion military power, corruption, and the dissatisfaction of the board of the Senate as the center of government. A chaotic political conditions in a powerful republic in the middle of the sea. With the establishment of the triumvirate, some problems can be handled, although Caesar realized that the republican system has been improperly maintained.
In the hands of Julius Caesar the Roman nation began to realize his dream to strike northeast and northern Europe. He urged the Roman border to mainland UK (Brittania) so that more than half of the European continent under the control of the Roman Republic. However Caesar victory was considered a threat to the republic by some members of the Senate, even Pompei supporting the Senate against Caesar. The situation is forcing Caesar to commit coup and ignoring the law of the republic's government. From the north, Caesar with his army attacked and captured the city of Rome from the hands of the Senate, defeating Pompei and chased her to Egypt (where he got only one remains due to head Pompei committed murder conspiracy in Egypt, it is very regrettable by Caesar). Make it as a victory of Julius Caesar Roman ruler with absolute power. He continued to rule until killed by a group of people who still support the republic in 44 BC.
Julius Caesar of Rome changed the course of history - and of course, the history of Europe. In Rome itself, he overthrew the republican government (despite having to do a coup and fought with his comrades in arms, Pompeius magnus) and created the office of the fact is that according to an emperor, who made an official office by his nephew Octavian (63 BC-14 AD) when he came to power after the death of his uncle. When the new Caesar began to reign, Rome was the main ruler in the Mediterranean. At the time of his death, Rome also became the first government in the European superpower-or perhaps all over the world (with the exception of the Persians under Cyrus and Macedonia under Alexander).

The birth of the Roman Empire (30 BC).

The birth of the Roman Empire (30 BC). 

Emperor Augustus, the first emperor and founder of the Roman Empire
After Julius Caesar died, he was succeeded by his nephew named Octavian. But not only a big office, big issues also helped inherited his uncle, besides getting a lot of resistance from his rivals, Octavian also must dismantle scandal caesarean murder committed by a syndicate led by Gaius Cassius conspiracy and Mark Yunius Brutus. Therefore, he agreed to lead a triumvirate (a governing board consisting of the triad) together Marcus Lepidus (? -13 BC) and Marcus Antonius (83-30 BC).
But once again, this triumvirate of government is not quite successful, giving rise to many problems including Mark Antony's love story with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra in the future. Cleopatra itself was the last leader of the last dynasty of Egypt (Ptolemy), a queen who in the past have also been scandalous romance with Caesar. We leave first Cleopatra, Julius Caesar after the killers were caught and destroyed, triumvirate agreed to share power geographically, with Octavian in Europe, Africa and Lepidus in Antony of Egypt.
In Egypt, Mark Antony began his reign in the cosmopolitan city of Alexandria, that's where he met Cleopatra (69-30 BC) which later he married (although it is probable the two had met when Caesar was alive). Slowly but surely, friend of Julius Caesar's arms start moving party. He sets his three sons as his successor, and often times he presented his wife with expensive objects, even a rumor arose that he will award the city of Rome (which is controlled by Octavianus) to Cleopatra, as a gift.
When the rumor spread and heard by Octavian, he became furious and declared war against Anthony. Both sides face to face in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC In. In the battle, forces and urged Anthony successfully defeated (Anthony and Cleopatra then end their lives by suicide in 30 BC). Octavian declared himself as a Roman emperor with new titles, including Imperator and Emperor Augustus (Augustus Caesar). With this declaration, the Roman Empire, the peak of political domination that was built during the 7th century, the official stand. Precisely in 27 BC.

Year four emperors (69 AD). 

After Emperor Nero committed suicide in AD 68, a civil war erupted in the Roman Empire (the first civil war since Antony's death in 30 BC), a period also known as the Year four Emperor (Year of the four emperors). Between June 68 to December 69, Roman Emperor changed up to 3 times in one year (Nero replaced Galba, Otho replaced Galba, Otho Vitellius replaced, replaced Vitellius Vespasian, first ruler of the Flavian dynasty). This civil war period itself is considered to be the beginning of a black record in the history of the Roman Empire, because he has incurred huge implications on the political and military stability of Rome at that time.

Crisis In the 3rd century (253-284). 

