Thursday 17 December 2015

Freeport Indonesia.

PT Freeport Indonesia is an affiliate company of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. PT Freeport Indonesia mining, processing and exploration of the ore containing copper, gold, and silver. Operating in the plateau area in Mimika district, Papua province, Indonesia. Freeport Indonesia market concentrates containing copper, gold and silver all over the world.

Vehicles transporting gold ore.


Beginning of PT Freeport Indonesia stands, in fact, a unique travel story to be known. In 1904-1905 a private institution of Dutch Koninklijke Nederlandsche Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (Knag) the Institute of Geography of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, organized an expedition to Papua Southwestern whose main purpose is to visit the Snow Mountains that is said in the Land of Papua.
The first record of the snow mountains is of Captain Johan Carstensz who travels with two ships Aernem and Pera to the "south" in 1623 in the waters south of Papua, suddenly far - inland saw the sparkle of snow and noted in his diary on February 16, 1623 in the mountains of "very high" that the parts covered by snow. Note Carsztensz this is offensive friends who think Carstensz only imagined.
Although the Knag first expedition failed to find an iceberg which was mentioned in the diary of Captain Carstensz, this is the forerunner of the Dutch great attention to the area of ​​Papua. Map of Papua were first made of the results of the military expedition to this area in 1907 to 1915. These military expeditions then raise the desire of the civilian scientists to climb and reach the mountains of snow.
Some well-known Dutch expedition led by Dr. HA.Lorentz and Captain A. Franzen Henderschee. All is done with the goal to reach the top of Wilhelmina (Peak Sudirman now) at an altitude of 4.750 meters. Name Lorentz later immortalized in the name of Lorentz National Park in the Asmat region on the south coast.
In mid 1930, two young Dutch Colijn and Dozy, both are employees of oil companies who are planning the implementation NNGPM their aspirations to reach the top Cartensz. Adventure they then become the first step for opening mines in Papua forty years later.
In 1936, Jean Jacques Dozy discovered reserves Hertzberg called mountain ores, and data on these rocks were brought to the Netherlands. After a long period Meet a Jan Van Gruisen - Managing Director of the company Oost Maatchappij, which exploit coal in East Kalimantan and Sulawesi Tengggara with old friends Forbes Wilson, head of exploration at the company's Freeport Sulphur Company, which operates mainly when it is mined sulfur under basic sea. Then Van Gruisen managed to convince Wilson to fund an expedition to the mountains of ore as well as taking samples of rock and analyze it and make an assessment.
In the early period of the Soeharto government, the government took measures to immediately perform a variety of concrete steps in order to improve economic development. But with limited national economic conditions after the replacement power, the government immediately take strategic steps by issuing Foreign Capital Act (Act No. 1 of 1967).
Freeport supreme leader at that time named Langbourne Williams saw an opportunity to continue the project Hertzberg. He met Julius Tahija that at the time of the President to lead the company Texaco and continued meeting with General Ibnu Sutowo, who at the time served as the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Indonesia. Core in the meeting was a request that the project can continue Freeport Hertzberg. Finally the results of the meeting for the sake of a long meeting Freeport obtain permission from the government to continue the project in 1967. That First Freeport Contract of Work (COW-I). The work contract is carried Julius promotional material Tahija to introduce Indonesia abroad and his first mission is to promote policies to Australia's Foreign Investment.
Before 1967 the Timika area is wilderness. Freeport began operating at the beginning, many people who initially scattering began to enter into the area around the Freeport mine in Timika that population growth increased. In 1970 the government and Freeport jointly build homes decent KAMUKI road. Then constructed also housing residents around the south airport which is now the town of Timika.
In 1971 Freeport build airport Timika and center of supplies, then also build major roads as access to mines and roads in remote areas as access to villages in 1972, President Soeharto named the city which was built in stages by Freeport with the name of Tembagapura. In 1973 Freeport appointed chief representative for Indonesia as well as the first president of Freeport Indonesia. Is Ali Budiardjo, whose background has served as the Secretary of Defense and Director of National Development in the 1950s, the husband of Miriam Budiarjo which also plays a role in several negotiations the independence of Indonesia, as the secretary of the delegation talks Linggarjati and delegates in Renville agreement.

