Wednesday 27 May 2015

Did You Know About Fireflies.

Firefly is an insect that can emit light that is clearly visible at night. The light generated by "cold light" that contains no ultraviolet or infrared rays and has a wavelength of 510 to 670 nanometers, with a pale red color, yellow, or green, with a light efficiency of up to 96%.

Fireflies included in the class Lampyridae which is familia in the beetle order Coleoptera. There are more than 2000 species of fireflies, which can be found in the four seasons and tropical regions throughout the world. Many of this species is found in swamps or wet forests which provided plenty of food for its larvae.
Firefly, which emits a beam to recognize each other or to mark mating, using different wavelengths of light, depending on the species. Moreover, in some species, male fireflies are initially shining to attract the females, while in other species, the females were "calling." Some fireflies use their light to defend itself. They emit light as a sign of the enemy that they are not the food was delicious.
For groups Photuris fireflies, their light also plays a role in the hunt. Females of this type can mimic the flickering light signals emitted by females of other types, such as Photuris. With this false light signals, male fireflies kind Photuris was caught and eaten by the female Photuris.
Firefly light also acts as a warning sign, to warn inter-fellow kind of danger, as well as a warning to insects and birds of prey so as not to eat it. Therefore, substances trigger the formation of fireflies light bitter taste. Even if there are insect predators desperate, they usually eat fireflies body of the head, continue to the rear, except the abdomen that is not eaten.

Type of food.

Food fireflies are liquids plants, snails small siputan, worms, and other insects.

Maintenance ways.

If you want to maintain a firefly, should prepare a design almost identical to their natural habitat. Not to be an area with the original. The important thing fireflies comfortable and feel at home there. Because if fireflies are not at home, they do not want to live there. Food can be taken from the natural world around us.

Reproduction fireflies.

Note there are two types of mating ritual of fireflies. The first type, firefly females will release the light that attracted the attention of male fireflies. In this type, the female firefly parties actively looking for a partner, while the passive male.
In the second type, mating ritual begins with a wink-wink of light firefly males who reported that she is a virgin or a lonely widower who is looking for a lover who is now somewhere. Flying to and fro, hoping there fireflies mejeng females who are looking for a mate.
Light blink a kind of firefly has a color, intensity and power of a typical so only fireflies same type able to articulate the meaning of the blinking light. The specificity of light at the time of looking for a partner is precisely that used by experts to distinguish different types of fireflies.
Firefly females rarely fly looking for a life partner, he is just waiting on the ground or the grass, waiting for cues from male fireflies who would become her moorings. When it saw the light of a firefly males, the females will respond with a beam of light that indicated he had recognized the male signal.
Furthermore, males fly toward the female desire of his life. After the close, male fireflies emit light many times, perhaps to ensure that his love is not unrequited. Likewise, the female will emit bright light indicating ready courtship, males will approach the female and then they mate.
Mating process occurs with both genitals touching each other at the end of the stomach and continued with the transfer of packets of sperm from the male to the female body. Sperm packets will be stored in the female abdomen until he is ready to lay eggs. The mating process can be continued throughout the night, and at that fireflies do not emit light.
After the mating, the female directly takes the lover who has to fertilize her eggs. There are also certain types of insects that have a habit such as Black Widow, etc. By consuming the opposite sex, then the females get extra protein to raise the existing egg cells in the body.
Fireflies lay on when it gets dark, eggs, amounting to between 100 and 500 items are put on the ground, twigs, grass, moss in place or under foliage. Cemetery land is relatively loose and not much disturbed an ideal nesting locations fireflies.
After about 30 days, emerged larvae resemble worms fireflies emit light, flat shape with a small head and powerful jaws. Light function on larvae only to warn predators that do not try to bother him. The main activity of the larvae are eating foods such as earthworms, small snails or small insect larvae lain.Masa is the longest period that sekitar1-2 years before becoming kepom-pong. Only a small portion of the firefly eggs hatch into larvae and a few larvae pupate successful. Some predators prey on eggs and fireflies juniors.
Before the larvae pupate will make burrows in the ground. Furthermore, he will go and put his body in the canal. His mouth will remove mucus sticky taped to the wall of the hole. After a month larva resting in the room, he stripped off the skin for the last time and enters the pupal period. Cocoon at first pale yellow and slowly becomes dark, cocoon period lasts about 10 days.
Adult fireflies come out of the cocoon with a pale body that eventually evolved into darker. Both pairs of wings outstretched in order to inflate and dry. Adult fireflies live in booths for a few days until the second front wing really hard and shaping elitera, shield which protects both the soft rear wing.
Adult fireflies live for 2-3 weeks, to perform a marriage. During the feeding activity fireflies are very diverse, some kind of just sucking plant fluids while other types continue eating habits such as still larvae, as other insect or small snails.