After Augustus declared an end to the civil war in the 1st century BC, the Roman Empire experienced a period in which the expansion of the region, peace, and economic kemakmurah felt all over the Empire (Pax Romana). But in the third century, the Empire faced with a crisis in which the nation attacks bars, civil war, and hyperinflation occurs at the same time and continuously, which almost caused the collapse of the Roman Empire.
One caused this mess in the absence of a clear system governing the succession (succesion) since Augustus died without a successor appointed Empire (normally, power will be transferred to the child emperor, but at that time Augustus had no children). This causes chaos at the turn of the empire in the 1st century and 2nd, but usually the turmoil did not last long.
In the 3rd century, the peak of the empire led at least 25 years of Emperor between 235-284 (commonly called Emperor-Military (Soldier-Emperor). Emperor Most of these 25 have been killed or been killed in the conflict this century 3. Periods This is considered expired after Diocletian ruling.

The spread of Christianity in the Roman. 

Approximately three centuries after the death of Emperor Augustus (died in 14 AD), in the form of imperial Rome has grown rapidly. With a vast territory and invincible military power, the Roman Empire became the largest empire in the known world at that time, a period commonly known as the Pax Romana, where ever materialized.
At this time, Christianity began to grow and flourish in Rome. Unlike previous religions, which is passed from generation to generation as cultural characteristics of a nation, Christianity is actively convert those who do not believe. Christianity originated from the Middle East and spread to Greece and Egypt. The Christian missionaries, especially disciples of Jesus, Peter (? -67 AD), pioneer of the spread of Christianity, together Saul of Tarsus (5-67 AD), now known as Paul, preaching the new religion throughout the Empire and even as far as Rome.
At first, the arrival of this new religion could be tolerated by the Romans. But on further development, the Romans began to worry about the spread of Christianity so quickly. They are worried about this religion will split the unity of the Romans. So began the massacre of the people who embraced Christianity. They were killed, persecuted or be fed lion in a circus ring. Nevertheless, underground movements remain active Christians proselytize, they make Rome as the center of their movement.
Until one day, this situation changed when Constantine (280-337 AD), who embraced Christianity, in power. Under his leadership, which initially opposed the religion, began to be accepted and even developed. In fact, he had become a mediator in a serious dispute about the doctrine between western and eastern groups in the Church. He invited the bishops representing both groups to attend a Council of Nicea in 325 AD. There differences between them resolved. The Nicene Creed, the manuscript was made at the conference, establish Christian beliefs are fundamental to both groups agreed.
Furthermore, Constantine took a number of steps to save Christians from destruction, either as a result of external or internal strife persecution. It also establishes Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire across government.
That's because his services, the religion began to spread even become dominant in the rest of Europe (because when it was, the Romans controlled almost the entire continent of Europe).

The division of the Roman Empire (395). 

Single division of the Roman Empire into two (Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire) occurred about 395 years after the death of Thedosius I. The division of power is carried out through a series of interrelated events.

Regional division by Diocletian (305). 

When the Roman Emperor, Diocletian began experiencing serious difficulties in running the government over a vast area, the difficulty of which;
* The area is too wide resulting in coordination with other regional centers are blocked, it took many months for an edict or law of the seat of government samapai to remote areas.
* The area is too wide it also results in lower supervision and custody of another nation attacks such as the Goths, Visigoths, Vandals and the Franks.
Diocletian saw that the Roman Empire would not survive if it is led by the government alone, so he divided the empire into two at around the eastern Italian regions (see), and called its leader with the title of Augustus
* The Western Roman Empire by Diocletian as Augustus for the Western Region
* Eastern Roman Empire with Maximian, Diocletian's best friend, as Augustus region East Region
However, at the time of the Roman Empire remains a single Empire, splitting into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire occurred during the leadership Theodisius I.

Tetrachy (Four Leader) (285-324). 

