Monday 3 March 2014

The strongest magic.

The strongest magic.


Gypsy fortune teller

The Gypsy is a wanderer , a mysterious race , scattered throughout Europe and parts of Asia , Africa , and America . Gypsy tribes are actually people who do not have a permanent home , or so-called nomadic . But if we embarrass them , so they do not hesitate to get the word smell of death to us .

magic :

Lamia is probably the worst magic that used the Gypsy. This magic is usually used for punishment. The way it works is by taking something that belongs to us , whether buttons, pens , etc. , and cast a spell to the object. Lamia va lua sufletele lor,? I le was IN loculs? U IN IN cazul care nu va fi sufletele din nou reîncarnare ( Lamia took his life after a few days, and took him to endless torment ). One thing to remember , do not be fooled by their finery.



The Indians were a tribe , a nation , or a group or community of indigenous peoples in the Americas .

magic :

Inland communities most evil magic is America Na Munda . This is different from existing voodoo in Haiti . Indians usually do this by calling the magic spirits using the medium of their bodies with chants or mantras and special dances . This magic will cause death without a trace. Lately magic is also used to heal and forecasting.



Bulgarian Mystery is a collection of people from Bulgaria who has a high level of long-distance magic . This magic is used to scramble the area at the time of the division of regions in Eastern Europe .

magic :

The most terrible magic Bulgarian people are singing . Malka Moma high notes sung by a magic that is unique and different from other tribes . But , now the magic is not there anymore . It is now used as a cultural community in the Bulgarian singing .



Kiyuku is the name of a tribe in Africa , is a fraction of the Murci and Dassanech . Kiyuku looking for a way to move out of Africa region to Ethiopia .

magic :

Magic is Kiyuku Dancer owned or dance Kiyuku . The local community itself has not mengetahiu clearly what is meant by the dance. Some say lowering rain , Witchcraft , there are even some who say these people can turn a desert into snow


The MAYA .

Maya is a collection of extraordinary people who were in the jungle Mexico and Guatemala . It is the most modern parts of the era because it can calculate the star calendar , and a mathematician .

magic :

Do not think that only the Maya tribe have numeracy course , Toltec is the name or nickname of the oldest Maya , or could be called a wise man . They have the ability to summon rain , strength in the war , and led to the sun god to perform a human heart from their tribe or an enemy . This tribe who fought the Indians .

Maasai .

The Maasai .

Maasai is a tribe that originated from Kenya . Arrogant , Fearless , and Free , is a nickname that suits them . For 100 years , the Maasai do not take or glued to the rule , peace in war , money for life , and so on .

magic :

Magic they tend to pray , they have a god named Enkai . No wonder why the Maasai tribe called " Warriors " . It is said that with the help of Enkai , they can run as fast as a lion and also become immune .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 3, 2014 at 14:35
Tag : The strongest magic.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:35

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