Saturday 28 December 2013

The legend of Atlantis.

The Legend of Atlantis
The legend that tells the story of Atlantis , was first encountered in ancient Greek philosophy essay . Two notes dialogues of Plato (427-347 BC) the book Critias and Timaeus .
In the book Timaeus , Plato recounts , in the face of " Mainstay Haigelisi Strait , there is a very large island , from there you can go to the other islands , the islands in front of it is land entirely surrounded by ocean sea , it is the kingdom of Atlantis . When the new Atlantis will launch a major war with Athens , but unexpectedly Atlantis suddenly experienced earthquakes and floods , not until the day and night , completely submerged in the seabed .
Large countries that have a high civilization and even then vanish overnight " .
One section in the book Critias dialogue , recorded the Atlantis story told by the younger cousin Critias . Critias is a pupil of the philosopher Socrates , three times he emphasizes the existence of Atlantis in the dialogue . The story comes from an oral story that is common man Joepe Critias , while Joepe also heard from a Greek poet named Solon (639-559 BC) . Solon was the wisest among 7 all- wise ancient Greece, a time when Solon around Egypt , from the place of worship of ancestral graves to know the legend of Atlantis . Note the dialogue as below;
" There is a large inland over the Atlantic Ocean towards the western Mediterranean Sea very much , which is proud of the amazing civilization . He produces gold and silver are innumerable , the palace is surrounded by walls lined by a wall of gold and silver .  Walls are walls in the palace throne gold , brilliant and magnificent . there , the level of development of civilization amaze people . Has the port and ships with perfect equipment , there are also things that can bring people to fly . His power is not just confined to Europe , even as far away as mainland Africa . Having hit by a devastating earthquake , he drowned to the bottom of the sea and its civilization , also lost in the memories of the people " .
Mediterranean Sea
ATLANTIS is described as a civilization with a high level of technological advancement . That said , airplanes , air conditioners , batteries and others have been there at that time according to the archaeologists investigation .
According to Plato's calculations , when the sinking of the kingdom of Atlantis , approximately 11,150 years ago . Plato had said several times , the state of the kingdom of Atlantis passed down through generations . rekaannya was not alone . Plato even went to Egypt seek local monks and the famous monk at that time . Teacher of Plato is Socrates when talking about the kingdom of Atlantis also stressed , because it is real , its value is much stronger than the story that is engineered .
If all expressed Plato was indeed real , then since 12,000 years ago , human civilization has created . But where is the kingdom of Atlantis ? Since thousands of years ago people put a great interest towards this . Until the 20th century since 1960 , Bermuda sea located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Bahamas , and the sea around the islands of Florida 've discovered the wonders of successive earth-shattering .

