Monday, 24 February 2014

Did you know Jade ( Jade Stone ).

Jade Stone

Jade in China are well known in approximately 4000 BC . At the time of the kingdom of jade in great demand by the Chinese , and traditional jade stone into the Chinese empire. Ranging from the manufacture of weapons, tools or furniture, carved writings or drawings and all use of jade jewelry .

Jade Stone

This stuff is Antiques From South Kalimantan , According Story This statue is a relic of a bygone era When Dynasty China.

Jade is composed of two kinds ; nephrite and Jadeit . Both are actually different minerals , Jadeit harder than nephrite but more easily cracked . Jadeite approximately as hard as quartz stone . White jade is nephrite and is usually used and the high value in China at that time was nephrite . Blue -green , red-orange and lavender jadeite is usually always , the type of stone is more rare and valuable at this time . Jade has a hard value 6-6.5 ( Nephrite ) , 6.5-7 ( Jadeite ) based on the list of hard Mohs . Nephrite is made of calcium silicate and magnesium , while jadeite is a silicate of sodium and aluminum . Other ingredients that may be contained in jadeites are calcium , potassium , chromium , magnesium , titanium , manganese and water . In the microscope , nephrite appear as blobs that as the fiber filaments are closely intertwined . Jadeite indicates a more crystalline structure .
Jade is also touted as " the toughest gemstone " , meaning stone is the strongest among other precious stones , even stronger than the diamond or diamonds . Holds a diamond or diamond the hardest rock of all kinds of stone in the world but the diamonds stones easily cracked and broken if hit hard enough because although the composition of diamond structure makes them hard but the ' brittle ' . Stone diamonds can only be cut by another diamond stone and will not be scratched by other types of stone . Jade is very soft and easily scratched when compared to diamonds , but anti - cracked or broken jade resistance to very high . Therefore, jade is often used as weapons or other war materials at the time of the Chinese empire . Hmm .. maybe I think right times so that the Chinese believe that if you wear jade split moreover smashed into pieces then you will be or are experiencing a problem , because the strongest stone which may be destroyed as easily as it tiba2 ( except the fake jade ) . Maybe you are being warned or given a message .

Jade stone .

Jade color assortment , there is a milky white , greenish white , green , dark green and even some are gray and reddish - brown or red . However, jade is the most sought after and desirable dark green translucent . Imperial jade is the name given to the jade that is considered the most qualified , emerald green color should be clear and slightly thickened .
Color of imperial jade green stone in the presence of a substance due to
chromium , while the presence of iron ( Fe ) resulted in a paler green , blue-green or blue - black . Darkest color usually contains a relatively high amount of iron oxide . For connoisseurs and collectors jade , be careful because many dealers are colored to resemble the color of jade white jade imperial jade and sell it at a higher price . Although the current jade gemstone is one of the most beautiful and affordable , unfortunately this stone is also one of the most liked stone forged . It is recommended that buy jade or other precious stones from a reputable source .

The use or benefit .

The Chinese believe that if you wear jade and jade gradually became more greenish then it means hockey for the wearer and the more green the better ( just do the opposite ) . Jade is also believed to have influences among others as a talisman or hockey goods, refuse poisoning or infection, or negative air repel black magic, improve the health and happiness of the household , to avoid hostility and despair .

In the astrology , zodiac and wedding gifts .

Special jade stone or stones used are suitable for the March birthstone and giving in marriage anniversaries to 35 . In the world of astrology or astrological zodiac jade associated with Virgo . Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 24, 2014 at 13:59
Tag ; Did you know Jade ( Jade Stone ).

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:59

Diamond stone.


Intan ( in Greek means " unconquerable " ) is the only precious stone that is made ​​from a single element or a substance that is koolstof genuine charcoal is also present in plants , living creatures and various rocks formed by nature in the temperature conditions and the pressure is very high earth for billions of years until the diamond that we know today .
Initially nicknamed the Greek origin of diamonds intended for steel that is considered as the most hard goods , but after realizing the hardness of diamonds over steel hence the name taken by a diamond expert .
Hard diamond value is 10 in the list of hard Mohs and specific gravity 3.5 to 3.52. The oldest diamonds found in India , while the first discovery of diamonds in South Africa in 1870 .

