Wednesday 27 May 2015

Did you know Lizard thorn Red Eye.

Lizard thorn red eye or Triblonotus gracilis arguably have the look of a fairly grim, but actually these lizards are very docile. This unique lizards originating from Guinea and the size of the adult lizard can reach up to 25 cm. These lizards own age could reach 10 years old. This lizard has a unique form of red circles around his eyes. This lizard's tail can grow again if breaking but certainly not as perfect as the original tail. These lizards eat crickets, worms and other insects. If large enough, these lizards also can eat pinkies or baby mice. These lizards need a place to stay with high humidity, so it should at least be provided a place for drinking water. Give a drinking place sufficiently large and heavy to be able to be used also as a place to soak the lizard thorns. These lizards can handle, but do not ever let go in the ground. Going jogging without a plan for pursuing this nimble lizards. Small lizards are relatively more agile than adults. Lizard thorn red eyes are nocturnal animals or only active at night, so this lizard does not really need lighting.

In addition to the red-eyed, there are also black-eyed lizard thorns or Tribolonotus Novaeguinea. He looks more or less the same, creepy and looks like a miniature crocodile but like lizards thorn red eye, lizard thorn black eye is also a type of lizard that is very benign. These lizards also from Guinea, its size can reach 25cm and the average age could reach 10 years old.
These lizards reproduce by laying eggs. This lizard issued one egg each approximately once a month. The eggs hatch within 40 to 90 days, usually the eggs will hatch within the period when the lizard is issued next egg. When coming out of their eggs, lizards is only measured about 7 cm. These lizards are also clever fool predators by pretending to die.

Lizard with the most horrible forms ever discovered
Lizard is one of a family of reptiles that have survived for millions of years, in those days they struggle to survive in a way to survive the attack other predators or prey hunting, some lizards also have a can or a poison and a few more have terrible shape, this aims to frighten the enemy in order to get out and away from him. and this is the ninth lizard that has the most terrible form.


Also called Toadhead Religion, small lizards that live in the desert shows some strange behavior. They communicate with each other by lowering and raising their tails, their bodies shook as quickly bury themselves in the sand and will scare off predators with good looks strange and frightening, colorful mouth, look here.


These lizards nicknamed "horned frog", the body fat covering thick protective horns and thorns. Inhabiting dry land, sandy environment, they eat ants and awesome boast one of the most terrible mechanism on natural defenses. When frightened, some species can drain the blood pressure in their heads until the small vessels in their eyes burst, spraying blood flow to the assailant.

similar possibilities acidic blood is taken from the acid to the ants, allowing mammalian predators know that attack fat lizard is just wasting their time. but unfortunately, the birds are not too concerned with this wry spray

Moloch horridus.

Moloch horridus.
Although completely unrelated to the horned toads, or lizards "thorny devil", "moloch" has developed many of the same characteristics in response to a desert environment, including spiny bodies, sandy camouflage and diet by eating ants. Their spines makes this lizard is rather difficult to swallow by the predator.

Hydrosaurus pustulatus.

Hydrosaurus pustulatus.
Look like a crawl directly from the Permian era, Philippine Sailfin lizard eaters are omnivores amphibious fruits, nuts and other small insect prey near tropical river.

Toes they leveled allows small specimens to escape from predators by walking on water, a trait which is also owned by the lizard "Basilisk" or lizard "Jesus". Adult males are known to have a beautiful blue, red or even purple color patterns.

Amblyrhynchus cristatus.

Amblyrhynchus cristatus.
The Galapagos marine iguana island boasts a lifestyle that is not owned by other reptiles; such as penguins or sea lions, they spend their entire lives on the coastline, diving into the water for their food. Charles Darwin is known disgusted by these animals when he first found it, and call this lizard with the nickname "" IMPs of darkness. "

Heloderma suspectum.

Heloderma suspectum.
Almost similar to the "lizard beads," Gila Monster never been recognized as one of the lizards in the world with a venomous bite, providing a painful neurotoxin through a small groove ang sharp teeth, we now know that there are other lizards that could have, even with the poison mild, and the lizard "Crazy Monster" is still the most toxic.


Varanus komodoensis.
Komodo dragons are the largest carnivorous lizard that is still alive today, sometimes reaching almost ten meters in length. Although much of their food rotting carcasses, they too will catch a great live prey such as deer to give a bite, then they just need to wait when the victim began to blood loss and infection.

Thanks to eating carrion, their saliva is quite rich with bacteria that could seriously weaken the prey, and recent studies have shown that they also have toxins. In addition, Indonesia's original dragon can loosen their jaws, stretch their necks and pulled out a red lubricating mucus to swallow the corpse intact.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 27, 2015 at 12:46
Tags : Did you know Lizard thorn Red Eye.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:46

You Know Lizard.

Lizards are four-legged animals, including scaly reptile group. Broadly speaking, understanding or relatives lizard lizard (English: lizards) also includes a group of lizards, geckos, chameleons, lizards fly, lizards, iguanas and others. While narrowly, in Indonesian lizard term usually refers to is limited to groups of lizards are generally smallish, scaly slippery shiny, and live on the ground (Ingg .: skink, Scincidae tribe, or generally members infraordo Scincomorpha).
So, in general lizards include species such as sand lizards smallish lygosoma, to the Komodo dragon (Varanus) that can reach a length of more than 3 m. Scientifically, this large group known as the suborder or nation Lacertilia (= Sauria), part of the nation scaly animals (Squamata).
Lacertilia nation in general have four legs, external ear canal, and the eyelids can open the lid. However, as an exception, there are members who do not have most of the characteristics. An example is the 'snake' glass (glass snake or glass lizard, tribal Anguidae) are legless.



