Friday, 21 February 2014

You Need to Know About Amplifiers.

Definition Amplifier is an electronic component that is used to strengthen the power or energy in general. In use, the amplifier will amplify the sound signal that strengthens the signal current I and voltage V of electrical input. And the output will be the electric current and voltage greater.
The magnitude of the sense amplifier is often called by the term gain. The value of the gain is expressed as a function of frequency of an audio amplifier, power amplifier gain between 200 times and 100 times of the output signal. So the gain is the result of the power at the output of the power at the input in the form of a function of frequency. Size gains customarily wear decible (dB).
In the section on the process of strengthening the sense amplifier audio is divided into two important parts, namely the signal amplifier voltage (V), which mostly uses Darlington transistor arrangement, and part of the parallel transistor current amplifier arrangement. Each large power transistors and uses cooling fins to dissipate heat into the air, so at this point many are using complementary symmetry transistors.
Power amplifier assembly serves as the final amplifier and preamplifier heading to drive the speakers. The sense amplifiers are generally divided into two, namely power amplifiers and integrated amplifiers. Power Amplifier is an amplifier that is not accompanied by the end of the tone control (volume, bass, treble), the opposite end integrated amplifier is an amplifier that has been accompanied by a tone control.

scheme Amplifiers
PCB Amplifiers

Component placement schemes.

Types of Amplifier has varied as OTL, BTL and OCL that has been frequently used in the market. And each type of component and the sense amplifier has its own advantages and disadvantages of each. Here we explain one by one:
OTL (Output Transformer Less = output without transformer), the amplifier circuit using transformers instead Elco, suppose the value of 2200uF for amplifiers that have a large wattage. Generally voltage amplifier circuit is only + (positive) and - (negative / ground).
BTL (Bridge Transformer Less), the OCL Amplifier circuit combined with the method Bridge (bridge). So the power output is 2 times the power amplifier OCL circuit.
OCL (Output Capacitor Less = output without capacitor), the amplifier circuit having a circuit schematic of a transistor / IC final amplifier directly to the speaker output (without any intermediaries). These amplifiers are generally symmetrical voltage is + (positive), 0 (zero), - (negative).
Here the authors only provide the basic theory of the amplifier, and for the development of the invite writers to compose himself.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 17:58
Tag ; You Need to Know About Amplifiers, amplifiers

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:58

Did You Know About Electric Generator.

Generator early 20th century .
Electric generatorElectric generator is a device that produces electrical energy from mechanical energy, usually by using electromagnetic induction. This process is known as power plants. Although the generator and the motor has a lot in common, but the motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Encourage generators to electric charge moving through an external electrical circuit, but the generator does not create an existing power cable in the windings. This could be analogous to a water pump, which creates a flow of water but does not create the water inside. Can be a source of mechanical waterwheel waterwheel or turbine steam engine, water falling with through a turbine or water turbine, internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, solar or solar energy, compressed air, or any other source of mechanical energy.

Development .

Before the connection between magnetism and electricity was discovered, generators used electrostatic principles. Wimshurst machine used electrostatic induction or "influence ". Van de Graaff generator using one of two mechanisms :
The distribution of the charge of the high - voltage electrode .
The charge made ​​by triboelektrisitas effect using the separation of two insulators.

Faraday .

In 1831-1832 Michael Faraday discovered that a potential difference is generated between the ends of an electrical conductor that moves perpendicular to a magnetic field . He made the first electromagnetic generator based on this effect using a copper disc rotating between the poles of a horseshoe magnet.
This process produces a small direct current .
Design tool dubbed ' Faraday disc ' it is not efficient due to the flow of electric current in the opposite direction which is not part of the affected disc magnetic field . Currents are induced directly underneath the magnet will flow back to the disc outside the influence of the magnetic field . The reverse current limiting power supplied to the wire conductor and induce heat produced copper discs . Homopolar generator developed further resolve this problem by using a number of magnets arranged around the edge of the disc to maintain a stable magnetic field effects . Another drawback is the very small electrical voltage generated this tool , due to the single current path through the magnetic flux .

