Name runway taken from him by rounding to the nearest tens, eg 36 for a runway that leads to 360 degrees (north). Because of a runway can be used in both directions, naming there is any difference between the two with 18. Example: runway 27/09.If the airport has a runway with some of the same direction, will be identified with the addition of the letter L, C, and R for Left, Center, and Right (left, middle, right) were added at the end. Example: runway 02R / 20L.
Classification Landing Runway.
Classification runway is determined by:
Completeness aids flight navigation at airports.Dimensions runway.
Completeness aids flight navigation.
Completeness of navigation aids flight includes:
Precision instruments; Aids to navigation flight equipped runway landing aids Instrument Landing System (ILS) and visual landing aids.
Non-precision instrument; Aids to navigation flight runway equipped with navigation aids flying Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range (DVOR) and visual landing aids.
Non instrument; Aids to navigation flight runway equipped with a flight navigation aids Non-directional beacon (NDB).
Dimensions runway.
Code number 1; The length of the runway is less than 800 meters.
Code number 2; Runway length = 800 meters or more but less 1,200 meters.
Code number 3; Runway length = 1,200 meters or more but less 1,800 meters.
Code number 4; Runway length = 1,800 meters or more.
In general, the runway has a layer of asphalt "hot mix" with the degree and direction identification number written with letters, as well as horizontal lines similar to the "zebra crossing" on the tip ends of reducing the number of lines when heading to the runway center indicating the time when the aircraft must land (wheels touch the runway on landing) and take off.In particular foundations, tip end of the runway which is used to touch down or take off a layer of concrete used, not asphalt, to avoid melting asphalt when the plane took off at full engine power, especially fighter aircraft using afterburners mechanism causing flame on nozzle (exhaust) aircraft engines. Asphalt is best used natural asphalt, and is best used is bitumen produced from Trinidad and Tobago country, so do not use petroleum bitumen processed, which is easy to melt / soften due to the sun's heat, pressure and heat generated from the exhaust gas bursts aircraft engines. At the bottom of the asphalt layer is used layers of stone, not coral as well as the use of paving roads. Runway is made with certain technical calculations so that the surface remains dry, even in the rainy season, and prevent its waterlogged runway resulted in the aircraft experienced aquaplanning, especially when it landed very dangerous.
On the right and left edges and ends of the runway end lights and given the poles used to help navigate the navigation more in bad weather and night flights.
Pioneer airport runway has a simpler construction than the first commercial airport is the airport in remote areas. The runway is known as an airstrip. Sometimes it's just a piece of land that was given hardened layer of grass, and to prevent the collapse of the soil used steel stick or pad marston (layer perforated steel plate hole). In Indonesia, the runway as it is used in rural areas of Irian Jaya or West Papua. Construction runway were used during World War II for military purposes as making more practical.
The length of the runway depends on temperature, wind speed and direction, as well as the pressure of the surrounding air. In desert areas and in the highlands, is generally used runway longer than commonly used in airports and even the international airport, because the air pressure is lower. For example, the runway in the city of Doha, Qatar has a length of up to more than 5,000 meters.
Particular runway is equipped with cable holder for landing aircraft (arrester cable) even aircraft catapult (catapult), especially for the short runway and the runway on an aircraft carrier.
Runways at each airport are generally cleaned from dust or gravel, and even other foreign objects that would endanger the safety of flight (in the world of aviation, foreign objects known as FOD). Plane crash on the runway is generally caused due to foreign objects either into the engine and damage the aircraft airframe or aircraft wheels when taking off or landing. It is like that of the Concorde plane at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France in 2000 which caused the aircraft caught fire and crashed, killing all passengers, crew and locals. More because of the weather and even bird disturbance so generally in every commercial airport even pioneering equipped watchtowers which oversees air traffic control, communication and even weather information. In particular airport, equipped with sensors and bird repellent and weather sensors and sensors to measure the level of noise generated from aircraft engines.Besides that, each runway is equipped with a runway sweeper vehicle and equipment cleaning chemicals to clean the rest of the runway especially rubber traces generated by the wheels of the aircraft if not cleaned can also interfere with flight safety. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 6, 2014 at 11:16
Tag : Runway system.
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