Thursday 17 December 2015

When Managed Indonesia.

This Crazy Will Happen If Everyone Belongs Gold Freeport Indonesia.

Freeport management issue is still a sensitive subject in this country. Not only about the history of the early development of the mine is said to drag the issue of conspiracy heavyweight, but also issued an American company promises to improve the lives of the people of Indonesia, especially the people of Papua, which seems to be less noticeable in practice.

Freeport began plugging drill-drill sharply in 1967 through a contract of work I realized in 1973. Then was extended in 1991 and is still renegotiation with the government that if a deal then they will come back to bite Papua until 2041 to come. About the duration, the company that has existed since the colonial era nearly 46 years bring minerals such as gold, silver, copper and so on from Timika.

Now let's calculations of how much they had taken from the start of operation until now. Experts say if at least annually Freeport transporting 1 million ounces of gold. Of this amount then we convert to grams, is then multiplied by the number of years of operation (42 years) and also gold exchange, let alone worth Rp 300 thousand. Intrigued by the final figures were obtained? Rp 357 trillion! This is only a rough number and could be even more if you count carefully.

Imagine if since the beginning of the world's largest mining management in the hands of the government. Maybe row following a crazy thing will become a reality.

1. Indonesia Richer From Brunei.

    Brunei is not bigger than Java, but they are much more a matter of prosperity
    of Indonesia. This country has a per capita gross domestic product numbers
    five in the world and finished fifth richest country thanks to its crude oil.
    In Southeast Asia alone it is clear they are the most prosperous.

Freeport in hand, Indonesia also will be more prosperous than Brunei.
Only armed with crude oil could this crazy Brunei. What would happen if Indonesia has a gold mine which is actually a more significant price of crude oil? Do not ask, perhaps people of Indonesia have no begging again. Live all-sufficient and filling houses with the groceries. Yes, in the end we were able will stand equal with other rich countries and became the most can survive at a time when the wheels of the global economy is not as clear as it is today.

2. Each Life Got Gold Savings.

    Thousands of tons of gold exploited through Freeport, unfortunately not one
    gram was our once sprayed. Yet in truth, it is our right since the beginning.
    Unfortunately, the inability of the state to manage its own resources should
    eventually it
    Such ensued. If only the country could from the beginning to privatize
    Not just sprayed, we would be drenched in gold.

Gold had 4 kilograms. How does it feel.
If all the gold-gold divided Freeport, may each soul will miss at least 4-5 kilograms. What dreams do not work can be so much gold? If made par with money, multiply 4 kilograms with the current gold price of about Rp 474 thousand per gram. Please widened as much as USD 1.8 billion of money we get for free.

3. Large Cities in Indonesia Bakal As Dubai.

    Dubai has become a common sight to see a row of cars
    luxury. Well, if the government managed Freeport scenario occurs, it is also
    will probably happen here. With Rp 1.8 billion per head, what
    can not be done?

A view like this may be we will meet if Freeport managed 100 percent by the government

Maybe some people will spend their money to buy luxury cars at least Rp 500 million to Rp 1 billion. As a result, the streets in the cities will be jammed with rows of luxury cars to the upper middle class. Some may be buying a Harley Davidson that exorbitant price it and began to establish clubs whose members HD high school kids. Cool, right?

4. Beggars and street children will not be instantaneous.

    With the economic level of each person who was already in the top strata
    poverty, will there still beggars or buskers? Does not seem.
    Perhaps they are no longer found. Yes, they may have
    establishing distros clothes, restaurants, or any attempt to get
    enjoy life more. Of course all of this armed with the gold obtained from
    Freeport earlier.

We will no longer meet even the beggars like this in the streets.
Because there are no more poor people, the problem that arises is that we have no longer for alms-i. Until at last we begin to target alms to humanitarian organizations international level as a solution. As a result, Indonesia is not only known as the richest country, but also the most generous.

5. No Longer Against Government cynical.

    State is the responsible party for the people. On the side
    The economic case is also included because it was contained in the legislation.
    And as we know, the middle to lower it so
    hopeful of the government. Either about the economy, health and well
    education. The government may have done the best. However, it seems
    less than the maximum so cynical here and there could not be avoided.

Society more stable economy and no longer his name sarcastically quipped to the government.
When people have had a financial grip in the form of golden rain Freeport before, it is no longer like this. Living standards rise, people increasingly independent. They can get the best education and health care to pay. As a result, discordant tones to the government was going silent as a new baby to sleep. Beautiful huh?

Imagination that altitude does make the heart ache because expectations are not high realization. But for the Freeport case is different. If only the government dared to do a kind of courage in the past might be an American company that will be more beneficial for us. Even better if the Indonesian people themselves who manage it one hundred percent.

Timika mine already abysmally it, the government is still hesitant to give their verdict renegotiation. Actually, what else would be dredged but already se-in that? Experts said that if in the mine, there are still about 1,889 tons of gold. If so then do not be surprised why Freeport hastily proposed a contract extension.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: December 17, 2015 at 18:34
Tag : Freeport.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:34

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