Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Psikodiagnostik definition.

Psikodiagnostik derived from two words, namely psychology and diagnostics. Psychology is the science of human behavior, while the diagnostic is to find out. Thus, it can be concluded psikodiagnostik is the science of figuring out the problem behaviors that arise. For example, to find out why a patient to act strangely, what caused him to act like that, and what treatment should be given to the patient A is.

This psikodiagnostik appears motivated by clinical need, which exist-right by Hermann Rorschach. In diagnosing an individual, Hermann makes a test called "Rorschach Test". Rorschach test is a test in the form of ink blots, which dropped into the paper so that make up the image are symmetrical. Then subjects / individuals in the test were asked to interpret the image. Some psychologists use this test to check a person's personality. This test is widely used for cases - cases where the patient does not want to draw an open process.

One example of the Rorschach test as shown below. What can you conclude from the above image ?? Okay now we go to psikodiagnostik itself. Actually psikodiagnostik itself has a narrow and broad sense.
In a narrow sense: a way to set a psychic or mental disorders in order to provide appropriate treatment.
In a broad sense: any means used to create a psychological diagnosis, in order to treat people with more precise. At first glance may have almost the same sense, but you try to watch what I give italics between "a way" with "each way". That is psikodiagnostik itself not only have one way to diagnose an individual, but a lot of ways.

What is the purpose of psikodiagnostik itself ?

To determine the potential / abilities of the individual be able to treat people according to their potential to establish psychic disorders experienced by the individual, such as phobias, skizoferenia, paranoid, and others in order to provide appropriate care in accordance with psychological disorders experienced by the individual, for example, he suffered from paranoid, what the appropriate treatment can be cured so paranoid. To determine the existence of individual differences, for example, identical twins. Do identical twins have certainly equal ?? It could be they have different personalities.

What role psikodiagnostik itself ??

In psychology: tools / methods that are important in achieving practical psychology. So psikodiagnostik is not a branch of the sciences of psychology, but rather as a process, as a means of infrastructure in psychology. So what learning objectives in psikodiagnostik ??

1. Placing the individual in accordance with its potential both in the field of education, work, and daily life. Example, a company needs someone who can advance the company. Then sought people who articulate, responsibility, discipline, etc. Is A company can go forward with wearing a shy person, not on time, fear of appearing publicly, etc ?? Certainly not.

2. Encourage the individual to be able to develop their potential optimally. Just like the example above. If the individual has been placed at their potential, then he will be more motivation to work and be able to develop its potential.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: April 7, 2015 at 19:16
Tags : Psikodiagnostik definition.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 19:16

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