Sunday 2 March 2014

Name contains ideation and energy.

What's in a name , the above expression does not seem to apply to Arkand Bodhana Zeshaprajna . For a man who has been in the metaphysical world, containing the name of ideation and energy not just any title .
" A name is required to call a person or object . Name is not just a word or collection of words , but contains ideation and energy . Mention energy physics are immutable , can not be created and can not be destroyed . Everything in the universe is energy , including the name , " Arkand Bodhana Zeshaprajna said on its website.
In view of metaphysics Arkand , Indonesia to mention the name of the republic is not deemed appropriate . He also proposed that the name is replaced with the archipelago of Indonesia , the mention of which has been frequently used in the Majapahit era .
This proposal would make the pros and cons , in this case probably will be more counterproductive . But is it contains the name of the power or energy in the science of metaphysics ?
Arkand above statement may line up with what is believed by the Javanese in the past ( even some of them still believed until now ) . The name is not just a title , but a prayer , an event reminder and so forth .
Giving a name to the newborn child , for example , the Javanese are usually very careful . Events at birth and the birth of the market is usually used for naming . Call it Sukino Bandang , the name was given because of his parents when Sukino birth region was hit by flash floods .
Names that do not match are usually known as ' kabotan User Name ' or object name . This usually occurs in infants who had been given the name but sickly . The baby was then changed names since the beginning of the given name does not match the physical condition of the infant or child .
So maybe that is seen Arkand in the name of Indonesia .
The nation is often ' sickly ' so one way to change that is to change the name . Indonesian archipelago that are not replaced with sickly .
History says Indonesia itself is still not clear . But one source said that Indonesia is derived from the word Indunesia . The name was derived from the mention of George Samuel Windsor Earl , an English ethnologist nation .
In an article in the magazine ' of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia ' ( 1847 ) Earl wrote about the ' Characteristics of Leading Nations Papuan , Australian and Malay - Polynesian ' . In the article confirms that Earl has come for the people of the Malay Archipelago Indian Archipelago or to have a unique name (a distinctive name) , because it is not appropriate Indian name and is often confused with another mention of India . Earl propose two options name : Indunesia or Malayunesia .
But the mention of the last Indunesia criticized by James Richardson Logan. Logan wrote the article The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago (Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago) in 1850. In early writings, Logan also expressed his agreement on the need for a distinctive name for the islands of our country, because the term Indian Archipelago (Indian Archipelago) is too long and confusing.
Logan then picked up the discarded Indunesia name Earl , and the replacement of the letter U with letter o that his words better . Thus was born the term Indonesia . And it proves that some people still believe that the European population is Indian in this archipelago , a moniker that retained because it was already familiar in Europe .
For the first time Indonesian word appearing in the world with 254 pages printed on the paper Logan (translated into Indonesian ) :
" Mr. Earl suggested the term ethnography ' Indunesian ' , but reject it and support ' Malayunesian ' . I prefer the purely geographical term ' Indonesia ' , which is just a shorter synonym for the islands of the Indian or Indian Archipelago , " Logan wrote in JIAEA Volume IV it also , pages 252-347 , 1850.
Since then Indonesia began often called . Even in several scientific articles , many authors who have started using the name of Indonesia to describe the area when it was still controlled by the Dutch or the Dutch East Indies .
While the archipelago known since the time of Majapahit Kingdom . In the concept of state in Java in the 13th century to the 15th , a king who ruled regarded as an incarnation of the god. Therefore, the concept of territory emitting power of a god.
In the days of the Majapahit empire , his realm was divided into three layers . The first level is called the State Court , which is the area around the royal capital where the king reigns .
Both are Abroad , or the areas in Java and about whose culture is similar to State Court , but already in the border area . Seen from this point of view , Madura and Bali is a foreign area . Lampung and Palembang are also considered foreign regions .
The third tier is the archipelago , which means another island ( outside Java ) is the area outside the influence of Javanese culture but still claimed as Majapahit conquered territories or colonies . The leaders of the countries included in this archipelago rulers must pay tribute to the King of Majapahit .
Referring to the two articles above, the proposed change to the Indonesian archipelago, as if to air Arkand romance (memory of past glory). At the time of the archipelago, victorious and prosperous country, while Indonesia may be considered relics of the feudal, so the culture of the colonized country as still carried until now.
Then the true name of the republic will be changed because it is considered not suitable or kabotan User Name ? Please , how do you respond?
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 2, 2014 at 15:16
Tag : You Know the Name Indonesia Objection name.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:16

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