Wednesday 27 May 2015

Did you know Lizard thorn Red Eye.

Lizard thorn red eye or Triblonotus gracilis arguably have the look of a fairly grim, but actually these lizards are very docile. This unique lizards originating from Guinea and the size of the adult lizard can reach up to 25 cm. These lizards own age could reach 10 years old. This lizard has a unique form of red circles around his eyes. This lizard's tail can grow again if breaking but certainly not as perfect as the original tail. These lizards eat crickets, worms and other insects. If large enough, these lizards also can eat pinkies or baby mice. These lizards need a place to stay with high humidity, so it should at least be provided a place for drinking water. Give a drinking place sufficiently large and heavy to be able to be used also as a place to soak the lizard thorns. These lizards can handle, but do not ever let go in the ground. Going jogging without a plan for pursuing this nimble lizards. Small lizards are relatively more agile than adults. Lizard thorn red eyes are nocturnal animals or only active at night, so this lizard does not really need lighting.

In addition to the red-eyed, there are also black-eyed lizard thorns or Tribolonotus Novaeguinea. He looks more or less the same, creepy and looks like a miniature crocodile but like lizards thorn red eye, lizard thorn black eye is also a type of lizard that is very benign. These lizards also from Guinea, its size can reach 25cm and the average age could reach 10 years old.
These lizards reproduce by laying eggs. This lizard issued one egg each approximately once a month. The eggs hatch within 40 to 90 days, usually the eggs will hatch within the period when the lizard is issued next egg. When coming out of their eggs, lizards is only measured about 7 cm. These lizards are also clever fool predators by pretending to die.

Lizard with the most horrible forms ever discovered
Lizard is one of a family of reptiles that have survived for millions of years, in those days they struggle to survive in a way to survive the attack other predators or prey hunting, some lizards also have a can or a poison and a few more have terrible shape, this aims to frighten the enemy in order to get out and away from him. and this is the ninth lizard that has the most terrible form.


Also called Toadhead Religion, small lizards that live in the desert shows some strange behavior. They communicate with each other by lowering and raising their tails, their bodies shook as quickly bury themselves in the sand and will scare off predators with good looks strange and frightening, colorful mouth, look here.


These lizards nicknamed "horned frog", the body fat covering thick protective horns and thorns. Inhabiting dry land, sandy environment, they eat ants and awesome boast one of the most terrible mechanism on natural defenses. When frightened, some species can drain the blood pressure in their heads until the small vessels in their eyes burst, spraying blood flow to the assailant.

similar possibilities acidic blood is taken from the acid to the ants, allowing mammalian predators know that attack fat lizard is just wasting their time. but unfortunately, the birds are not too concerned with this wry spray

Moloch horridus.

Moloch horridus.
Although completely unrelated to the horned toads, or lizards "thorny devil", "moloch" has developed many of the same characteristics in response to a desert environment, including spiny bodies, sandy camouflage and diet by eating ants. Their spines makes this lizard is rather difficult to swallow by the predator.

Hydrosaurus pustulatus.

Hydrosaurus pustulatus.
Look like a crawl directly from the Permian era, Philippine Sailfin lizard eaters are omnivores amphibious fruits, nuts and other small insect prey near tropical river.

Toes they leveled allows small specimens to escape from predators by walking on water, a trait which is also owned by the lizard "Basilisk" or lizard "Jesus". Adult males are known to have a beautiful blue, red or even purple color patterns.

Amblyrhynchus cristatus.

Amblyrhynchus cristatus.
The Galapagos marine iguana island boasts a lifestyle that is not owned by other reptiles; such as penguins or sea lions, they spend their entire lives on the coastline, diving into the water for their food. Charles Darwin is known disgusted by these animals when he first found it, and call this lizard with the nickname "" IMPs of darkness. "

Heloderma suspectum.

Heloderma suspectum.
Almost similar to the "lizard beads," Gila Monster never been recognized as one of the lizards in the world with a venomous bite, providing a painful neurotoxin through a small groove ang sharp teeth, we now know that there are other lizards that could have, even with the poison mild, and the lizard "Crazy Monster" is still the most toxic.


Varanus komodoensis.
Komodo dragons are the largest carnivorous lizard that is still alive today, sometimes reaching almost ten meters in length. Although much of their food rotting carcasses, they too will catch a great live prey such as deer to give a bite, then they just need to wait when the victim began to blood loss and infection.

Thanks to eating carrion, their saliva is quite rich with bacteria that could seriously weaken the prey, and recent studies have shown that they also have toxins. In addition, Indonesia's original dragon can loosen their jaws, stretch their necks and pulled out a red lubricating mucus to swallow the corpse intact.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 27, 2015 at 12:46
Tags : Did you know Lizard thorn Red Eye.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:46

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