After the Roman Empire divided into two regions. In each of the 293 young emperor Augustus chose called Caesar (distinguishing between Emperor (Emperor) with Caesar) as a maid and as successor administrative affairs of the Empire if they die; become Caesar Galerius and Constantius Chlorus under Dioclotian under Maximian. This constitution is called Tetrachy in the science of modern government.
At first, the system is quite successful in preventing the destruction of the Roman Empire. The decrease in power was held peacefully. Every Caesar, from the west or east, replacing each Augustus Caesar and raised New; raised his nephew Maximinus Galerius, and Constantius Flavius ​​Valerius Severus raised as his Caesar. But the situation changed when Constantius Chlorus died on July 25, 306. Constantius troops in Eboracum immediately raised area Constantine, son of Constantius, as Augustus. And in August the same year, also decided to appoint Galerius became Augustus Severus.
When dissatisfaction is rampant, Roma faced with a revolution that menginkan Maxentius Maximian child, became Augustus (eventually he became Augustus on October 28, 306). Unlike the others, the appointment of Maxentius was supported by the Praetorian troops. This led Empire has 5 leaders: Four Augustus (Galerius, Constantine, Severus and Maxentius) and a Caesar (Maximinus)
And in the year 307, Maximian also proclaimed himself as Augustus, next door to his son Maxentius (so in total, there are 6 people in the Roman Empire Augustus, namely: Maximinus, Maximian, Maxitius, Galerius, Constantine and Severus). However this is not approved by Galerius and Severus, giving rise to a civil war in the Italian regions. Finally, Serverus killed at the hands of Maxentius on September 16, 307. Both (Maximinus and Maxentius) was trying to lure Constantine to cooperate with how to match with Fausta Constantine, son Maxentius Maximian well as older sibling.
Things are complicated when Domitius Alexander, Vicarius (sort of governor) of the province of Africa self-proclaimed Augustus in 308. Seeing this development, it was held, which was attended by Congress Carnuntum Diocletian, Maximian, and Galerius.

The Congress resulted in the decision include: 

* Galerius became Augustus in the Eastern Roman Empire
* Maximinus became Caesar in the Eastern Roman Empire
* Maximian Fired
* Maxentius is not recognized, leadership is considered illegal
* Constantine gained recognition, but his position became Caesar scaled in the Western Roman Empire.
* Replaces Maximian Licinius Augustus in the Roman Empire as the Western Conference.
But the problem persists. Maximinus demanded that his title as Augustus returned. Finally, he proclaimed himself back as Augustus on May 1, 310. Followed by Maximian that memproklamairkan himself, for the third time, becoming Augustus. But he (Maximian) was killed by his own law, Constantine, in July 310. At the end of the year 310, the Roman Empire is still led by 4 official Augustus (Galerius, Maximinus, Constantine and Licinius) and an illegal Augustus (Maxentius)
Galerius died in May 311 leaving Maximinus sole ruler of the Roman Empire as the Eastern Conference. At the same time, Maxentius declared war on Constantine, who had killed his father (Maxentius Maximian is the biological father). But it backfired war for himself. He was killed in a battle against Constantine, Battle of the Milvian Bridge, on October 28, 312.
Due to the death of Maxentius, Augusti (the plural of Augustus) only trace 3; Maximinus, Constantine and Licinius. Licinius later married Constantia, sister of Constantine, to tie friendship with Constantine.
In August 313, Maximinus was killed in the area of ​​Tarsus, Cilicia. Remaining Augusti (Licius and Constantine) finally agreed to split the two regions of the Roman Empire, as was done by Diocletian; Constantine in the Western Roman Empire, and Lucius in the Eastern Roman Empire.
This power sharing lasted for ten years. Until the year 324, a battle between the two remaining Augusti happen. The war ended with the defeat of Lucius, making Constantine as sole ruler in the entire Roman Empire.
Then Constantine decided that almost destroyed the Empire, requiring new capital as the center of government. He decided to move the seat of government to the ancient city of Byzantium and changed its name to Nova Roma (but later, the city was known as Constantinople, the city of Constantine). Constantineople continues to be a center of the glorious reign of Constantine until his death on May 22, 337.

Theodosius I, Last Emperor (395). 

In 392, Valentinian died in Vienne. I Theodosius succeeded him, ruling the entire Roman Empire.
Theodosius had two sons (Arcadius and Honorius) and a daughter, Pulcheria, from his first wife, Aelia Flacilla. Daughter and his first wife later died in the year 385. From his second wife, Galla, he got a daughter, Galla Placidia, the mother of Valentinian III, a person who later became Emperor of the Western Roman Empire.
After his death in 395, her power is divided to two Arcadius and Honorius; Arcadius became ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire, with its capital of Constantinople, and Honorius became ruler in the West, with its capital Milan. This division is considered as the end of the Roman Empire Single.

Battle of Adrianople (378). 

Battle of Adrianople (August 9, 378) was a battle between a Roman army led by Emperor Valens and Germanic tribes (Germanic Tribes, mostly from the tribe of Visigoths and Ostrogoths) led by Fritigern. Battle of Adrianople occurred in the area and ended with a crushing defeat of the Roman Empire. This battle resulted in the death of the Emperor Valens. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2014 at 19:29
Tag : The Roman Empire.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:29

Did you know Biogas Production Method.

