Showing posts with label Sedimentation definition.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedimentation definition.. Show all posts

Thursday 20 February 2014

Sedimentation definition.


Sedimentation is the deposition process produced by the process of erosion carried by a stream in a place that slow speed or stopped. Sedimentation (derived from the Latin sedimentum meaning "dregs") is a process of deposition / sedimentation of material carried by water, wind, ice or glaciers in a basin. Sedimentation also includes a material deposition process caused by water or air under the influence of gravity or centrifugal force. Forming the bottom layer of suspended solids, called sediments, unconsolidated sediments (loose rock).
In the sediment, deposited a layer of particles that are influenced differently to the sedimentation velocity is based on the density and particle size. Largest particles deposited in the first sedimentation, which is located at the bottom.

Soil sediments there are 2 kinds: 

Alluvial soil - deposited by water.
Aeolian soil - was deposited by the wind.
Sedimentation rate is determined by the density, various materials are stored in a separate layer, and separated by different substances originating from various mixtures of materials.
This sedimentation process will generate a delta that is a process of deposition material transported by the river, and also formed dunes (sand dunes) found in the desert and on the waterfront which is the process of deposition of materials carried by the wind.

sedimentation process

 Sedimentation movement. 

Transported sediment movement that consists of a stream;
Charge contacts (contact load) - the charge that roll and shift that continuous contact with the bottom of the river.
Clotted charge (load station) - rough and lumpy cargo moving river bottom.
Elementary charge (bed load) - coarse grains moving in the river bed.
Material charge basis (bed material load) - the grains of sand that moves the bottom of the river.
Payload floated (suspended load) - the charge between the riverbed and the water surface and the charge which is soluble in water.
The load wash (wash load) - the charge light floating on the surface of the water.

Types of Sedimentation. 

Sedimentation can be distinguished; 
Sedimentation occurs in the river water. 
Sedimentation is usually called sedimentation Aeolis Wind 
Sedimentation result in glacier drumlins, moraines, ketles, and esker 
Based on the occurrence type place Sedimentation 

• Sedimentation of the river

Deposition that occurred in the river called fluvial sediments. The results of this deposition is usually a millstone, sliding rocks, sand, gravel, and mud that covered the bottom of the river. Even the river sediment is very well utilized for building or paving material. Therefore, not a few people who seek livelihood of sand, gravel, or rock that precipitated for sale.

Sedimentation of the river

• Sedimentation Lake

Can also occur in the lake sediment rocks. The results of this sediment is usually in the form of a delta, a layer of gravel, sand, and mud. The process of deposition of sediment in the lake is called limnis.

• Sedimentation Army.

Dog's bottom comes from the sand on the beach sand is lifted into the air at the time of the waves breaking on a sloping beach, the sea and the wind blowing towards the land, thus forming high sand pile. For example, Dog's bottom sand along the western coast of the Netherlands who became the country's sea dike. In Indonesia, which resembles sand Dog's bottom in the Netherlands can be found in Parang Tritis Yogyakarta.

• Sedimentation Sea

The river that flows by taking different types of rocks eventually empties into the ocean, so the ocean in the deposition process occurs most large rocks. Results in the deposition of marine sediments is called marin.
Marine Sediment types:

Normal and Increased sediment load.

• Sediment Pelagic Terigen.

Almost all sediment Terigen in pelagic environments composed of materials that are very small. There are two ways that material to the pelagic environment. First with the help of turbidity currents and gravity flow. Both through the movement of glacial ice that is material carried by icebergs and melt into the sea.

• Biogenic Sediment Pelagic.

By using a microscope shows that the biogenic sediments consist of a variety of subtle and complex structures. Most of the sediment in the form of the remains of marine phytoplankton and zooplankton.

• Sediment Lithougenus.

Sediment derived from coastal erosion and material erosion results up land area. This material can get to the bottom of the sea through a mechanical process, ie tertransport by currents or river and ocean currents and be sedimented if tertrransforkan energy has weakened.

• Sediment Biogeneuos.

Sediments derived from the remains of living organisms such as marine shells and skeletal and organic materials decompose.

• Sediment Hidreogenous.

Sediments formed due to chemical reactions in the sea water and form particles that do not dissolve in sea water so it will sink to the ocean floor, for example, and sediment types are magnetite, phosphorit and glauconite

• Sediment Cosmogerous.

Sediments are derived from various sources and into the sea through the medium of air or wind. Sediments of this type can be sourced from space, volcanic activity or a range of onshore wind-blown particles.

• Natural Sediment (lat. naturus Hallpos).

Can be classified according to the origin of the formation of these sediments are divided into three main groups:
Clastic sediments caused (by water, wind, glaciers, debris flows, etc., and mechanically shaped particles that are transported as sand, gravel, and sand)
Sediment chemistry caused (by chemical processes in aqueous solution are separated by precipitation, eg, carbonate)
Biogenic Sediments (deposits organisms or the remains of organisms, such as coral reefs). Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 20, 2014 at 20:28
Tag ; Sedimentation definition, sediment

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:28