Friday 17 January 2014

Cornelius Van Drebbel.

Cornelius Van Drebbel
Cornelius van Drebbel was born in Alkmaar in the Netherlands in 1572 , he was the inventor of the first submarine that embodies the design of Leonardo da Vinci . After a few years of school in Alkmaar , around the year 1590, he then went to Haarlem , which is also located in the Northern Netherlands . Teachers at the academy is Hendrick Goltzius , engraver , painter and humanist , Karel van Mander , painter , writer , humanist and Cornelis Corneliszoon of Haarlem . Drebbel became a skilled engraver . In 1595 he married Sophia Jansdochter Goltzius , Hendrick sister . They have 4 children . In 1600, Drebbel was in Middelburg where he built a fountain in Noorderpoort .
He met with Hans Lippershey which is a co- constructor of telescopes and Zacharias Jansen . Drebbel learned lens grinding and optics . Around 1604 Drebbel family then moved to England , probably at the invitation of the new king , James I of England ( VI of Scotland ) . Drebbel also worked in the courts . In 1610 Drebbel and family are invited to come to the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague . After Rudolf 's death in 1612 , Drebbel back to London . Unfortunately his patron Prince Henry died and Drebbel financial difficulties . Initially , the submarine is a sketch artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) , while William Bourne designing the shipbuilding plan ( 1578 ) . But , who managed to build it is Cornelius van Drebbel in 1620 .
Initially , he only saw the sketches that made ​​two of his friends . Then , slowly van Drebbel sketch which he tried to realize such unique . Standard construction is still taking sketches Bourne . Namely , using the principle that the vessel can sink when the tank filled with water . If the ship would be raised to the surface , the water tank is emptied first. Then , van Drebbel tried to apply the law of Archimedes using the paddle as a driver . Not quite up there , van Drebbel continuously upgrade homemade submarine . Especially in terms of design with such shape arrangement of the two boats and the skin closed . Paddle holes made ​​more tacky so it does not take in water . Van Drebble not using a system reply , but try to iron so much easier dive boat .
The submarine became the oldest submarine . Therefore , the body is still made ​​from animal skins and wood frame . Van Drebbel also wrap around the base timber ship with waterproof leather paddle boat . The addition of the air tube van Drebbel made ​​to provide oxygen . Made his first trip with 12 oarsmen in the Thames . In these trials , the ship managed to dive as deep as 360-450 cm below the River Thames , London , for 2-3 hours .
The last model made ​​van Drebbel has six paddles and can accommodate 16 passengers . The ship can dive for up to three hours and yachting 12-15 feet ( 4-5 - meter ) below the surface of the water . Track starts in his Greenwich home away towards Westminster . Submarine that looks like a cigar shape was created hydrodynamic . According to van Drebbel , hydrodynamic reduces drag when it sank . That way , the ship can sink seamlessly . The submarine has a speed of about 18 km / hour . Currently van Drebbel submarine findings were developed for military purposes . Especially as submarine warfare . It is actually far from the desire Drebbel when first made ​​submarine . He does not want to be a homemade submarine killer tool . Thank you for reading this article. 
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 17, 2014 at 15:23
Tag ; Cornelius Van Drebbel, submarine.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:23

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