Bimini islands

One day in 1968, around the Bimini islands in the Atlantic Ocean cluster Bahama Island, the sea calm and clear like glass is bright, opaque to the bottom of the sea. Some divers on the way back to the islands of Bimini , suddenly there were shocked . At the bottom of the sea there is a big way! Some divers plunge down simultaneously , it was also a major road stretches composed of a giant rock . It is a major road that was built using stone rectangle and polygon , stone size and thickness are not the same , but the preparation is very neat , bright contours . Is this a postal road kingdom of Atlantis ?
By 1979 , American and French scientists with highly sophisticated instruments devices find the pyramid on the seabed " triangle of death " Bermuda sea . The length of the pyramid approximately 300 meters , a height of approximately 200 meters , the peak of the pyramid with the surface of the ocean is only 100 meters , larger than the Egyptian pyramids . The bottom of the pyramid there are two giant holes , sea water with amazing speed flow in the bottom of the hole . The great pyramid , is built by the people of Atlantis ? Atlan royal forces never conquered Egypt , whether the civilization of Atlantis brought to the Egyptian pyramids ? American continent there are also pyramids , whether derived from Egypt or from the kingdom of Atlantis ?
In 1985 , two Norwegian sailors discover an ancient city beneath the sea area " triangle of death " . In the photos made by both of them , there are plains , roads large vertical and horizontal as well as the hall , dome -roofed houses , arenas complaints [ animals ] , temples , river banks and others. They both said , " Absolute trust , which we find is the continent of the Atlantic ! Same exactly as Plato described ! " Is that correct ? Which is unfortunate , Bermuda triangle pyramid seabed , successfully investigated over the surface of the sea by using sophisticated instruments, until now no one scientist can determine whether a building is actually built by human labor , as it may be an underwater mountain peak pyramid-shaped .
Photo relics of ancient buildings on the sea floor taken Russian expedition team , also can not prove there is former kingdom of Atlantis . After that no expedition team dives into the ocean floor stone path in the depths of the Atlantic island of Bimini, take a sample of "street rock" and done research laboratory and analyzed.
The results show , that this stone path has not reached the age of 10,000 years . If the road is made ​​by nations the kingdom of Atlantis , at least not less than 10,000 years old . Regarding the photos shown both the Norwegian sailor, until now was not able to prove anything.
The only conclusion that can be obtained is precisely true that there is a land sank in the Atlantic seabed . If it is true over the Atlantic ocean kingdom of Atlantis ever existed , and the kingdom of Atlantis is completely submerged in the Atlantic seabed , the seabed in the Atlantic certainly traces can be found . Until now , the kingdom of Atlantis remains a mystery of all time .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 28, 2013 at 13:19
Tag ; The legend of Atlantis.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:19

Fish Still Alive Till Now.



According to the record, hagfish have existed for over 300 million years. Found in relatively deep waters, these animals are sometimes called slime eels, but they are not eels, and in fact they do not even resemble a fish at all, according to some scientists. They are very bizarre animals in all regards, they have a skull but lack a spine, and they have two brains. Almost blind, they feed at night they eat the carcasses of large animals [fish, whales etc.] that fall to the ocean floor, hagfish have virtually no natural enemies.



Lancetfish known as fish existing in prehistoric times, looked out and the teeth on the jaws and sharp fins on his back. Lancetfish up to two meters long, this predator is found in all oceans except for the polar regions, Lancetfish consuming small fish and squid, and Lancetfish also eat the big fish.



Osteoglossids [arowana], these fish already existed in the Jurassic period. Arowana is found in the Amazon, and in parts of Africa, Asia and Australia. Sometimes kept as exotic pets. Arowana is a fish that eat small animals and worms that they can get, including birds and bats which they catch in flight.
Arowana can also jump up to 2 meters into the air. In China, Arowana known as "dragon-fish" due to their appearance, and they are considered a sign of good luck or carrier hockey.

Frilled Shark. 

Frilled Shark.

This deep sea predator, one of the most primitive sharks alive in contemporary times, is a relic from the Cretaceous period, frilled shark can grow up to 2 meters [size larger than the female shark shark men] and they live in deep waters, where they mostly eat squid. They are not harmful to humans, and in fact, sharks spend their whole lives without seeing a human because they live in the deep sea. Only dead specimens are usually visible on the surface and recorded by fishermen or scientists.



Sturgeon is known as one of the main sources of caviar [fish eggs] as being overfished, the population is being threatened at this time. Largest sturgeon species can grow up to 6 feet, which is as large as white sharks, Sturgeon eating small animals from the sea bottom and pose no danger to humans, unless provoked



Overview of fish is similar to arowana fish [see Arowana], Arapaima Amazon is regarded as the largest freshwater fish in the world. According to early descriptions, it could grow up to 4.5 meters, but up to now, a large Arapaima is rarely found and most adult Arapaimas an average size of 2 meters. Arapaima fish eat the small, crustaceans and whatever small animals can get into their mouths. One interesting trait of this fish is breathing oxygen from the air, such as cetaceans, in order to survive. Arapaimas pose no danger to humans and are often hunted for their meat, Arapaima unfortunately very rare nowadays.



