Tuesday 4 February 2014

Haben Sie Tiger Manifest kennen.

Sumatran tiger with a beautiful coat.

Ich habe keine Angst um den Wald zu verteidigen! Ich möchte, dass die Produkte, die ich nicht verwenden aus einer Quelle, das Aussterben der Tiger verursacht zu kommen. Die Zerstörung ihrer Häuser für die Eröffnung der Palmölplantagen gestoppt werden sollte, vor allem, wenn es eine bessere Lösung.
Ich sorge mich, und ich möchte wissen, was in den Produkten, die ich benutze. Machen Sie mich nicht zum Aussterben der Tiger und indonesischen Wälder.

Sumatran Tiger

Ich bin sicher, es gibt eine Lösung, die nicht in die Zerstörung der Wälder zur Folge hat. Ich möchte Palmöl sauber und ich darum bitten, dass meine Lieblings-Produkt, um meine Stimme zu hören.
Es müssen Maßnahmen getroffen werden, um die Zerstörung von Lebensraum Tiger von meiner Lieblings-Produkte durchgeführt zu stoppen.
Ich habe ein Recht darauf, wenn meine Lieblingsprodukte des Zerfalls der indonesischen Wälder und das Aussterben der Tiger kennen.

Prominente, die den Wald zu retten gewagt. 

Angesichts der zunehmenden Entwaldung bis heute auftritt, ist ein Beweis, dass wir als Menschen nicht die Aufgabe, unserer Nachbarschaft durchführen.
Sehr schlecht, als er erfuhr immer mehr Palmölplantagen zerstören den Lebensraum der vom Aussterben bedrohte Tiere wie den Sumatra-Tiger und Orang-Utan.
Es muss gestoppt werden! Ich lade uns alle das Bewusstsein für dieses Problem zu schärfen und nur kaufen, "die Produkte von Palmöl ist frei von Abholzung".
Lassen Sie uns unterstützen diese Kampagne sehr positiv und starten Sie ein besseres Leben, für Tiere, für Menschen und für unsere geliebten Planeten Erde.

Als Menschen sind wir verpflichtet, unseren Planeten zu halten. Jetzt haben die Experten Sumatra-Tiger Clearing-Regenwald für Palmöl-Erweiterung als eine der größten Bedrohungen für das Überleben der Sumatra-Tiger in freier Wildbahn identifiziert. Dies bedeutet, dass die Palmölproduktion ist nicht verantwortlich für die Zerstörung des Regenwaldes den artenreichsten der Welt. Sumatra-Tiger, asiatische Elefanten, Malaienbären, Leoparden, Orang-Utan, sind nur einige der Arten, Lebensräume und möglicherweise verlieren ihr Leben durch den Ausbau der Ölpalme.
Wer wird sie schützen, wenn nicht wir? Nehmen Sie den Tiger in dir und der Bewegung anschließen.

Abholzen von Wäldern bedeutet die Beseitigung der "Heimat" der Tiger, sind sie diejenigen, die sehr, sehr schlecht. Es stellt sich heraus, dass diese Menschen falsch sind wohlhabend, weil die Reichen tatsächlich ist "edel" (edel). Dieser Tiger ist eine Quelle der wahre Reichtum.

Wir kümmern uns um die Welt, in der wir leben. Wir sind Teil einer Bewegung, die verpflichtet ist, die letzten Tiger von Sumatra in Indonesien speichern.
In Indonesien, die Zerstörung der Wälder für Palmöl-schieben Tiger an den Rand des Aussterbens. Wir müssen umgehend Maßnahmen ergreifen, um es zu stoppen, und eine Menge von Lösungen zur Verfügung, ohne die Zerstörung der Wälder. Wir wollen saubere Palmöl und wir Marken, deren Produkte wir oft auf unsere Anliegen zu hören gebeten.
Wir hatten eine kleine Tochter, die jetzt fast ein Jahr alt. Wenn sie groß ist, wollen wir ihn in der Lage, nicht nur den Sumatra-Tiger als nur Bilder auf einem Computerbildschirm zu sehen.
Wir sind berechtigt, zu wissen, ob die Produkte, die wir verwenden, werden oft zum Aussterben der Tiger verbunden.