Diamond stone .

Of all the precious stones available , diamonds not only the loudest rock but also has the greatest light and the biggest light filter . Diamond colors like yellow variegated , yellow , bluish , red , blue -green , pink , pink , yellow, brown, black ( called Carbonado ) , green leaves ( seldom ) , and the most common known is colorless and transparent . Diamond can be burned in an electric furnace at a temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius and becomes Carbondioksida .

Diamond and gemstone shapes.

When elements combine with carbon nitrogen that diamond crystallization takes place , forming a pseudo -colored yellow diamonds . If more and more nitrogen then the color will be yellow diamond , the less nitrogen then the less yellow . At the very white diamonds then nitrogen was not found at all . Hope blue diamond due to boron in it , diamonds are green because natural radiation during the crystallization process occurs in the earth's crust and pink diamonds , red and brown resulting from atomic structures damaged or deformed .
Luster of diamonds is called ' light ' ( fire ) , while the clear water named . Is a diamond called a diamond of the clear perfect ' first water ' while looking very murky so-called 'third spring'. Surely not all the expensive diamond or diamonds, just a bit of an expensive diamond . From the results of mining around the world , 80 percent of the approximately 150 million carats or 30 tonnes of diamond is of poor quality diamonds and ready crushed to powder materials for industrial use such as saws , scalpels , drill tools , electronic items to aircraft components , rockets space and many others . The remaining 20 percent can be to be sharpened and used as a tool of jewelry and only 1-2 percent are really good quality and expensive . World industrial use of diamond as a radiation barrier , absorbing heat and protect from damage caused by chemicals .

Gems Martapura .

Gemstones or diamonds that originate from Martapura occupies the number one quality in the world, but still can not compete in terms of processing and polish it.
Quality of diamond gemstones Martapura beat from various countries, including Israel , South Africa , Belgium and other European countries whose territory contains precious stones .
" In terms of quality , diamond Martapura is number one , but the processing and polishing due to its poor so the price is lower than other countries precious stone processing better
In addition another famous gemstone is amethyst in Martapura . Amethyst originating from Borneo has a very good quality , even from Martapura amethyst and amethyst Pangka Lambun is the best of the amethyst originating from India and Brazil .

The use or benefit.

Most people assume that the diamond stones bring bad luck , disaster and adversity because a lot of the events that happen to have a great or good diamond ultimately lead to the deterioration of the owner 's death even as the famous story of the most famous diamonds in the world such as The Hope or Koh - i - noor ( Mountain of Light ) . The story of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who brought diamonds into battle as a scapegoat and eventually defeated and exiled to the island ST.HELENA and died there after suffering exile for seven years ( May 5, 1821 ) .
But some people are fanatics also assume that the diamond has a positive influence and mystical properties such as bringing hockey to the owner of the air - air and expel the negative and evil science . But behind the opposing beliefs generally serve Gems stone diamond as a symbol of eternal love and eternal partners.

In the astrology , zodiac and wedding gifts .

In the world of astrology or astronomy diamond stones are stones for people born in the month of April ( as well as daisies ) and diamond stones associated with the zodiac Aries .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 24, 2014 at 13:05
Tag ; Diamond stone, diamond

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:05

Pepper Plant.

Type of pepper is influenced by skin color.
Pepper or pepper is often called the scientific name is Piper nigrum L. Pepper is one of the herbs in the form of small grains. Pepper plants are vines and has a single leaf oval pale green and opaque with pointed end scattered with jointed stems. Flowers pepper-books are arranged in the form of compound interest and without having unisexual flowers decoration. While the pepper fruit is round with a hard seed but has a soft rind.

Pepper Plant Habitat. 

Pepper plants can be grown in regions where tropical climate with adequate rainfall throughout the year. Pepper can flourish at altitudes below 600 meters above sea level with rainfall between 2,200 mm to 5,000 mm per year with sushu ranging from 20o C to 35o C. In addition, pepper requiring humidity between 60% to 93% with soil pH ranging from 6 to 7 with good drainage and avoid water from a puddle because it can make the roots rot, especially for young plants. In Indonesia pepper found in many areas of Bangka Island, Lampung, and the Pacific Islands.