Biogas Production Method

Through bioconversion, organic waste such as feces, domestic rubbish and waste
agriculture can be converted into bioenergy. Bioenergy is a complex gas
consisting of methane, carbon dioxide, acid sulfide, and other gases.
This involves the bioconversion of organic waste fermentation process. Bioconversion process such a process also known as Anaerobic Digestion. Bioconversion process also naturally occurring in nature, ie, the formation of marsh gas or as animal byproducts of digestion, particularly ruminant animals.
Swamp gas actually a methane gas formed from materials organic crops through plant decomposition by bacteria. Furthermore, the gas is removed from the swamp and under certain conditions can ignite spontaneously.
This gas is an important fuel economy that can be used as a substitute for fuel oil, but because the plants are decomposed naturally limited in number, it is necessary to look for raw materials and technology successor.
Gas formation in ruminants occurs in the stomach and held in conjunction with the process of digestion. In the stomach, materials that have cellulose from grasses or other materials into ruminant diet with the addition of water is converted into acid
organic. These organic acids are further decomposed into methane gas and anaerobic carbon dioxide. It is estimated that about 75 tons a surprise methane released by the animals ruminants annually.
The process of anaerobic methane-making involves a complex interaction of
a number of different bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Some bacteria are
involved are Bacteroides, Clostridium butyrinum, Escericia coli and some
other intestinal bacteria, Methanobacterium, and Methanobacillus.
Two bacterial last is the main bacteria and methane-producing anaerobic life.

The process of making methane is divided into three stages, namely  ; 

1. Enzymatic hydrolysis, organic materials become insoluble ingredients organic soluble. The main enzymes involved are disjoint cellulase cellulose.
2. Changes in organic materials can be dissolved into organic acids.
The formation of organic acids is the case with the help of non-bacterial
methanogenik, protozoa and fungi.
3. Changes in organic acids into methane and carbon dioxide. Process these changes may occur due to the help of methanogenic bacteria
(Methanobacterium and Methanobacillus). Overall reaction to changes in organic materials into methane gas and carbon dioxide can be written by the following equation:
(C6 H10 O5) n + n  H2O ------ 3n 3n CO2 + CH4
The above equation applies when the substrate is cellulose. For
substrate in the form of complex organic compounds, such as lignin and tannins and aromatic compounds other polymers, the formation of methane gas through the reaction does not as above. Substrate in the form of a more simple aromatic compounds through aerobic activity of extracellular enzymes produced by a number of microorganisms.
Simple aromatic compounds is generally Benzenoid.
Furthermore, the benzenoid compounds through bacterial activity metaorganik, such as Methanobacterium formicum and Methanospirilum hungati, changed anaerobic seca into methane and carbon dioxide. This process occurs through the stages of change reaction as follows:
4 C6H5 COOH + 24 H 2 O  12 ------ HCOOH CH3COOH + 4 + 8 H2
 CH3COOH ------ 12 12 12 CH4 + CO2
      4 COOH ------  4 CO2 + H2
3 CO2 + H2 ------ 12  3 CH4 + 6 H2O
In brief, the overall reaction above can be simplified to:
4 C6H5 COOH + 18 H 2 O ------ 15  CH4 + CO2


Biogas Plant

1. Drum volume 200 liters
2. Drum volume 120 liters
3. A piece of pipe with a diameter of 10 cm 2 cm
4. Slang for gas distributor
5. Faucet gas distributor
6. Bucket
7. 5-liter jerry can
8. Hammer
9. Sculpture.


1. Cow dung, buffalo, poultry or other animals
2. Crops or waste and other organic waste
3. Water



1. Combine 2 liters of cow dung and two liters of water into the bucket, stir
up evenly
2. Add the mixture to the chopped grass to taste and stir back up evenly
3. Put mixture ingredients earlier in jerry volume 5 liter. Let the jerry can open
4. Keep jerry cans which have contained a mixture of materials was the
a safe and secure place for 2 months.
5. During storage, do lawyer-shocks on the jerrycan as much as 3 or 4 times a week starter biogas.


1. Collect manure or other farm animals
2. Collect organic materials such as agricultural waste, waste market, animal waste, or other organic wastes.
3. When organic materials that will be used has dried, crushed first by chopping until smooth.
4. When organic materials that will be used is still wet (still fresh), did laceration to facilitate decomposition, then keep it in the open for about 10 days in order to experience decay.


