Saturday 8 March 2014

Treatment of mental illness.

For many people , mental illness is considered shameful , but also terrible .

Have you ever heard the horror stories in a mental hospital ? Well, look at from all sides , the actual stories about haunted asylums is quite reasonable ! Why. For many people , mental illness is considered shameful , but also terrible . Quite often people think of it as a disease or a curse karma .
But regardless of the opinion of those , psychiatry ( which handles psychiatric medicine ) does have the worst reputation among other branches . Because , a lot of medical treatment and medicines are frequently horrible given to patients .
The removal of organs , surgery and injections that sounded inhuman often done by medical personnel this field . And not infrequently their medical practice that ended in death . Some treatments Mental Hospital The Most Terrible it is ;

Trepanation ( perforate Head ) .

Trepanation is the oldest method of treatment of mental illness , which is even used by people who lived in ancient times .

Trepanation is the oldest method of treatment of mental illness , which is even used by people who lived in ancient times . This treatment is called horrible because of the patient's head is cut and hollowed skull .
The purpose of trepanation is to figure out what is wrong with the patient's head who experience mental illness or problems in the head . But predictably , many surgeries that eventually must end with death . This method is also popular in Europe in the 17th century

Eliminate Body Organs .

For Dr . Henry Cotton , a mental disorder caused by infection .

For Dr . Henry Cotton , a mental disorder caused by infection . As a result , the only treatment is to eliminate the organs infected .
Practice began in the early 20th century . Initially , he took the patient's teeth one by one , and if the disease is not cured also he would take other organs .
Throughout his career , there is only 50 % who survive with this method . In fact , it's not necessarily the patient also recovered mentally . This horror until immortalized in a book called Madhouse , written Andrew Scull .

Lobotomy .

Lobotomy is the originator of Edgar Monis who had concluded that psychiatric problems originating from the frontal lobe ( one part of the brain ) .

Lobotomy is the originator of Edgar Monis who had concluded that psychiatric problems originating from the frontal lobe ( one part of the brain ) . And the only way to eliminate it is to destroy the part. The doctor inserts a medical instrument , into the eye socket to cut the front part of the brain nerves . Icebreaker is the tool most often used for this method .
Originally lobotomy successfully provide relief to the patient . However, after a successful and run a lot of people , was revealed that in the long term , patients will experience permanent paralysis .

Electroshock .

 Electroshock was first used by the Italian doctor a year before the first world war .

Seeing his name , maybe you can already imagine the electric high pressure flows into the patient . Electroshock was first used by the Italian doctor a year before the first world war . 400 volt electricity is passed through the brain , and potentially cause amnesia and brain damage . Although highly controversial and dangerous , but there are still many psychiatrists who use this method .

Created coma .

Manfred Sekel actually use commas method to cure the patient

Coma is a condition that is quite scary in the medical world . But Manfred Sekel actually use commas method to cure the patient . How can it be ?
He first used this method in drug addicts , by injecting large amounts of insulin . After waking from a long sleep , the patient admitted to heal . The same method was also able to cure mental patients .
But in the end , this method was discontinued because of terrible side effects begin to appear . Patients started to die due to an overdose of insulin .

Metrazol treatment .

Psychiatrist Ladislas von Meduna Hungarian origin had gained popularity because of this discovery .

Psychiatrist Ladislas von Meduna Hungarian origin had gained popularity because of this discovery . He used a number of drugs to calm schizophrenia . effect of these drugs is to make the patient seizure , but in the end be more calm . But after some time it is used , the patient appeared peculiarities of behavior , so that the use of these drugs eventually stopped .

Hydrotherapy .

Patients were sprayed with high pressure water to reduce his aggressive attitude .

If you hear the word hydrotherapy , maybe you will think about the tub filled with warm water and comfortable . But make no mistake , the therapy is meant here was very painful ! Patients were sprayed with high pressure water to reduce his aggressive attitude . They could have sprayed while standing , or tied in a bathtub with high pressure

Rotation Therapy .

How not , the patient twisted around , either manually or with tools .

This therapy is arguably strange . How not , the patient twisted around , either manually or with tools . It must be admitted that the therapy developed Charles Darwin 's grandfather was harmless and leaves no trauma . But certainly , the patient will experience severe dizziness after living it .

Eliminating the uterus .

The hypocrite believed that hysteria , is a mental disorder that is associated with a woman's uterus is shifted .

The hypocrite believed that hysteria , is a mental disorder that is associated with a woman's uterus is shifted . The only way to eliminate this is to fix the position of the uterus .
But in the 20th century , how crazy started. Instead of fixing the position , oophorectomy direct method removes the ovaries of women who are suffering from hysteria . In fact , this method is tantamount to castration method , which makes possible the woman was pregnant and gave birth .

Mesmer method .

Mesmer method .

The hypocrite believed that hysteria , is a mental disorder that is associated with a woman's uterus is shifted .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 08, 2014 at 13:23
Tag : Treatment of mental illness.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:23

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