Wednesday 5 February 2014

About Toads and Frogs.

Green Frog.

Frog (English : frog ) and frog aka bangkong ( b. England : toad ) is the most well known animal amphibian people in Indonesia . Children usually love frogs and toads because of the funny , often jumping up and down , never bite and do no harm . Only adults who often feel disgusted or unwarranted fear of the frog .
Both kinds of this animal looks like . Frog was short , stocky or thin , slightly stooped-backed, four-legged and no tail. Toads generally smooth -skinned, moist, with long hind legs . Instead frog or toad skin rash rough , often dry , and often short hind legs alone , so many jump far less intelligent . However, these two terms are often used interchangeably .

Life of frogs and toads .

Green Frog.

Toads and frogs begin life as eggs laid its parent in the water, in foam nests , or in other damp places . Several types of mountain frog lay her eggs in the wet moss on the trees . While other types of forest frogs leave their eggs in male frog moist backs , which will always keep and even to bring it up to hatch into tiny toads . Once the frog spawn can produce 5000-20000 eggs , depending on the quality of the parent and lasts as much as three times a year .
The eggs hatch into a toad and frog tadpoles or tadpoles ( b. England : Tadpole ) , who was like a fat fish , breathing with gills and for some time lived in the water . Will slowly grow back foot , which is then followed by the growth of the front legs , the disappearance of the tail and gills with the alternation of the lungs . After his time , the tadpoles will jump ashore as a small frog or toad .
Toads and frogs mating at certain times , for example during the month off or on when approaching rain . At that time the male frogs call will ring for females , from the edge or the middle of the waters . Some species , such as the moor frog ( Fejervarya limnocharis ) and bullfrog closely aka belentung ( Kaloula baleata ) , often forming ' singing group ' , in which some male animals gathered close together and reads said -replication . Loud noise produced by the frog voice sac located around his neck , which would be a big bulge when used .
Fertilization in frogs done outside the body . Male frog will cling on the back of the female and the female armpit hugged from behind . While swimming in the water , the hind legs of male frogs will massage the belly toad eggs females and stimulate spending . At the same time the male frog will release sperm into the water , so that it can fertilize the eggs released the female .

Habitat and food .

Green frog was perched.

Toads and frogs living widespread , particularly in tropical regions of temperate heat . Colder place , such as on a mountain or in the area in season four ( temperate ) , the number of frog species tend to be less. One is as cold-blooded animals , including frogs , which requires heat from the environment to sustain life and maintain the body 's metabolism .
Dendrobates pumilio , 18-22 mm sized toads with poisonous skin of Central America .
These animals can be found ranging from jungles , deserts , rivers and the edges of swamps , plantations and rice paddies , to the human settlement environment . Kuhl under , for example , is one type of frog that is often found in the corners of the house or in the yard behind the pot . Tree frogs inhabit low trees and shrubs , especially around waterways or ponds .
Frog prey on various species of insects he meets. Frog is often found huddled under a street light or garden light , captured insects attracted by the light .
In contrast, frog also preyed upon by a variety of other types of creatures : snakes, lizards , birds , such as storks , hawks , mongoose , otters , as well as human consumption .
Frog defend himself by jumping away , mucus and toxins from glands in their skin , and some even produce a kind of thick , sticky mucus , so the predators mouth will become embedded and difficult to open .

Reproduction .

At the time of reproducing adult frogs would seek an aqueous environment . There they lay their eggs to be fertilized externally . The eggs develop into larvae and are looking for the nutrients it needs from the environment , then develop into adults with a body shape that enables it to live on land , a process known as metamorphosis . Unlike reptile and bird eggs , frog eggs have no shells and membranes of the embryo . Instead frog eggs are protected only by a mucoid capsule which is highly permeable so that the frog eggs to be grown in a very damp or watery .

Frogs and humans .

It has long been known frog man as one of the delicious food . In Chinese eating houses , known as the frog dishes Swie kee . Called ' chicken water ' ( Swie : water , kee : chicken ) such as a tasty frog thighs and fleshy white reminiscent of the chicken thighs . In addition , in some places in East Java , certain frog eggs are also cooked and served in such a spiced frog eggs .
Frogs are very important role as indicators of environmental pollution . The level of environmental pollution in an area can be seen from the total population of frogs that can be found in the area . The background of the use of frogs as environmental indicators because the frog is one of the ancient creatures that have existed for thousands of years sejah . So the frogs still exist to change the Earth's climate . Of course, only the influence of men that may cause threat to frog populations . One is the disposal of hazardous waste by humans to nature . This hazardous waste that could threaten the existence of frogs in contaminated areas . In addition , because of the importance of the position of the frogs in the food chain , the reduction in the number of frogs will cause disruption of the growth dynamics of predatory frogs . Even disruption of frog populations may result directly to the extinction of predatory frogs .
However, the more life threatening frog is actually a lot of human activities that damage the natural habitat of frogs , such as forests , rivers and marshes . Especially now that the widespread use of pesticides in rice fields also destroy the eggs and tadpoles of frogs and toads lead to defects in the next generation .

The types of frogs and toads .

Some frog species are commonly found in Indonesia , which are
bangkong horned ( Megophrys montana ) , in the mountains
bangkong litter ( Leptobrachium hasseltii ) , in the forest
bangkong river ( Bufo asper ) , around the river
bangkong under ( B. melanostictus ) , in the home environment
belentung ( Kaloula baleata )
kongkang pool ( Rana chalconota ) , around ponds , canals and rivers
kongkang ivory ( Rana erythraea ) , in ponds and lakes
bancet green ( Occidozyga five ) , in rice fields
moor frog ( Fejervarya limnocharis ) , in the fields and moors
paddy frogs ( Fejervarya cancrivora ) , in rice fields and bunds
stone frog ( Limnonectes macrodon ) , around rivers and waterways in the garden
- striped tree frog ( Polypedates leucomystax ) , near ponds and puddles in the garden
precil Java ( Microhyla Achatina )

Frog Forest :

kongkang toxins ( Rana hosii ) , in the deep forest
forest frog - knot ( Ingerophrynus biporcatus )
pan-head Borneo frog ( Barbourula kalimantanensis ) , endangered status , the only frog that does not lungfish lung
bangkong deaf ( Limnonectes kuhlii ) , on the banks of a river or stream
Some frog species are critical and endangered status in Indonesia .
red frog ( Leptophryne cruentata ) , critical status , endemic to West Java
ungaran tree frog ( Philautus jacobsoni ) , a critical , endemic forests of Central Java
kongkang rapids ( Hula masonii ) , the status of vulnerable , endemic Mist Mountain National Park
pearl tree frog ( Nytixalus margaritifer ) , vulnerable , endemic Mist Mountain National Park
white tree frog legs ( Philautus pallidipes ) , vulnerable , endemic Mist Mountain National Park
Java tree frog ( Rhacophorus javanus ) , vulnerable , endemic Mist Mountain National Park
Bufo valhallae , endemic in Pulau Weh .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 05, 2014 at 15:43
Tag ; About Toads and Frogs, frog

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:43

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