Tuesday 11 March 2014

You Should Know And Can Handle ADHD .

ADHD ( Attention - Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) is a neurodevelopmental disorder behaviors . Its main characteristic is problematic in attention and hyperactivity . Patients with this disease have problems in terms of attention . They can be so much more active and / or more impulsive than people his age . This disorder affects the significant problems in relationships , learning , and behavior of the sufferer .
ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) is a developmental disorder in an increased motor activity causing children activities children are not uncommon and tend to be exaggerated . It is characterized by a variety of complaints feelings of restlessness, can not sit still , can not sit still , and always leave the situation remains as is sitting , or standing . Some other commonly used criteria is like bubbling , excessive activity , and likes to make a fuss .
These disorders are found in children and adults . ADHD affects more boys than girls . However , people with this disorder can also live a normal life and grow up to be successful people , such as Michael Phelps , swimmer Olympic gold medal winner , who was diagnosed with ADHD during childhood .
The symptoms can vary from mild to severe , the symptoms of ADHD can already be seen since the baby's age , symptoms must be observed is sensitive to sound and light , crying , like screaming and sleeplessness . Less sleep so that the baby often wakes . Difficulty eating and drinking breast milk breast milk . Not happy to be picked up , like banging the head and often angry excessive . Complaints seen in older children is , looks awkward , often in an accident , behavior change, constant motion or monotonous , more noisier than other children , lack of concentration , can not sit still , irritability , poor appetite , coordination eyes and hands are not good , like hurting yourself and sleep disorders .
Course of the disease varies somewhat ADHD . Symptoms may persist into adolescence or adult life , the symptoms may disappear , but the decrease in attention span and impulse control problems may persist . Overactivity is usually the first symptom to disappear and distraktibilitas is the last. Remission is unlikely to occur before the age of 12 years . If remission does occur , it usually happens advance of age 12 and 20 years . Remission can be accompanied by adolescence and adult life productive , satisfying interpersonal relationships . Problems that can not be eliminated the problem of learning . ADHD symptoms in 15 to 20 percent of cases remain persist into adulthood. Disorder may show a decrease in hyperactivity but for impulsivity still can not be eliminated.
However, for the level of work they have the same level as a normal person. Children with ADHD symptoms persist into adolescence is located in a high risk for impaired conducive.
Another factor that is being investigated to determine its role in ADHD is exposure during pregnancy to toxic metals ( such as lead , mercury , etc. ) , food additives ( MSG , artificial coloring , etc. ) and drugs ( alcohol , drugs , etc. ) .
A new study in Pediatrics has made ​​the relationship between exposure to organophosphates , pesticides used on fruits and vegetables , in children with ADHD . Organophosphates kill agricultural pests by acting as neurotoxins in insects . Their findings showed that children born to mothers who ate fruits contain organophosphate residues above the threshold has doubled risk of ADHD compared to children in general .


ADHD Symptoms begin before the child was seven years old . Children with ADHD are less able to pay attention will have 6 or more of the following symptoms :

* Difficulty following instructions
* Difficulty maintaining attention in work or play something , both at school and at home
* Loss of goods needed in the move , both at school and at home
* Looks are not listening
* Do not pay attention to the details well
* Looks chaotic
* Trouble with tasks that require planning at the beginning
* Often forgotten
* Easy to falter

Symptoms of ADHD.

Children with ADHD are hyperactive or impulsive has at least 6 or more of the following symptoms .

* Nervous
* Running and climbing in places that should not be
* Can not play quietly
* Answering without thinking
* Interrupting others
* Can not sit still
* Too much talk
* Always go
* Difficulty awaiting turn
Children with ADHD shows these symptoms for at least 6 months .

Cause .

Children with this disease do not produce enough chemicals in key areas in the brain , which is responsible for organizing thoughts . Without having sufficient chemical , the central organization of the brain will not function properly . These are the symptoms that occur in children with ADHD . Research indicates that the disease is a genetic problem because it affects many children who have close relatives who suffer from this disorder . Recent research also links smoking and drug abuse during pregnancy with ADHD . Exposure to environmental toxins can also be one contributing factor.
There are several factors that can cause ADHD considered . Among them is a deficit of functions such as response inhibition , vigilance , and working memory . Based on the study results Twins , an estimated 60-94 % of patients with this disease was obtained from the offspring . This is evidenced by a study which found that the genome scan markers ( markers ) on chromosomes 4,5,6,8,11,16,17 and DRD4 , is a candidate gene for ADHD . While the non- genetic factors that can cause ADHD is perinatal stress , low birth weight , brain injury , and smoking during pregnancy .
To diagnose this disease clinician must learn the history of a patient , seek information from schools, conduct diagnostic interviews and rating scales making. The diagnostic criteria used vary . There are no standards or criteria similar to ADHD . However, the most widely used is the criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Fourth Edition ( DSM - IV ) . DSM - IV defines 3 subtypes of ADHD , namely the combination , predominantly inatensi , and predominantly hyperactive / impulsive . This grouping was based on the pattern of symptoms in the previous 6 months .

Treatment .

Medication for ADHD patients in whom methylphenidate , dextroamphetamine , atomoxetine , and medicine that combines dextroamphetamine with amphetamine . These medications can increase attention and concentration and reduce impulsive behavior and hyperactivity . The use of these medications should consult a physician first .
In addition to drugs , the role of the people around the patient 's disease is also needed . The joint effort between parents , teachers , and physicians are the best ways to help children with ADHD . Children who suffer from this disease may be difficult for parents . They may have trouble understanding the instructions and their constant activity can be challenging for adults . Children with the disease are also likely to require a pattern and clearer expectations . Perhaps the habit of living in the household needs to be changed a little to help a child with ADHD .

Here are some things you can do :

* Make a schedule
* Make simple rules at home
* Make sure the user can understand
* Give awards for good behavior
* Ensure that children be supervised at all times
* Notice when children with her friends
* Set the homework routine
* Focus on effort , not grades
* Talk to teachers
Counseling and therapy can also help deal with ADHD . Families can consult with specialists to treat children with ADHD is associated with behavioral and learning problems .
Research shows that some food colorings and preservatives can worsen hyperactive behavior in some children . Consult your dietitian about foods that should be consumed by children with ADHD .
To make a diagnosis , the necessary combination of information about medical history , medical examination , and observation of the child 's behavior . This information should be obtained from parents , teachers , and children themselves .
Observations can be done while the child is doing structured work in the classroom , or when children are playing freely with other children . Although ADHD should appear in every situation , the symptoms may not be apparent when the patient is doing his favorite activity , was given special attention or are in a situation that rewards the normal behavior .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 11, 2014 at 16:10
Tag : You Should Know And Can Handle ADHD.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 16:10

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