Die Menschen müssen nur etwas Zeit in der Mitte des belebten eingestellt, um bewusst und verantwortungs Sie ist ein intelligenter Verbraucher. Da wir nur einen Planeten unbewohnbar und einige wichtige Tierarten, darunter der Sumatra-Tiger, die am Rande des Aussterbens war, rein als Folge die meisten von uns wissen nicht, oder nicht verstehen, wie können wir einen Unterschied machen. Wir als Menschen können ihnen helfen, in Frieden zu leben und ihren Lebensraum zu retten.
Lesen Sie das Etikett, bevor Sie kaufen. Es beginnt alles mit uns. # Protectparadise.

Ursache und Wirkung ... Aktion und Reaktion ... Wenn wir anfangen, vorsichtiger zu sein in jeder Handlung, die wir mit der richtigen Absicht, für eine bessere Welt in dem Sinne, im Licht leben zu nehmen, können wir Teil einer großen Veränderung des Bewusstseins der Menschheit zu erheben und leben von der Liebe. Viele Wege führen zu tragen, ist man mehr von dem, was wir konsumieren, wissen und jedes Produkt, das schädlich für unser Universum nicht. Legen Sie Ihre Hände und speichern Sie die Sumatra-Tiger durch die Unterstützung von Palmöl verantwortlich.

Natürlich würde ich nicht bereit, auf die Erhöhung der langen Liste der gefährdeten Tiere, die in Indonesien, insbesondere des Sumatra Tiger geschützt ist zu suchen. Unite Reihen. Schützen Sie sie. Sie verdienen es, in ihrem Lebensraum Rock n Roll zu leben.

Tiger hat eine Reihe von Umweltdienstleistungen für die Lebensmittelkette in der Wildnis. Indonesien muss den wirtschaftlichen Wert der jeweils verbleibenden Sumatra-Tiger als Staatsvermögen zu bestimmen. Wie den Emissionshandel angewendet wird, kann der Wert für die lokalen Regierungen und Gemeinden rund um den Wald als Empowerment kompensiert werden, um nicht um die Größe des Waldes und den Tiger zu reduzieren gab die Erlaubnis für Ölpalmplantagen.
Auf dem Schwarzmarkt, Tiger-wie andere gefährdete Arten-oder Organ wert sehr teuer. Wenn der Schwarzmarkt nur einen Preis für die Sumatra-Tiger kam, sollten alle Maßnahmen, die die Bevölkerung von Tiger reduziert ist die Entfernung oder Beschädigung von Staatsvermögen natürlicher Ressourcen. Sumatra-Tiger lebt teurer als die Tausende von Hektar Palmöl!
Vielen Dank für diesen Artikel lesen. Geschrieben und von Bambang Sunarno gebucht. 
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 4. Februar 2014 um 15:08 Uhr
Tag ; Haben Sie Tiger Manifest kennen, green peace

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:08

White whale.

Delphinapterus leucas

Delphinapterus leucas

Delphinapterus leucas sedang menggambar.

