According to Diana who met Infovet at Farmers Market Complex Department of Agriculture, Ragunan, now it was time to re-promote one product featured farm origin of Sumbawa Island. From the results of research known that Sumbawa horse milk have the privilege that does not clot and damage although not pasteurized and without being given any preservatives.
"Another uniqueness of this milk is stored at room temperature resistant up to 5 months. These properties indicate that in Sumbawa horse milk contains substances that can inhibit the growth or kill the bacteria that form a natural antimicrobial compound, "he who pioneered the development of Animal Products Quality Testing Institute which is now the Animal Products Quality Testing Center.
Because of these advantages he and fellow persistent market with the marketing of dairy products sent directly from farmer groups surrogate outcomes in Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara. As a result, regular dairy products are good for health is absorbed into many loyal customers.
In addition, to encompass marketing, he also actively participated in various promotions such as in seminars, workshops and exhibitions. Promotion in the form of radio talk show began routinely performed.
To get the benefits of Sumbawa horse milk, Diana recommends regular drinking enough milk 25-50 cc every day in the morning; or if you want two times a day morning and afternoon.
"The effect is very good for the health of the digestive tract because milk contains natural prebiotics. And do not need to exceed the recommended dose because of its biological activity only with 50 cc is optimal suppress populations of bad bacteria in the digestive tract. Besides milk also serves to maintain fitness, stamina and cure digestive diseases (typhoid, cholera and dysentery), tuberculosis, leukemia and tumors, "said the Doctor, who served as an Associate at the Veterinary Medical Directorate of Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture today.
Dairy products it offers guaranteed authenticity because it comes from the production of farmer groups that have been cultivated over 5 years. They scouted from the aspect of sanitation, hygiene, and packaging, so it is guaranteed quality and nutritious products in accordance with the advantages of Sumbawa horse milk is famous for.
In addition to milk, the vet also offers typical Sumbawa honey obtained from the forest so that the purity and authenticity is also no doubt. Furthermore, from Sumbawa horse milk is not only useful, tasty meat was also consumed. Diana is currently preparing a supply for a restaurant that provides a menu of Sumbawa horse meat for barbecue and steak.
Formerly was prohibited.
Previous circulation Sumbawa horse milk of wild origin was banned by the Food and Drug Administration because it is considered the promotion of this milk is misleading and dubious usefulness because it has not been tested clinically. But all that is now indisputable research thanks to Diana.Of his thesis entitled "Study of Activity and Characterization of Antimicrobial Compounds from Sumbawa Horse Milk" concluded that Sumbawa horse milk have the privilege that does not clot and damage although not pasteurized and without being given any preservatives, and stored at room temperature resistant up to 5 months. These properties indicate that in Sumbawa horse milk contains substances that can inhibit the growth of or kill bacteria suspected natural antimicrobial compounds.
This was evidenced by observations in the field turns Sumbawa horse milk stored at room temperature until a few months is not broken, but only to ferment. Whereas cow's milk stored at room temperature within 24 hours is damaged and can not be consumed again.
Around 1998 many outstanding and popular in society horse milk products with the label "wild horse milk" and promoted as a cure for various diseases, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhoid, anemia, cancer and so on. Sumbawa horse milk sold under the label 'wild horse milk' stated period orbit until a few months.
Milk 'wild horse' is apparently derived from horse milk are maintained by extensive (wild) that is released in the forest or hill areas on the island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province, which is in the district of Sumbawa, Bima, Dompu which eventually called Sumbawa horse milk . Sumbawa horse milk is the result of milking horses in these districts are further by collecting milk directly sent using jerry cans or bottles without heating and processing prior to packaging companies on the island of Sumbawa, Lombok and Java.
Good for treatment.
In Russia mare's milk is processed into koumiss used for koumiss Therapy in hospitals in Samara, Moscow, Leningrad, Volinsk and others.In 1962 there had been 23 hospitals in Russia are using koumiss Therapy for tackling diseases of tuberculosis (TB), digestive tract, avitaminosis, anemia (anemic), cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the use of a wild horse milk for the treatment of a wide range of new diseases known after the experience of some patients with leukemia are cured.
Society believes that Sumbawa horse milk have properties can treat various diseases and yet these properties have not been based on research results. Furthermore, according Dharmojono, people who consume Sumbawa horse milk usefulness sure can cure various diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis of the lungs, urinary tract, anemia, gastrointestinal tract and other diseases that can not be addressed by a doctor, so that the community is often referred to as 'cure god'.
On the other hand there are some people who doubted the efficacy of Sumbawa horse milk as a drug, as quoted by several media reports. Meanwhile, the results of testing at the Center of Drug and Food in some areas indicate that Sumbawa horse milk is acidic with a pH of 3-4, does not contain pathogenic bacteria, preservatives or harmful substances, as well as a good nutritional value and low fat content , which is 0.97%.
Privileged wild Sumbawa horse milk.
There are many worthy animal milk and has been popular for consumption by the public, either because the properties or because it tastes good. The public has known cow's milk, goat's milk, milk or other types of wild horses that have not been widely known to be let pillowcase.Wild horse milk.
