Tuesday 11 March 2014

Lymph node definition.

Actually understanding the lymph nodes is very closely related to the human immune system . What exactly is the lymph nodes ?
How these lymph nodes may be involved in the human immune system ?
Let us try to describe every sense of the lymph nodes . Thus we will better understand the meaning of the lymph nodes
Definition / Definition of lymph nodes .
Definition of lymph nodes is an oval -shaped tissue in the body that acts as a producer and as a filter fluid called lymph ( lymphocytes ) . This lymph function in expenditure dead cells , and the main thing is as a means of defense against infection .
Actually , the lymph nodes is a collection of small cells . However , because it is wrapped by a capsule sheath , the cells formed small dots . The largest part of the lymph nodes we commonly refer to as the spleen .
Lymph nodes belonging to the lymph circulatory systems ( lymphatic system) that regulate the overall performance of the immune system .

Deployment .

After knowing the definition of the lymph nodes, we will find out where its spread. Lymph nodes are scattered in various places in the human body , such as in the armpits , groin , neck , pelvis , and abdomen . In these areas , some of the lymph nodes can be felt as a small pea or bean .

Swelling .

In addition to a review of the definition of the lymph nodes , in this article also discusses about the swelling that occurs in the lymph nodes . Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes in the area which could indicate an infection , cancer , or other diseases related to lymph system . Most , swollen lymph nodes associated with mild infections that are being faced by the immune system . For example , fever or infection in the tooth . The area of ​​the lymph nodes have swollen lymph nodes usually are closest to the area of infection . For example , dental infections can make lymph nodes around the neck to swell .
By itself , or with certain medications , such as swollen lymph nodes and this will shrink back to normal size . However , if a sphere or a palpable lump in the body still and hard for a relatively long time , is usually associated with cancer or tumors .

Things that Cause Swelling .

There are a couple of things and mechanisms that can cause swollen lymph
nodes . Among these are the following .

Infection .

Mechanism swollen lymph nodes due to infection is by way of an increase in the number of white blood cells ( lymphocytes ) with a multiplicative manner in response to the presence of foreign substances into the body ( antigens ) .

Viruses .

Defense reactions against common infections caused by viruses usually include fever accompanying swelling lymph nodes .

Inflammation .

Mechanisms of inflammation occur during lymph node infection by foreign substances . Inflammation is a form of white blood cells that die by a foreign substance .

Cancer .

The mechanism of infiltration of cancer cells in lymph nodes are also often cause swelling . In fact , swollen lymph nodes can be loud and may spread to lymph nodes in other places .

Blood cancer .

Blood cancer may not look like ordinary cancer makes swollen lymph nodes . However , the blood cancer , the production of lymphocytes in lymph nodes and not very much controlled . This situation we refer to as lymphoma or leukemia .

Swelling symptoms .

* Symptoms of swollen lymph nodes depends on the location of lymph node itself.
* The presence of upper respiratory tract infections ( such as a runny nose , sore throat , and fever ) , sore throat , ear , cheek or under .
* Sometimes it seems the infection of the skin , redness , pain chest .
* Severe Cough
* Enlarged lymph nodes at all ( for example , on HIV and lupus )
and other symptoms

Lymph node disease

In many cases , the lymph nodes can be stricken with the disease . Type of the disease is most common in the lymph nodes are cancerous lymph nodes . The lymph node cancer called lymphoma lot . Type of lymph node cancer that attacks are mostly white blood cells or leukocytes in the lymph nodes .
Cancer of lymph nodes is usually characterized by the presence of lumps . This lump feels rubbery . These bumps do not cause any pain or soreness . This lump was sometimes very easy for us wiggle .
If you feel a lump with such traits above then you deem suspicious that lump in your body that are the seeds of cancerous lymph nodes . Even if it is not all lumps are present in the body is cancerous lymph nodes .
But there are bumps in your body can be categorized as lymph node cancer if you experience the following signs :

* You have a fever continuously. Your body temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius
* At night , you often sweat
* Your weight decreased
lymphoma is a type of cancer that is not malignant . This type of cancer is still able to be treated . In fact it can be said that the lymphoma is a type of cancer that is most easy to treat .
There are several ways to treat this type of cancer . Method of treatment is determined by some things that have been prescribed by a doctor's diagnosis of cancer such as how the state itself is still in its early stages or has entered an advanced stage .
In addition the patient's condition also affects how many types of treatment such as patient age, body condition , whether these cancers , including cancers that are new or have been there and back again. As well as other things that have been prescribed by your doctor .
Some of the treatments can be done to cure cancer lymph nodes are :

Chemotherapy .

As with other types of cancer , chemotherapy is considered as the most effective way of treatment to kill the cancer cells are present. Drugs consumed suffering of cancer patients lymph nodes are intended to damage and kill cancer cells that invade the body .

Radiation .

How the treatment of cancerous lymph nodes by means of radiation is also called radiotherapy . This treatment is done by giving the light a certain radiation toward the cancer cells of the body are affected . Directing this radiation must be done very precisely in the position of the cancer cells .
It is intended to completely turn off the sidelines cancer . In addition, to prevent radiation on the cells not exposed to attack cancer cells . Because if healthy cells are not attacked by the cancer cells exposed to radiation then join these cells were killed .
There are requirements that must be met in this way radiation treatment . Radiation can only be done if the cancer cells only attack on one or two areas only in our bodies . If there are cancer cells that grow in our body then this method of radiation treatment can not be done . Then chosen other means of treatment .

Transplantation .

We know how to transplant for the treatment of various types of cancers including cancer of the lymph nodes . Transplant is done to replace the cells that are affected by the cancer cells with new cells are transplanted .
For this transplant treatment regimen , the transplanted cells can be taken from donors such as the family of the patient . Ideally that has the most cell to be transplanted is the twin brother of the patient . In addition , the transplanted cells can be derived from the patient's own body cells .

Surgery .

Surgery is performed to remove cancer cells that attack the lymph nodes .
Treatment of experimental therapies .
This treatment is an alternative way that is done to treat cancer of the lymph nodes often grow back after treatment .
This method is referred to as an experimental therapy because the drugs used are drugs that can be tried is to treat the cancerous lymph nodes or not .
Actually it is not difficult to figure out the sense of the lymph nodes . Although understanding the lymph nodes still sounds foreign to us . We can have this sense of lymph nodes from various sources .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 11, 2014 at 15:33
Tag : Lymph node definition.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:33

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