The work contract.

History of the work contract.

1936 - Jacques Dozy discovered reserves 'Hertzberg'.
1960 - Expedition Forbes Wilson to rediscover 'Hertzberg'.
1967 - COW I (Freeport Indonesia Inc.) is valid for 30 years since it began
            operations in 1973.
1988 - Freeport Grasberg discovered reserves. A large investment and high risk,
            requiring a long-term investment guarantee.
1991 - Contract of Work II (PT Freeport Indonesia) valid for 30 years with the
           production period will end in 2021, as well as the possible extension of
           2x10 years (until 2041).

An area.

Exploration KK-A = 10,000 Ha
Exploration KK-B = 202 950 ha
The total area is 212 950 ha =
The total area of ​​KK Block B area of ​​212 950 hectares last only a 7.8% of the total area of ​​exploration in 1991.
1991 = 2.6 million hectares
2012 212 950 Ha


8.6 billion with an estimated additional investment of USD 16-18 billion for underground development in the future.
94% of the total investment of a copper mine in Indonesia
30% of total investment in Papua
5% of the total investment in Indonesia
Source: Data last MP3EI until 2012.

Proved reserves.

2.52 billion tonnes of ore:
0.97 grams / ton of copper
0.83 grams / tonne gold
4.13 grams / tonne silver

State revenues.

PT Freeport Indonesia has paid the corporate income tax rate is higher than the law now in effect. These payments constitute the largest portion of the payment to the state revenue. National Income Tax Act 25% while 35% corporate income tax PTFI. Since 1999, PTFI has voluntarily undertake additional royalty payments for copper, gold and silver if production exceeds a certain level approved.


40% concentrate products PTFI sent to PT Smelting Gresik PTFI build copper smelting plant (smelter) in Indonesia, namely PT Smelting in 1998. We market concentrates at market prices based on long-term contracts with a number of international smelters, and will continue to respect contracts The.


PTFI fully supports the national spirit which was initiated in the Mining Law and have been consistently applied it. Currently 18.72% before the deluded than 20%, PTFI shares owned by the Government of Indonesia and PT Indocopper Investama 9.36% respectively. Related to the IPO, PTFI welcomed the idea and are conducting assessments.

Sustainable development.

All notions of community development programs PTFI should be preceded by an understanding of the history of Papua. First PTFI operations in 1967, the people of Papua is a pre-modern society. At that time, the people there have the level of literacy is very low, prone to outbreaks of diseases such as malaria, and live in poverty. The remote location and difficult terrain make the situation less conducive taken.
Therefore, PTFI community development program focused on helping local communities to build a sustainable economic program, improve literacy, provide vocational training, and conduct adequate health programs.


USD 110.9 million investment in sustainable development programs in Papua during 2012.
USD 68.14 million program of social development through operational funds.
USD 39.36 million community development program through funding partnerships.
Plus USD 600 million investment in social infrastructure that benefit local communities directly (schools, hospitals, boarding students).

Local business development.

Small business income in 2012: Rp 91,100,000,000
Fostering business development for around 220 small and medium enterprises as well as local businesses and create over 1,000 jobs for local people.
Rotating funds from Yayasan Bina Mandiri Utama (YBUM) in 2012 was US $ 6.9 billion. Since the beginning, Rp35,3 billion of business loans have been provided to 220 businesses. 112% payment of the loan.
Coaching is done with the 317 fishermen in 19 villages, in collaboration with the Diocese of Mimika. Production of 57.5 tons of fish catches.
Annual sales Jayasakti Mandiri Foundation (Poultry SP IX and XII) of Rp 19.9 billion. YJM employs more than 472 workers from Papua.
Until December 2012, a total of 227 farmers in five villages Kamoro partners and 24 partner farmers in the village of New Utikini and Wangirja receive training aid, seeds, mentoring and marketing of vegetables.
A total of 92 farmers participated in the organic coffee shop Moanemani and Wamena, as well as the extension of the organic certification from the Rainforest.