These animals are victims of the Cretaceous period, and can be found both in the sea at a depth of 100 km with a length of 7 meters, the fish looks like a shark with a mouth that resembles a chainsaw, but Sawfish is not included in the only shark species are similar.
When seen, it is not really a race Sawfish sharks stingrays but including race, from the bottom of the body shape that is flat, unlike the shark bottom leaner streamlined shape that makes it easy to swim with the sharks in the water quickly, and Sawfish has a small mouth parallel to the lower body fused to his body like a manta ray, while the shark? Sharks are more visible has its own large jaws, can also see a flat head Sawfish do not like sharks. Sawfish fins also have a front that is parallel to the bottom.
Some adult Sawfish can grow up to 5.8 m. There are some people who are often mistaken with Sawfish and sawshark. Sawshark it has a big jaw like other sharks, and a definite body shape is different, more like a shark.
The most visible is the "saw" it is called the rostrum. Eostrum allows to determine the movement of prey Sawfish heartbeat even though that is in the sea floor. If the prey right below it, he immediately grabbed prey with "saw" that his or rostrumnya, which is done to injure prey so easily swallowed without much struggling. Teeth in "Allah" is not really a regular tooth, but the tooth that has been modified is called denticles.
Sawfish has a mouth that is fenced small teeth-like round dome that used to eat the small fish. Sawfish breathe with 2 spirikel just behind the eye that takes the water with gills. Sawfish skin is covered with a small leather dentikel provide Sawfish skin with a rough texture, it's actually Sawfish are nocturnal animals are active at night such as bats.

Alligator Gar. 

Alligator Gar.

It's thick scaly predators found in the southern U.S., northern and eastern Mexico, being the largest freshwater fish in North America. Alligator Gar can grow up to 4 meters and weigh up to 200 kg. Alligator Gar are so called because they look like a reptile crocodile and a long jaw, the two sides have sharp teeth. Alligator Gar is a voracious predator and has been known to be dangerous to humans, though not yet confirmed deaths due Alligator gars have been recorded to date. Gars are among the oldest fish alive today.

Polypterus Senegalus. 

Polypterus Senegalus.

Fish Africa is often called "dinosaur eels", due to their appearance and serrated dorsal fin. They are in fact not an eel, but family members bichirs. Although often sold as exotic pets "dinosaur eel", they can survive out of water for long periods of time as long as their skin remains wet.



Coelacanth is the most famous of all "living fossils", as this is the best example of a Lazarus taxon, this is supposed to be long extinct animals and unexpectedly found to be alive today. This fish is supposed to have become extinct in the Cretaceous period, along with the dinosaurs, but in 1938, a live specimen was caught in South Africa. Since then, specimens have been seen and photographed, and a second coelacanth species was even found in Indonesia in 1999. This is a large predatory fish, 2 meters in length, they feed on small fish, including small sharks, and are usually found in the deep, dark waters. Residents rarely catch and consume it tastes weird, Coelancanth coelacanths as endangered species today. This fish lives only in South African waters and the western part of the eastern Indonesian waters respectively called Latimeria chalumnae and Latimeria menadoensis.
New species discovered in Manado in 1999 shocked the world because since 1940 coelacanth species known only from the western part of Madagascar. Prehistoric coelacanth fish and categorized as living fossils because alleged to have existed since the Devonian era, about 380 million years ago.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 28, 2013 at 12:39
Tag ; Fish Still Alive Till Now, Fish Pre-History.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:39

Mysterious code unsolved.

Although the Internet has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry in creating and cracking codes, crypologists not solve some of the secret codes of the oldest puzzles . Below are the authors present such matters ;

Phaistos Disk.

Phaistos Disk.

Regarded as the most important example of hieroglyphic inscription from Crete . Discovered in 1903 , the two sides of the clay covered with hieroglyphs arranged in a spiral zone , impressed on the clay when damp . Forty- five different types of signs have been distinguished , which can be identified with the hieroglyphs little used in the Proto - palatial

Linear A.

Linear A.