Dinamo .

Dynamo was the first electrical generator capable of delivering power for industry, and is still the most important generator used in the 21st century . Dinamo using the principles of electromagnetism to convert mechanical rotation into electrical alternating current .
The first dynamo based on Faraday's principle was made in 1832 by Hippolyte Pixii , a French maker of equipment . This tool uses a permanent magnet is rotated by a " crank " . Spinning magnet has been placed such that the north pole and south past the lump of iron wrapped with wire . Pixii found that the spinning magnet produced a pulse of current in the wire each time a pole passed the coil . Furthermore , magnetic north and south poles induces a current in the opposite direction . By adding a commutator , Pixii can change alternating current into direct current .

Gramme dynamo .

However , both of these designs suffer from the same problem : they induced " spikes " of current followed by at all . Pacinotti Antonio , an Italian scientist , fixed this by replacing the spinning coil with the " toroidal " , which he created by wrapping an iron ring . This means that a portion of the coil continues past the magnets, smoothing out the current . Zénobe Gramme reinvented this design a few years later when designing commercial power plant for the first time , in Paris in the 1870s . The design is now known as the Gramme dynamo . Some versions and improvements have been made ​​, but the basic concept of rotating wire loop that never runs out remains at the heart of all modern dynamos .

Definition Generator.

Electric generator skema.

Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Of mechanical energy that can be converted into electrical energy direct current (DC) electrical energy and alternating current (AC). Generator works on the principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which reads, if a conductor is moved in a magnetic field it will generate electromotive force (GGL). The stator is part of the generator when electrified are at rest. While Gabian generator rotor is moving.

Understanding Stator.

Generator stator part are at rest consisting of Stator Frame, Core Stator, Stator and tangles. While idle the stator can produce AC voltage. Order stator is made of steel that can protect all parts of the vibration generator. Stator core made ​​of a ferromagnetic material are arranged in layers, this is where the magnetic flux is formed. Stator windings are made of copper are arranged in grooves in the stator core, in this entanglement would arise electric force ( GGL ) and voltage.

Understanding Rotor.

The rotor is the rotating part of the generator. At the rotor magnetic poles are the wire windings are energized by direct current. Magnetic poles of the rotor consists of 2 types of salient pole rotor  (salient)  and  the  rotor  poles  are  not  prominent (cylinder). Salient pole rotor (salient) are commonly used for generators with low and medium speed while the rotor poles are not prominent (cylinder) is used for high -speed generator (turbo) .

DC generator.

DC generator is a direct current generator where the output voltage of a DC voltage for which there is alignment system which can be done using a diode .

AC generator.

AC generator is alternating current generator where the output voltage is in the form of alternating voltage . AC generators are also often referred to as the alternator / generator synchronous . Referred to as a synchronous generator rotor due to the number of turns equal to the number of turns in the stator magnets . Synchronous speed of the rotational speed of the rotor is produced by magnetic poles rotate at the same speed as the stator rotating field . Field coils on the rotor field is supplied with direct current ( DC ) to produce a flux that is where the direct current supplied to the rotor through a ring . At the time of the spinning rotor magnetic flux will cut the conductors of the stator and will arise electromotive force ( GGL ) .

Generator 1 Phase and 3 -Phase

Basically the working principle of generator 1 phase and 3 phase is almost the same and not too much difference . Where 3 -phase generator windings have the same 3 and three different output voltages 1200 on each phase.
While the 1 -phase generator has two main phase winding and unwinding that phase auxiliary winding. Primary windings of copper wire using a larger cross-section so that the smaller the phase generator 1 . Auxiliary winding is made of copper with air- sectional greater number of windings so that its impedance is greater than the primary impedance .