Health programs.

The largest provider of hospital services for the community Timika with more than 156 860 outpatient and inpatient care at two hospitals. 1,338,806 patients have been served at RS Mitra Society in 1999-2012. 303 459 patients have been served at RS Waa Banti years 2002-2012.
Community Public Health and Malaria Control PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI-CPHMC) in collaboration with LPMAK, KPA Mimika and Health Office of AIDS volunteers provide training to 39 people from the Seven Tribes in SP 9, SP 12, Pomako, Nawaripi and Kwamki Lama.
CPHMC do counseling and HIV & AIDS counseling to 17,000 adults and adolescents in Mimika and distributed about 20 345 condoms.
The number of participants socialization and health education in 2012 by CPHMC reached 130 335 with a variety of topics such as: nutrition, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, environmental hygiene, and health of mother and child.
Involved in the preparation of the district strategic plan for malaria prevention and strategic plans of drinking water and sanitation (WSS).
The number of TB cases were found in TB clinics run CPHMC decreased by 11%. It is estimated that efforts to socialize the approach to treatment through DOTS (Direct Observe treatement Shortcourse), training for 24 officers puskesmas, pustu and midwives in six villages, as well as training the handling of TB patients for 16 cadres PMO (Supervisory Drinking Drugs) can have a positive impact TB control.
Decrease the number of TB cases in the clinic CPHMC by 11%.
Education programs [Edit | edit source]
Training and development is carried out at the Institute of Mining Nemangkawi, the competency-based training center that provides apprenticeship development, especially for participants from Papua.
3,800 apprentices
90% of students Papuans
10% of non-Papuans
1,800 students already working in PTFI and contractor Graduate Development Program to recruit the best graduates of the University. Until now, the program enrolled 631 and 374 have been employed. 20% of them are sons of Papua.
Until 2012, the Institute Amungme and Kamoro Community Development (LPMAK) through a partnership fund has provided scholarships to 8772 students. Since the inception of this program, 3,697 students from high school through graduate program has passed. In 2011, LPMAK provide scholarships pelajat active for primary school up to university students.

Participants Scholarship LPMAK based tribes.
44% Amungme (269)
19% Kamoro (107)
4% Damal (24)
6% Dani (44)
11% Mee (66)
7% Moni (48)
6% Nduga (38)
2% other Papua (15)
1% Affairs of Papua (7)

Graduation based on the level of study.
SMU / SMK 59%
D-3 9%
S-1 30%
S-2 2%

Graduation graduate level based on field of study.
31% Social (8)
4% Engineering (1)
27% Economy (7)
38% Other (10)
In 2006 IPN cooperate with polytechnic Semarang Business Administration launched an internship program D3. A number of 36 participants have graduated in the 2008-2009 school year and 24 participants are following the program in the academic year 2010-2012. Master of Business Administration program in cooperation with SBM-ITB was launched in 2007. The 40 participants have graduated in July 2009, six of which came from Papua. 2nd generation started in 2009 that is still in progress with the number of participants by 35 employees, seven of which came from Papua.