Beluga Wal ( Delphinapterus leucas ) - Beluga auch als Weißwaleund ihre ungewöhnliche Farbe macht sie zu einer der bekanntesten und Wale sind von allen anderen Walen leicht zu unterscheiden . Die Babys werden mit grauen oder sogar braun geboren und wird weiß, verblassen, wenn sie Erwachsene sind genetisch nach etwa fünf Jahre alt. Sie haben eine gerundete Stirn und keine Rippen auf der Rückseite.
Der Beluga oder Weißwal ( Delphinapterus leucas ) ist die in den Meeresgewässern der nördlichen Polarregion und Umgebung gefunden Arten. Beluga ist eine von zwei Arten von Walen Monodontidae Familie , zusammen mit der Narwhal . Diese Meeressäuger wird allgemein als die Beluga- oder Meer Kanarienvogel , weil die Kennzeichen einer hohen schrillen Stimme bekannt. Lange beluga kann 5 Meter mit weißen Körperfarbe zu erreichen , während die Melone förmigen Kopf .
Beluga ist ein Säugetier oder ein Säugetier , den Status der Beute (Bestellung) Fleischfresser , wild Lebensdauer in einem Durchschnitt von etwa 35-50 Jahren. Größe , Körperlänge von 13 bis 20 Fuß (4 bis 6,1 m ), Gewicht : ca. 2.000 bis 3.000 Pfund ( 907 auf 1.361 Pfund). Sie leben in Gruppen, sogenannten Pot ( Hülsen) . Schutz der gefährdeten Status.
Wussten Sie schon? Im Gegensatz zu anderen Wale, hat der Beluga eine flexible Hals , die sie , Köpfe in jede Richtung drehen kann.
Beluga leben in der Regel in kleinen Gruppen zusammen , wie Schoten bekannt. Sie sind soziale Tiere und sehr laut Kommunikatoren , die diversifizierte Sprache der Klicks , Pfeifen und Klänge zu verwenden. Beluga Wale imitieren können auch eine Vielzahl von anderen Sounds.
Die Weißwale sind in den Küstengewässern des Nordpolarmeeres verbreitet, obwohl sie auch in subarktischen Gewässern zu finden . Arktis Belugas wandern südwärts in großen Herde , wenn das Meer friert . Diese Tiere sterben oft, weil durch das arktische Eis gefangen sind, und diejenigen, die sterben Beute für Eisbären, Schwertwale, und für die Menschen oder die Menschen Arktis .
Sie werden von den indigenen Völkern im Norden gejagt, und der gewerblichen Fischerei fangen und bringen in einigen Populationen dieser bedrohten Arten, wie im Golf von St. Lawrence , in der Nähe verbergen .
Beluga Wale Jagd auf Fische, Krebstiere und Würmer . Der weiße Wal Wal Elfenbein auf " Einhorn " Es ist wie der Narwal bekannt. Der Beluga- Stör ist nicht mit dem gleichen Namen, die viele berühmte Fischer Kaviar hat verbunden.
Der Beluga oder Weißwal , ist eine der kleinsten Walarten . Ihre unverwechselbare Farbe und prominente Stirn machen sie leicht erkennbar .
Also, vielen Dank für das Lesen dieses Artikels. Geschrieben und von Bambang Sunarno gebucht.  sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 4. Februar 2014 um 14:31 Uhr
Tag ; Sie wissen, Beluga weißen Wal. Weißwal, Wussten Sie, bulga

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:31

Did You Know About Octopus.


The octopus is a cephalopod class of mollusks animal ( animal feet located in the head ) , the order Octopoda with coral reefs in the ocean as the main habitat . Octopus is composed of 289 species of which covers one-third of the total species of cephalopod class . Octopus in English called the Octopus ( Greek : Ὀκτάπους , eight feet ) are often only refers to animals of the genus Octopus .

Description .

Physical form .

The octopus has eight arms ( not tentacles ) with a vacuum form concave dots on the arm used to move on the ocean floor and catch prey . Hidrostat octopus arms are muscular structure which consists almost entirely of bone or muscle layer without external skeleton . Unlike other cephalopod animals , most of the octopus of the suborder Incirrata have a body that is composed of skeletal muscle and without the . Octopus does not have a protective shell on the outside as well as Nautilus and does not have a shell or bones such as cuttlefish and squid . Part is the hardest part of the body is used as an octopus jaw to kill prey and bite it into small parts .
The body is very flexible allowing the octopus to tuck themselves in a very narrow rock crevice at the bottom of the sea , especially when escaping from a predator fish such as sea eel Moray . Octopus lesser known people from Cirrata suborder have two fins and shell in that the ability to squeeze into a small room to be reduced .
Octopuses have a relatively short life span , and some species only live for 6 months . Larger species such as the North Pacific Giant Octopus that may weigh 40 pounds can live up to 5 years under appropriate environmental conditions . Reproduction is one of the causes of death , octopus males can only live a few months after mating , and females die octopus dies shortly after laying . Deaths caused by negligence octopus to eat for about a month while keeping the eggs that have not hatched .
Sheath abdominal body called octopus coat made ​​out of muscle and looks like a bag . The octopus has three heart consisting of two pieces of the heart to pump blood to the gills two and a heart to pump blood throughout the body . Octopus blood contains a protein that is rich in copper Hemosianin to transport oxygen . Compared with Hemoglobin is rich in iron , Hemosianin less efficient in transporting oxygen . Hemosianin soluble in plasma and not bound by red blood cells so that blood is pale blue octopus . Octopus breathing by sucking water into the mantle cavity through both pieces of gills and sprayed out through a siphon tube. Octopuses have gills with very fine division , growth of body parts came from outside or inside of the experience vaskulerisasi .

Intelligence .

