Saturday 8 March 2014

The most obese people.

The most obese people.

Fattest people in the world.

For those who like to eat careful in choosing foods , choose healthy foods in order intake of excess nutrients are met or not . If not careful can lead to obesity or overweight body is very harmful to the body .
It is the JV which has a very high body weight as a result of their diet . For them , the problem is no longer removes fat deposits , but the battle between life and death .

Paul Mason ( 444.5 kg ) .

Paul Mason ( 444.5 kg ) .

Paul Mason ( 52 years old ) was once considered the most obese people in the world, with a body weight that reached 444.5 kg. The man from Ipswich, Suffolk, England , was asked to undergo a gastric bypass or risk of death after him . After surgery , his weight dropped to 181 pounds . But he did not get charged for operating on his skin now looks sagged .

Donna Simpson ( 450 kg ) .

Donna Simpson ( 450 kg ) .

Donna Simpson is an American woman who in 2008 published a that he wants to be one of the fattest woman in the world . The target weight is 450 pounds and he paid Rp 769 million / year to eat . In 2008 weighed weighed 290 pounds, but fell to 273 kg in 2010 . But in 2010 , he won the honor of the holder of the Guinness World Record as the heaviest woman to give birth .

Manuel Uribe ( 597 kg ) .

Donna Simpson ( 450 kg ) .

Born in 1965 in Monterrey , Mexico , Manuel Uribe is known for having equal weight ballooned to six people . Hobbies eat tacos and pizza , he reached the top weighs about 597 pounds and bound in the bed since 2001 .

Ricky Naputi ( 408 kg ) .

Ricky Naputi ( 408 kg ) .

Having the title as the world's fattest man is not a blessing , contrary to Ricky Naputi . With a weight reached 408 kg , he can not go anywhere other than at home alone . And the last greatest hope is undergoing weight loss surgery . Unfortunately, Ricky wishes will never come true . In November 2012, he was found dead in his home because of severe obesity .

Robert Earl Hughes ( 171 kg ) .

Robert Earl Hughes ( 171 kg ) .

During his lifetime , Robert Earl Hughes listed as the heaviest man in history . Born in 1958 , her weight is excessive because it is caused by a damaged pituitary gland . At the age of 6 years has been 92 kg body weight and at 10 years old , he weighed 171 pounds . When he died at age 32 in 1926 , weighed over half a ton . He contracted measles , which soon developed into uremia .

Mayra Rosales ( 495 kg ) .

Mayra Rosales ( 495 kg ) .

Mayra Rosales became headline news when he was accused of murdering the son of his sister, but acquitted when the court decided that he was just too big to kill. Woman from Texas is saying that he could not even lift her arms to attack her nephew , because at that time his weight reached 495 kg .

Terri Smith ( 317 kg ) .

Terri Smith ( 317 kg ) .

' Diet or die ' . This is the doctor's choice offered to Terri Smith , who used to be the fattest woman in the world , due to its weight had reached 317 pounds . He suffered from intense headaches and needs a brain scan , but his body was too large to fit into the MRI machine .

8.Kenneth Brumley ( 468 kg ) .

8.Kenneth Brumley ( 468 kg ) .

Kenneth Brumley gained worldwide attention when he appeared in a Channel 4 documentary Bodyshock ' Half Ton Dad ' . Father of 4 children, was weighed nearly 468 pounds and has been tied to the bed for four years . He was then accepted as a gastric bypass patient at the Renaissance Hospital in Houston , Texas . However , to take him out of the house to the hospital , the fire department had to destroy the wall to pull it off .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 08, 2014 at 12:19 
Tag : The most obese people.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:19

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