1. Put 3 buckets of organic materials that have been prepared on together with 3 buckets of water into the drum volume of 200 liter, then stir until evenly distributed.
2. Do the same up to a volume of about 2/3 the volume of the drums
Up to as high as 200 liters or 120 liters drum volume.
3. Put the prepared starter over into the 200-liter drums have filled organic ingredients, then stir until evenly distributed.
4. Put the drum volume of 120 liters with the faucet in a state opens.
Press the small drum to reach the bottom of the drum major.
There should be no air in the small drum.
5. If the surface of the drum volume of 120 liters is not set, remove
The drum back and add back organic materials and water into a 200-liter drum up sufficient volume to immerse the drum volume of 120 liters.
6. When it is believed that the drum volume of 120 liters immersed entirely
in a mixture of organic materials contained in the drum volume of 200 liters and the inside of the drum volume of 120 liters has been filled with organic ingredients, close the taps were found in
120 liter drum volume earlier (see figure).
7. Let the drums last for 3-4 weeks. During this time the process
fermentation will take place and the resulting gas will be trapped in a volume of 120 liters drums. This gas will cause the drum volume of 120 liters pushed upwards.
8. While waiting for the fermentation process takes place, check to see if there
gas leak from the drum volume of 120 liters. If leakage immediately the patched with paint or asphalt. To find a leak can be done by wetting the surface of the drum volume of 120 liters of soapy water. Leakage will be seen in the presence of froth on the leaking area.
9. Once known volume of 120 liter drums containing gas, check the gas is to
ensure that the gas is a gas formed can be used for fuel. Checks can be made by
open the faucet and igniting the gas pipelines.


1. The time required to produce gas about 3-4 weeks, after which
gas will be produced in abundance continuously for 8 weeks. During this 8-week,
half of the total gas produced was formed in 2-3 weeks first, the rest formed in 5-6 weeks.
2. After 8 weeks passed, the gas will not be a lot of form, then the unit biogas can be emptied again and the content can be used as a starter next to biogas production.
3. In making cow dung used starter still sought new (warm).
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2014 at 18:21
Tag : Did you know Biogas Production Method.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:21

Champagne No. 1 Available in Indonesia.

Esklusivitas , Tradition and Excellence are the 3 words that can describe the Armand de Brignac . Crowned as champagne ( champagne ) number 1 in the world in a blind - tasting conducted among more than 1,000 brands, Armand de Brignac is an example of winemaking expertise unmatched passion and genuine symbol of the art of Champagne .
Armand de Brignac is produced by Champagne Cattier chateau award winners of Chigny - les - Roses in France , which has the status of Premier Cru vineyards in the Montagne de Reims in the Champagne region . Patriarchy Cattier , Jean - Jacques Cattier , also oversees the production of Armand de Brignac to ensure that the family legacy lingers in every bottle .
" My family has been making the best wines for ten generations since 1793 in Chigny - les - Roses , France . Each Armand de Brignac in a mixture made ​​from selected grapes with a tight and just plucked from the vineyards of the status of Premier Cru and Grand Cru . Champagne is then produced through a combination of traditional methods of family secrets Cattier.Tiap bottle is made by hand in limited numbers by the mine workers , amounting to only 8 people including my son , Alexandre , who became head of production Cattier " Obviously Jean - Jacques Cattier , head of Champagne Cartier and Armand de Brignac Patriarchy of the brand .
Each wine is used in a mixture of Armand de Brignac status as Premier Cru and Grand Cru . - The highest rating for quality champagne , and wine - grapes used are picked from the most famous Champagne region : the Montagne de Reims , Cote des Blancs , and the Vallée de la Marne .
Traditional mixture of champagne Brut is composed of three main types of grapes used in champagne mix : Chardonnay , Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier and for champagne Armand de Brignac authentic as , by law , any wine must be picked by hand to ensure only the highest quality wines used in the winepress .
To ensure that the liquid produced by selected wines Armand de Brignac be a mix of high -quality , Cattier using traditional winepress Coquart machine , taking only the top layer of freshly Armand de Brignac to first , this is how Armand de Brignac is classified as Prestige Cuvee . Armand de Brignac mixture stored for more than 3 years in the cellar as deep as 30 meters or more than 119 rungs - categorized as the deepest cellar in the Champagne region so it is conducive to the process of aging champagne is very slow .
At the final stage of Armand de Brignac aging process , one by one bottle rotated by hand-a process that is rarely done today - then tilted to remove sediment there. One more thing that adds to the uniqueness of Armand de Brignac is a final touch of liqueur de dosage that has been stored in casks made ​​of oak Burgundy , added Armand de Brignac in a mixture in which no other champagne that have the same combination .
Armand de Brignac presentation of itself is a work of art . Gold -plated bottle impeccably already have their own roots in the French fashion industry . Fourth own label tin glued by hand and polished by the craftsmen of Armand de Brignac makes a very unique and special just like those who drink it . Each bottle is not wrapped in paper decorated velvet bag embroidered with Armand de Brignac and stored in a black wooden box into a lifestyle symbol 1 .
Armand de Brignac has also received international acclaim from wine experts around the world and was named the # 1 champagne in the world in the sense that the competition was conducted among 1000 names champagne from around the world , as reviewed by Fine Champagne magazine , the only media special international review of champagne and industry.
Armand de Brignac is currently available in more than 95 countries and has been presented in the best restaurants and hotels in the world such as Le Moulin de Mougins and La Bastide St . Antoine, Cannes - Greece , Le Sens and La Maison Blanche in Paris , Amsterdam 's Ciel Bleu , Four Seasons , Hilton , The Banyan Tree and Ritz - Carlton hotels around the world and officially announced the availability of the first in Indonesia , recently in Lobo Restaurant , Ritz Carlton Jakarta with the theme " the Taste of Gold " .
Armand de Brignac is present in Indonesia and brought by PT . Dimatique International , which provides an opportunity for No. community . 1 Indonesia to appreciate the precious moments in life with the No. champagne . 1 in the world .
" Different points of prestige in Indonesia has requested Armand de Brignac availability and we are very proud to provide our best champagne in Indonesia for the first time . Armand de Brignac is the perfect partner for every precious moment in life . Not to cover the perfection of the moment itself by its superiority , but to demonstrate a lifestyle statement as Armand de Brignac # 1 has been assessed . " Close Marjuky , General Manager of PT . Dimatique International , the authorized distributor and only Armand de Brignac for in Indonesia .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2014 at 17:04
Tag : Champagne No. 1.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:04

