Sunday 2 March 2014

Indonesian name.

Indonesian name appears first in the Dutch colonial period . "Creator " is the word George Samuel Windsor Earl , a London-born lawyer , who along with James Richardson Logan , a Scottish -born lawyer , write as much as 96 page article in the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia No. . 4 , 1850 with the title " The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago : Embracing Enquiries into the Continental Relations of the Indo - Pacific Islanders . "

The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago

They named Indian - Dutch residents from the western part of the Proto - Malay ( Melayu old ) and Deutero - Malay ( Young Malay ) , as Indunesians ( Indu , Latin , meaning : India ; Nesia , he is nesos origin , Greek language , meaning : archipelago ) . While the population in the region of eastern India and the Netherlands into the category of Melanesians ( Mela = black . Melanesian islands = black people ) . Therefore, the Earl himself then tend to use the term Malay - nesians , to name India's population - western Netherlands . Logan then change into Indonesian Indunesia ( Indos and Nesos , both derived from the Greek ) in his writings in the Journal .
Adolf Bastian , a German physician and ethnologist at the same time , who popularized the name Indonesia when traveling and research reports published in Berlin , which was published in 5 volumes of work ( 1864-1894 ) with the title " Rodel , oder die Inseln des malaysischen Archipels " ( German , meaning : "Indonesia , or the islands of the Malay islands " ) . Volume I , entitled Maluku , vol II Timor and surrounding islands , vol III Sumatra and Surrounding Areas , volumes IV Kalimantan and Sulawesi , Java and Closing volume V .

The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago

From ancient times until now , scientists prefer to use the term European / Latin or Greek word for naming things with respect to scientific , as well as the race to name the people in the Netherlands Malaya and western India .
Eduard Douwes Dekker , in his book " Max Havelaar " calling India - Netherlands with the name Insulinde Dutch variation for India Islands . When Indische Partij ( Party of India ) which was founded by his nephew was banned by the Dutch Government of India in 1913 , its members founded the party Insulinde .
Both Indunesia , Rodel or Insulinde all means Indian islands , to indicate the identity of the indigenous who live in the western region of India and the Netherlands , while those living in the east - Flores , Timor , Maluku and Papua - fact is the people of Melanesia ( Islands people black people ) .
The founders of this nation at the beginning of the independence movement wants to leave and abandon the name Netherlands - Indie , which means India Netherlands . Name creation is to distinguish invaders with British - India , which is India ruled by the British . Therefore - perhaps less attention to the meaning and impact in the later days of the Founding Fathers chose the word ' INDONESIA ' , for NATIONS , COUNTRY and LANGUAGE which at that time was ruled by the Dutch .
Which included the first use of the word Indonesia in the early 20s is the Indonesian Association in the Netherlands , formerly known as the Indische Vereeniging , which means it is the Union of India . Is a Dutch also , Prof. Cornelis van Vollenhoven , who in 1917 proposed to replace the word ' Indische ' to ' Indonesisch . ' In 1922 Indische Vereeniging ( Association of India ) officially became Indonesische Vereeniging ( Association of Indonesia) . In Indian - Dutch ( Netherlands - Indie ) , is Sam Queen Langie and the Indonesian Communist Party , known as the first to use the word INDONESIA .
So the Indonesian word hitherto used by the Republic of Indonesia means none other : India Islands .
Is the population in the archipelago do feel that this country is the right called " Islands of India " , or the judge , that this country is not a part of India ? If this nation agreed to leave the name coined by Europeans , then Indonesia is not the first country to change the name of relics of the colonial era .
Many countries after independence rename the "created" or given by the occupier, such as Ceylon became Sri Lanka , Burma became Myanmar , Indo - China into Vietnam , Rhodesia became Zimbabwe , the Gold Coast became Ghana , South - West Africa into Namibia , etc. .
In addition to Indonesia, which still uses the name of the " created" by the British and later popularized by the Germans , the country still uses the name of the colonial heritage is Philippines ( Philippines ) . When the Spaniards overran the area , as an offering to the king of Spain , Philip , was named Philippine colony .
Can be considered , to use the name that has been used 1000 years by our ancestors , which NUSANTARA .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 2, 2014 at 15:39
Tag : The origins of the word ' INDONESIA '

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:39

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