Linear A is one of two linear scripts used in ancient Crete ( a third script Cretan hieroglyphs ) . Linear B was deciphered in 1952 by Michael Ventris and was used to write Mycenaean Greek . Linear A is far from completely described but partially understood and can be read through the values ​​of linear B.
Although the two scripts share many of the same symbols , using the syllables associated with Linear B in generating a linear writings words that do not have a relationship with a known language . This language is often referred to as the Minoan or Eteocretan , and corresponds to the period in the history of Crete before a series of invasions by Mycenean Greeks around 1450 BC . It is believed that there may be some relationship between the linear and the Phaistos Disk .

Kryptos .

Kryptos .

Kryptos is a sculpture by American artist James Sanborn located on the ground floor of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) in Langley , Virginia , in the United States . Since its dedication on November 3 , 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the encrypted messages it bears .
Continues to provide entertainment for the employees of the CIA and other cryptanalysts attempting to decrypt the message . Ciphertext on one half the main sculpture contains 869 characters in total , however Sanborn released information in April 2006 stating that an intended letter on the main half of Kryptos was missing . This will bring the number of characters to 870 on the main section .
The other side of the sculpture consists of Vigenere encryption tableau , comprising 869 characters , if spaces are calculated . The first person to publicly announce solving the first three parts , in 1999 , was James Gillogly , a computer scientist from southern California , which is translated from 768 characters . The part that he could not solve , the remaining 97 or 98 characters .

Secret Codes on Chinese Gold Bar.

Secret Codes on Chinese Gold Bar.

In 1933 , seven gold bars allegedly issued to a General named Wang in Shanghai , China . These gold bars , containing pictures, Chinese writing , some form of script writing , and cryptograms in Latin letters , appear to represent metal certificates related to a bank deposit with a U.S. Bank and Chinese writing has been translated , and discusses a transaction in excess of $ 300,000,000 .

Beale Ciphers.

Beale Ciphers.

Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphertexts , one of the suspected location of a treasure trove of gold and silver estimated to be worth over USD $ 50 million . The other two ciphertexts allegedly describe the contents of the treasure , and list the name of the owner of the treasure of kin , respectively .
The story of three ciphertexts derived from the 1885 pamphlet detailing treasure buried by a man named Thomas Jefferson Beale in a secret location in Bedford County , Virginia , in 1820 . Beale entrusted the box containing the encrypted messages with a local innkeeper named Robert Morriss and then disappeared , never to be seen again . innkeeper gave the three encrypted ciphertexts to a friend before he died .
Her friend then spent twenty years of his life trying to decode the message , and only able to solve one of those that provides details about the general location of the hidden treasure and treasure . Since the publication of pamphlets , a number of attempts have been made to decode the two remaining ciphertexts and find the treasure , but all ended in failure .

Voynich Manuscript.

Voynich Manuscript.

Mysterious Voynich manuscript is thought to have written in the 15th century or 16th century . The author , script , and language of the manuscript remain unknown .
Listed on the existence , the Voynich manuscript has been the object of intense study by many professional and amateur cryptographers , including some top American and British codebreakers of World War II fame (all of whom failed to decrypt any portion of the text ) . This string failure has changed the Voynich manuscript into a famous subject of historical cryptology , but it also is weighted the theory that the book is simply an elaborate hoax - a meaningful sequence of arbitrary symbols .
The book is named after the Polish - American book dealer Wilfrid M. Voynich , who got it in 1912 . Currently the Voynich manuscript is stored in the Beinecke rare book and Manuscript Library of Yale University as item " MS 408 " . The first facsimile edition was published in 2005

Dorabella password.

Dorabella password.

The Dorabella Cipher is an enciphered letter written by Edward Elgar to Miss Dora Penny, who was accompanied by another dated July 14, 1897. Penny could never understand and meaning remain unknown to this day .
The password consists of 87 characters spread over 3 lines , appears to consist of an alphabet of 24 symbols , with each symbol consisting of either 1,2 or 3 semicircles estimates, oriented in one of the 8 directions. The orientation of some of the characters are ambiguous . A small point, the meaning and significance of the unknown , appeared after five characters in the third row .
A count of 87 characters indicate the frequency of symbols that are very close to what is expected if the cipher is a simple substitution cipher , based on the text in English , but an attempt to break it along these lines have so far proven futile , leading to speculation ciphers may be more complex .