Working :

Electric generator skema fase
Consider a rectangular coil having N turns and rotating in a uniform magnetic field with an angular velocity of w radians / second . Om is the maximum flux linked with the coil when its plane coincides with the X - axis . In time t seconds , this coil rotates through an angle q = wt . In this deflected position , the components of the flux of the which is perpendicular to the plane of the coil is Ø = OM cos wt . Hence the flux linkage at any time are no cos wt = nom .
According to Faraday 's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction , the emf induced in the coil is given by the rate of change of flux linkage of the coil . Hence the value of the induced e.m.f. is
                                                      e = - d ( NO ) / dt volts
                                                                       = - N d ( OM cos wt ) / dt volts
                                                                       = - NOM w ( -sin wt ) volts
                                                                       WNØm sin wt = volts
                                                                       = W q nom sin volts -------------( i ).

    When the coil turned through 90 º i.e. when q = 90 ° , then sin q = 1 , hence the e has a maximum value , say Em . Therefore from Eq ( i ) we get
                                                                Em = wNØm
                                                     = W = 2pfNBmA volts NBMA
                             where Bm = maximum flux density in Wb/m2 .
                                        A = area of the coil in m2 .
                                         f = frequency of rotation of the coil in rev / sec .
            Substituting this value of Em in Eq ( i ) , we get
                                         E = Em sin q = Em sin wt

    Similarly , the equation of the induced alternating current is
                                          i = Im sin wt

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 17:13
Tag ; Electric Generator.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:13

Bird with wings wide.

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). 

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).

Wing span: 8.2 feet (2.5 meters)

Golden eagle came in last as a bird with a wing span of the widest in the world. Golden eagle is also one of the peregrine falcon which is also very popular among the lovers of wild birds. Habitat for golden eagles are found in the northern hemisphere and golden eagles are also used as the official emblem on the flag of Mexico.

Birds Grey-crowned Crane (Balearica regolorum). 

Birds Grey-crowned Crane (Balearica regolorum).

Wing span: 8.25 feet (2.51 meters)

Bird habitat gray crowned crane can be found in the Sahara desert area of ​​the African continent. This bird has a fairly unique mating ritual that is by dancing.

California Vulture (Gymnogyps californianus). 

California Vulture (Gymnogyps californianus).

Wing span: 9.1 feet (2.8 meters)

In addition to entry as a bird with a wing span of the widest in the world, bird Nasar California is also the part of North America's largest bird. These birds are also considered endangered by scientists a few decades ago. But now the bird Nasar has increased because there are programs between government and scientists to conserve these birds.

Griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus). 

Griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus).

Wing span: 9.2 feet (2.85 meters)

Giant vultures measuring 3 feet from the tip of beak to tip of tail. Vultures in the sky hunting prey in packs or alone. This habitat can be found Southern Europe, North Africa and some parts of Asia. Vultures nesting on high cliffs steep.

Bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus). 

Bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus).

Wing span: 9.8 feet (3 meters)

Bearded? This bird is no beard. This bird is really manly when another fly. Not like most birds, the bearded vultures do not have characteristics like birds mostly bare. Habitat-high mountains there are mountains of Africa, Europe, India, Pakistan and Tibet. They are also scavengers like vultures most. They've reportedly flew 24 thousand feet in the air! Do not know true or not but ya bird is really awesome!

Yelled the goose (Cygnus Cygnus). 

Yelled the goose (Cygnus Cygnus).

 Wing span: 9.8 feet (3 meters) 

Aside from being a bird with a wing span of the widest in the world, is also one of the swan goose toughest in the world. Geese can be found in Northern Europe and East Asia. They used to fly only to lay eggs on the Eurasian landmass.

Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus). 

Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus).

Wing span: 11 feet (3.4 meters)

Big bird is usually roaming the Andean mountains, South America. Birds not only eat the carcass, he also hunts small mammals than to the size of a monkey. They have not been married before they hit the age of 8 years. The condor bird can live up to 60 years.

Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus). 

Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus).

Wing span: 11.2 feet (3.43 meters)

The crane also scavengers. These birds live in areas that have water and are often found in arid areas of the Sahara desert.

Birds of the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus). 

Birds of the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus).