In addition to the characters mentioned above, as is generally reptiles, lizards are cold-blooded (that's why the lizard is often sunbathing) and has a range of scales that form awakened from horn substance. Consist of no less than 40 parts, the lizard has a pattern of colors, shapes and sizes are very diverse. Most types have smooth scales shiny, slippery or like oily impressed, even though the scales were very dry as a lizard does not have pores in the skin to sweat or oil.
Most lizards lay eggs (oviparous), though some are giving birth (viviparous). Also, generally lizards can regrow tails or even severed limbs.
Some species of legless lizard, snake-like glass, for example, has a wrist structure in his shoulder and pelvis, though no legs. Although it looks like, lizards can be distinguished from true snakes because they have movable eyelids, external ear hole, and can decide its tail in danger; traits not possessed by a snake.
Many types of lizards are a good tree climber or sprinter. Some of them can even be run over two legs with very quickly, as well as the world's fastest lizard: thorn-tailed iguana of the genus Ctenosaura.
Certain lizards, such as the chameleon, can change color according to environmental conditions or mood. Although most live on the mainland, mostly lizards can swim well. Some species, such as lizards, even adapting well in aquatic environments.

Habitat and food.

Most lizards live on the ground (terrestrial), while partially infiltrated life in loose soil or sand (fossorial). Some of them wandered over or in the trunk of the tree (arboreal). Rather than as an ambush predator, most lizards actively explore their environment to hunt prey.
Although most species are predators (predator), but in fact very varied lizard food. Ranging from fruit and other plant materials, insects, amphibians, reptiles others, small mammals, carrion, even such a big lizard Komodo dragons can also hunt large mammals, as large as deer or wild boar.
Smallish lizards eat a variety of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies, a variety of insect larvae, earthworms, to frogs and other reptiles are smaller. Garden lizard (Mabuya multifasciata) sometimes prey on the moor frog (Fejervarya limnocharis), even like to climb the rough wall to catch common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) were careless.

Venomous lizards.

Up to now there are two kinds of lizard whose bite proved venomous: the giant lizards crazy and Mexican beaded lizard. Both types of lizards that are related are living in southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Although there are many myths and legends concerning both the creature and the fact that their bites can cause serious injuries, but so far no record of deaths that occur in humans as a result of the bite.
Research in Australia has recently demonstrated the possibility of some kind of lizard relatives iguanas and lizards can also have glands. Although, if the allegations are true, this is believed to be little or no harm to humans, given that this can be issued lizards are little by little through the process of chewing the prey, and not injected at once in large numbers as the venomous snake bites.
Previously it was believed that the swelling and irritation caused by bites lizards it is due to a bacterial infection that accompanies bites. It is still true in most cases, however, the research above suggests the possibility of swelling that occurs due to the inclusion of a lizard. Furthermore, experts who support this study invites to revisit the classification system lizard particularly related to the development of the gland can in reptiles. If successful, this research could improve understanding of the evolution of lizards, snakes and venom.

Lizards and humans.

Most lizards are harmless to humans. The bite, in fact, rarely are to be able to drain the blood from the wound caused. Just the kind of enormous, like the Komodo dragon, which can kill humans and livestock. Gila monster lizard and Mexican beaded lizards are venomous not always lethal, although the wounds caused by the bite can be very painful. Lizards generally useful even for humans because controlling various pests which annoy; high value as a pet (pet); produce leather for various forms of craft; and some are edible.
Lizards are also important in some cultures and mythology traditional tribes, for example in Australia and Peru. Not surprisingly, the lizard is often engraved symbols in the traditional arts.
Some people believe that the lizard meat can be used as skin pain medication and others. Lizards (usually garden lizard, gecko, or lizard) arrested or dikail by using bait dragonfly or butterfly. After cleaning, lizard meat baked or fried, and used as a side dish meal.
Bedouin Arabs used to eat a kind of lizard herbivores that Dhab, flesh and is regarded as one of the alternative sources of protein and they can show you how to kill, his skin was very loud often used by them as well.


