Friday 7 March 2014

Prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate , a walnut -sized gland below the bladder of men whose function is to produce sperm . Most prostate cancer grows very slowly but it is a malignant cancer , and the cancer can spread to other parts of the body , especially the bones and lymph nodes .
According to the interim report of the Singapore Cancer Registry , 2006-2010 period , prostate cancer is the 3rd most common for men in Singapore , with more than 500 cases are diagnosed each year in the period of five years.

WHAT are the symptoms?

In most cases , no symptoms are visible , and it is believed that as many as 80 % of men who reach the age of 80 of prostate cancer . Because in most cases , slow-growing cancer , they generally die from other causes or advanced age without realizing that they have cancer .
When symptoms appear at an advanced stage , which is the weight loss be felt , pelvic pain , back pain or hip and difficulty urinating , such as a burning sensation or pain when urinating or there is blood in the urine .

HOW diagnosed ?

Digital Rectal Examination ( DRE ) - the procedure is performed by a physician using a sheathed finger to examine the rectum . The doctor will be able to feel lumps or growth of prostate cancer .

The position of Prostate Cancer.

Test Prostate - Specific Antigen ( PSA ) Test - This test is most commonly performed initial tests to detect prostate cancer . Performed in the test is checking the levels of PSA-a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland-in the blood. The higher the level is , the more likely the presence of cancer , although other factors may cause a rise in PSA content .

Prostate Biopsy - if there is suspicion of prostate cancer , the biopsy procedure is performed - which remove tissue samples to be checked . When the results were positive , it is necessary to use a bone scan or a scan of the computer done in the pelvic area to ascertain how far the cancer has spread .
Trans - Rectal Ultrasound - This procedure uses sound waves to obtain visualization of the prostate gland . This procedure is most often used in conjunction with procedures to guide the biopsy needle to the prostate gland where there is a suspected tumor .

TEST AFTER the cancer is diagnosed .
PSA Levels - When positive cancer is diagnosed , PSA levels can help ensure its spread . When the PSA level below 20ng/ml , then most likely the cancer has not spread to other organs . PSA levels over 40ng/ml is a strong indication that the cancer has spread to other body parts .
Test Metastasis - When a biopsy has indicated the presence of cancer , other tests should be done to determine how far the cancer has spread .
Bone scans and x - rays can determine if the cancer has spread to the bone .
CT or MRI scans to look for more precise location of the cancer .

Prostate cancer Gleason assessed based system , which measures the degree of organization of existing cancer cells using a microscope .

Stages of prostate cancer.

Grade 1 : Network cancers look like normal prostate tissue .
Grade 2 to 4 : Some cells look like normal cells , but some do not look normal . There is a very clear distinction between normal and abnormal cells .
Grade 5 : cancer and the pattern of growth seems very normal .
Because prostate cancer often have areas with different values ​​, a value determined for the two areas in which there are at most cancer cells . These two values ​​are then summed to obtain the scale Gleason score between 2 and 10 .
Gleason score less than 6 indicates that the cancer is not malignant . While the value of 7 upwards indicates a very aggressive cancer that can grow and spread quickly .

In some cases , prostate cancer takes a long time to grow , then the treatment has its own risks . The doctor may choose to monitor the tumor rather than to treat it immediately . This was caused by the treatment dependent on several factors such as stage of cancer , symptoms , age , and general condition of the patient's health .

When the treatment has been determined , the process can involve surgical removal of the cancer through the procedure, with the lifting of the prostate gland, when the cancer is localized . Chances of complete recovery are very high in such cases , however, can cause side effects urination or impotence deficiency

by using high-energy rays are directed to kill cancer cells . This procedure can be used when the cancer is localized only

This procedure can be used to treat cancer that has spread over much of the prostate where hormone used to counteract the effects of testosterone and slows the growth of cancer .

Occasionally in some cases , chemotherapy is used to relieve or eliminate the effects of the symptoms of prostate cancer when other treatment procedure is considered less effective .
What is the best approach to treatment ?
The development of the treatment plan by a multi - disciplinary team - consisting of breast surgery , pathology , radiology specialists , radiation oncologists and medical oncologists , social workers and nurses breast - for diagnosing , treating and managing the patient's condition has been shown to improve the outcome of treatment that patients cancer .
Anyone who is exposed to the risk of prostate cancer , and how to prevent it ?
According to a report in The National Registry of Diseases Office of prostate cancer , which was published in 2011 , male descendant of ethnic Chinese in Singapore had twice the risk factors of prostate cancer compared with Malays and Indians .
Age is also a factor , where the 40-year -old man has a risk level of one in 200,000 , while when they hit the age of 50 years , the level of risk of prostate cancer increased to 12 per 100,000 people , and 10,000 people to 12 men by the time they hit age 60 years .
Those who are overweight / obese , consuming foods with high levels of animal fat or red meat , those who start having sex at an early age , a history of STD or having more than one sexual partner , as well as increased risk factors for prostate cancer . The highest risk was also owned by a man whose family has a medical history of prostate cancer .
Healthy lifestyle , with a low meat consumption , will be able to help prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer and other cancers .

CanHOPE , is a non - profit entity engaged in the field of counseling and support services to cancer patients that was initiated by Parkway Cancer Centre .
As part of a holistic approach to treating cancer , CanHOPE in collaboration with a team of medical and health experts offering professional resources as well as extensive information about cancer to help patients and their families in order to make the right decisions during their journey toward healing .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 09:53
Tag ; Prostate cancer.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:53

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