Octopus are very intelligent and probably the most intelligent animals among all invertebrate animals . Octopus intelligence is often a matter of debate among biologists . Results of experiments to find a way in the maze and solve the problem showed that octopuses have a short term memory and long term memory , although the short life span of an octopus that makes the knowledge to be learned octopus be limited .
The octopus has a highly complex nervous system with partially localized in the brain . Two-thirds of nerve cells found in the nerve cords in eight octopus arms . Octopus arm can perform various kinds of complicated reflex , triggered by the 3 stages of the nervous system different . Some kind of octopus mimic octopus can move his arms to mimic the movements of other sea creatures .
In laboratory experiments , octopuses can be easily taught to distinguish between different shapes and patterns . Octopus can also unscrew the jar with a study of viewing only, although the invention is often disputed by various reasons .
Octopus ever found is conducting movements , to some people like I'm playing around . In many times , let go of the bottle and toy octopus in the middle of a circular water flow within the aquarium and then trying to catch it . Octopuses often break the aquarium who lived in and sometimes they travel to another aquarium in search of food . Octopus is also known to climb the fishing vessels and fish storage room open to memakani crabs .
In some countries , including the octopus animal that should not be dissected without anesthesia . In the United Kingdom , cephalopods such as octopuses are protected animals Animals ( Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the laws against cruelty to animals . Although invertebrates , octopus as experimental animals receive the same protection as do other vertebrates .
There is a belief that the octopus was in a state of stress will eat their own arms . Research is still limited in this field indicates that abnormal behavior may be due to eating virus octopus cell (autophagy) that attacks the nervous system of octopus. Arm yourself eating behavior may be regarded as a neurological disease
( neurological disorder ) .

Self defense .

Octopus usually have three self-defense mechanism : the ink bag , camouflage and decided arm .
Octopus pale gray or white , but the color can be changed according the color and pattern of the neighborhood with the intention of doing camo ( camouflage ) . Chromatophores on the skin there is a layer octopus pigment sacs are flexible and can change the color , opacity and refleksitas epidermal tissue . The muscles around the chromatophores can make pigment sacs become visible or disappear . Chromatophores contain pigment yellow , orange , red , brown , or black . Most species of octopus have 3 colors of all chromatophores color options available , although there are also species that have 2 or 4 colors . Other cells that can change color is iridophore cells and cell leucophore ( white color ) . The ability to change the color used to communicate octopus or warn other octopuses . The blue-ringed octopus changes color to bright yellow with blue dots if you feel threatened at once warn the enemy that he is very toxic .
Some species of octopus can decide his own arm ( ototomi ) -like lizard and several species of lizard that decided the tail during escape. Octopus arm that was crawling also serves as a distraction for potential predators and useful at the time of mating .
Some species such as octopus mimic octopus has the 4th defense systems such as the ability to mimic the form of dangerous marine animals such as lionfish and eels thanks to a flexible body , combined with the ability to change color . Mimic octopus has also been found to change the texture of the coat in order to become more perfect camouflage . Coat mimic octopus can be seen pointy - pointy like seaweed or lumps like a rock texture .

Reproduction .

Octopus males reproduce by laying spermatofora bag into the mantle cavity of the female octopus uses a special arm called hectocotylus . The third right arm normally be hectocotylus . In some species , the female octopus can keep the sperm in order to stay alive until the egg becomes mature . Once fertilized , the female octopus can lay up to 200,000 eggs. The number of eggs octopus can vary depending on each individual , familia , genus or species . Female octopus hanging egg -shaped capsule collection that form strands in the ceiling nest . After the eggs hatch , the larvae drift octopus for a while along with a herd of plankton copepod prey in the form of feed , larval crabs and larval starfish until quite big and heavy to be on the seabed . Some octopus species with habitats in the deep sea does not have to pass through a cycle with swarms of plankton drifting . Larval period as a time of perilous easy prey for larval plankton-eating octopus while being part of a herd of plankton .

Sensing devices .

