Westerling Massacre is a term for the murder of thousands of civilians in South Sulawesi committed by Dutch troops Troepen Depot Speciale Raymond Pierre Paul Westerling leadership . This event took place in December 1946 - February 1947 for Counter insurgency military operations ( counter-insurgency ) .
Military operations .
The first stage .
The first action of the Special Forces operation DST begins on the evening of 11 before December 12 . The goal is Batua village and several small villages in the east of Makassar and Westerling himself who led the operation . The first troop strength 58 men led by Sergeant Major H. Dolkens stormed Borong and the forces led by Sergeant Major Instructor J. Wolff operates in Batua and Patunorang . Westerling alone with Sergeant Major Instructor W. Uittenbogaard assisted by two orderly , a radio operator and 10 people in the village Batua wait staff .In the first phase , at 4 am and surrounded the area along with the signal lights starting at 5:45 in people's homes . All the people were herded into the village Batua . In this phase , 9 people who tried to escape was immediately shot dead . After walking several kilometers , at around 8:45 all the people of the villages which have been collected in the village searched Batua . It is not known exactly how many . Westerling reported that the number between 3,000 to 4,000 people who then women and children were separated from the men .
The second phase begins , which is looking for " the extremists , robbers , criminals and murderers " . Westerling himself who led the action and talk to the people , which translates to Bugis . He has a list of the "rebels " have been compiled by Vermeulen . Customary chief and village heads to help identify these names . The result was 35 people accused of directly executed on the spot . Westerling method is known as the "Standrecht " - the court ( and execution ) in place . Westerling said in its report that it had sentenced the 11 extremists , 23, a robber and a murderer .
The third phase is a threat to the people to act in the future , the replacement of the village chief and village police establishment must protect the village from the elements "insurgents , terrorists and robbers " . After that the people sent home to their villages . Operation which lasted from 4 to 12:30 has resulted in the deaths of 44 people of the village .
Thus " Westerling sweeping style " . With the same pattern , people slaughter operations in South Sulawesi continues . Westerling also led his own operation in the village of Tanjung Bunga on the night before the 12th of December 13, 1946 . 61 people were shot dead . Besides a few small villages around the village of Tanjung Bunga burned , so the total death toll reached 81 people .
Next on the evening of 14 before December 15 , comes the turn Kalukuang located on the outskirts of the city of Makassar , 23 people were shot dead . According to their intelligence reports , Wolter Monginsidi and Ali Malakka hounded by Dutch troops in this area , but they could not be found . On the night of 16 before the date of December 17 , Jongayayang village located in the southeast of Makassar to the target . Here, 33 people were executed .
Second stage .
Having cleared the area around Makassar , the action of the second phase began on December 19, 1946 . The target is located in the southern Polobangkeng Makassar where according to Dutch intelligence reports , there are about 150 military troops and about 100 members of the armed irregulars . In this attack , forces raided DST with 11 Colonial Army platoon of Infantry Forces XVII . This raid led by Lt. Col. KNIL Veenendaal . The troops under the command of DST Vermeulen Renaja raided the village and Ko'mara . Other forces locked Polobangkeng . Furthermore, the same pattern as the first wave applied by Westerling . In this operation 330 people were killed .The third stage .
Actions launched the third phase began on December 26, 1946 against Gowa and conducted in three waves , namely 26 and December 29 and January 3, 1947 . Here also carried out cooperation between the Special Forces DST with KNIL troops . The death toll among a population of 257 people .State of emergency .
To provide more flexibility for Westerling , on January 6, 1947 General Simon Spoor impose noodtoestand ( state of emergency ) to South Sulawesi . The massacre of the pattern as it has been practiced by the special forces moved on and in many places , Westerling not only led the operation , but come gunning down people accused of being terrorists , robbers or murderers .Mid- January 1947 is the target market in Pare-Pare and continued in Madello , Abbokongeng , Padakkalawa , an unknown village , Enrekang , Talabangi , Soppeng , Barru , Malimpung , and Suppa .
After that , there are still some villages and areas subject to the DST Special Forces on December 7 and February 14 in the coastal Tanete , on 16 and 17 February in the village Taraweang and Bornong - Bornong . Then also in Mandar , where 364 residents were killed . Massacre of the " extremists " escalate in Kulo , Amparita and Maroangin where 171 inhabitants were killed without the slightest evidence presented their fault or reason murder .
Moreover , in the last actions , not all "terrorists , robbers and murderers " who were slaughtered on the list they received from intelligence agencies , but in vain the people who previously was in prison or jail for various reasons , were taken out and collected with the other defendants to later be killed .
H.C. Kavelaar, a KNIL military , was an eyewitness to the massacre in the square in Tanete , where about 10 or 15 people were killed . He watched , how Westerling had shot dead several people with his pistol , while the other platoon mowed by DST with sten gun .
In all places , gathering data about the people who support Czech , Dutch intelligence is always assisted by natives who willingly for the sake of money and position . In action in Gowa , Netherlands assisted by a village chief , Hamzah , who remained loyal to the Dutch .
Lombok galung events .