Suborder Lacertilia (Sauria) - (Lizard)
† Parts Bavarisauridae
† Parts Eichstaettisauridae
Infraordo Iguania
† Parts Arretosauridae
† Parts Euposauridae
Tribe Corytophanidae
Tribe Iguanidae (iguanas and iguana tail-thorn)
Tribe Phrynosomatidae
Polychrotidae rate (Anolis)
Leiosauridae rate (Polychrotinae)
Tribe Tropiduridae
Liolaemidae rate (Tropidurinae)
Leiocephalidae rate (Tropidurinae)
Tribe Crotaphytidae
Opluridae rate (iguana Madagascar)
Tribe Hoplocercidae
† Parts Priscagamidae
† Parts Isodontosauridae
Agamidae rate (chameleons, lizards and fly-soa soa)
Chamaeleonidae rate (chameleon Kameleon)
Infraordo Gekkota
Gekkonidae rate (geckos and lizards)
Tribe Pygopodidae
Tribe Dibamidae
Infraordo Scincomorpha
† Parts Paramacellodidae
† Parts Slavoiidae
Tribe Scincidae (garden lizard and various lizards true)
Tribe Cordylidae
Tribe Gerrhosauridae
Tribe Xantusiidae
Tribe Lacertidae (lizards grass and various lizards climbing)
† Parts Mongolochamopidae
† Parts Adamisauridae
Teiidae rate (Tegu)
Gymnophthalmidae rate (spectacled lizards)
Infraordo Diploglossa
Anguidae rate (snake glass)
Anniellidae rate (not-legged lizards America)
Tribe Xenosauridae
Infraordo Platynota (Varanoidea)
Varanidae rate (lizard)
Lanthanotidae rate (lizards non-eared)
Helodermatidae rate (giant lizard crazy and Mexican beaded lizard)
† Parts Mosasauridae (marine lizards).
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 27, 2015 at 10:11
Tags : You Know Lizard.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:11

Monday 25 May 2015

Do You Know Gecko.

Gecko is the common name to refer to big lizard. There are many types of geckos, however, the term narrowly gecko ordinary paired for clan members Gekko, Gekkonidae tribe. While the gecko in layman's language generally refers to the house gecko (Gekko gecko), which has a wide distribution.
Gekko clan spread in South Asia and Southeast Asia, to the north up to Korea and Japan, to the east across the archipelago and the Philippines to the Solomon Islands and Santa Cruz in the Pacific.


Gecko beetles.


Lizard-sized to large. Back skin covered by scales granular, mixed with a pimple rather large. Pupils upright oblong shape, with jagged edges. The radius of the front and rear legs fully grown, widened at the end, sometimes with a membrane in between the base of the fingers, claws (nails) contained in the outer radius, the bottom side of the finger with a series of adhesive pads (called scansor) are well developed and not split in (sharing). There is also a preanal pores or preano-femoral, and nodule post-anal.
These animals are most active at dusk and at night, although the sound is sometimes heard calling during the day. Geckos live in the holes of trees in the forest or in the cracks of rocks or caves; but some species also adapt to humans and the environment are commensal. Gecko hunt for various insects and other invertebrates as food, although it also does not hesitate to prey on other vertebrates are smaller in size. Gecko females usually pulled out a pair of eggs, which are stored attaches a hole in the corner or wall. A place to store eggs is used repeatedly by the same gecko.


So far, there were 44 species that are considered valid :

Gekko albofasciolatus
Gekko athymus
Gekko auriverrucosus
Gekko badenii
Gekko canhi
Gekko carusadensis
Gekko chinensis
Gekko crombota
Gekko ernstkelleri
Gekko gecko
Gekko gigante
Gekko grossmanni
Gekko hokouensis
Gekko japonicus
Gekko kikuchii
Gekko lauhachindai
Gekko melli
Gekko mindorensis
Gekko monarchus
Gekko nuthaphandi
Gekko palawanensis
Gekko palmatus
Gekko petricolus
Gekko porosus
Gekko Romblon
Gekko rossi
Gekko russeltraini
Gekko scabridus
Gekko scientiadventura
Gekko shibatai
Gekko siamensis
Gekko similignum
Gekko smithii
Gekko swinhonis
Gekko taibaiensis
Gekko takouensis
Gekko tawaensis
Gekko taylori
Gekko verreauxi
Gekko vertebral
Gekko vietnamensis
Gekko vittatus
Gekko wenxiaensis
Gekko yakuensis


Or more simply Gecko gecko is a type of reptile that into the class of big lizard, tribal Gekkonidae. Gecko has a scientific name Gekko gecko (Linnaeus, 1758). Gecko term in everyday language usually refers to these animals. Meanwhile, in another language is referred to as a teapot reptiles or Tekek (Java.), Geckos (Sunda.), And tokay gecko or tucktoo (UK.).


Lizard large, big-headed. The total length of 340 mm, almost half is the tail.
Dorsal (back side) rough, with many large nodule. Bluish gray to brown, with spots of red brick to orange. Ventral (stomach, lower body side) blue gray or yellowish vaginal discharge. Rounded tail, with six rows nodule; striped.
The radius of the front and rear legs fitted with suction pads called scansor, which is located on the underside of the finger. Pointless to cling on slippery surfaces. Thus, from the above fingers gecko appear to widen.

Ecology, behavior and deployment.

Geckos that are often found in trees in the yard and in houses, especially in rural and forest edges. Sound loud and distinctive territorial, Tokke ... tokkee ..., the basis mention of his name in a variety of languages.
Gecko eat various insects, other smaller lizards, small rodents and birds may also be small. Like the other lizards, geckos actively hunt mainly at night. Sometimes gecko fell also to the ground to catch their prey. In the afternoon, gecko hiding in holes of wood, stone pit, or in between the roof of the house.

Gecko eggs in a limestone cave crevice.

Gecko attach their eggs, which usually amounts to a pair and each attaches, in the crevices of tree holes; stone cracks; or, if at home, behind a cupboard or under the roof. This nesting site also often used by some geckos together. The eggs hatch after two months.
These animals are widespread from eastern India, Nepal, Bangladesh, through Myanmar, southern and eastern China, Thailand, Malay Peninsula and surrounding islands, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Lombok, Flores, Timor, Aru and the Philippine Islands ,

Why Valuable Geckos expensive.