Wing span: 11.8 feet (3.6 meters)

This is not the American pelicans. This large pelicans often found in areas of South Africa, the Middle East and Vietnam. Such as pelicans in general, one bird with a wing span of the widest in the world's food is sea creatures, especially fish. They are famous for making sizable colonies. The most phenomenal is they've seen gathered together around 75 thousand in the country of Tanzania.

Nomad Albatross (Diomedea exulans). 

Nomad Albatross (Diomedea exulans).

Wing span: 11.8 feet (3.6 meters)

This is a bird which ranks first as a bird with a wing span of the widest in the world. Albatross Nomad, they spend their lives in the air and oceans. They are just to the mainland when the breeding season. These birds will lay eggs in the Crozet islands, island south Georgia, Kerguelen Islands, Macquarie Island and Prince Edward islands.
Once there was a report that they can reach a wingspan of 17 feet and body size reached 5 feet! With the wide wings, bird Albatross could easily down the ocean without flapping its wings. Unfortunately, this giant bird population has declined 30% over the past 70 years.
Hunting is not the only threat that caused their populations to decline. Marine pollution is also a threat they are. Albatross adult feeding their children with a plastic trash eventually makes the descendants of birds that died at a young age.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 15:37
Tag ; Bird with wings wide.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:37

The human genetic code.

" Is God in Our Genes ? " An article in Time magazine October 2004 issue addresses this question by exploring the link between God and spirituality through the human genetic code .

A molecular biologist and Chief of Gene Structure at the National Cancer Institute , which objectively examines the views of other scientists on this topic . The author states , " Hamer not only claims that human spirituality is an adaptable nature , but also said that he had found one of the genes responsible , a gene that happens to also code for production of nerve transmitters ( neurotransmitters ) that regulate our moods . "

Is God in Our Genes

Hamer's work on the "God gene " began in 1998 , where he was doing research for the National Cancer Institute on smoking and addiction . A thousand smokers selected to perform a test " temperament and character " in psychology , which includes a measure of three aspects of " spirituality " : the level of self-forgetfulness participants ( the ability to get lost in an experience ) , the level of transpersonal identification ( feeling connected with a larger universe ) and mysticism (openness to something that one can not really prove it ) . After carrying out the test , Hamer rank participants in terms of their spirituality , and then analyze their genes to look for a correlation between spirituality and the genetic code .
After entering all the data , Hamer found that variations in a specific gene related to how the volunteers scored on a spiritual test . Those who have a particular nucleic acid in a point on the gene ranked high statistically , and those who have a different nucleic acid at the same point it has a lower rank . Thus , a link between biology and spirituality seems to have been found .
Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about how we should overcome our genetic predisposition through daily meditation to achieve a successful spiritual evolution . He also teaches about reincarnation and how do we bring the past trends into our lives now . This might explain why some people are born with a genetic structure that is more " spiritual " than others . Individuals who have been practicing diligently in their lives that previously have innate memories of the bliss they experienced . They are more open to being uplifted by the spiritual information . This trend can now be measured at least in part by examining a person's genes .
Supreme Master also said that the Quan Yin Method of making us feel lighter , happier and smarter . It is very suitable with the research discussed above . Teachers may be the best scientist !
In his study , Hamer quickly showed that the gene he discovered not to be the only governing a person's spirituality , there may be many . He gave the impression that his work is just a preview of the upcoming research .
God's Message In Our Genes.
Of the differences I observed how great God created man , even a child would not be conjoined twins have in common . You try to remember how many people you will ever meet in your life . A hundred , a thousand , or a million , now try to compare all of those people .
Humans are complex beings , not as simple and easy as that , even science can not reveal the man 's other hand , we call it a mistery .
Some psychologists and scientists say that humans are different large due to the value and the genes embedded in him since he was born until she was an adult . That value can be regarded as a form of emotion, habit or experience can affect our subconscious. 
Thus I began to better understand the value of it when I read the book dr . Kazuo Murakami ' the Divine Message of DNA ' in Indonesia with the title of the book translates God's messages in our DNA . There Wao God's message contained in our DNA .
Messages like what it is , some people think that our mind that determines everything . But I think personally , the genes that regulate everything good behavior are seen or unseen ( feeling or emotion ) . I believe humans are able to achieve all that he wants , that's the message of God within us .
More in again , dr . Kazuo Murakami says in his book that the gene is influenced by three things :
The first is by itself genes ( heredity ) , the second is the environment factor , and the third is a factor Mind .
Now that I know all of it - as are you - can make us understand that there is no reason for us to be afraid to do what we want with the reason I do not have that talent , there are two factors that are more important than heredity . That is hard work ( Environment ) and positive thinking ( Mind ) . Remember there is a message of God in our genes . Whatever we want we will get it with confidence .
This is owned by people in the world like Bill Gates , Steve Jobs , Donald Trump , BJ Habibie , Chairul and all the great people in the world . Remember that value is the experience and habits .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 11:26
Tag ; The human genetic code.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:26