Galung death events in Lombok occurred on February 2, 1947 . It was a massacre Westerling , who has killed the largest among all the victims who fell in other areas before . In that event , M. Joesoef Pabitjara Baroe ( PRI Advisory Council ) together with H. Imam Ma'roef Baroega , Soelaiman Kapala Baroega , Daaming Kapala Segeri , H. Imam Nuhung Segeri , H. Sanoesi , H. Dunda , H. Prevent , Mohammed Saleh, Sofyan, etc. , resting on the tip of a bayonet and a target bullet . After that, then following a simultaneous massacre against the innocent people who participated were escorted to the venue.All that does not include victims who were slaughtered discharged elsewhere , such as Salahuddin Abdul Jalil Daenan ( kadi Sendana ) , tambaru Pabicara Banggae , Atjo Benya Pabicara Pangali - ali , three members of the PRI Advisory Council , Baharuddin Bianga Kapala ( Chief of Defence PRI ) , Dahlan Tjadang ( Chief Household Affairs PRI ) , and many more . Some are taken from the time Majene barracks and taken to galung Lombok and ended his life .
Ten days after the event commonly known as the Lombok galung events , following the ambush of eight men and women , namely Andi Tonra ( PRI Chairman ) , A. Zawawi Yahya (Chief Education PRI), Anas Abdul Wahab (Chief Political PRI), Abdul Rasheed Sulaiman ( employees of the prosecutor's pro - RI ) , Anas ( biological father Abdul Wahab ) , Nur Pabeta Daeng ( the head of the Bureau of Domestic Trade ) , Soeradi ( Central Board member PRI ) , and seven days later was arrested anyway Siti Djohrah Halim ( Aisha and Muhammadiyah leaders Branch Mandar ) , which at the time of the PRI became Chief femininity .
Two of them were tortured and Tonran Andi Anas Abdul Wahab . While not Soeradi led to the gallows , but alternately tortured by five men NICA , until the last breath menghebuskan under Andi witnesses Tonra and Abdul Wahab Anas.rg
Post- military operations .
General Spoor judge that the state of emergency in South Sulawesi has been able to overcome , he states began February 21, 1947 reinstated Voorschrift voor de uitoefening van de Politiek - Politionele Taak van het Leger - VPTL ( Guidelines for the Implementation of the Army for Duty in the field of politics and vicious military ) , and troops pulled back to Java DST .With the success crush the extremists , in the Netherlands like any good military civilian DST reputation Special Forces and its commander , Westerling soar . Dutch media proclaim is superlative . When the troops arrived back to headquarters DST DST on March 23, 1947 , the military weekly Het Militair Weekblad flattering with the news : " the Turkish forces back . " Holland 's own press release critical of the massacre in South Sulawesi emerging for the first time in July 1947 .
DST camp then moved to Sky View , and after that , because it is already too narrow , then moved to close Batujajar Cimahi . In October 1947 reorganization in body composition DST and Special Forces are then composed of two officers of the KNIL , 3 officers from KL ( Koninklijke Leger ) , 24 Colonial Army NCO , NCO KL 13 , 245 soldiers and 59 soldiers KNIL KL . On January 5, 1948 , the name was changed to DST Corps Troepen Speciale - KST ( Corps Special Forces ) and then also have a paratrooper unit . Westerling took command forces the larger and more powerful and to the rank of Captain .
Victims .
How many thousands of people in South Sulawesi who become victims of the Dutch army was not clear until now . In 1947, a delegation of the Republic of Indonesia submitted to the UN Security Council , victims of the massacre of the population, conducted by Captain Raymond Westerling since December 1946 in South Sulawesi reached 40,000 inhabitants .Examination of the Dutch government in 1969 estimated that around 3,000 people had been killed by Sulawesi Special Forces leader Westerling , while Westerling himself says , that the victims of acts committed by his troops " only " 600 people .
Westerling and troop actions in particular can get away from the demands of the Dutch court for human rights violations actual terror acts are called contra - guerilla , obtain permission from Lt. Gen. Spoor and Deputy Governor -General Dr . Hubertus Johannes van Mook . So who is actually responsible for the massacre of the people of South Sulawesi is the Government and the Dutch Armed Forces .
Dutch army massacre in South Sulawesi can be put in the category of crimes against humanity (crimes against humanity ) , which even now can be brought to the international court , due to genocide ( Genocide ) and crimes against humanity , there is no expiration . Needs to be pursued , the massacre was promoted to the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) in The Hague , Netherlands .
On 12 September 2013 , the Dutch government through its ambassador in Jakarta , Tjeerd de Zwaan , expressed his apology to all victims of the massacre ." On behalf of the Dutch government I apologize for these events . Today I also apologize to the widow of Bulukumba, Pinrang, Polewali Mandar and Pare-Pare, " Zwaan said .
In addition, the Dutch government also gave compensation to 10 widows whose husbands become victims of the massacre amounted to 20 thousand euros or USD 301 million . So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 09, 2014 at 13:53

Tag ; About Slaughter Westerling, Westerling Massacre.
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