Friday 7 March 2014


Earlier Aborigines in Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of size, is smaller when compared with Russia , Canada , China , United States , and Brazil. Australia is the smallest continent, while the largest is Asia which covers 44,614,000 square kilometers. Humans inhabit Australia already since a long time . Australia 's original inhabitants called the Aborigines . In Latin the word ' Aborigine ' has the meaning ' from the beginning ' .
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander is a tribe of Indigenous Australians . They 've lived and maintain both the Australian homeland for nearly 60,000 years using the legal system and their own government . That said , they settled on the smallest continent for thousands of years ago . But then they were displaced by the nation's immigrants are more " intelligent " than white Europeans.

Aborigines in Australia .

Aboriginal leaders.

Rituals aboriginal tribes.

One of the famous culture of the Aborigines are often hunting weapons they use , the Boomerang . This weapon is unique because once thrown away , to return again , these weapons are often used for hunting in the woods or desert savannah . In everyday life Aborigines spend it on hunting wild animals such as kangaroos ( typical Australian animals ) , in addition to using Boomerang they also use traditional weapons such as spears and arrows .
In the winter when the Aborigines use clothing made from kangaroo leather . For Aboriginal people who still live traditionally , they have never known farming and raising livestock , which is why the group they never go far from water sources and rivers . Residence was still nomanden or move , he made the house is very simple and only made ​​of twigs and leaves in the bunk .

War Commander aborigines.

Aboriginal boomerang weapon.

In social life among the tribe, a group of Aborigines headed by a chief, the chief also doubled as a shaman or healer, and co-led the customary rituals and weddings.
Aboriginal people themselves are divided into many groups according to the area they live in , including the Aboriginal Bama in the region of Queensland , Aboriginal Koori in the New south Wales and Victoria , Aboriginal Murri in southern Queensland region , Aboriginal Noongar in the south western part of Australia , Aboriginal Nunga in region of southern Australia , Aboriginal Anangu in the region near the border of southern and western Australia , and Aboriginal Palawah who lived on the island of Tasmania . Most Aboriginal communities are Aboriginal Anangu which has 32.5 % of the entire population of Aboriginal people in Australia , but if calculated overall with an Aboriginal Australian population numbered only 517,000 souls and if the percentage is only 2.3 % .
Physically , the Aborigines as Papuans : dark skin and curly hair , but now has been changed , sure brown skinned and curly haired . Originally they have the same land . Scientists say , due to the natural process of moving , the mainland was then separated . To the south into Australia . While on the mainland north of the island of Papua entering into Indonesian territory . Fit with the name Australia is derived from the word " Australis " which in Latin means " south" , while the Dutch call " Australische " which has the same meaning . The dark -skinned tribes then separate .
Both are undergoing their own destiny in a different country . In both Indonesia and Australia because they are hard exist retardation . Apparently , differences in skin color that is striking in the southern mainland aborigines make less fortunate. Immigrants in Australia are smooth skinned natives were not treated appropriately.
At the time of the Commonwealth of Australia was established on January 1,
1701 , for example , aboriginal tribes are considered part of the fauna .
Had been a discrimination of the people of Europe against Aborogin rate, even Aborigines often regarded as the Fauna / animals, but the current discrimination gradually softened, and one political strategy for Aboriginal problem is with the process of assimilation among whites and black Aborigines. This makes a lot of mixed marriages of their children is no longer black, even to the next generations getting together with white Europeans.
Aboriginal children were forcibly separated from their families and then placed in an orphanage for " bleached " . Most later taken care of by the whites as workers or helpers . Boys collected to be used as free labor on remote farms . They were severely punished when not doing something wrong or unpleasant . Just like apartheid , apparently also determined by the fate of the aborigines of skin color . Hence the term " the stolen generation" which makes now the Prime Minister of Australia , Kevin Rudd , apologized .
In early 2006, the Australian government never pushed the issue of ethnic extermination of the population of Papua by Indonesia. Out of nowhere the issue develops, local media proclaim massively. Herman Wanggai, pimpian Papuan separatists who receive a visa Australia said, hundreds of thousands of Papuans have been killed exhausted. Although it was said like that, Wanggai could not prove his words. Moreover, when human rights activists trace the report also found no massacre. Many believe, this Australian politics to discredit Indonesia in international eyes. Australia seemed to want to shed the "sin" in Indonesia over the treatment of the dark-skinned tribe. Because it is not proven, the allegations seemed to backfire for Australia over the treatment of aboriginal tribes.

Aboriginal tribal war dance.

But Australia's view gradually soften and make room for the natives after the
( supposedly ) a lot of murder .
The trick is somewhat unique : Australia set a political assimilation to mix the two types of human beings who have a different skin color it .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 18:16
Tag : Aborigines.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:16

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