The human genetic code.

" Is God in Our Genes ? " An article in Time magazine October 2004 issue addresses this question by exploring the link between God and spirituality through the human genetic code .

A molecular biologist and Chief of Gene Structure at the National Cancer Institute , which objectively examines the views of other scientists on this topic . The author states , " Hamer not only claims that human spirituality is an adaptable nature , but also said that he had found one of the genes responsible , a gene that happens to also code for production of nerve transmitters ( neurotransmitters ) that regulate our moods . "

Is God in Our Genes

Hamer's work on the "God gene " began in 1998 , where he was doing research for the National Cancer Institute on smoking and addiction . A thousand smokers selected to perform a test " temperament and character " in psychology , which includes a measure of three aspects of " spirituality " : the level of self-forgetfulness participants ( the ability to get lost in an experience ) , the level of transpersonal identification ( feeling connected with a larger universe ) and mysticism (openness to something that one can not really prove it ) . After carrying out the test , Hamer rank participants in terms of their spirituality , and then analyze their genes to look for a correlation between spirituality and the genetic code .
After entering all the data , Hamer found that variations in a specific gene related to how the volunteers scored on a spiritual test . Those who have a particular nucleic acid in a point on the gene ranked high statistically , and those who have a different nucleic acid at the same point it has a lower rank . Thus , a link between biology and spirituality seems to have been found .
Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about how we should overcome our genetic predisposition through daily meditation to achieve a successful spiritual evolution . He also teaches about reincarnation and how do we bring the past trends into our lives now . This might explain why some people are born with a genetic structure that is more " spiritual " than others . Individuals who have been practicing diligently in their lives that previously have innate memories of the bliss they experienced . They are more open to being uplifted by the spiritual information . This trend can now be measured at least in part by examining a person's genes .
Supreme Master also said that the Quan Yin Method of making us feel lighter , happier and smarter . It is very suitable with the research discussed above . Teachers may be the best scientist !
In his study , Hamer quickly showed that the gene he discovered not to be the only governing a person's spirituality , there may be many . He gave the impression that his work is just a preview of the upcoming research .
God's Message In Our Genes.
Of the differences I observed how great God created man , even a child would not be conjoined twins have in common . You try to remember how many people you will ever meet in your life . A hundred , a thousand , or a million , now try to compare all of those people .
Humans are complex beings , not as simple and easy as that , even science can not reveal the man 's other hand , we call it a mistery .
Some psychologists and scientists say that humans are different large due to the value and the genes embedded in him since he was born until she was an adult . That value can be regarded as a form of emotion, habit or experience can affect our subconscious. 
Thus I began to better understand the value of it when I read the book dr . Kazuo Murakami ' the Divine Message of DNA ' in Indonesia with the title of the book translates God's messages in our DNA . There Wao God's message contained in our DNA .
Messages like what it is , some people think that our mind that determines everything . But I think personally , the genes that regulate everything good behavior are seen or unseen ( feeling or emotion ) . I believe humans are able to achieve all that he wants , that's the message of God within us .
More in again , dr . Kazuo Murakami says in his book that the gene is influenced by three things :
The first is by itself genes ( heredity ) , the second is the environment factor , and the third is a factor Mind .
Now that I know all of it - as are you - can make us understand that there is no reason for us to be afraid to do what we want with the reason I do not have that talent , there are two factors that are more important than heredity . That is hard work ( Environment ) and positive thinking ( Mind ) . Remember there is a message of God in our genes . Whatever we want we will get it with confidence .
This is owned by people in the world like Bill Gates , Steve Jobs , Donald Trump , BJ Habibie , Chairul and all the great people in the world . Remember that value is the experience and habits .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 11:26
Tag ; The human genetic code.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:26

