Friday 7 March 2014

Swinger phenomenon.

Do not imagine the actors swinger who entered the age of three heads . Now their younger , wilder and more tempting !
Short message into the phone of a friend while we were relaxing in the lobby of a five star hotel in South Jakarta area . It was brief , " There's a new kid want to follow the party . Tomorrow in Anyer . " My friend smiled as he handed me his cell phone.
When reading a message that I do not quite understand what he meant .
A week later , in my FB account there was a message from my friend's . He talked at length about the " party " is defined in the SMS the other day he showed me .
"The wildest party I've ever experienced," said my friend started the conversation. In a cottage in Anyer , he did solo swingers with another couple whose age still deserves to be called as a student .
Swinger party is planned attended the three pairs each of which will swap partner to then have sex with other couples . Interestingly , one of the pair is still quite a young age . " They're one of the students in private universities in Surabaya . Incidentally vacation to Jakarta again and wrote all our party , "said my friend chuckled .
If my friend and her partner are aged above three heads , so different from the other couples in the swinger party . " They're still in college , and they told me had some friends who are also happy swingers . Sometime not invited to Jakarta to play I'll be along, "said my friend again . I could only shake his head to hear .
Swinger may sound strange word in my head . But the strangeness of it soon paid off when a friend managed to provide a contact number one swingers enthusiast . She immediately called her cell phone and handed it to me for the next few minutes talking about swingers . " Maybe three or four years ago , swinger is synonymous with exchange of sexual partners among men and women who are married . There is even a swingers club in Jakarta, which requires its members to marry before him partying . But now , many teenagers also why the swinger . I am well acquainted with some of them . And remember , they are not CSWs ( commercial sex workers ) but really like the sensation in swinger , "said the resource person from the other line .
According to him , it is different from the swinger sex in general . " Swinger involves a sense of trust and its own fantasy when we participate in it . We trust each other so that sex was not only about lust . There are different sensations and feelings while doing so , " said the man who declined to mention the name of the original .
A nightclub in West Jakarta , is often used as a gathering place for lovers of swinger couples . " We often meet there . For swingers themselves are not certain when the routine was held . Usually when it's equally suitable then we can go to find room . Young couples are usually more hot . They are very open minded and impress wild , "said the source speaker .
Among the perpetrators , the phenomenon seems to have begun venturing swinger younger age . If the first is identical to the swinger couples who have entered the age of maturity , the trend now seems to shift . The age range of the two head into the middle age are often found in pairs swinger . " It's a lot of demand right now are still young . If I am not concerned about age . As long as we are compatible and like , yes do it , "said informants had ended the chat .
Talk history , swinger is not a new phenomenon . Since centuries ago the literature have described the behavior of the exchange of sexual partners . Even today in Europe , at least a thousand registered active swinger club activities. For Europe, the swinger is more emphasis on married couples and looking for new sensations in a physical relationship . Their median age 31 years for women and 34 years for men . Even the actors admitted swingers there " ritual " if sex is different from the usual . They consider more private swinger and conducted specifically with its official partner .
On the African continent the exchange recorded pair also exist.
While in Australia , Warramunga tribes have similar rituals with each other to have sex with his neighbor 's wife . Then the Southern American continent , namely Brazil and Venezuela also have similar things in life practice tribal hinterland.
In Indonesia this phenomenon back swingers warm when airings case Satria Piningit Waten sect flow lane early 2009 . This sect believed to swingers fellow members as a means to communicate with his god . Interestingly , the people in the interior of Papua has a habit similar to swingers . The procession of a man sleeping with his wife alternately siblings . The wife is doing it voluntarily as a service to the tribal and primitive religion that was followed .
Along with the development of technology , which is becoming excessive freedom also targeting the younger generation , especially in big cities . Behaviors that used to be part of the primitive tribes living and rural communities as if surfacing and loved the urban. " Sparkling hedonistic world is gnawing mentally and manners vulnerable young children . Especially those living in big cities , they are more quickly receive the information technology and personality filters though sometimes they are not ready , " said Sigit JT , an observer of the urban lifestyle .
" Talk about swingers , it's hard to say if this has become a way of life before there is valid research it. If there is already evidence for example, 50 percent of young people liked and active in it , this new alarming . More precisely we can say as an urban phenomenon , as it occurs and overrides the urban community . likely they are momentary thrill seekers who engage in short- term physical relationship . Seeing this trend it could have young children become actors in it , " added the man who also taught at an off campus in West Jakarta .
So what exactly is the swinger ? In definitf it more or less means is sex between men and women with multiple partners simultaneously and then exchange sex partner or partners in the group . " Swinger tend to be done by married couples or lovers who want to feel the sensation of a different sexual behaviors . Swinger is not done by people who simply know or just met but made ​​a solid couples . If you are just trying to be solid and not even be a problem . Such pairs include feelings suspect . Though swingers just looking for entertainment and a grand sense of a sexual activity , " says psychologist Ismed Surachmad .
Although no limit of age , the perpetrators generally more desirable by swingers party among young executives . Although it can not be beaten flat but the players usually are among the well-established economic strata . Clear goals to be achieved is a fantasy adventure full of sex and sensation . That's the reason they were supposedly could feel the joy of this feast .
Try to open the internet and use a search engine with keywords swinger . Within seconds it will come out the various links and internet sites linked to swingers . If you use a more specific keyword swinger Indonesia , there is also little or group of links that discuss or promote various clubs associated with it.
Furthermore according to Ismed , moral boundaries are increasingly blurred and added complexity urban life being fertile ground for such hedonistic practices swinger . " But it is not a justification for free to do the things that are not commendable . Due to the worst , then will be the ones who only see the swingers sexual activity as a way to perform sexual variation , and the result could have been worst affected by AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases . It's sad and ultimately tantamount to sexual freedom , " he said .
On the one hand , clearly illustrates the decline swinger moral norms and boundaries in community life. While on the other hand also become a trend swinger urban acted by mostly small urban communities . Although the public is increasingly indifferent and self-centered life , but it does not mean that smoking behavior can be justified as swingers." It helps us remember back eastern values ​​. Living in the East can not be equated with the West . Hedonic behavior is likely to harm and often brings on the generation of moral degradation culprit . Do not get us lost generation due to an increasingly pluralistic age eroded this , " said Sigit again .
Now of course all back to us . Glorifies the ego and the momentary satisfaction or return values ​​" obsolete " old-fashioned sound in the ear . All up to us , with the consequence that each knows its mouth .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 18:44
Tag ; Swinger phenomenon.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:44

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