Gecko, reptiles whose voices often appear in homes, gardens, buildings, or even forest is now the price is more expensive. Four-footed gecko-like lizard was more often found in the home and is now more easily available in the market for various purposes.

What makes gecko-priced? It was not because of his voice often sounds unexpectedly and repeatedly one period, but rather on the content of the gecko itself, which is automatic for use must be slaughtered or turned off.

House gecko or lizard Gekko gecko large Latin name known in some places as different, for example tekek or gecko, (Java), tokok (Sunda), and tokay gecko or tucktoo (UK).

Gecko has a large nodule on his back with a different color and it is one of the differentiator when compared to a small lizard. The color varies, from bluish gray to brown, with spots of red brick to orange.

The gecko belly color blue gray whitish or yellowish and the tail also has six rows nodule mottled. At the toes are suction pads so he can stick on walls or trees.

Gecko becomes expensive and sought after because it is said to cure people with HIV or AIDS. Deadly disease that attacks the body's immune system and there is no medical cure is capable of it. Therefore, the traditional ingredients of geckos believed to be the most efficacious herbs to it.

Part gecko tongue and blood reportedly contain substances that can fight the HIV virus. Gecko which has a property that is gecko weighs more than 3 ounces and alive.

Besides the tongue, bile gecko reportedly also efficacious for the treatment of people who have AIDS. News that makes people have to buy them at high prices in order to save his life.

Part bile geckos also contain anti-tumor compounds and cancer that can boost immunity.

As for since the days of the ancestors, the overall gecko meat can cure various diseases itch. Many people testified that itchy skin disease can be cured with gecko baked or fried.

Gecko prices vary depending on body weight and age gecko itself. Special location gecko sales in some regions, such as Jakarta, Batam, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Pontianak, Surabaya, Solo and other cities.

Jatinegara Market, Jakarta, there is also a livestock market that provides a wide variety of animals, and rare though, at a low price.

Price gecko weighing less than 1.5 ounces still in the range of Rp 200,000. However, when it is large, about 2 ounces, and is old, then the price could reach Rp 5 million.

If luck, then the seller can remove the gecko weighing more than 3 ounces or 4 ounces at a price of Rp 100 million. The price will be more expensive if it reaches one kilogram and purchased directly from buyers Korea, China, or Malaysia. Can cost more than Rp 200 million.

Giant gecko ever found in the interior of Borneo has a weight up to 64 kg and sold at a price of Rp 179 billion, was bought by businessman Korea through the Malaysia. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 25, 2015 at 16:34
 Tags : Do You Know Gecko.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:34

Do You Know Koala.

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is one of marsupials (marsupial) typical of Australia and is the sole representative of the family Phascolarctidae.
In general, many say that the word koala comes from the indigenous Australian language, which means not drinking. Koala actually drinking water but is very rare because of the food, eucalyptus leaves, already contains enough water so that the koala does not need to come down from the trees to drink.
Koala can be found along the east coast of Australia from Adelaide to Cape York Peninsula, and as far inland as there is adequate rainfall to support forests suitable for koala.

Koala is sleeping.

Physical description.

Koala similar to the wombat (their closest relatives), but has a thicker fur and soft, larger ears, hands and feet longer equipped with a large and long claws to help her climb.
The severity varies from 14 kg to a large southern male, up to 5 kg for a small northern female. They are usually silent, but the male koala has a strong tailwind screams that can be heard almost a kilometer in the mating season.

Ecology and behavior.

Koalas live only on eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus leaves contain low amounts of protein, undigested substances in high levels, and contain phenol and terpene compounds that are toxic to other species. Such as wombats and lemurs, koalas have a low metabolic rate for a mammal and the rest motionless about 20 hours a day, on most of the time used for sleeping. They eat not depend on time, but usually at night. Koala generally consume 500 grams of eucalyptus leaves per day, chewing them until it becomes a smooth paste before swallowing. Heart separates toxic materials and ready to be discharged, and "hind gut" her (especially cecum) more likely to take the maximum amount of nutrients from food is low quality.

Popular culture references.

The popular culture of the West, koala usually described as something innocent and fun to be embraced or as a stubborn old man who was not easily convinced by things around.
The series of commercial advertisements, using the airlines Qantas Koala as a character who is always complaining about the reliability of flight.
Queensland Reds rugby team use the koala as its logo.
Australian children's show has the character animation The Koala Brothers.
Blinky Bill is a koala star in several books, TV shows, movies, and games.
"Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge" is a computer game with koala most of the main characters.

Koala as a pet.

Although it looks funny, koala is not generally used as pets because the koala does not match the suburban neighborhood. The Australian made koala as a pet is against the law.


Koala is one of only a few mammals that has a fingerprint. Koala fingerprints are very similar to human fingerprints; even under a microscope, it is very difficult to distinguish between them.

Australian researchers Do Research Complete About Koala.
A group of researchers in Australia started researching who claimed to be the most detailed study about animals koala has ever done before. This research took place in the 'capital' koala in Gunnedah, New South Wales.