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Sedimentation definition.


Sedimentation is the deposition process produced by the process of erosion carried by a stream in a place that slow speed or stopped. Sedimentation (derived from the Latin sedimentum meaning "dregs") is a process of deposition / sedimentation of material carried by water, wind, ice or glaciers in a basin. Sedimentation also includes a material deposition process caused by water or air under the influence of gravity or centrifugal force. Forming the bottom layer of suspended solids, called sediments, unconsolidated sediments (loose rock).
In the sediment, deposited a layer of particles that are influenced differently to the sedimentation velocity is based on the density and particle size. Largest particles deposited in the first sedimentation, which is located at the bottom.

Soil sediments there are 2 kinds: 

Alluvial soil - deposited by water.
Aeolian soil - was deposited by the wind.
Sedimentation rate is determined by the density, various materials are stored in a separate layer, and separated by different substances originating from various mixtures of materials.
This sedimentation process will generate a delta that is a process of deposition material transported by the river, and also formed dunes (sand dunes) found in the desert and on the waterfront which is the process of deposition of materials carried by the wind.

sedimentation process

 Sedimentation movement. 

Transported sediment movement that consists of a stream;
Charge contacts (contact load) - the charge that roll and shift that continuous contact with the bottom of the river.
Clotted charge (load station) - rough and lumpy cargo moving river bottom.
Elementary charge (bed load) - coarse grains moving in the river bed.
Material charge basis (bed material load) - the grains of sand that moves the bottom of the river.
Payload floated (suspended load) - the charge between the riverbed and the water surface and the charge which is soluble in water.
The load wash (wash load) - the charge light floating on the surface of the water.

Types of Sedimentation. 

Sedimentation can be distinguished; 
Sedimentation occurs in the river water. 
Sedimentation is usually called sedimentation Aeolis Wind 
Sedimentation result in glacier drumlins, moraines, ketles, and esker 
Based on the occurrence type place Sedimentation 

• Sedimentation of the river

Deposition that occurred in the river called fluvial sediments. The results of this deposition is usually a millstone, sliding rocks, sand, gravel, and mud that covered the bottom of the river. Even the river sediment is very well utilized for building or paving material. Therefore, not a few people who seek livelihood of sand, gravel, or rock that precipitated for sale.

Sedimentation of the river

• Sedimentation Lake

Can also occur in the lake sediment rocks. The results of this sediment is usually in the form of a delta, a layer of gravel, sand, and mud. The process of deposition of sediment in the lake is called limnis.

• Sedimentation Army.

Dog's bottom comes from the sand on the beach sand is lifted into the air at the time of the waves breaking on a sloping beach, the sea and the wind blowing towards the land, thus forming high sand pile. For example, Dog's bottom sand along the western coast of the Netherlands who became the country's sea dike. In Indonesia, which resembles sand Dog's bottom in the Netherlands can be found in Parang Tritis Yogyakarta.

• Sedimentation Sea

The river that flows by taking different types of rocks eventually empties into the ocean, so the ocean in the deposition process occurs most large rocks. Results in the deposition of marine sediments is called marin.
Marine Sediment types:

Normal and Increased sediment load.

• Sediment Pelagic Terigen.

Almost all sediment Terigen in pelagic environments composed of materials that are very small. There are two ways that material to the pelagic environment. First with the help of turbidity currents and gravity flow. Both through the movement of glacial ice that is material carried by icebergs and melt into the sea.