System Passwords John F. Byrne.

System Passwords John F. Byrne.

John F. password system Chaocipher Byrne discovered in 1918 and continued to try to solve but failed for nearly 40 years for the benefit of the U.S. government .
He offered a reward for anyone who can decode it , but the prize was never claimed . It recently has been re- examined by their family members to determine whether there is commercial value in it .

D' Agapeyeff password.

D' Agapeyeff password.

D' Agapeyeff password is the password that appears unsolvable in the first edition of Codes and Ciphers , an elementary book on cryptography published by the Russian -born British citizen who worked as a cartographer Alexander - D'Agapeyeff in 1939 .
Offered as a "challenge cipher " at the end of the book , it was not included in later editions , and D' Agapeyeff said to have admitted that he forgot how he passcode encryption .
Some argue that the failure of all attempts at decryption is due to D' Agapeyeff one encrypting the original text . However , there is also found a secret code that can still be solved by using computational methods such as genetic algorithms .

Tamam Shud.

Tamam Shud.

The body of an unidentified man was found on Somerton beach in Adelaide , Australia in 1948 with no ID , and wearing a sweater and coat despite the hot weather that day ,
There is no clue to the identity and dental records and fingerprints that can be matched with someone .
An autopsy discovered bizarre congestion , blood in the stomach and enlarged organs but no foreign substances .
A suitcase found at the train station that may belong to him containing a pair of trousers with a secret hidden pocket , which holds a piece of paper cutouts of a book that is printed with the words "Garden Shud " .
These sheets fit with a very rare copy of Omar Khayyam's 'The Rubaiyat' that was found in the back seat of the vehicle and locked in the back of the book written five lines of capital letters that seem to be a code . To this day , the entire case remains one of the mysteries in Australia's most bizarre .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 28, 2013 at 11:40
Tag ; Mysterious code unsolved, Mysterious Code.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:40

Friday 27 December 2013

Anti Gravity giant rock.

Kjeragbolten, Norway.
Balance Stone / Stone Anti gravity (balancing rock) is a natural geologicalformation featuring a large stone, sometimes the size of a house or more, which is above the other, smaller stones, or in a position as if the rock would roll down, (a position that looks like a rock against gravity).
But in fact the stone has a balanced position similar acrobat on a tightrope. In fact, it just seems balancing rocks but are actually firmly connected to the bedrock with the base or stem.
And most of the stone balance (Balancing Rock) proved fused with rock beneath it. And the following is a stone of balance (Balancing Rock) is best known throughout the world.

Balancing Rock, Utah. 

Balancing Rock, Utah.

Stone equilibrium (Balancing Rock) is one of the most popular features of Arches National Park, Utah, United States. This stone is located next to the main road in a national park, about 9 miles from the park entrance. The total height of the stone balance (Balancing Rock) approximately 39 m, with stone balancing rising 16.75 m above the base. Large stone on top is about the size of three school buses. Until now, the stone balance (Balancing Rock) has a companion - a balanced rocks are similar, but much smaller named "Chip Off The Old Block", which fall during the winter of 1975/1976.

Balanced Rock, Colorado. 

Balanced Rock, Colorado.

This balanced rock located in Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It is easily accessible by paved road and is a popular place for tourist photography.

Balancing Rock, Digby, Nova Scotia. 

Balancing Rock, Digby, Nova Scotia.

Stone equilibrium (Balancing Rock) at Mary's Bay, Long Island, Nova Scotia seems to defy gravity is seen standing at the edge of the base end of the rocks below. Has a height of 9 meters of stone attached by two small sections with a gap between what you can see through.

Idol Rock, Brimham Moor. 

Idol Rock, Brimham Moor.

