Showing posts with label Fish Still Alive Till Now.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish Still Alive Till Now.. Show all posts

Saturday 28 December 2013

Fish Still Alive Till Now.



According to the record, hagfish have existed for over 300 million years. Found in relatively deep waters, these animals are sometimes called slime eels, but they are not eels, and in fact they do not even resemble a fish at all, according to some scientists. They are very bizarre animals in all regards, they have a skull but lack a spine, and they have two brains. Almost blind, they feed at night they eat the carcasses of large animals [fish, whales etc.] that fall to the ocean floor, hagfish have virtually no natural enemies.



Lancetfish known as fish existing in prehistoric times, looked out and the teeth on the jaws and sharp fins on his back. Lancetfish up to two meters long, this predator is found in all oceans except for the polar regions, Lancetfish consuming small fish and squid, and Lancetfish also eat the big fish.



Osteoglossids [arowana], these fish already existed in the Jurassic period. Arowana is found in the Amazon, and in parts of Africa, Asia and Australia. Sometimes kept as exotic pets. Arowana is a fish that eat small animals and worms that they can get, including birds and bats which they catch in flight.
Arowana can also jump up to 2 meters into the air. In China, Arowana known as "dragon-fish" due to their appearance, and they are considered a sign of good luck or carrier hockey.

Frilled Shark. 

Frilled Shark.

This deep sea predator, one of the most primitive sharks alive in contemporary times, is a relic from the Cretaceous period, frilled shark can grow up to 2 meters [size larger than the female shark shark men] and they live in deep waters, where they mostly eat squid. They are not harmful to humans, and in fact, sharks spend their whole lives without seeing a human because they live in the deep sea. Only dead specimens are usually visible on the surface and recorded by fishermen or scientists.



Sturgeon is known as one of the main sources of caviar [fish eggs] as being overfished, the population is being threatened at this time. Largest sturgeon species can grow up to 6 feet, which is as large as white sharks, Sturgeon eating small animals from the sea bottom and pose no danger to humans, unless provoked



Overview of fish is similar to arowana fish [see Arowana], Arapaima Amazon is regarded as the largest freshwater fish in the world. According to early descriptions, it could grow up to 4.5 meters, but up to now, a large Arapaima is rarely found and most adult Arapaimas an average size of 2 meters. Arapaima fish eat the small, crustaceans and whatever small animals can get into their mouths. One interesting trait of this fish is breathing oxygen from the air, such as cetaceans, in order to survive. Arapaimas pose no danger to humans and are often hunted for their meat, Arapaima unfortunately very rare nowadays.



These animals are victims of the Cretaceous period, and can be found both in the sea at a depth of 100 km with a length of 7 meters, the fish looks like a shark with a mouth that resembles a chainsaw, but Sawfish is not included in the only shark species are similar.
When seen, it is not really a race Sawfish sharks stingrays but including race, from the bottom of the body shape that is flat, unlike the shark bottom leaner streamlined shape that makes it easy to swim with the sharks in the water quickly, and Sawfish has a small mouth parallel to the lower body fused to his body like a manta ray, while the shark? Sharks are more visible has its own large jaws, can also see a flat head Sawfish do not like sharks. Sawfish fins also have a front that is parallel to the bottom.
Some adult Sawfish can grow up to 5.8 m. There are some people who are often mistaken with Sawfish and sawshark. Sawshark it has a big jaw like other sharks, and a definite body shape is different, more like a shark.
The most visible is the "saw" it is called the rostrum. Eostrum allows to determine the movement of prey Sawfish heartbeat even though that is in the sea floor. If the prey right below it, he immediately grabbed prey with "saw" that his or rostrumnya, which is done to injure prey so easily swallowed without much struggling. Teeth in "Allah" is not really a regular tooth, but the tooth that has been modified is called denticles.
Sawfish has a mouth that is fenced small teeth-like round dome that used to eat the small fish. Sawfish breathe with 2 spirikel just behind the eye that takes the water with gills. Sawfish skin is covered with a small leather dentikel provide Sawfish skin with a rough texture, it's actually Sawfish are nocturnal animals are active at night such as bats.

Alligator Gar. 

Alligator Gar.

It's thick scaly predators found in the southern U.S., northern and eastern Mexico, being the largest freshwater fish in North America. Alligator Gar can grow up to 4 meters and weigh up to 200 kg. Alligator Gar are so called because they look like a reptile crocodile and a long jaw, the two sides have sharp teeth. Alligator Gar is a voracious predator and has been known to be dangerous to humans, though not yet confirmed deaths due Alligator gars have been recorded to date. Gars are among the oldest fish alive today.

Polypterus Senegalus. 

Polypterus Senegalus.

Fish Africa is often called "dinosaur eels", due to their appearance and serrated dorsal fin. They are in fact not an eel, but family members bichirs. Although often sold as exotic pets "dinosaur eel", they can survive out of water for long periods of time as long as their skin remains wet.



Coelacanth is the most famous of all "living fossils", as this is the best example of a Lazarus taxon, this is supposed to be long extinct animals and unexpectedly found to be alive today. This fish is supposed to have become extinct in the Cretaceous period, along with the dinosaurs, but in 1938, a live specimen was caught in South Africa. Since then, specimens have been seen and photographed, and a second coelacanth species was even found in Indonesia in 1999. This is a large predatory fish, 2 meters in length, they feed on small fish, including small sharks, and are usually found in the deep, dark waters. Residents rarely catch and consume it tastes weird, Coelancanth coelacanths as endangered species today. This fish lives only in South African waters and the western part of the eastern Indonesian waters respectively called Latimeria chalumnae and Latimeria menadoensis.
New species discovered in Manado in 1999 shocked the world because since 1940 coelacanth species known only from the western part of Madagascar. Prehistoric coelacanth fish and categorized as living fossils because alleged to have existed since the Devonian era, about 380 million years ago.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 28, 2013 at 12:39
Tag ; Fish Still Alive Till Now, Fish Pre-History.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:39