Generator early 20th century .

Development .
Before the connection between magnetism and electricity was discovered, generators used electrostatic principles. Wimshurst machine used electrostatic induction or "influence ". Van de Graaff generator using one of two mechanisms :The distribution of the charge of the high - voltage electrode .
The charge made by triboelektrisitas effect using the separation of two insulators.
Faraday .
In 1831-1832 Michael Faraday discovered that a potential difference is generated between the ends of an electrical conductor that moves perpendicular to a magnetic field . He made the first electromagnetic generator based on this effect using a copper disc rotating between the poles of a horseshoe magnet.This process produces a small direct current .
Design tool dubbed ' Faraday disc ' it is not efficient due to the flow of electric current in the opposite direction which is not part of the affected disc magnetic field . Currents are induced directly underneath the magnet will flow back to the disc outside the influence of the magnetic field . The reverse current limiting power supplied to the wire conductor and induce heat produced copper discs . Homopolar generator developed further resolve this problem by using a number of magnets arranged around the edge of the disc to maintain a stable magnetic field effects . Another drawback is the very small electrical voltage generated this tool , due to the single current path through the magnetic flux .
Dinamo .
Dynamo was the first electrical generator capable of delivering power for industry, and is still the most important generator used in the 21st century . Dinamo using the principles of electromagnetism to convert mechanical rotation into electrical alternating current .The first dynamo based on Faraday's principle was made in 1832 by Hippolyte Pixii , a French maker of equipment . This tool uses a permanent magnet is rotated by a " crank " . Spinning magnet has been placed such that the north pole and south past the lump of iron wrapped with wire . Pixii found that the spinning magnet produced a pulse of current in the wire each time a pole passed the coil . Furthermore , magnetic north and south poles induces a current in the opposite direction . By adding a commutator , Pixii can change alternating current into direct current .
Gramme dynamo .
However , both of these designs suffer from the same problem : they induced " spikes " of current followed by at all . Pacinotti Antonio , an Italian scientist , fixed this by replacing the spinning coil with the " toroidal " , which he created by wrapping an iron ring . This means that a portion of the coil continues past the magnets, smoothing out the current . Zénobe Gramme reinvented this design a few years later when designing commercial power plant for the first time , in Paris in the 1870s . The design is now known as the Gramme dynamo . Some versions and improvements have been made , but the basic concept of rotating wire loop that never runs out remains at the heart of all modern dynamos .Definition Generator.
Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Of mechanical energy that can be converted into electrical energy direct current (DC) electrical energy and alternating current (AC). Generator works on the principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which reads, if a conductor is moved in a magnetic field it will generate electromotive force (GGL). The stator is part of the generator when electrified are at rest. While Gabian generator rotor is moving.
Understanding Stator.
Generator stator part are at rest consisting of Stator Frame, Core Stator, Stator and tangles. While idle the stator can produce AC voltage. Order stator is made of steel that can protect all parts of the vibration generator. Stator core made of a ferromagnetic material are arranged in layers, this is where the magnetic flux is formed. Stator windings are made of copper are arranged in grooves in the stator core, in this entanglement would arise electric force ( GGL ) and voltage.Understanding Rotor.
The rotor is the rotating part of the generator. At the rotor magnetic poles are the wire windings are energized by direct current. Magnetic poles of the rotor consists of 2 types of salient pole rotor (salient) and the rotor poles are not prominent (cylinder). Salient pole rotor (salient) are commonly used for generators with low and medium speed while the rotor poles are not prominent (cylinder) is used for high -speed generator (turbo) .DC generator.
DC generator is a direct current generator where the output voltage of a DC voltage for which there is alignment system which can be done using a diode .AC generator.
AC generator is alternating current generator where the output voltage is in the form of alternating voltage . AC generators are also often referred to as the alternator / generator synchronous . Referred to as a synchronous generator rotor due to the number of turns equal to the number of turns in the stator magnets . Synchronous speed of the rotational speed of the rotor is produced by magnetic poles rotate at the same speed as the stator rotating field . Field coils on the rotor field is supplied with direct current ( DC ) to produce a flux that is where the direct current supplied to the rotor through a ring . At the time of the spinning rotor magnetic flux will cut the conductors of the stator and will arise electromotive force ( GGL ) .Generator 1 Phase and 3 -Phase
Basically the working principle of generator 1 phase and 3 phase is almost the same and not too much difference . Where 3 -phase generator windings have the same 3 and three different output voltages 1200 on each phase.While the 1 -phase generator has two main phase winding and unwinding that phase auxiliary winding. Primary windings of copper wire using a larger cross-section so that the smaller the phase generator 1 . Auxiliary winding is made of copper with air- sectional greater number of windings so that its impedance is greater than the primary impedance .
Working :
According to Faraday 's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction , the emf induced in the coil is given by the rate of change of flux linkage of the coil . Hence the value of the induced e.m.f. is
e = - d ( NO ) / dt volts
= - N d ( OM cos wt ) / dt volts
= - NOM w ( -sin wt ) volts
WNØm sin wt = volts
= W q nom sin volts -------------( i ).
When the coil turned through 90 º i.e. when q = 90 ° , then sin q = 1 , hence the e has a maximum value , say Em . Therefore from Eq ( i ) we get
Em = wNØm
= W = 2pfNBmA volts NBMA
where Bm = maximum flux density in Wb/m2 .
A = area of the coil in m2 .
f = frequency of rotation of the coil in rev / sec .
Substituting this value of Em in Eq ( i ) , we get
E = Em sin q = Em sin wt
Similarly , the equation of the induced alternating current is
i = Im sin wt
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 17:13
Tag ; Electric Generator.