PTFI policy is to provide equal employment opportunities to the entire community. PT Freeport Indonesia also upholds the rights of workers in accordance with applicable law in Indonesia. PTFI also has a commitment to protect human rights and has expressly enact and enforce human rights policies in the company.
PT Freeport Indonesia has a commitment and a strong and assertive policy towards Human Rights. A commitment to provide opportunities for social development, education, and economics expressed through social labor laws and human rights policies.
In 2012, PT Freeport Indonesia employs more than 11,700 direct employees and more than 12,400 employees of contractors.
Number of employees directly PTFI: 64.04% Non Papua, Papua 34.63%, and 1.33% Foreign.
Number of employees PTFI + Company partners and contractors, including Nemangkawi Mining Institute (IPN): Indonesia 97.8%, 2.20% Foreign.
Since 1996 the company has doubled the number of employees Papua. In 10 years, the number of Papuan employees in staff levels increased four-fold, the number of staff employees of Papua at 6x folding supervisor level.
Papuan employees holding management strategic function in PTFI: 5 Vice President and 36 Managerial Board.
In 2003 built Nemangkawi Mining Institute (IPN) to provide an opportunity develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as behaviors that professionals in the field and supporting operations. 3-year apprenticeship program with the 4-month study period off the job and 8 months on the job. IPN follow the national standards and regulations of the EMR as well as other international standards.
3,800 Students apprenticeship
20 type of skills
90% of students Papuans
1800 Students already working in PTFI and contractor
Increase female staff at PTFI employees and contractors: 12% in 2003 and increased to 13.5% in 2012
PTFI strive to create a safe working environment, and we make "Safety as a culture" in the organization PTFI. PTFI has the best record in the natural resources industry, but most importantly for PTFI are not accidents.

Environmental management.

All industries, including mining, having environmental impacts can not be avoided, both in the positive and negative impacts, resulting in an exchange between the environmental benefits and environmental impact. The Indonesian government decided that the mine is very important for the economic development of Indonesia, and the government has set up how PTFI run this project in order to provide economic benefits desired by Indonesia, as far as possible while reducing the negative impact on the environment. PTFI also committed to rehabilitate the affected areas when the area is no longer used for operating activities.

Standardization, audit, and certification.

The first mining company in Indonesia which is certified by ISO 14001. Certification System ISO 14001 for 10 years continuously.
Adopting the principles of Sustainable Development Framework of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).
Triennial independent external auditing environmental management PTFI conducted since 1996.
Extractive industries transparency initiative (EITI) Commitment companies disclose all income and payments in the countries where we operate.
Environment Annual Internal Audit Conducted by consultants (Crescent Technology) and the parent company (Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold.)
PROPER Audit and Inspection of Environmental Mining. Following the audit and inspection of the Government of Indonesia.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and other formats. Being a reporting standard implementation of sustainable development.
Independent audits of PT Freeport Indonesia's environmental management system concludes that the overburden management programs "highly integrated" and "consistent and international practice".
Certification "Wildlife at work" from the Wildlife Habitat Council - USA (2011) on the various programs of reclamation and biodiversity. This certification indicates that PTFI contribute to the preservation of wildlife habitat in the work area PTFI.
Ecological Risk assesement (ERA) to assess the impact of sand tailings deposition system (tailings) in ModADA on human health, aquatic life, plants and wildlife. PTFI ERA study is the largest study carried out by private companies, and the results were presented to stakeholders in 2002.
Quality at the point of compliance sand tailings (tailings) and third point of compliance at sea have met the quality standards set by the government, according to the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 431/2008 on the management of tailings in ModADA.
Timika Environmental Laboratory (TEL) registered with the Ministry of Environment in 2010 as the Environmental Reference Laboratory where sampling (sampling) is included in the scope of accreditation.
Management of sand tailings (tailings) [Edit | edit source]
Prevention and control of rock acid water implemented in an integrated manner. PTFI grouping types of rock overburden and put selectively so as to minimize the formation of acid rock water. Rocks occurring acidic water is collected and made rock acid water neutralization by adding lime.
Extension of Time Mine MoU use of sand (tailings) as a construction material inftrastruktur development. The provincial government of Papua and Freeport have extended the MoU in 2011 for the use of sand tailings as construction materials in building provincial infrastructure and residual sand mining has also been used as a construction material in the construction of roads and bridges in the Mimika. As part of the implementation of the MoU, PTFI has taken delivery of more than 460,000 m3 of tons of tailings as construction materials to Merauke, various development projects in Timika and Freeport project area.
The quality of the compliance point and 3 point compliance tailings at sea have met the quality standards set by the government, according to the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 431/2008 regarding the Tailings Management in ModADA.
Environmental management and monitoring costs in 2012 amounted to USD 101 million and continues to rise from previous years.


