Saturday, 6 December 2014

Landing aircraft speed.

The aircraft in the landing position
Every time a plane would landing, there is one thing that always makes me curious, how when landing the plane that weighs tons with a short runway distance then with full speed, so it is with the fighter aircraft landing on an aircraft carrier.

Have you ever thought about how to best reduce the speed at a speed of about 200 knots, or about 300-400 km / h? Well, in this post you will know how best to slow down at high speed and is only available within 3000-4000 meters. Aircraft pilots are not the same as a bus driver, taxi, motorcycle, or three-wheeler that just pressing the brake pedal and pull the handbrake. It turns out, the plane has several stages to slow down.


First, the pilot will use a spoiler located on the top of the wing. Spoiler useful as Airbrake (air drag) to reduce thrust and lift the aircraft, although only occurs in part a change in airspeed. What if the pilot is only used as a spoiler air brakes? Surely plane will go up to several kilometers from the deadline for the runway (runway).


Previously I will explain in advance, what the flap? Flap or flaps are commonly called surface that will be subject to cuts contained in the rear edge of the wing. By the time the pilot lowered the flaps air speed will drop dramatically (stall). The size of the flap on commercial aircraft is usually larger than the point as well as a spoiler and air drag (Airbrake).

Various types of flaps  :

1. Plain Flap: 

This type is commonly used on small aircraft / dragonfly and cover the use of simple types and are usually used for braking during landing. In Plain Flap across the crease to lower the maximum to be able to slow down quickly

2. Split Flap: 

In Split Flap only the bottom flap which is lowered, while the top remains normal. This type of flap method invented by Orville Wright and James M. H Jacob in 1920. The flap like this are usually found on the Douglas DC-3 and C-47.

3. Fowler Flap: 

Flap type is commonly found in commercial aircraft / passenger. Fowler flaps similar to the Plain Fowler Flap Flap but gave little gap as by air (airflow). This type of flap was first discovered by Harlan D. Fowler in 1924.
Actually there are many more types of flap, because too much I did not explain one by one.

Landing Gear

Do you know what it's landing gear? Landing gear or in Indonesian aircraft wheel is part of the aircraft used during take off or landing. By the time the plane left the ground / runway, the pilot will include the landing gear into the space landing gear. What's the point? The point is to reduce air drag when the aircraft is in the sky at high speed and also to reduce the damage to the landing gear against a very strong wind. At the time the plane to land, then lowered the landing gear useless to reduce the bit rate and the base plane to land at the time of touch down (touching the ground). In addition to the base landing, the landing gear is also used as a frictional force on the runway (drag). It's obvious, is not it? With the landing gear will be there at the same air drag friction force on the runway.

Reverse Thrust

The braking section uses aircraft jet engines. How does it work? Aircraft jet engines (thrust) has thrust to the back to increase the speed of the aircraft, but in this section will change the aircraft jet engine thrust so that the wind of the jet engine will be pushed to the front of the plane. It is certain, if the wind is super great or also called jet blast, pushed forward will reduce the rate of aircraft.


This is the last part of the braking found on the landing gear. The braking process using a hydraulic brake or almost the same as in an ordinary car braking. Autobrake only used when the speed of the aircraft has been slow, if Autobrake used when touch down've definitely canvas will burn and might slip plane. Autobrake used during landing or take off.

Not pictured is not it? How difficult aircraft braking when compared to other vehicles. Really do not know whether the pilot was replaced by the most experienced vehicle drivers. It certainly will continue over the limit runway.

For landing large aircraft, military aircraft, and space shuttle uses the following sections:


Besides being used for skydiving, it is also used in the braking parachute aircraft. Why braking parachute is rarely used on commercial aircraft? The explanation is this: when the parachute is issued and lie perfectly parachute will make a huge shock effect. Due to the high air speed dropped dramatically. So the parachute only used on military aircraft, space shuttle, and a large aircraft that can not slow down the speed at a certain distance.

Cable Hook

This particular cable hook used on landing on aircraft carrier (aircraft carrier) which has a short runway. Braking is quite simple way, the first aircraft will issue a thin piece of metal hook before landing on the aircraft carrier, then it will be related to the metal hook on the hook wires that lie in the flight deck.

Retaining nets

Braking tool is also used on aircraft carriers, but at the time of an emergency landing. What is it? The emergency landing like a plane is damaged and can not reduce his speed. Prior to approaching aircraft flight deck, flight deck officers will spread the retaining net made of very strong mine. Then the plane will crash into the barrier nets without bumping into another plane or take to the sea.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 6, 2014 at 13:40
Tag : Landing aircraft speed.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:40

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