Eye octopus Octopus vulgaris species is
Octopus has a good vision . Pupils octopus shaped like a piggy bank hole so feared suffering refractive disorders such as astigmat , but it does not matter for octopus hunting with poor lighting . Octopus eye " can " distinguish the polarization of light but it looks like color blindness . Two special organ called a statocyst that are connected with the brain functions as a detector horizontal position . Orientation octopus eyes guarded by motion autonomic ( reflex ) so that the pupil aperture is always horizontal .
Octopus has an incredible sense of taste sharp . Suction tool on octopus arms completed with chemoreceptors so that the octopus can sense objects being touched . Octopus arms have pressure sensors to detect whichever arm was extended , but has the ability proprioception ( sense of position and movement of the body ) are very low . The pressure sensor is not enough to give the information to the brain about body position and arm octopus . As a result , the octopus does not have the ability to recognize objects in three dimensions ( stereognosis ) of the objects it touches . Octopus can feel the texture variation on objects touched but can not integrate the information to guess the shape of the object being touched .
Autonomic nervous system that each octopus arm causing difficult to know the result of the movement performed . Octopus brain issuing high-level commands to move the arm , but a more detailed instruction to move the arm supplied by the nerve cords . Octopus does not have a nervous system that gives feedback to the brain about the success of the brain commands to move the arm , so the arm is visually observed movement is the only way for the octopus to know the desired arm has moved or not .

How to move .

Octopuses move by way of crawling or swimming . Octopus crawling plus quite a bit of swimming if you want to move slowly and only swim if you want to move quickly . Octopus can move quickly once when he was hungry or when in danger . Oxygen levels in the blood is estimated that only about 4 % so that the octopus has a low stamina adverse consequences octopus lives in the wild .
Octopus crawling owned by each arm , and often move several arms at once while moving on a solid surface while simultaneously supporting the body parts . In 2005 there were reports that wrote that some octopus could walk on two arms on a solid surface while mimicking the shape of a coconut or seaweed collection .
Octopus swimming with a blast of water like a jet engine derived from the contraction part of the mantle , while the spray direction is set by using a siphon tube .

Benefits .

Useful mollusks

Masakan Octopus

Octopuses often captured for use as a food ingredient , kept in aquariums as specimens on display , or kept as pets .

Groceries .

Various species of octopus is food for the population of countries in the world . Arm octopus and various parts of the body can be a wide variety of foods .
Octopus is a sea food for the people in the Mediterranean countries , Mexico , and the main ingredient of a variety of Japanese foods , such as sushi , tempura , takoyaki and akashiyaki .

Pet .

Octopus pet can be difficult though to keep it vague . Octopuses are intelligent animals and have the ability to solve problems so often reported escape from a sealed aquarium . Some octopus in the same species have many variations of size and age . Small octopus may be small because it is nascent but could also have been an adult , so it is difficult to determine the life expectancy of pet octopus . Bimaculoides Octopus species ( California Two - spot Octopus ) commonly used as pets, because while still a child the size of a tennis ball so long lived as a pet can be estimated .
Octopus is a very powerful animals when compared to their size . Octopuses kept as pets can open the aquarium lid and survive long enough out of the water before it goes into the nearby aquarium and fish - eating fish in it . Octopus can also catch and kill some species of sharks.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 04, 2014 at 14:03
Tag ; Did You Know About Octopus ?, octopus

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:03

Monday 3 February 2014

About what this is.

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?


Thank you for saying on your heartstrings. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.  sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 18:29
Tag ; About what this is, honesty heart

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 18:29

Think Before Plastic Surgery.

Plastic surgery is becoming the most popular cosmetic procedures today. For most people , this is also a shortcut to get the perfect body shape or who have long coveted . Well , here are four things you should think about before actually doing plastic surgery .

Costs .

Plastic surgery is not a simple process that can be passed over . You need a big budget to do so bsia . After surgery , you also need to prepare for treatment and drug costs during recovery . Keep in mind that the cost of plastic surgery is not cheap , because it is quite a complicated procedure .

Pain .

You could fight the pain caused by plastic surgery ? If not , do not even try . Plastic surgery will certainly leave scars on your body and it takes time to recover.

Think about the risks and dangers .

Consider also the risks and dangers that you will face . Therefore , do not ever think that this operation is cheap . Plastic surgery is very expensive reliable definitely worthwhile , because it is done by a plastic surgeon who has been certified .

Time .

After surgery , you need time to recover your body . Think of these points carefully because you certainly have to go back to work and cultivate your money coffers . So , think about when you have free time to do so .
Here are four things you should think carefully before having plastic surgery . Just because a moment of euphoria , you also fall into the wrong choice . Once again , this is not about profit -and-loss plastic surgery , but consideration should be taken before someone decides to undergo the procedure this beauty .

Evidence Photos Healing Period pain Plastic Surgery.