Types of Pepper. 

Type of pepper is influenced by skin color and the marketing process. Several types of pepper are many in the market are white pepper from peppercorns elderly. The second type of pepper is black pepper is produced from the seeds of the pepper is not too old. The third type of pepper is a red pepper that has a slightly sweet flavor and less spicy. The fourth type of pepper is pepper green peppers learned that when he was not too old.

Pepper Benefits for Health. 

Pepper is known to have various health benefits to the body other than the commonly used as food seasonings. Pepper has efficacy in treating some diseases such as headaches, asthma or shortness of breath, lower the risk of breast cancer and tumors. In addition, peppers are also useful as body warmers when cold temperatures and can increase sexual desire for married couples.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 24, 2014 at 12:03
Tag ; Pepper Plant, pepper

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:03

You Know Kapri Beans.

What is a Peanut Peas.

Snow peas.

Pea plant is a kind of vegetable which has the scientific name Pisum sativum L and included in the tribe of legumes . Pea plants had an average height of about 3.5 m with a pinnate leaf shape . Pea plants have white flowers . While the fruit has a length of about 3 to 11 cm . Inside the fruit are 3 to 11 pea seeds . Pea seeds generally have a spherical shape or wrinkled green . In Indonesia alone , pea also known as peas or peas .

Kapri Nuts habitat .

Peas can grow well in tropical areas with an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level . The temperature required for the growth of pea is approximately 10o to 30o C with optimum temperature is good for the development of 20o C. As for rainfall required is about 400 mm to 1,000 mm per year. For optimal results , peas can be planted in areas where rainfall is 1,000 mm per year. Pea plants can thrive in slightly acidic soil conditions and has good drainage .

Types of Nuts Kapri .

There are two types of peas are generally consumed . The first type of pea is Snow Pea . This type of snow peas have flat seeds . This species is a group of Axiphium cultivation and very popular in Indonesia . The second type of pea is Snap Pea . Snap Pea is a type of pea which has a spherical shape and a group of macrocarpum cultivation .

Health Benefits of Nuts Kapri .

Besides being used as a complement to the cuisine , pea also has many health benefits . Among them , the content of vitamin K present in peas can help keep bones strong and Constructing bones . Cnya vitamin content serves to increase endurance and prevent DNA damage . Content owned Iron works to form red blood cells so as to prevent the occurrence of anemia . Peas also contain beta carotene which is useful as an antioxidant that functions as a cancer prevention . Not only that , snow peas can also help you lose weight for their diet program because the peas have little caloric content .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 24, 2014 at 11:39
Tag ; You Know Kapri Beans, kapri

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:39

Red Beans.

Red Beans .

Red Beans .

Red beans, is one of the nuts-the most delicious beans in addition to green beans. Kidney beans have been the subject of a variety of delicious cuisines in the world are all the rage. Red beans usually consumed when it was actually a cook dried beans . In Indonesia , dried beans are generally cooked into porridge , soup or mixed vegetable , rice or ice team . Kidney beans are also often cooked into a sweet jam is used as a filler such as Steamed Bun some cake , moon cake , cake moci , dorayaki cakes , donuts contents , and others .
But did you know that red beans have many benefits . Kidney beans have B vitamins ( especially folic acid and vitamin B1 ) , calcium , phosphorus , iron , and protein . Every 100 grams of dried red beans that have been boiled can provide 19% protein and 21 % from protein adequacy rate for men and women 20-45 years . In addition to excelling in folic acid , red beans are also a superior source of fiber . Every 100 grams of dried red beans provide about 4 grams of fiber , which consists of a mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber water . Soluble fiber can significantly lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar .
A wide variety of nuts that have high protein content , one of which is red beans .
" Kidney beans are kind of nuts that have been popular in the world that has a shape like a kidney and red , including one family with the type of beans, peas such as tolo beans , soy beans , string beans and green beans . Kidney beans can be classified in types of plant foods include legumes ( legumes ) .
There are two types of kidney beans kidney beans ( red beans
large and adzuki ( red bean small ) .
In Indonesia , the red bean is known of the Portuguese colonizers from Europe , namely that carry and make red beans as agricultural land in Indonesia ,
Indonesia is known to this day as the largest producer of dry beans including West Java as a producing region .
Countries - other countries are also producing red beans are China , India , Brazil and the United States . "

Efficacy and Content of Red Beans .