PTFI reclamation plan is based on 5 years of PTFI's reclamation plan which has been approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
In 2012, PT Freeport Indonesia has 30.1 ha reclamation area of ​​overburden, so the total area of ​​the mine that has reclaimed an area of ​​291 hectares; 14.2 ha area deposition of sand tailings (tailings) so that the total deposition area is an area that has been reclaimed 659 hectares; 6.8 Ha coastal areas, bringing the total area that has been reclaimed coastal area of ​​74 hectares. Planted more than 68,000 mangrove trees as a continuation of the 2004-2009 program.
Conducted a study on the reclamation of tailings and the establishment of demonstration plots in the area of ​​the tailings deposit indicates that the tailings can be revegetated and replanted with local crops or agricultural forest. In fact, natural colonization occurs rapidly. When mining has been completed, the tailings deposition area will be reclaimed by a suitable technique determined through consultations with various stakeholders, taking into account the environmental and social impacts.
Mercury and cyanide are not used PTFI. PTFI using a flotation process to separate the minerals containing copper and gold from the rock and produces no hazardous waste and toxic materials in the primary process.
Operates 3 landfill disposal and processing plant 10 ten Installation of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) domestic. PTFI has obtained a permit to discharge waste water to the entire WWTP located in the work area PTFI. In accordance with the requirements set forth in the license granted, monitoring and reportedly conducted regularly.
Send 2,439 tons of waste B3 of supporting activities such as workshops, magic house, laboratory tests and other supporting activities to PPLI (Prasadha Pamunah Industrial Waste) Cibinong, PT Wastec-Cilegon and other recycler for processing and further disposal.


Have been planted inside and outside areas of the company as part of the program One Billion Indonesian Trees (OBIT) as many as 3 million tree seedlings.
Collecting 157,000 seedlings of local plants for reclamation at the site of mining activities.
135 types of plants managed to grow in soil containing sand tailings (tailings) More than 500 species of plants grow naturally in soil tailings. Monitoring of natural succession continues with the involvement of the State University of Papua.
Collect and analyze more than 15,000 environmental samples with more than 160,000 individual analysis per year.


The production of compost from organic waste as much as 256 tons. Approximately 136 tons of used batteries are sent to a recycling plant. Biodiesel project was inaugurated and put into operation. The raw material for biodiesel derived from cooking oil leftover messhall. Biodiesel produced is used as a vehicle fuel mix some light in the work area PTFI.

Environmental education.

Educating 3,413 students, 1 685 youth and 23 apprentice knowledge and awareness about the environment. PTFI contribute to environmental education curriculum in primary and secondary education in Mimika.
PTFI matter of environmental management system is also given in the annual refresher training which is held in conjunction with the training K3. Until the end of this year, employees who have been trained are as many as 13 745 people. Environmental training was also conducted for new employees in training programs New Hire and Specific Induction to the area where the employees are encouraged to be working. Until the end of the year, training has been attended by 8517 employees.
Organizing sustainable natural program which is a collaboration with the Department of Education & Culture (P & K) Mimika, Badang Environment (BLH) Mimika, Jayawijaya Education Foundation (YPJ) and the Contractor. Alam Lestari program aims to build awareness and knowledge about the environment, creating environmental awareness and the search for an environmental ambassador for Mimika.
SMP YPJ in Kuala Kencana award from the Ministry of Environment as the National School Adiwiyata (ECO-School) on June 7, 2011 in Jakarta. PTFI also continue to assist the local junior high school in Timika to prepare for Ecoschool program in 2012.
Published a series of books on Biological Diversity: "The Freshwater Fish of the Timika Region, New Guinea", "The Birds of Mimika", "The Butterflies of Mimika", "Biodiversity of Papua", "Freshwater crustacean" and "Mangrove Estuary Crabs".
As part of its environmental conservation program, especially flora and fauna, PTFI cooperate with the Center for Conservation of Natural Resources Papua region (BBKSDA) and the Animal Rescue Center Cikananga has unleashed animals endemic to Papua habitat.