Did You Know About saccharin.



Artificial sweetener used as a sugar substitute in low-calorie foods, can be classified into two kinds. The first, which does not produce calories. For example, saccharin and cyclamate. Secondly, which still produces calories when consumed, for example sarbitol and aspartame. Saccharin has 200-500 times the sweetness of sucrose (sugar). SDI USA, saccharin is still allowed, while cyclamate has been banned because it allegedly can cause urinary tract disorders.
Sarbitol is a derivative of glucose (4 calories per gram). Sarbitol sweetness value relative to glucose and sucrose, respectively, 0.7 and 0.6. sarbitol means can provide the same level of sweetness to a lesser extent than glucose. So if you want to reduce calories, this is not the right kind of sweetener. Sarbitol more beneficial for people with diabetes because it can maintain stable blood glucose levels (to prevent rapid increases due to longer than glucose metabolism)
Another sweetener is aspartame which is an artificial sweetener that is safe for consumption. Aspartame consists of two amino acids, namely aspartame and assessment as amino asama both protein metabolism, which produces only 4 calories per gram. However, because the sweetness level is very high (approximately 400 times the sugar or sucrose), then use a small amount already meet the desired sweetness. Thus, given the number of calories is much lower than with sugar.

Understanding Saccharin. 

Saccharin is known among other names 0 - sulfone imide-benzoic first discovered in 1879 by Remsen. Saccharin is an artificial sweetener made from the sodium salt of saccharin to form a white powder, odorless and very sweet. This artificial sweetener has 550 times the sweetness of sugar levels normal. Therefore angat popular material used as a sugar substitute.
In trading known as Gucide, Glucid, Garantose, Saccharimol, Saccharol, and Sykosa. The cheapest price saccharin compared with other artificial sweeteners. Saccharin can save production costs. Price artificial sweeteners are much cheaper than real sugar. Artificial sweeteners are added only slightly to obtain a strong sweet taste.
There is no doubt that the majority of people, Äúmanis, Äù is a flavor that has its own appeal. Furthermore ituakan sweet appeal continues to increase, as the common phrase, Äùlebih sweeter, more attractive, Äù. Even this tendency for a child even though adults can merupaka addiction, meaning that sugary food addiction will continue to grow, if we do not own the limit. This is especially if as a baby, the first known food additives have been given sweetener.
So far, the main sweetener used is human, sugar, further developing artificial sweetener ingredients other than sugar. With these sweeteners are many people who use it as a gift for children for a particular achievement or as an expression of love. It is further exploited by the industrialists are particularly engaged in sugary foods (convectionery), such as sweets, chocolates, drinks, and pastries. They connect in terms of advertising (promotion) between, the sweetness of the love, luck, understanding, ease and variety of attraction that causes us more enamored with the products of the high sugar content.
Artificial sweetener is a sweetener produced through organic chemical reactions in the laboratory or on an industrial scale, may also be obtained synthetically and said no, result in calories as well as sugar substitutes. Most of the sweeteners saccharin and cyclamate mixture of. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set the boundaries of the so-called ADI Werte (requirement per person per day), which is a number that can be consumed without risk. This value for adults does not mean too much, but for children relative pose great sensitivity. For saccharin limit is 5 mg per body weight, while for cyclamate 11 mg per kg of body weight, meaning that if one tablet containing 16.5 mg or 70 mg saccharin cyclamate, then for a man weighing 70 kg the recommended amount to be consumed per day no more than 21 tablets or 11 tablets of saccharin cyclamate.