• Biogenic Sediment Pelagic.

By using a microscope shows that the biogenic sediments consist of a variety of subtle and complex structures. Most of the sediment in the form of the remains of marine phytoplankton and zooplankton.

• Sediment Lithougenus.

Sediment derived from coastal erosion and material erosion results up land area. This material can get to the bottom of the sea through a mechanical process, ie tertransport by currents or river and ocean currents and be sedimented if tertrransforkan energy has weakened.

• Sediment Biogeneuos.

Sediments derived from the remains of living organisms such as marine shells and skeletal and organic materials decompose.

• Sediment Hidreogenous.

Sediments formed due to chemical reactions in the sea water and form particles that do not dissolve in sea water so it will sink to the ocean floor, for example, and sediment types are magnetite, phosphorit and glauconite

• Sediment Cosmogerous.

Sediments are derived from various sources and into the sea through the medium of air or wind. Sediments of this type can be sourced from space, volcanic activity or a range of onshore wind-blown particles.

• Natural Sediment (lat. naturus Hallpos).

Can be classified according to the origin of the formation of these sediments are divided into three main groups:
Clastic sediments caused (by water, wind, glaciers, debris flows, etc., and mechanically shaped particles that are transported as sand, gravel, and sand)
Sediment chemistry caused (by chemical processes in aqueous solution are separated by precipitation, eg, carbonate)
Biogenic Sediments (deposits organisms or the remains of organisms, such as coral reefs). Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 20, 2014 at 20:28
Tag ; Sedimentation definition, sediment

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:28

Television Anti-Lightning and Damp.


Indonesia is a tropical country with high humidity. In addition, as a country which is on the equator, the intensity of lightning in the country is quite high.
When it rains accompanied by lightning, immediately turn off the television is usually due to fear of burning. Or, when it rains, become unstable electrical voltage that can damage the TV.
Disorders that all being addressed by the latest Samsung LED television product through F4105 and F5105 TV. Samsung claims television is full of innovations suitable for Indonesia.
Has a 32-inch landscape display, the main difference between F4105 and F5105 series is the screen resolution. While F4105 only high definition (HD), F5105 series is Full HD.
"The difference lies in the resolution of the screen, the rest is almost the same," said Ubay Bayanudin, Product Marketing Manager of Samsung TVs PT Sein, at the launch in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22, 2014.
Because different screen resolutions, the price is certainly not the same. For F4105, Samsung release at a price of Rp 3.5 million. The 32-inch F5105 sailed approximately USD 4.5 million and the 40-inch priced at Rp 6.5 million.
Television for the middle class with five attractive features, Samsung refers to it as an anti-lightning, anti-surge, anti-freckle, anti-moisture and anti-bother.
"The people of Indonesia need a television that is resistant to various weather and durable," said Bernard Ang, Director Consumer Electronics Samsung Electronics Indonesia.
To ward off lightning, Samsung buried capacitor block on the television that serves to stabilize the strength of an electric current and store electrical energy in an electric field.
Block capacitor capable of reducing up to 8,000 volts of lightning strikes within a period of one second. "After the lightning strike, no bullet block capacitor replaced," said Ubay.
In order to withstand electrical voltage up or down, this TV is equipped with varisator that can regulate the flow of electrical voltage. An electric current can be set between 100-270 volts.
Clean View is a new technology of Samsung. This feature is to reduce spots on television due to a weak broadcast signal. Anti-freckle make the picture clearer.
Another interesting feature is the anti-humidity. Thanks silica gel attached to the main component, mildew and corrosion problems can be avoided. Tolerance to temperatures around 60 degrees Celsius television and humidity up to 90 percent.
Last is the anti-hassle. Thanks to two USB ports, a USB copy the content to be more easily without needing a computer. Large files that can be moved up to 4 gigabytes.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 20, 2014 at 14:21
Tag ; Television Anti-Lightning and Anti-Damp from Samsung, samsung

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:21