Prevent bad cholesterol and improving digestion ( anti- constipation ) . The content of the high fiber is fermented in the large intestine and produce fatty acids of short - chain , which can inhibit hepatic cholesterol synthesis .
Prevent the risk of diabetes as a completely air- carbohydrate and low glycemic index include slow digestibility .
Helping maturation of red blood cells , helps the synthesis of DNA and RNA , as well as lower levels of homocysteine ​​in the arteries ( thus reducing the risk of heart disease ) .
Helping fiber diet because it will make you feel full and also very low calorie . Moreover, the protein content of the plant will be beneficial to the development of body muscle mass .
Keeping the nervous system function , carbohydrate metabolism , and preventing other diseases .
Helps the metabolism of amino acids , fatty acids , lipids , gluconeogenesis , neurotransmitter synthesis , histamine synthesis , hemoglobin synthesis and function and maintaining healthy skin .
Assist the process of blood clotting in wounds .
nutrient content in beans is very good for the health of the human body . Dry red beans are a source of vegetable protein , complex carbohydrates , fiber , vitamins B , folasin , thiamine , calcium , phosphorus , and iron .
Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels .
Kidney beans contain fat and very low sodium , fat-free almost saturated , and free kolersterol . In addition , red beans are also a good source of fiber . In 100 grams of dried red beans , can produce 4 grams of fiber which consists of a water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber . Water -soluble fiber is able to significantly lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels .
To get the perfect properties of red beans , there are several things that need to be done in the process . After soaking , discard the soaking water red beans . Then boil the beans in a saucepan , covered, for 3 minutes , and let stand for 2 hours to allow the water to settle . Replace it with a water immersion mature water , and let stand overnight . The next day , red beans ready to be cooked into a delicious meal . This needs to be done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the intestines which will make the stomach feel bloated .
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 24, 2014 at 11:09
Tag ; Red Beans.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:09

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Who is Blaise Pascal.

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal was a mathematician , philosopher , and French physicist who lived in the 17th century .
He contributed significantly to the world of mathematics and science from a very young age before turning to the topic of religion and philosophy after a dramatic conversion at the age of 31 years .
Pascal known to donate some of the mathematical and scientific concepts are important , whereas religious work is regarded as a masterpiece of the French language .
Blaise Pascal was born on June 19, 1623 at Clermont in Auvergne , France .
His mother died three years later . The whole family then moved to Paris five years later .
Blaise and his two sisters are smart kids and have the full support of his father , Etienne Pascal .
Etienne is also a mathematician and amateur scientist so inspired his son .
Blaise Pascal wrote a mathematical treatise before the age of 18 years and discovered what is now known as Pascal 's theorem ( conic sections in the projective geometry ) at the age of 16 years .
When the 15 -year -old , Blaise Pascal and his family moved to Rouen as his opposition to some policies Cardinal Richelieu .
Blaise Pascal continued his mathematical work and created a mechanical calculator called the Pascaline later at the age of 18 years .
Pascal math works much later intersect with geometry and probability .

In addition to his work in mathematics , Pascal contributed to the scientific field of hydrodynamics and hydrostatics when in his twenties .
He found a syringe and hydraulic pressure and develop a concept that is now becoming an important part of the hydrostatic .
Blaise Pascal suffered from a painful nerve condition since he was 18 years old and became partially paralyzed in 1647 .
Around the same time , his father suffered injuries and was treated by a doctor who is also a Jansenist , one of the major Catholic faction in France at the time .
Due to the influence of the doctor , Pascal began to think more about religion and wrote various theological issues .
Pascal life changed dramatically as a result of the terrible experience that occurred in 1654 .
In that year , Blaise Pascal almost lost their lives in train accidents . When the horse carriage of a train fell off a bridge hanging on the edge .
Pascal fainted and was unconscious for 15 days . When a coma , he experienced a mystical experience which inspired him to devote all his attention to religion .
The main work of the religious and the Provincial Letters of Pascal is Pensées or " mind . "
In the Provincial Letters , Pascal attacked what he saw as corruption in the Catholic Church of his day .
In Pensées , his work is not yet finished , Pascal review questions about the broader philosophy of religion and make it one of the most famous works of French literature .
Blaise Pascal was seriously ill at the age of 36 years and died three years later . The exact cause of his death is unknown. Autopsy revealed some damage to organs in the body .
Although it has a short life , Pascal was able to contribute to the scientific and religious thinking with lasting effect . Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 23, 2014 at 21:17
Tag ; Who is Blaise Pascal.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:17

Did You Know About Ludwig van Beethoven.