It is known human or animal body is composed of organs and tissues. Organ or tissue is composed of units which are very small, which is called a cell. These cells have different functions, but they multiply that number by way of the same division. In normal circumstances, the process of division was set up such that the number of cells that the body is formed in accordance with the amount needed to replace cells that have been worn or dead, in order to form organs or tissues are still arranged in a balanced and harmonious proportions. When the aberrant cell division process and can not be controlled, will lead to abnormal growth. The abnormal growth called neoplasia or grow double. Causes or factors diversion process of cell division that many kinds, including the now often discussed is that due to the nature of chemical substances and mikotoksi.

Chemical Structure and Sense. 

Chemical Structure and Sense.

Small changes in chemical structure can alter the taste of these compounds, for example, be bitter or sweet taste bland. Example: the effect of substitution of saccharin (saccharin is 500 times sweeter than sugar), the addition of a nitro group at the meta position would make be very bitter compounds, metal substitution on the amino group to produce compounds that bland, saccharine whereas in high concentrations tend to give a bitter taste.

Dangers of Excessive Use of Saccharin. 

Artificial sweeteners pose many hazards to human health such. Ie: migraine and headaches, memory loss, confusion, insomnia, irritation, asthma, hypertension, diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergies, impotence and sexual disorders, hair loss, brain cancer, and bladder cancer.
Mice that were fed 5% saccharin for more than 2 years, showed mucosal cancer of the bladder (the dose is roughly equivalent to 175 grams a day for adults saccharin lifetime). Although these results are still controversial, but most of the epidemiologists and researchers argue, saccharin does increase the degree of incidence of bladder cancer in humans is approximately 60% higher on the wearer, especially in men. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administation (FDA), the U.S. advocated to limit the use of saccharin is only for people with diabetes and obesity. The dose is not to exceed 1 gram per day.

Mechanism of Action A compound to be used as a sweetener, but taste sweet, have to meet certain criteria, such as; 

(1) soluble and stable in a wide pH range.
(2) is stable in a wide temperature range.
(3) Has a sweet taste and has no side or after-taste.
(4) cheap, at least not exceed the price of sugar.
Compounds that have a sweet flavor structure is very diverse. However, these compounds have a similar feature, which has a system of donor / acceptor proton (AHS system / Bs) that matches the receptor system (AHrBr) in the human sense of taste.
Saccharin, which is the oldest sweetener, including sweeteners very important role and are usually sold in the form of Na or Ca salt. Saccharine sweetness is 300 times sweeter than sugar. Because it has no caloric value, saccharin is used as a sweetener very popular diet food, good for diabetics as well as for other patients with a low calorie diet. At high concentrations, saccharin has a bitter after-taste. Although the results of testing in experimental animals showed a tendency that the carcinogenic effects of saccharin, but this has not been proven in humans. Therefore, saccharin is still permitted its use in almost all countries.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that Saccharin is an artificial sweetener made from the sodium salt of saccharin formed a white powder, odorless and very sweet. This artificial sweetener has 550 times the sweetness of sugar levels normal. Therefore it is very popular used as a sugar substitute.
Artificial sweetener is a sweetener produced through organic chemical reactions in the laboratory or on an industrial scale, may also be obtained synthetically and is said to produce no calories as well as sugar substitutes.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2014 at 16:42
Tag : Did You Know About saccharin?

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:42

Unsolved mysteries.