Extensively horses living in the wild or left her nature as particularly in gathering Sumbawa who in 1998 which then became known to the general public to consume milk because of usefulness.Milk wild horses from Sumbawa Island became popular because many properties exposed by the media, it is not separated from the results of the investigation of Dr. DVM. Diana Hermawati. MSI, thanks to a wild horse milk from the island of Sumbawa is also he received the degree of Doctor of the Faculty of Graduate IPB year 2005.
From the results of research known that wild Sumbawa horse milk privilege, not clot and damage although not pasteurized and without being given any preservatives.
Amazingly wild horse milk can be stored at room temperature up to 5 months. Because of this it can be concluded that the origin of Sumbawa horse milk is illegal there is a substance that can inhibit the growth of bacteria. The substance in the form of natural anti-microbial compounds.
Efficacy of wild origin Sumbawa horse milk can be felt only by consuming 25-5cc every day, can once or twice.
Effects of wild horse milk is very good for the health of the digestive tract, it is because of this wild horse milk contains many natural prebiotic. Only the recommended dose or as much as 50cc, then it is optimal prebiotic can reduce the amount of bad bacteria found in the digestive tract, the disease arises from the gastrointestinal tract such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery also tuberculosis, leukemia and tumors. Milk also can maintain physical fitness, increase stamina lackluster
Circulation Sumbawa horse milk before wild origin prohibited by the Food and Drug Administration for the promotion of milk is considered misleading and dubious usefulness because it has not been clinically tested. But now thanks to research Diana denied
Even in Russia since 1962 wild horse milk is used in many hospitals - hospitals in the area of Samara, Moscow, Leningrad, Volinsk, if calculated already as many as 23 hospitals in Russia that utilize wild horse milk. Milk wild horses in the process of Russia to Koumis used for Koumis therapy used to treat diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), digestive tract, avitaminosis, anemia (anemia), heart disease, liver and kidney.
Society believes that Sumbawa horse milk have properties can treat various diseases and yet these properties have not been based on research results. Furthermore, people who consume Sumbawa horse milk usefulness sure can cure various diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis of the lungs, urinary tract, anemia, gastrointestinal tract and other diseases that can not be addressed by a doctor, so that the community is often referred to as' the god of medicine '.
On the other hand there are some people who doubted the efficacy of Sumbawa horse milk as a drug, as quoted by several media reports. Meanwhile, the results of testing at the Center of Drug and Food (BPOM) in some areas indicate that Sumbawa horse milk is acidic with a pH of 3-4, does not contain pathogenic bacteria, preservatives or harmful substances, as well as a good nutritional value and low fat content , which is 0.97%.
If already a matter of usefulness, of course, every product that no side effects.
According to the story of consumers who have often consume milk, there are side effects, it happens because the consumer stomach conditions incompatible with milk, or can not receive milk in general.
The initial reaction usually occurs 2-3 hours after eating, in patients with heart and lung disease, chest will feel tight and hot, but the effect is not so long, it happens because the process that occurs in the body, where the wild horse milk Sumbawa combat existing disease. Fermented horse milk efficacy reported better than fresh. Fermentation occurs is also very good, because the fermentation occurs without adding external materials. Occurs naturally only.
Good also to reduce the acid taste, wild horse milk is added honey to consume. Can also add honey Arab also very nutritious.
In patients with ulcer, wild horses should consume milk after eating and consumed 2x a day.
According to lead researcher on Nutrition Research MOH Dr. Hermana MSc APU, horse milk, including Sumbawa horse milk, infant consumed more suitable, because the composition is very close to the nutritional content of breast milk (ASI).
Guest lecturer at the Institute of Agriculture explains the level of casein, lactose, fat, protein, and minerals, and fatty acid composition consisting of short-chain fatty acids that are easily absorbed.
When viewed from the composition, wild horse milk is no different from other types of milk, but according to the FAO report the composition of existing nutrient levels in the milk of wild horses close or similar to breast milk, when compared with fresh cow's milk is not suitable for consumption by infants. The high content of casein in cow's milk will clot and difficult to digest in baby's digestive tract.
The fermentation process that occurs in wild horse milk, is convert lactose into acid. it helps digestion, fermentation process also serves to avoid clotting proteins.
Providers Dairy Best Wild Horses.
Sumbawa horse milk is a new term substitute for wild horse milk designations based on advice from the Department of Health and the Food Drug Administration to avoid the confusion that is supported by the YLKI (Indonesian Consumers Foundation). From the analysis and research, Sumbawa horse milk contains bioactive substances with low molecular weight protein that is the compound and compound antitrypsin lysozyme. The content of essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic) higher. Excess fat in the blood (hyperlipidemia) such as cholesterol, LDL and Triglycerides likely to cause various diseases circulatory system (cardiovascular), among others, high blood pressure (hypertension), hyper-lipidemia and hypertension are the two things are interrelated and potential cause circulatory system diseases other blood such as stroke and heart disease. "Know that you have been bored with chemical drugs, return to traditional medicine as an alternative solution (correct answer) to a healthy life with Sumbawa horse milk CV RASASILA JAKARTA horse milk that is 100% natural without any mixture suitable for young and old, women and men even for toddlers. "Health is the most important part of running everything in this life, do not let your longer suffering." Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.comauthor:
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 13 February 2015 at 17:11
Tags : Do You Know About Milk Horse Sumbawa.
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