Tuesday 19 May 2015

Did you know Flowers Hyacinths.

Hyacinths plants are part of the genus Lilium. The name of this plant is a lily in the English language. There are about 110 tribes in the lily family (Liliaceae).


Daffodil growing region covering most of Europe, most of Asia to Japan, south namely India, to Indochina and Philippines. These plants can adjust to forest habitats, often mountain, and sometimes habitat grass. Some are able to live in a swamp. In general, this plant is more suitable to stay in the habitat with soil containing acid levels balanced.


Hyacinths flowers.

Daffodil is an annual plant with a height of 60-180 cm. Narcissus usually have sturdy stems. Most tribes daffodil bulbs forming a plain underground. In some parts of North America, the basis of this tuber develops into rhizomes.
Large lily has three petals, often fragrant, and come in a variety of colors from white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, copper color, to almost black. There is also a pattern in the form of spots.

The tribes daffodil.

The tribes of daffodils that have been identified :

Lilium albanicum
Lilium amabile
Lilium amoenum
Lilium anhuiense
Lilium arboricola
Auratum Lilium - Lilium Light Gold Japan
Lilium bakerianum
Lilium bolanderi
Bosniacum Lilium - Lilium Bosnia
Lilium brevistylum
Lilium brownii
Bulbiferum Lilium - Lilium Orange
Lilium callosum
Canadense Lilium - Lilium Canada
Lilium candidum - Madonna Hyacinths
Lilium carniolicum
Lilium catesbaei
Lilium cernuum
Lilium chalcedonicum
Lilium columbianum
Lilium concolor
Lilium dauricum
Lilium davidii
Lilium distichum
Lilium duchartrei
Lilium fargesii
Lilium floridum
Lilium formosanum
Lilium grayi
Lilium habaense
Lilium hansonii
Lilium heldreichii
Lilium Henrici
Lilium Henryi
Lilium huidongense
Lilium humboldtii
Lilium iridollae
Lilium jankae
Lilium jinfushanense
Lilium kelleyanum
Lilium kelloggii
Lancifolium Lilium - Lilium Tigers
Lilium lankongense
Lilium ledebourii
Lilium leichtlinii
Lilium leucanthum
Lilium lijiangense
Lilium longiflorum - Lilium Easter
Lilium lophophorum
Lilium maritimum
Lilium martagon - Martagon Lilium
Lilium matangense
Lilium medeoloides
Lilium medogense
Michauxii Lilium - Lilium Carolina
Lilium michiganense
Lilium monadelphum
Lilium Nanum
Lilium neilgherrense
Lilium nepalense
Lilium occidentale
Lilium oxypetalum
Lilium papilliferum
Lilium paradoxum
Pardalinum Lilium - Lilium Tiger Beetle

Plants efficacy Hyacinths.

Lily often encountered in the yard of the house as an ornamental plant, with colorful flowers make it unsightly. Hyacinths plants are part of the genus Lilium, the name of this plant in the English language is the lily. There are about 100 tribes in the lily family (Liliaceae).

Large lily has three petals, often fragrant, and come in a variety of colors from white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, copper color, to almost black. There is also a pattern in the form of spots.

Besides decorating the yard of the house, the lily plant can also be used to treat various health problems, among others: swelling, ulcers, toothache, back pain and others.

A. The name of the plant.

1. Scientific name: Crinum asiaticum L.
2. Name of the area: narcissus (Malay), Bakong (Batak), daffodils (Minangkabau, Semur (Bangka), lily bug (Napier), dausa (Ambon), Pete (Almahera), fete-fete (Ternate), lily (Sunda ), lily (Java), and Bakong (Madura).
3. Foreign Name: Crinum lily, spider lily, Crinum lily seashore (UK); wen chu tan (China).

B. Chemical Ingredients.

The nature of plants not yet known, but ba phan chemical found in daffodils already known. Lily contains flavonoids, saponins, and tannins, while the tubers, roots, and seeds contain alkaloids likorin, krinin, and asetilkorin.

C. Pharmacological effects.

Farmakaologis effect owned by lily of them as a laxative urine, anti-inflammatory, to prevent bleeding, and treat wounds.

D. Propagation and care.

Daffodil plant propagation is done by rhizomes, seedlings, and seeds. Daffodil treated with sufficient watering, the soil moisture is maintained, and fertilized with the base. This plant requires a considerable sun.

E. Part used.

Part tubers, leaves, roots, or the whole herb, either fresh or dried, can be used to treat some diseases

F. Indications for treatment.

Various examples of prescription medication use lily plant :

1. Swelling in the hand and foot.

Grease a lily leaf with coconut oil and heat over a fire. Paste the lily leaves have withered into the affected part.

2. Ulcers.

Iris daffodil bulbs into small pieces and heat over low heat for 1-2 minutes or until warm. Place the slices of tubers on foot ulcers or wounds.

3. Wounds exposed to poisonous arrows.

Rinse and 5-10 g lily root and chew to get the water. Swallow the water, while the waste is affixed to the affected parts arrow

4. expenditures sweat.

Wash 10g fresh lily root, cut into small pieces, then boiled with 2 cups water for 20 minutes. Once cool, strain, and is divided into two parts to be taken 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon.

5. expenditures vomiting.

Wash 5-10 g of fresh roots thoroughly and chewed to obtain water. Swallow the water, while dregs results discarded cud.

6. Swelling of the lymph glands in the groin and armpit.

Rinse and some leaves of daffodils, mashed together 2 spring onions, and brown sugar to taste until smooth. Paste the collision results in place of the sick.

7. Streamlining pee.

Wash the daffodil leaves to taste, mash until smooth, then apply in the lower abdomen above the bladder. Perform routine by making the same ingredients until smooth pee back.

8. Yaws.

Wash fruits and seeds daffodil taste until smooth and then mashed. Combine rice flour taste then smeared into the affected part.

9. Arthritic joints.

Heat the daffodil leaves on fire. Brush the leaves with sesame oil and then placed on the affected part.

10. Treating back pain.

How: Blend 10 grams of lily leaves and 10 grams of red ginger, then smeared into the waist of the sick.

11. Treating toothache.

Here's how: Mash delicate lily roots that have been washed clean taste, and stick it on the aching tooth.

12. Treat sprains.

How: Heat lily leaves on fire and stick it on a sprained parts.

Note :

Use of daffodil bulbs have to be careful because they are poisonous.
Poisoning is characterized by abdominal pain, followed by diarrhea great, rapid pulse, irregular breathing, and high heat.
As first aid, so that the patient vomiting stomach pump. Continue to give drink black tea or 40 ml of white rice vinegar mixed with 30 ml of fresh ginger juice diluted with enough water to use mouth rinses. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 19, 2015 at 14:36
Tags : Did you know Flowers Hyacinths.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:36

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