Contributions Freeport Indonesia.

As Indonesia's long-term partner that contributes to the growth of the national economy and local communities, Freeport Indonesia has invested US $ 7.7 billion in infrastructure over 45 years in Indonesia.
Based on research conducted by the University of Indonesia, until recently PTFI effort represents 1.59% of all economic activity in Indonesia with 300,000 Indonesian employees and their families depend on for their survival PTFI. PTFI also intends to continue to invest and become part of Indonesia for long periods of time.

The contribution and role of PT Freeport Indonesia for the country :

Providing employment for approximately 24,000 people in Indonesia (PTFI employees consists of 69.75% national employees; 28.05% of Papuan employees, and 2.2% of foreign employees).
Planting Investments> USD 8.5 billion to build the company and social infrastructure in Papua, with plans significant investments in the future.
PTFI has purchased> USD 11.26 Billion domestic goods and services since 1992.
In a period of four years, PTFI has contributed more than USD 37.46 billion and is scheduled to contribute more to the government of Indonesia to more than USD 6.5 billion in the next four years in the form of taxes, dividends and royalty payments ,
Direct financial benefits to the Indonesian government within a period of four years is 59%, the rest to the parent company (FCX) 41%. This exceeds the amount paid PTFI when operating in other countries.
LPEM-UI study on the impact multiplier effect of PTFI operations in Papua and Indonesia in 2011: 0.8% of Indonesia's GDP, 45% to GDP of Papua Province, and 95% to GDP Mimika.
Tax paying 1.7% of the national budget Indonesia.
Finance> 50% of all contributions to community development programs through the mining sector in Indonesia.
Forming 0.8% of all household income in Indonesia.
Forming 44% of household income in the province of Papua.


Mining Law establishes the obligation CoW holders who are in the production period to perform processing / refining in the country. The provisions contained in the Contract of Work PTFI has included the obligation to conduct a feasibility study on the establishment of smelters in the country. Therefore PTFI has built the first copper smelting facility in Indonesia, located in Gresik.
PT Smelting Gresik is the first copper smelter in Indonesia. Established in 1996 in which the required fee at the time of USD 750 Million. PT Smelting Gresik owned by PT Freeport Indonesia and a Japanese consortium, and operated by Mitsubishi. PTFI supplying an average of 80% of the concentrate requirements PT Smelting.

The negative impact and controversy PT Freeport Indonesia.

Perception: During PTFI mining since its establishment has been a lot of environmental damage that actually occurred in the area of ​​Papua. Heavy metal polluted river until permanent damage to the forest around the mining is destructive of the rich biodiversity in Indonesia. Indirect impact is also detrimental to the people who lived on the river in Papua.


Mining conducted by PTFI managed in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which was approved by the Government. PTFI continues to evaluate the potential impacts of mining operations through measurement of water quality, biology, hydrology, sediments, air quality and meteorology continuously.


A total of approximately 300,000 tons / day waste generated and disposed of the mines by the American company to the forest and rivers, causing the death of animals and plants as well as the poisoning of people who depend on the environment in Papua. Environmental degradation is not so noticed by the American PTFI such as unfavorable to the company.


PTFI very cautious and implement a strict system of regulation of tailings and all aspects of its operations that have an impact on the environment. The environmental impact of the activities of PTFI is overburden (overburden) and tailings. Therefore, the management of PT Freeport Indonesia's main environmental focus on two things. Prevention efforts conducted by mixing the acid water in the form of limestone overburden with overburden that could potentially produce enough acid proportions. To minimize the impact, tailings flowed into the lowland and deposited between two levees. As soon as possible, deposition of tailings will be reclaimed.


