A. Definition.
Umbilical cord umbilical cord in medical terms. It is a strap that connects the fetus with the placenta or placenta. Because during the uterus, this is what rope distribute oxygen and food from the placenta to the fetus that is in it. Once the fetus is born, she no longer needs oxygen from the mother, because it was able to breathe on his own through his nose. By because it is no longer needed, then the channel must be cut and stapled or bound.Umbilical cord or umbilical cord is the life line for the fetus during pregnancy, because the cord through this all needs to be fulfilled fetal life. Umbilical cord care is nursing actions aimed at caring for the umbilical cord of the newborn to keep them dry and prevent infection.
The most important thing in cleaning the umbilical cord and the cord is to make sure the surrounding area is always clean and dry, always wash hands with soap and clean water before cleaning the umbilical cord. During the umbilical cord has not whistle, the baby should not be bathed in a way dipped into the water, just enough swabbed with a cloth soaked in warm water.
B. Purpose of Umbilical Cord Care.
a. Prevent infection.
b. Accelerate the drying process of the umbilical cord.
c. Accelerate the release of the umbilical cord
C. How Umbilical Cord Care.
The old method of Umbilical Cord Care .
Antiseptic is a chemical that can kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Umbilical cord care the old method (using wrapping and antiseptic), according to the MOH is as follows:1. Preparation tool.
Alcohol 70% 10% berthadin in place sterile gauze and cotton swab in place Kerentang in its place the use of baby equipment (octopus, diapers, clothes) binder cord Scissors sterile bandages, sterile distilled water2. Implementation.
Of the umbilical cord wrapping gauze sterile distilled water spilled and opened Clean cotton cord with alcohol, ranging from the tip to the base of the umbilical cord and the surrounding area with a diameter of 2 cm umbilical cord with bethadine Grease or similar drugs in the same way as above with the umbilical cord bethadine wrapped in sterile gauze and difisaksi using baby octopus Clothing worn back, trimming tools, tidurkan baby back to the position as needed.Umbilical Cord Care New Method.
1. Dry Umbilical Cord Care.
How the dry cord care are:Prepare tools.
Wash hands before and after caring for the umbilical cord.
The umbilical cord was cleaned with gauze.
Once clean, the umbilical cord wrapped with dry sterile gauze.
After the umbilical cord detached / whistle, given the fixed central sterile gauze.
How is the dry cord care cord wrap with gauze and keep the cord dry condition. If the umbilical cord were given gentian violet smell.
2. Umbilical Cord Care Wet.
The use of umbilical cord care Alcohol and chlorhexidine solution cursory considered to prevent infection but was found not to work well. Moreover, when mothers caring for their babies in their rooms rather than in the treatment room, the infection rate was lowest in the umbilical cord.How wet cord care:
Prepare tools.
Wash your hands thoroughly before committing cord care.
Clean the umbilical cord with alcohol.
Close cord with sterile gauze that was given alcohol / bethadin and replace a new screen soon after a bath, sweaty, dirty and wet.
Immediately bolt baby to the doctor if the unpleasant smell of the baby's umbilical cord is not loose.
D. disorders or problems in the umbilical cord.
Umbilical cord wet, smelly, and showed signs of inflammation which otherwise would be assisted immediately cause sepsis, meningitis, etc.At the base of the umbilical cord and the surrounding area is red, there smelling fluid, blood coming out continuously.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 06, 2014 at 17:49

Tag : Cord care.
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