The squid is a large cephalopod animal group or species of mollusks that live in the sea. The name was'' cephalopod'' in Greek means "head foot", this is because the legs are separated into a number of hands wrapped around his head. Like all cephalopods, squid are separated by having different heads. Large squid axon has a diameter of 1 mm. The squid is widely used as food.
The squid is one of the class of invertebrate animals (invertebrates).
One type of deep sea squid, Heteroteuthis'''', is the ability to emit light having. Organs that produce a light that is located on the end of a long panhandle that stands out in front. This is because the luminance of events that occur in this type of squid. Heteroteuthis squirt large amounts of fluid glowing when he was interrupted, the process is the same as in the case of squid that squirts ink usual.Various Types squid.
In general, ordinary squid measuring about 5.1 cm, but there is a type of squid Architeuthis princeps or a giant squid measuring up to more than 15 m.The giant squid is often found stranded along the coast of Newfoundland.
While the squid are commonly consumed by humans is a type of Loligo Pealei "" and scattered in the waters of the Mediterranean, East Asia, as well as along the east coast of North America. There is life in the water close to the surface, some are living in a place that is in one or trenches.
There is also a type of flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, which can be compared with the flying fish. These animals often jump out of the water, especially in bad weather, and sometimes - sometimes stranded on the deck of a fishing boat.
Small squid does not interfere with the human kind, but the kind that can be a big threat dangerous to humans when diving.
Total types of squid are scattered around the world, there are about 300 species of squid different.
All squid have a tubular body, the head is fully developed, and 10 long arms air-suction bowl. Hands is useful to ensnare prey and then tear off using strong jaws, similar to half of the animals. Squid sucking water through the central cavity of the body, the mantle cavity, and forcing it out through a flexible tube called a siphon. Chiffon is located just behind the hands. Therefore, the water jets that propel the squid swim backwards.Fin squid is the second expansion of the mantle like lobes that are used as steering movements.
His eyes do not have eyelids, but it looks like the human eye.
The squid has three hearts and blue-blooded. Two of them are located close to the heart of each gill and because of this they are able to pump oxygen to the rest of the body with ease. The squid has a basic copper compound respiratory system, in contrast to humans where humans have basic respiratory system of iron compounds, which result when too closed at the surface where there is hot water, the squid can easily die because of suffocation.Many squid can change color from brown to purple body, red, or yellow as camouflage to avoid the threat of predators.
Squid live as predators of fish and other marine animals that are smaller than the size of squid.Squid as Commercial Commodities.
According to data from the Food and Agricultural Organization or FAO, the number of mollusks are captured for the benefit of commercial commodities, in 2002 was 3,173,272 tons and 75.8% of this amount is eaten squid.Even poligo squid or the type that we used to eat, according to the U.S. Commercial fisheri, in the year 2008 has been recorded at around 8 million head of squid has been captured on the coast of California.
This is because the nutrient content in squid good for humans, ie selenium, riboflavin, and vitamin B 12. The ink of the cuttlefish can also prevent cancer.
Ability primitive squid to hear this allows them to detect wind , waves and sound reefs . Conclusion it helps scientists understand the human hearing process and how this ability could disappear .
The study, published in the Journal of Experimental Biology also suggests , squid hair cells detect sound through two organs lining the pockets near the brain stem squid . Inside the bag there is a small grain of calcium carbonate called a statolith . This produces an electrical signal to the brain squid .
Frequency was slightly different from that of human hearing ability changes depend on sound waves . Humans are only capable of detecting frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 thousand Hz .
On the other hand , the squid are only able to hear frequencies up to 500 Hz which allows them away from the main predators are toothed whales and dolphins .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 05, 2014 at 20:50
Tag ; Squid
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