Koala Researchers Dan Lunney, John Lemon and Dr Mathew Crowther at the Gunnedah Resource Centre.
Koala researcher Dan Lunney, John Lemon and Dr Mathew Crowther at Koala Research Centre Gunnedah, NSW. (Credit: ABC)
Gunnedah koala population is believed to have been reduced by more than half since 2008.

It is hoped this research can help to find out what the cause of the drastic decline. This study, among others, will investigate layers of soil and chemical, epidemic disease and koala movement in the region.

Owned mining company China Shenhua contributed funds amounting to $ 180 thousand for this research project. Other funds amounting to $ 400 thousand from the Australian Research Council and $ 30 thousand from the NSW Office of Environment Ministry also available.

The research team led by Dr. Mathew Crowher from the University of Sydney aims to uncover the cause of the decline in koala population.

"Researchers involved will be trying to ascertain what problems does that triggered the drastic decline in the koala population," he told ABC.

Later this research will develop recommendations on how the efforts to restore the animal population.

"We must protect the habitat of koalas and you also have to rehabilitate these habitats," he said.

"This research not only be able to know why koala numbers are declining in the region, but we are also to mitigate this decline in koala populations," said Dr. Crowher.

"We want to know how to rehabilitate the landscape and managing the landscape in the area that became the koala habitat," he added.

Koala, o 'the tree.

Koala is a tree-dwelling mammal that resembles a small bear gray. Koala including the types of marsupials, the female parent has marsupium (pouch). Koala brought her children were immature in the pouch. Koala is a plant-eating animals.

The name comes from the Aboriginal koala. The word koala means not drinking. Koala meet 90% of the water needs in the body of eucalyptus leaves. Koala eating eucalyptus leaves and drink only when they are sick or in drought conditions.

The origins of the koala is unknown. So far scientists can only deduce relationships are with other marsupial creatures. Fossil koalas also rarely found. Once upon a time, koala fossils ever found in northern Australia, age approximately 20 million years.

20 million years ago, Australia is a land lush tropical rainforest. It looks koala adapt over millions of years to follow climate change Australia. Another fossil koalas were also found. Uniquely, this is a giant koalas are estimated to live in the south of Australia 50,000 years ago. It looks like a giant koala giant ground sloth in South America.

Koala characteristics.

Koala has a hairy body, soft, and gray or brown on its back. Fur on the belly is white. Koalas living in the south have thicker fur than koalas living in the north. Koala in the northern part inhabit warm climates throughout the year so that it has a thinner fur.

Koala has a large hairless nose and round ears. Koala does not have a tail. Koala adult length of 64 to 76 cm with a weight of about 5 to 14 kg. Koala has long claws, powerful, and sharper to climb trees. Front paw has two thumb for grasping branches. The second and third claws are on the back foot.

Koala body shape more or less similar to the wombat, bandicoot is still one relative with a koala. It's just that koala fur is thicker, larger ears and longer legs and arms.

Koala is one of the few mammals that has a fingerprint. Koala fingerprints are similar to humans, even be seen under an electron microscope was still similar. Human fingerprints and koalas are difficult to distinguish.

He is silent nocturnal animals (live active at night). However, male koala like shouting to be heard in the distance of 1 km in the mating season. Female koala koala males measure the size of the volume of the voice screams. They tend to prefer larger males koala.

While under pressure, koala usually screaming and crying, much like a human baby. Koalas living in the wild is unknown period of his life, but koalas who live in captivity can live to the age of 18 years.

Types of Koala.

Koala actually do not have a scientific species variation. However, the Australian koala discriminate based on where his life, where life is different because of different physical characteristics as well. Here it is some kind of koala:

1. The typical Victorian Koala.

Because living in southern Australia cooler, Victorian koalas have thicker fur and a long, gray color younger with the back and back of the hand color beige-brown. Brightly colored belly and ears covered with soft white fur.

2. Koala typical New South Wales.

Koala who lives in New South Wales has a weight from 8.5 to 12 kg; which means that relatively larger than Victorian koalas. Its fur is thin and soft gray and a bit messy.

3. Koala gold.

Koala koala is gold that has little golden color in their feathers. Koala gold is actually an albino koala. He needed (or did not have) the pigment melanin.

Koala habitat and food.

Koala inhabits the region of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Habitat varies from coast to eucalyptus forests. Koalas live in groups.

Koala is a territorial animal. They require a large area in order to maintain the population and as a means of koala-young koala to expand. Koala communicate with the group by using a sound resembling snoring or burping.

Koalas eat the leaves and shoots of eucalyptus trees. In Australia there are more than 600 species of eucalyptus. However, koalas only eat about 20 species of eucalypts.

In certain areas, there are only three to four species of eucalypts are eaten regularly. Sometimes koala also eat other species and trees or simply used as a bed.

Because very fond of eucalyptus leaves, a koala can stay all day in a eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus leaves has a low protein content, hard (old) digest, contains phenolic and terpenes are toxic to many species.

Such as wombats and lemurs, koalas have a very slow metabolism. He was a very rare move, could silence for 16-18 hours in a day and most of the beds. Koala can be very aggressive to others. Aggressive attitude shown by their front legs to kick and bite her enemies. Koala is also sometimes involved in a brief scuffle.