Many mysterious rock formations spread over 50 acres on Brimham Moor. One is the Idol Rock, Brimham Moor balanced on top of a small rock. These stones are eroded by water, glaciation and wind, so that takes the form of stunning. Many formations shows many traces, including elephants, hippos, bears, and fungi.

Mushroom Stone, Kansas.

Mushroom Stone, Kansas.

Stone Mushroom (Mushroom Rock) State Park, which is located in the Smoky Hills region of Kansas, famous for its rock formations that resemble mushrooms. These rocks are formed through a process of erosion and weathering uniform where hard mass of iron sand erosion while rejecting Dakota softer underlying rocks weather, form the shape of the "mushroom". There are two giant mushrooms and rock shoes, and various other rock formations in the park.

Chiremba Balancing Rocks, Zimbabwe. 

Chiremba Balancing Rocks, Zimbabwe.

Chiremba Balancing Rocks is located 13 km southeast of Harare in Epworth. Despite this strange stone can be found in almost all Zimbabwe, but this one became famous after being featured in the currency of Zimbabwe. Chiremba Balancing Rocks have been used as a metaphor to explain the importance of the theme of development coupled with preserving the fragile environment in Zimbabwe is similar to that of the Balancing Rocks found in Epworth, Matopos and in other areas.

Mexican Hat (Hats Mexico), Utah. 

Mexican Hat (Hats Mexico), Utah.

Mexican Hat Rock Formations located on Highway 163, 24 miles west of Bluff, Utah. The name "Mexican Hat" comes from a curiosity than a sombrero shape, which has a width of approximately 30 meters and a 60-foot thickness of 4 m at the northeast end of the city.

Devils Marbles (Devils Marbles), Australia. 

Devils Marbles (Devils Marbles), Australia.

Devils Marbles is one of the most famous among the rocks of Australia, located south of the Northern Territory Tennant Creek. Stone the Devil's Marbles, a large red, rounded granite boulders vary in size, from 50 centimeters to six meters, and rock - this rock strewn across a wide area. Many of those who have a seemingly impossible position balanced on top of each other.

Kjeragbolten, Norway. 

Kjeragbolten, Norway.

Kjeragbolten is stone measuring 5 cubic meters of rock wedged in a ravine at the edge of the mountain Kjerag in Lysefjorden, Norway. Blocks of stone lodged in the height of 984 meters above the deep ravine. Although it looks impressive, stone location is easily accessible by foot without any special equipment. The whole mountain Kjerag is a popular hiking area, and Kjeragbolten is a favorite place to take photos.

Golden Rock, Burma. 

Golden Rock, Burma.

Golden Rock (Kyaik-htiyo or Kyaiktiyo), perched on a cliff near Yangon, is one of the most sacred sites in Burma. According to legend, the Golden Rock (Gold Stone) rolling and perched himself on a piece of Buddha's hair. It really looks like a rock against gravity, because it appears to be on the verge of rolling down the hill. At the top of the rock and built a small pagoda covered with gold leaves pasted by devotees. Overview of Rock "gravity-defying" Golden believed to be an inspiration for everyone to turn to Buddhism.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 27, 2013 at 22:32
Tag ; Anti Gravity giant rock, anti-gravity giant stone

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 22:32

Reason Important Blood Tests.

 Reasons it is Important Blood Test
There are many assumptions , that the function of the blood test is not only to determine the blood type . Therefore only once , and usually for the purpose of taking care of any identity card . In fact, regular blood tests are also important to monitor the health of the body .
So it's not just the testers cholesterol , gout , or diabetes . Because there are certain diseases that do not cause symptoms , but can be detected through a blood test . Here the author will explain the reasons why the importance of blood tests .

Calculate the Total Blood.

The total amount of blood will tell all the body's vital statistics . For example , the amount of hemoglobin to determine whether or not you are suffering from anemia , platelet counts to determine blood clots and white blood cells in the body to determine infection .


If you have an infection , hepatitis or syphilis , you should run regular blood tests . This is because the disease is not congenital .