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

Beauty is pain . Women willing pain and no health care, which is pretty important. You 'll often see photos before after women who perform plastic surgery , but a missing part , which is the healing period after surgery .
In this article , you will see some photos of a woman who had just finished doing plastic surgery . Do not imagine a face or a beautiful body instantly captivating . During the healing period , these women experienced the painful , body bruised , swollen , scarred , full of bandages and blood . That said, this period was embarrassing at the same time painful .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

These photos were taken by Ji Yeo , a photographer from the International Center of Photography in New York . While living in the United States , Yeo Ji prefer South Korea as a place to perpetuate his work entitled Beauty Recovery Room . Unlike the American women who are more interested in changing the shape of the body , the South Korean women more often change the shape of his face .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

South Korean women in these pictures look terrible , imagine what kind of pain they are experiencing . But Yeo Ji surprised with their joy after the completion of plastic surgery . " They seem to have no fear as I am , in fact most of them are planning to plastic surgery again in the near future , " said Ji Yeo , reported by Slate.com , Wednesday ( 18/9 ) .

Think of this before plastic surgery live !

This idea is rarely performed photographer , but that's what you want displayed Ji Yeo . These women in isolated conditions , some even from those who do not have the support of friends and family . Agree or not , women of all countries have the pressure to look beautiful , such a desirable community in general .
Yeo Ji hope that these photos evoke empathy of others. That they are also women who want to be appreciated and loved . Many people say plastic surgery is reprehensible , but look at the perpetrators of plastic surgery , the decision because they do not hold the pressure and humiliation have a physical form that is not in accordance with what is often advertised on tv and the demands of society .
Conscious or not , you , we , may have physical insult other women overtly , for example, a flat nose , black skin , slanted eyes a surgerynd so on . Sometimes this is a woman who pressed plastic surgery .
Back again at the photos Yeo Ji , what do you think , ladies ?
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 17:13
Tag ; Plastic surgery

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 17:13

Government secretly imported rice.

Hatta trade ministry urged to explain the import of rice from Vietnam
Chamber condemns import rice from Vietnam secretly
Claim stop imports , the government secretly buy rice from Vietnam
Directorate General of Customs , Ministry of Finance outspoken about the import of rice from Vietnam . Openly accused the Customs Ministry of Commerce as the responsible party due to import rice last throughout 2013 .
Imported rice against the rule because it's not premium rice of medium quality rice from Vietnam which is really only be done by Bulog . Customs rice incoming ensure it is legal for SPI pocketing the Ministry of Commerce issued .
Observers Indef , Eni Sri Hartati admitted concern over the attitude of the government lying to its people . Always asserted not to import rice but apparently do it quietly . Eni said, this is likely to occur because the profit margin or rice import large enough .
" You see great interest margin . 1 Kg We suppose margin of Rp 500 per kg but this umpteen tons . Never clay per kilo her , " said Eni merdeka.com when contacted in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 28/1 ) .
Not only that , the increase in domestic rice prices also contribute to increase the margin of the importer . This makes importers tempted to import rice even though it was banned .
" Mr. Hatta said only rice rose to Rp 1,000 while it was great really. Rice was right quantity , small profit margins but it huge volumes . Needs our huge mas rice , " he said .
Eni agreed with Customs , Vietnamese rice could enter Indonesia for the green light from the Ministry of Commerce . From the view of Eni , Customs is currently in the stage of cleaning and illegal rice may not be entered .
" Customs it was clean , no document engga engga out too rice , " he concluded .
Government secretly imported rice , Gita and SBY could disanksi
Observers Indef , Eni Sri Hartati see the government's rice importation by importers against the rule and the existing Act . The law only mandates Bulog imported rice as buffer stock or back if stock is not sufficient .
Not only that , the rice may be imported importer of premium which is not included therein Vietnamese rice which is a medium class .
Eni claimed to be surprised by the rice import permits that clearly violated the rules . Eni said the government only gives permission must disanksi with importers who import . In fact , if the import license issued under the instructions of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) , the President also could disanksi .
" It's who give permission , ministers give sanction to his subordinates , but if his ministers ( Gita Wirjawan ) should permit disanksi love too. Example , but it is telling that the President should disanksi too . Simultaneously importers because they already knew why he was forced , " said Eni when merdeka.com contacted in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 28/1 ) .
Eni believes, rice entered and cleared customs import permit is definitely official. Though Vietnam 's rice import permits should only be done by Bulog and not importers like now .
" Document import out that the requirement to Bulog . Bulog 's import not get through customs , this issue , " he said .
Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible and disclose the data and identifies the reasons for granting import licenses for importers .
"Who in the Ministry of Trade if it is not rice Bulog ( Vietnam ) . Their trade ministry document issued permit , " he concluded .
ALREADY POOR PEOPLE , WILL AT unharmed again ? ? ? ?
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 16:39
Tag ; Government secretly imported rice, ALREADY POOR PEOPLE , WILL AT unharmed again ? ? ? ?