If you view the Gospel and Scripture , it is very clear to say that God is the creator of man ( Genesis, Article 1 )

Where did humans come from? If you view the Gospel and Scripture , it is very clear to say that God is the creator of man ( Genesis, Article 1 ) . But what about the actual process of creation ?
Charles Darwin once offered the theory that humans evolved from apes . If so , then it " should " man will continue to evolve into better beings . But in fact , already more than 2000 years , no change in humans . Does that mean evolution stopped ?
Another theory says that humans came from space creature Space . If so , then the question becomes : where creatures come from?



The diver ( diver ) who would never see the form of the path under the North Sea island of Bimini in the Bahamas . Many people argue that the path created by nature . However, the arrangement of stones that path raises further questions as too " neat " . Some experts suspect that the road is part of the City of Atlantis ( as written by Plato several centuries ago ) . But to this day there has been no additional evidence regarding the existence of " lost city " of it. And the Bimini Road is still the question: is the way it is made of natural or man ? Who is the author ?


                             LIGHT BULB Marfa.

Also called " Ball of Light Ghost " . First seen in 1880 in the western town of Marfa , Texas . The light was described by basketball , drifting with the human shoulder height . Usually white , yellow , orange , red , and sometimes blue or green . Ordinary balls flying around a particular area , then disappear by itself . To this day , it still looks light . No explanation , what actually lights it .



Known as the Labour Leader of America's most influential in the year 1950-1960, Jimmy Hoffa is a figure that has changed the face of American labor . Dated July 30, 1975, Hoffa disappeared in the Detroit parking lot and was never found again. One theory is believed Hoffa was killed by Jack Anthony Giacalone , a New Jersey gang leader . Hoffa mentioned corpse buried under the foundations of the Giants stadium , Detroit . When digging in the foundations of the stadium , Hoffa's corpse was not found .



Mothman is one urban legend that is quite well known in the Virginia area . Mothman is a creature depicted with wings and a tall man , red -eyed , sometimes without the head and the eyes appear red in the chest . First discovered in the cemetery in Virginia in 1926. To this day , the police are still receiving reports of the appearance of the Mothman . Who is he ? No one knows . In general , there has never been a report of people being attacked Mothman .

MOTHMAN jumping.



Famous as a mysterious killer in 1888, the identity of Jack the Ripper to this day not been revealed . The victim was a prostitute who was killed by mutilation that is reliable and perfect , make the police think Jack is a surgeon . While there have been many books , movies , and theories published , the identity of Jack the Ripper remains mysterious and not a single shred of evidence that could explain his identity .

The Babushka Lady.

The Babushka Lady.

If you 've ever watched footage of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas in 1963 , noticed in the right corner of the tape. There is a veiled woman babushka ( scarf made ​​in Russia ) who seem to record events . The woman was believed to be the person who had a significant role in the murder of John F. Kennedy because he is in a position very close to the victim when the incident occurred. In the tape, the woman is seen holding a camera, and record the events.
Surprisingly , the woman was never found . The FBI has asked her to hand over the tape to help the FBI find the killer of the American President . But the woman never showed up . Who is she ? How can he stand so close to the President's car ? No one knows to this day .



One of the most intelligent killer who was never caught up to this day is the Zodiac Killer . In 1960, the Zodiac Killer did the attempted murder of 7 people in Northern California . Five victims died , and two seriously injured. Initially , police trouble finding the killer identity . A month after the first murder , the killer sent a letter to the police and claimed that he named the Zodiac Killer , and challenged the police to arrest him .
After the murder 7th , Zodiac Killer suddenly disappeared . Has he been killed ? And who he really is ? No one can explain .



If the lake creature named Nessy Loch Ness is proven false , then it is different with the Ogopogo . Creature similar to Nessy ( long-necked , big bodied , and headed like a lizard ) is a mysterious creature that appears in the Okanagan River , Canada . Many witnesses who managed to record images of these creatures . But no one caught him . Creature also known as Naitaka is now the mascot Keilowa Park , Canada . Is Ogopogo really exist ? Is it true that he is still alive ancient reptiles? There is no concrete evidence that could explain its existence to this day.



Is a mysterious explosion incident that occurred in Shag Harbour , Nova Scotia , dated October 4, 1967 . An object hit the Shag Harbour at 11:20 the night , causing a huge explosion . There were no fatalities . The witness saw the object as " flying saucer ". Not long after , the place was immediately closed . Canada military coming soon . In an instant , the place was cleaned and debris immediately transported . The incident seemed very covered up . What exactly is happening ? Is it true that crashed flying saucer ? Government of Canada has never issued any statement on this subject . And to this day , the mystery is never revealed .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2014 at 14:58
Tag : Unsolved mysteries.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:58