Deadly virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus can only be found through a routine blood test . Blood tests early , will make people more alert and know what to do treatment .

Blood sugar.

Diabetes can indeed be seen from some of the symptoms , such as thirst , tiredness and sleepy easily . Even so , keep blood sugar is still needed , the goal is to monitor blood sugar levels .


Many young people who suffer from thyroid or thyroid disorders . It is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle . Thus, by performing regular blood tests thyroid symptoms can be detected early.


Cancer is often detected through blood tests normal . If the amount of abnormal hemoglobin , or white blood cells high , this could indicate the growth of carcinoma or cancer cells in the body .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 27, 2013 at 20:59
Tag ; Reasons it is Important Blood Test, Blood Tests usability.

Blood tests will be in

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:59

Onions strengthen bones.

Shallots .

Shallots are a group AnggregatumThese herbs are known to have a very many benefits for health . Even since the days of our forefathers These herbs have been believed to cure several diseases .
Red onion .
Shallots are Anggregatum group which is a type of plant that adds spice in various cuisines of Southeast Asia and the world . In the shallots are various contents that are beneficial to your health .
The content contained in the Red Onion is ;
vitamin C
Vitamin A equiv
Thiamine (Vitamin B1 )
Riboflavin ( Vit. B2 )
Niacin ( Vit.B3 )
vitamin B6
vitamin E
vitamin K
Folic Acid
Calcium 23 mg
0:21 mg iron
Hormone Auxin and Gibberellins
Based on recent research , it turns out not only milk that could increase the bone density . Shallots can also increase bone density and strengthen joints . With this capability the onions could prevent women from menopause .
But keep in mind the cooking onions should not be arbitrary because it could be nutritional value will be reduced . Do not cook too ripe red onion , cooked soon after chopped up because if left in the open state could reduce the benefits of the onion .
Other benefits that can be obtained from onions is to strengthen the muscles of Cardiovascular , inhibits the activity of white blood cells , prevent cancer , reduce heat , warm up, ease off the wind , launched expenditure urine , prevent blood clots , lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels .

Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 27, 2013 at 17:10
Tag ; That Onion Capable Strengthen Bones and Joints, red onion.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:10

Benefits of Rice Water For Beauty.

Benefits rice water.

Rice water should not be taken lightly because there are many benefits for beauty.
To get a clear skin and bright is often a lot of women who try a variety of skin whitening products are quite expensive . Actually to get a clear and bright skin does not need a lot of money because you can use rice water .

Water rice.

Rice water can be obtained when you cook rice , usually before cooked rice washed , wash water from the rice you can use to beautify the skin and can also for health drinks .
If you want to know how to apply and what are the benefits of the rice water , please read this article .

Clean face and Slows premature aging.

To get a clean face you can use rice water to the toner . Dip cotton in rice water then pat in the face area as a toner , after that wash your face . Rice in water containing inositol is useful to help slow the progression of cells and premature aging . Do this every day 2 times in order to facilitate the circulation of blood in the face . The rice water also has benefits for moisturizing and can also serve to antioxidants in the skin .

Benefits to Strengthen Hair rice water.

Besides being able to make a clean face , rice water can also make hair stronger . After using shampoo and then pour the rice water in the hair . Take a few minutes then rinse thoroughly . The content of protein in rice is able to strengthen a fragile piece of hair and also repair damaged hair shaft .

Cleaning the skin.

The skin of the body can also be made beautiful and clean water using rice. By using the rice water is able to cleanse the skin from germs, stains and skin problems. The trick is to soak rice with water for 15 minutes 2 times a day then after a few weeks you will find the skin has improved
as much as 20 % .

The Healthy Beverage.

Rice water can also be a healthful beverage of your body , of course the water the rice has been cooked . Rice in water contained 8 essential amino acids that can help to regenerate cells and muscle . It also can provide additional energy .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 27, 2013 at 16:29
Tag ; Benefits of Rice Water For Beauty?, Rice Water

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:29