Local communities only used as workers with wages that are not in accordance with the profit made by PTFI per year. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore gold, silver, and copper is produced and brought to the United States are taken from the State Indonesia without a positive impact for the local community. No improvement in the quality of education, employment, or income derived from the presence of PT Freeport Indonesia's Papua community in Indonesia. With millions of tons of mining products, there is no infrastructure for local communities.


In 2012, PT Freeport Indonesia employs more than 11,700 direct employees and more than 12,400 employees of contractors. Number of employees directly PTFI: 64.04% Non Papua, Papua 34.63%, and 1.33% Foreign. Freeport Indonesia policy is to continue to hire more employees coming from Papua. Freeport Indonesia establish Nemangkawi Mining Institute, a high school to prepare personnel from Papua skilled labor to work in the area of ​​the company. The school has educated and trained thousands of young Papuans where this time they have worked at PT Freeport and various contractors and privatization.


Local community life is also threatened by the presence of American PTFI, because people who are not employees PTFI could be expelled, even if the firing approaching the mining area without permission. although the people of Papua only forest products Around PTFI.


No expulsion of the owners of customary rights. Customary rights Amungme and Kamoro protected and enforced by an agreement signed by PTFI and the two parts in 1974, 1997, 2000 and 2001 whose implementation is still underway today. Under the agreement, the two tribes get help in the construction of housing, places of worship, multifunctional buildings and other infrastructure as well as the Trust Fund. Until January 2012, the number of Trust Funds paid to the two tribes PTFI is USD 29.9 million.


Countries harmed by the presence of PT Freeport Indonesia. As many millions of tons of ore Gold, Silver, and Copper mined from Papua, the country only get at most 10% of the profits earned by PTFI. Because PTFI perform purification in the country of origin is the United States.


If you take into account royalties, taxes, and dividends, within a period of four years, the government has received a contribution of more than USD 6 billion and is scheduled to receive more up to more than USD 6.7 billion. If seen from a comparison between the portion accruing to the Government through the payment of taxes, dividends and royalties compared with shareholders PTFI, the higher the government's share, or approximately 55% compared to 45% earned by shareholders of Freeport McMoRan (FCX).


PTFI not heed the safety of its workers are people of Papua themselves. it is evident during a mine collapse at the end of 2012, there is no serious treatment of PTFI for victims (and families). Even the visits of ministers and relevant agencies to investigate cases, hampered by the Chairman of PT Freeport Indonesia, so that further investigations can not be done.


PTFI worker safety is a priority. Compensation for the families left behind already PTFI to convey to the family, which includes compensation that is required by the provisions of the Employment Act. Compensation contained in the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), compensation based on company policy, Social Security, pension funds, superannuation, insurance, education for your son / I left up to the university level. There is no rejection of the visit the minister / agencies to conduct an investigation.


PTFI tried to bribe officials to add money tired (gratuities) to guard mining factory of the local community.


PTFI provide voluntary support to personnel and units of police and military security that is based legislation to support PTFI as Vital National. Most of the support in the form of food, and health care facilities, accommodation and land and air transportation. PTFI doing so also to ensure the safety and security of employees and family is their top priority.


Work Contract Extension PT Freeport Indonesia will only harm the community, the nation, and the State for decades to come. PTFI contract extension is a form of government indifference to the eastern part of the Indonesian people for decades to come.


Donations by PT Freeport Indonesia to the people of Papua, especially the people who are around the mining area in Mimika outstanding. One of these schools teach children native Amungme and Kamoro from various regions in the interior was built by the Institute of Amungme and Kamoro Community Development (LPMAK), a nonprofit institution that manages funds partnerships of PT Freeport.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: December 17, 2015 at 19:21
Tag : Freeport Indonesia.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:21

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