5-6 hours a day in the life koala spent on eating. They like to eat at any time, but most often in the evening. In one day, a koala usually takes 500 grams of eucalyptus leaves; chew until really soft and then swallow it. Liver koala can neutralize toxins contained on this leaf.

Koala Life Cycle.

Koala mating season ranges between August and February. In that season, koala males will "shout" to attract females. At that time also, the young koala from the previous year is ready to leave the mother and live independently.

After mating, 35 days later, the baby koala is born. Baby koala called a joey. About 2 cm in length with a weight of less than 1 gram. Koala baby body pink, hairless, without ears, and blind. Instinctively, the baby koala will move towards its parent belly and finds its way into the pockets.

Inside the pouch, the baby koala paste mouth on the nipple parent. The nipple is then enlarged in the baby's mouth so that the nipple koala mother will not be released. The female parent is able to tighten the muscles of the stomach pouch openings so the baby koala will not fall out.

After birth, the baby koala is in its mother pouch for 6 or 7 months. Koala baby to suckle its mother from the stomach pouch. At the age of about 22 to 30 weeks, the mother feeding her baby with a kind of porridge that comes from the mother's food, undigested.

It aims to train a baby koala in order to adapt to the actual food, the leaves of eucalyptus. Once out of the pouch, the baby koala hanging on the back of the female parent. However, they are still breastfeeding until the age of one year.

Koala Conservation.

Koala now on the verge of extinction. In the wild, there are only about 100,000 koalas were still alive. Koalas are threatened with extinction due to being hunted in the 20th century for its coat or used as pets. Now, maintaining koala is unlawful. Live koala habitat loss also caused the presence of koala increasingly cornered.

To protect it, the Australian government issued an announcement that the koala is no where else in Australia (especially in Queensland and New South Wales) is a protected animal as endangered.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 25, 2015 at 12:41
Tags : Koala.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:41

Did You Know About Mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Diptera; genera include Anopheles, Culex, Psorophora, Ochlerotatus, Aedes, Sabethes, Wyeomyia, Culiseta, and Haemagoggus for an aggregate amount of about 35 genera that summarizes 2700 species. Mosquitoes have two wings scaly, slim body, and six feet long; interspecies varies but rarely exceeds 15 mm.
In English, the mosquito is known as the "Mosquito", is derived from a word in Spanish or Portuguese, which means small flies. The use of the word Mosquito started since the year 1583. In the United Kingdom mosquito known as gnats.
In the female mosquito, mouth parts form a long proboscis to pierce the skin of mammals (or in some cases birds or even reptiles and amphibians) to suck blood. Female mosquitoes need protein for egg formation and therefore mosquito diet consists of honey and fruit juices, which do not contain protein, mostly blood-sucking female mosquitoes need to obtain the necessary protein. Males differ from female mosquitoes, with mouth parts not suitable for blood sucking. Rather complicated female mosquitoes of the genus, Toxorhynchites, never suck blood. This large mosquito larvae are predators of mosquito larvae others.

Male mosquitoes.

Male mosquitoes.

Female mosquitoes.

Female mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes experienced four stages in the life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Tempo first three ranks depending on the species - and temperature. Only female mosquitoes who suck the blood of their prey. and it has absolutely nothing to do with eating. Because, in fact, both males and females eat the liquid nectar of flowers. because the female mosquitoes nourish their eggs. The eggs of the mosquitoes need protein found in blood to develop.
Phase mosquito development from egg to become adult mosquitoes is fabulous. Mosquito eggs are usually laid on damp leaves or dried ponds. Site selection is done by the parent mosquitoes by using the existing receptors under her abdomen. These receptors function as temperature and humidity sensor. Once a place is found, the mother mosquito began incubating eggs. The eggs of less than 1 mm, arranged in a striped, either in groups or one by one. Some mosquito species lay their eggs close together to form a raft that could consist of 300 eggs.
Done it, the eggs during the incubation period is (incubation). In this period, perfect incubation occurs in winter. Once the larvae start out from their eggs all in about the same time. Mosquitoes child or ENCU Until this growth cycle is completed in its entirety. Mosquito larvae will change its skin as many as two times.
Finished shedding its skin, mosquitoes are in the transition phase. This phase is called "pupa". In this phase, the mosquitoes are very susceptible to leaks pupa. In order to survive, before pupae ready to change skin one last time, two pipe mosquitoes appeared on the water. The pipe used for breathing apparatus.
Mosquito pupa in a cocoon that is quite mature and ready to fly with all its organs such as antennae, trunks, feet, chest, wings, abdomen and large eyes that covered most of his head. then cocoon pupa torn at the top. Level when mosquitoes that have emerged are full most dangerous level.
Mosquitoes have to get out of the water without direct contact with the water, so that only her feet were touching the water surface. This speed is essential, although the thin wind can cause death. Finally, mosquitoes took off for its maiden flight after about half an hour break.
Culex tarsalis can complete its life cycle in 14 days at 20 ° C and only ten days at a temperature of 25 ° C. Most species have a life cycle as short as four days or up to one month. Mosquito larvae are known as larvae and found to be in any former contains water. Larvae breathe through air ducts which are at the tail end. Pupa usually as active larvae, but breathe through the horn thorakis contained in the bight thorakis. Most larvae eat the microorganisms, but some larvae are predators for larvae of other species. Some mosquito larvae as Wyeomia live in exceptional circumstances. Larvae of these species live in stagnant water in epiphytic plants or in stagnant water in a pot tree apes. Wiggler Deinocerites genus species living in the hive crabs along the coast.

