Thursday 13 February 2014

Did You Know About Weeds sea.

Weeds sea
Sea weed or kelp is one of the biological resources found in coastal and marine areas . The term " seaweed " is ambiguous because it is used in botany for the two groups of " plants " are different . In Indonesian , seaweed term used to refer to both the sea weed and sea grass .

Referred to as sea weed vegetation is a member of the group known as algae ( " algae " ) . These resources can be found in the waters usually associated with the presence of coral reef ecosystems . Natural sea weed can usually live on top of a substrate of sand and dead coral . In some coastal areas in the southern part of Java and Sumatra's west coast , sea weeds commonly found living on top of cliffs that protect the coast from the waves. On the south coast of West Java and Banten , for example , sea weed can be found around the coast Santolo and dear Heulang in Garut district or in Ujung Kulon area Pandeglang . While on the west coast of Sumatra , sea weed can be found on the west coast to the coast of Lampung Province of North Sumatra and Aceh .
In addition to living freely in nature , some kind of sea weed is also widely cultivated by most Indonesian coastal communities . Examples of the type of sea weed that is widely cultivated of which is Euchema cottonii and Gracilaria spp . Some areas and islands in Indonesia, which many coastal communities do this sea weed cultivation of which are located in the coastal area of Thousand Islands regency , Riau Islands Province , the island of Lombok , Sulawesi , Maluku and Papua .

Seaweed .

In botany , which is referred to as seaweed is seagrass , a true member of a group of plants that have adapted monocot group with sea water , even depending on the environment . Seagrass economically less meaningful to humans , but life seagrass into place like the various inhabitants of shallow waters in the tropics .
Seaweed is one kind of seafood nutritious for health. All kinds of seaweed from Dulse , Bladderwrack , Kombu , Sea Lettuce , until Nori is rich in protein which is good for improving the quality of health.

Some of the benefits of seaweed .

Rich in vitamins

Seaweed is known as a healthy food because it contains vitamin A , vitamin B 12 , calcium , iron , potassium , and iodine . Even the calcium content in the seaweed more than the content of calcium in beef , broccoli , and milk .
Maintaining the health of the thyroid and other hormones
The content of iodine in the thyroid can keep your thyroid health and physiological functions of the body. Without iodine , your body can not synthesize hormones produced by the thyroid gland .

Rich in fiber

Seaweed is rich in soluble fiber that is readily absorbed by the body . In addition to the existing fiber in seaweed can increase the good bacteria in the stomach so that you stay healthy digestion .

Losing weight

Seaweeds have absolutely no fat content or calories . The iodine content in seaweed also able to maintain the health of your body's thyroid gland . The thyroid gland is able to regulate the body's metabolism so that weight remains balanced. Moreover minerals in seaweed can destroy fat cells in the body .

Preventing cancer

Seaweed contains natural antioxidant substances called lignans . This compound is known to slow the growth of tumors . Other studies have also shown that high folic acid content in the seaweed can prevent colon cancer .

Being able to detoxify the body

Seaweed consumption suitable for those who are often exposed to toxins and pollutants from the body . This is because in the seaweed contained chlorophyll content helps the body to naturally detos .
There are so many benefits that exist in the seaweed to your health . So do not hesitate to consume seaweed or kelp -containing foods .

Image ; 

Weeds sea

Red Weeds sea

Green Weeds sea

So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 13, 2014 at 13:45
Tag ; Did You Know About Weeds sea, weeds sea.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:45

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