Ludwig van Beethoven

signature of Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the most influential and creative musicians known history .
Baptized on December 17, 1770 in Bonn , Germany pianist composer 's prolific classical music includes symphonies , operas , concerti , piano sonatas , etc. .
In the span of his life for 56 years , Beethoven had reached the peak of achievement in musical works .
Since small, due to the direct encouragement of his father, Johann van Beethoven, the young Beethoven had studied music .

Ludwig van Beethoven ;

1. Ludwig van Beethoven people hosts had 7 children . Four of them died when I was small and only 3 survived . From 3 people, Beethoven is the oldest .
2. Beethoven did his first musical at the age of 7 ½ years , on March 26, 1778 .
3. Beethoven had studied at several famous musicians including Gottlob Neefe , Joseph Haydn , Albrechtsberger , Salieri , and Mozart .
Most of the music lessons taken in Vienna , which is also the place where he lived after leaving his hometown of Bonn .
4. Beethoven published his first work in 1782 at the age of 12 years . The work contains 9 variations for Piano in C minor , making it one of the most well-known pianist in history .
5. Every time Beethoven sat down to prepare or write music , he would pour ice water over his head .
6. During his lifetime , Beethoven composed only one opera classic known as Fidelio , which is still recognized as one of the most classic and influential works of all time .
7. Beethoven composed many symphonic and still perform his own concert even after he lost his hearing ability ( deaf ) .
In 1811, after failing to bring his own composition , " Piano Concerto No. 5 " in public , no longer Beethoven ever publicly performed .
8. After Beethoven lost the ability to hear fully , his friends communicate by writing in the book . Beethoven will be read and then answer orally or in writing .
There are 400 books with these types , where 264 pieces of which were destroyed after his death .
9. Another interesting fact about Beethoven is that he uses a special rod to his piano soundboard .
This particular rod will be bitten to know the sound vibrations that propagate through the rod . In this way Beethoven would determine the type and density of sound .
10. Beethoven was one of the first musicians who were given an annual grant of 4000 florins because people there do not want him to leave Vienna . Beethoven financially free so that it can concentrate on work .
11. Prior to Beethoven , to sustain life , well-known musicians such as Bach , Mozart and Haydn are part of the housekeeping staff wealthy aristocratic families who were never given the freedom to work without a command .
12. Beethoven always put 60 beans in a coffee cup . No wonder where he got all that great energy !
13. Beethoven is also known for his temperament . He did not hesitate to stop doing the show if the audience feels too much talk or do not pay attention to him .
Beethoven is known never threw a plate of food on the waiter for not happy with the service .
14. Beethoven spent most of his time writing music . He's been arrested for clothes and her hair is so messy that police believed it was a bum .
15. Beethoven was amazing ! During his career , he wrote a total of nine symphonies , 17 string quartets , seven concertos , 32 sonatas piano , 10 sonatas for piano and violin , and 1 classic opera .
16. Beethoven also taught music for many young students . Allegedly he also fell in love with many of them .
17. In 1812 , Beethoven wrote a letter addressed to ' The Immortal Beloved ' . Beethoven biographer is still trying to find the mysterious woman behind the letter.
18. Even nature mourned his death . As described by Anselm Hüttenbrenner , Beethoven 's friends were present when Beethoven breathed her last , there is a rumble of thunder when Beethoven died on March 26, 1827 .
19. When Beethoven died , nearly 10000-30000 people attended his funeral on March 29, 1827 .
20. In August 1845 , in Bonn Beethoven monument was unveiled , as well as a monument to the composer who first established in Germany .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 23, 2014 at 19:05
Tag ; Did You Know About Ludwig van Beethoven, beethoven

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:05