Epidemic of a disease.

Most modern mosquito group no longer depend on insect toxins harmful but lead to specific organisms that eat mosquitoes, or infecting them with diseases that kill them. Things like that can happen even in the Protected Areas, such as "Forsyth refuge" and the Seaview Marriott Golf Resort, where a flock of major mosquito implemented and monitored using "killifish" and young eels. The impression in the document by using advanced microscope under water as ecoSCOPE. However, outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases still cause ejection with chemicals that are less toxic than those used in the past.
Dragonflies, also known as mosquito hawk a memorable escort agency. Dragonfly larvae (naiads) eating larvae in water storage as well as adult dragonflies hunt and eat adult mosquitoes, especially the Asian tiger mosquito that flew during the day. Ejection mosquitoes could aggravate the situation and increase the mosquito population within a long-term future if it were Ejection was eliminated Almi dragonflies and other predators.
Most mosquitoes capable of transmitting diseases such as malaria protozoa, filarial diseases such as elephantiasis, and congenital diseases such as yellow fever virus, dengue fever, encephalitis, and West Nile virus. West Nile virus is spread inadvertently to the United States in 1999 and in 2003 had spread to all the states in the United States.
Weight mosquitoes only 2 to 2.5 mg. Mosquitoes are able to fly between 1.5 to 2.5 km / h.
Mosquito repellent usually have the following active ingredients: DEET, Catnip oil distillates - Nepetalactone, Citronella or eucalyptus oil distillates.

Causes itching.

Mosquitoes can always find a target precisely because they saw the movement, body heat and body odor. When a mosquito landed on her body pressed straw-like mouth which is also called proboscis. Then there is the knife that will tear the victim's skin back and forth to find the vein, after which new blood that is sucked. In the process of mosquitoes also secrete saliva, which contains anticoagulants to prevent blood clot which he smoked. This process is rapid and as if the process that occurs when the body is pierced mosquito is not so, we dissect mosquitoes like a surgeon quickly and accurately. After mosquitoes gorged he would revoke probiosis and fly. Mosquito saliva left on the victim's skin to stimulate the body like foreign objects interfere, there was a process known as allergy, and what happens is the bumps and itching.

Mosquito repellent plants.

There are some plants that can ward off mosquitoes:
Because the smell of flowers or leaves:
Juice smeared on the body:
Citronella / Oil Citronella

Differences Mosquitoes and Mosquito Males Females.

To distinguish between male and female mosquitoes mosquitoes, there are several ways that can be done practically. Ways to distinguish the two is as follows:

Body Shape

Mosquito's body is composed of three parts, namely the head, chest, and abdomen. At the head there is a pair of compound eyes and antennae are hairy. Tool female mosquito's mouth-suction-type piercer (piercing-sucking) and including more human like (anthropophagus), while the male mosquito's mouth parts are weaker and is unable to penetrate the human skin, because it pertained to prefer liquid plants (phytophagus). Female mosquitoes have type-Pilose antenna, whereas male mosquitoes plumose type.
Judging from his size, males are generally smaller when compared to the female mosquitoes.

Mosquito sound

The sound of mosquitoes at night, such as helicopters that fly to the ear, is very disturbing. In a study by a team of researchers from Cornell University in New York recording the buzzing of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes produce a buzzing sound by flapping its wings at different speeds per second. Wings of male mosquito sound frequency range of 550-650 Hz, while the female mosquitoes the range of 350-450 Hz (or wings per second).
Mosquitoes usually buzzing in pairs. Nearly 70 pairs of flapping wings with the speed or frequency of the base, so it sounds harmonious and match each other in a certain way. In the mosquito Aedes aegypti, stud change the speed wings 2 times the initial frequency to match harmonization with females. When these mosquitoes mate fit, then it will produce mating duet about 1,200 Hz.
Sound produced by mosquitoes indicates a desire to mate. And a match between the sound frequency of male mosquitoes and female mosquito (around 1,200 Hz), indicating that the mosquitoes were dating / match for mating. If the frequency of the sound does not match, then there will be no marriage. Researchers estimate, the hum of wings is a form of sexual selection were used female mosquitoes to test fitness levels males before mating.


Activities males with female mosquitoes are very different. Activity is meant here is the blood sucking activity. Only female mosquitoes who bite humans, whereas male mosquitoes do not. Female mosquitoes bite and suck blood not for food, but only to provide nutrients for her eggs.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 25, 2015 at 10:31
Tags : Mosquitoes.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:31

Sunday 24 May 2015

Weak indications Assad regime.

Anti-terror war is never easy. Even for the United States though. Quasi-superpower become the world's policeman was overwhelmed by the terror that emerged in various parts of the world. Not only terror that threaten human lives, but also the terror that threaten cultural sites, such as is happening in Syria, precisely in Palmyra recently.