Firefly light Being Natural Mystery.

Firefly is an insect that can emit light that is clearly visible at night. The light generated by "cold light" that contains no ultraviolet or infrared rays and has a wavelength of 510 to 670 nanometers, with a pale red color, yellow, or green, with a light efficiency of up to 96%.

Fireflies included in the class Lampyridae which is familia in the beetle order Coleoptera. There are more than 2000 species of fireflies, which can be found in the four seasons and tropical regions throughout the world. Many of this species is found in swamps or wet forests which provided plenty of food for its larvae.

Firefly, which emits a beam to recognize each other or to mark mating, using different wavelengths of light, depending on the species. Moreover, in some species, male fireflies are initially shining to attract the females, while in other species, the females were "calling." Some fireflies use their light to defend itself. They emit light as a sign of the enemy that they are not the food was delicious.

For groups Photuris fireflies, their light also plays a role in the hunt. Females of this type can mimic the flickering light signals emitted by females of other types, such as Photuris. With this false light signals, male fireflies kind Photuris was caught and eaten by the female Photuris.

Firefly light also acts as a warning sign, to warn inter-fellow kind of danger, as well as a warning to insects and birds of prey so as not to eat it. Therefore, substances trigger the formation of fireflies light bitter taste. Even if there are insect predators desperate, they usually eat fireflies body of the head, continue to the rear, except the abdomen that is not eaten.

1. Natural Mystery

We know that the fireflies come out at night, but there was also fireflies are active in the daytime. They were out during the day is generally not give off light. Only a few fireflies are able to emit light when it is in a dark place.

But why, fireflies emit light? How do they put up with the heat generated by the light? That unique firefly! The light they produce light without heat is called Luminescence. Luminescence in the body of fireflies produced by a substance called Luciferin. This Luciferin substances combine with oxygen to give off light.

Although scientists have been able to create the same type of light produced by fireflies, scientists still have to take some elements from the body of fireflies, because the chemists have not been able to make such substances. It is still a mystery of nature until now.

2. Babies Fireflies

In the adult fireflies, in addition to giving the warning, the light on his serve to attract a mate. Not only adult fireflies, firefly baby is still in the form of larvae also emit light. Light on the larvae useful to warn other animals that prey on them not to close.

After the marriage, firefly females will lay their eggs below the soil surface. The eggs will hatch into larvae after 3-4 weeks and will continue to be fed until the summer ends. After approximately 1-2 weeks from the end of the summer, the larvae will turn into pupae, then turn into adult fireflies.

3. Being Lantern

As in some other animals, fireflies also has significance in several legends and culture. In Mayan mythology, fireflies are often associated with the star. Firefly is also considered to represent the messengers in the temples of the Maya god.

Ancient Chinese people often enter the fireflies in a transparent box for later use as a lantern. While the culture and folklore of Japan, fireflies have the same meaning with the magnitude of the famous Sakura flower.

If you see fireflies in flight, the fireflies male sex. Why so? Because only male fireflies have wings, while the females inherent in the foliage and soil.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 27, 2015 at 18:13
Tags : Did You Know About Fireflies.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:13

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