ISIS militants never give up. Had not heard incessant attacks after the murder of western hostages, the radical group through the media again adorn the destruction and looting of historic sites, the latest one is Palmyra.
"Against ISIS is like one step forward, but two steps back," said Michael Rubin, former Pentagon official in his article in the New York Post Friday local time (22/5), because ISIS is not easily defeated. Which grew out of the militant Islamic Shari'a-based organization was too persistent to be conquered in a large-scale air strikes or large-scale ground offensive.
Iraqi forces, according to Rubin, is okay to retake the city of Tikrit from the hands of militants, as well as Kurdish Syrian troops who recently successfully drive out of town Kobane ISIS, but the success of ISIS in Palmyra claimed has made the world anxious. Again militants that nest at the border of Iraq and Syria that showed his toughness by controlling the historic sites.
"When compared with the ancient cities of Iraq previously under their control, Palmyra clearly more strategic because of its location on the border of the two countries," said Rubin. The man who is now listed as one of the experts at the American Enterprise Institute was added, quietly ISIS still formulating tactic to break the opponent's movement.
With seize Palmyra, ISIS tantamount have defeated the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, because that is the pride Syria Palmyra was also one of the valuable assets of Assad.
By stealing the cultural heritage sites, ISIS has taken pride forced Syria, particularly Assad. This is both a threat to Damascus that Syria is fighting against other militants.
On the other hand, Palmyra is the biggest site of ancient Roman relics are located outside the city of Rome, Italy.
When compared to other sites, Palmyra is also much more sustainable because the government care and routine care. Therefore, the loss of Palmyra will be much more painful.
"The fall of Palmyra to the hands of ISIS will be a story that is remembered from generation to generation for a long time," said Rubin.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 24, 2015 at 14:23
Tags : Weak indications Assad regime.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:23

ISIS increasingly sadistic.

Palmyra was on the verge of collapse.

In the hands of the Islamic State (IS), the world heritage sites of UNESCO version destroyed. City of Nimrud, Hatra, Nineveh and Mosul Museum in Iraq marred by brutal. Now the militants were previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that dominate the old city of Palmyra, Syria. Many people are afraid of the world heritage will be in the same boat with the other old town controlled by al Qaeda militant splinter it.

Syria has a variety of ancient cultural heritage that is scattered in various parts of the country, but among the historic sites, Palmyra is the most beautiful. You could say it is a gem of all the sites in Syria. Thousands of tourists pouring into the city before the civil war in Syria occurred. Currently the old city that are designated as world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1980, has fallen completely into the hands of ISIS. A matter of time until the city was turned to rubble after being destroyed ISIS meaningless.
"We think this is a frightening development (from ISIS)," says the founder of the archaeological institute Paulson Institute Deborah Lehr.
"Culture is an important part to know who we are," he added.

Until Friday evening (22/5), ISIS has not destroy the sites in the city of Palmyra, but this time the Syrian government has lost contact with the Palmyra. Director of Antiquities and Museums of Syria Museum Maamoun Abdulkarim fear events in Nimrud and Museum Mosul, Iraq will be repeated in the country. When succeeded in occupying Nimrud, ISIS destroyed most of the city's historical heritage.
"Nobody knows what their plans are. But I think they can destroy antiquities as they did in Iraq," said Abdulkarim. Palmyra there are ancient tombs, Colosseum, temples and various other Roman relics coming from two thousand years ago.
"Tomb Tamourian have seen ISIS statues as idols to be destroyed," he added. Though based on a statement from Al-Azhar University, Egypt, the destruction of cultural heritage is prohibited in Islam.

Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova asserted, ancient objects in Palmyra is a treasure trove of history that can not be replaced. He asserted that the destruction in Palmyra not only war crimes, but also a very big loss for humanity.
"We have to make everything possible to prevent destruction (Palmyra). We need a large movement of the international community," he said.
The Syrian government itself seems to already know that Palmyra became the target and would fall into the hands of ISIS. Since ISIS towards Palmyra two months ago, the Syrian government has secured most ancient relics in the city. Massive displacement conducted this month when the position of the Syrian forces increasingly cornered. However, some of the artifacts have been stolen and smuggled out of Syria.

Historic objects are believed to have been sold to criminal networks along the border and auctioned on the international black market. UNESCO itself has been petrified Syrian government to move artifacts out of the war zones. They also train border officials and Interpol as well as an auction clerk Syria to detect objects looted art.
"We made great efforts to objects (historic) which can be moved to a safer location," said officer UNESCO World Heritage Centre in Paris Karim Hendili.

It is unknown what the historical objects that have been lost or damaged due to the war in Syria. Currently historians can only wait until the ISIS post videos destruction in Palmyra to know a part of history that has been destroyed.
"Before the turbulent civil war, there are about 65,000 residents of Palmyra," said Associated Press yesterday (23/5).
Post-2011, that number had decreased significantly and are now residents of Palmyra is getting slightly, largely fled to safety. They clearly do not want to end up like the city or town Hatra Nimrud which also falls into the hands of ISIS and destroyed at the hands of the militants were very cruel.
"Palmyra has its own place in the hearts of the citizens of Syria. Palmyra is very special. The people of Syria are very proud of him," said Salam Al-Kuntar, the Syrian archaeologists also listed as a graduate student University of Pennsylvania. He added that Palmyra is not only beautiful and elegant, but also important for the civilized world. Thank ksih have read this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 24, 2015 at 13:26
Tags : ISIS.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:26