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 16:39

The language is often used.

One Country, One Nation and Language.

LANGUAGE is arguably one of the most beautiful grace given by God to man. Imagine if in this world there is no language or there is only one language only, is it possible the scientists could create important discoveries? Then, there is the actual number of languages ​​in the world? According to Ethnologue, there are currently about 6,912 languages ​​spoken throughout the world. The number is of course still doubt its accuracy because every day there is a new language that might appear, on the contrary there are also language extinction.
We as people of Indonesia should be proud because it turns slightly Indonesian in the top 10 languages ​​that have the highest number of speakers in the world. So how many speakers there are Indonesian?
The most widely used language in the world is;


Language is often cited as the most romantic language in the world than is used in France is also the official language in several states that once colonized. French is also one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations (UN) in addition to English, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.
Number of speakers: 200 million
Script Type: Latin
Native Country: France, Monaco, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo / Zaire, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guernsey, Madagascar , Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, Haiti, Lebanon, New Caledonia, Vanuatu. Polynesia, Martinique, Guadalupe. The official languages ​​of the UN.
To say hello in French, say: "Bonjour" (bone-JOOR).


Bangladesh is a country with a small geographical area, but the population reached 162 million people. The official language of Bangladesh is Bengali. Because of Bangladesh is almost entirely bordered by India, the number of Bengali speakers spread to several regions of India.
Number of speakers: Approximately 230 million
Script Type: Bengali
Speakers countries: Bangladesh, India
To say hello in Bengali, say "Ei Je" (EYE-jay).


Portugal is only a small country and it can be said that one of the poorer countries in Europe. But in the 15th century, Portugal is a great nation because they were the first to perform maritime exploration around the world. Thanks to explorers such as Vasco da Gama, Henry the Navigator, Afonso de Albuquerque and Pedro Alvares Cabral, Portugal control of key areas in Asia, Africa and South America, and then embed the influence of culture there.
Number of speakers: 240 million
Script Type: Latin
State Speakers: Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe.
To say hello in Portuguese, say "Bom dia" (Bohn DEE-ah).

Malay (including Indonesian). 

Indonesian included in the Malay language family turns out to be on the order of 7 to number around 259 million speakers. These rough calculations obtained from the estimated total population of Indonesia in 2009 to reach 230 million plus population of Malaysia's 28 million, 388 thousand and the population of Brunei minority of the population of Thailand, Singapore and East Timor. This amount may increase due Indonesian since 2007 has been designated as the second official language in Vietnam.
Interesting facts about Indonesian:
Indonesian ranks third in Asia and ranked 26 in the world in terms of the world's most complex grammar.
Indonesian is also global in the virtual world, the evidence wikipedia Indonesian language has been ranked 26 out of 250 wikipedia foreign language in the world and ranks 3rd in Asia after Japanese and Mandarin.

Russian language. 

Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Putin, Roman Abramovich, Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova and the beautiful Russian language speakers is that we already know through various media. However, in addition to their course, there's 270 million people who use Russian as an official language.
Number of speakers: approximately 278 million people
Type characters: Cyrillic
Speaking countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova. The official language of the United Nations
To say hello in Russian, saying: "Zdravstvuite" (ZDRAST-vet-yah).

Arabic language. 

Arabic is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world and is the language used in the Qur'an. Arabic vocabulary lend much to a number of main European languages ​​Spanish, Portuguese and Sicilian. Arabic, like Hebrew and Persian writing system uses characters from right to left. Since 1974, the Arabic language is used as one of the official languages ​​of the UN.
Number of speakers: 300 million people
Type characters: Arabic
Speaking countries: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, Yemen, Mauritania, Senegal, Mali. The official language of the United Nations
To say hello in Arabic, say; Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.

Spanish language. 

After Portugal mastered maritime lines in Asia, Africa and America in the 15th century, Spain turns that dominate these areas since the 16th century and 17. As a result, many Spanish culture strong stuck there. Currently, Spanish is widely used as an official language of the countries in Central and South America. In addition, the Spanish language is also widely spoken in several U.S. states bordering Mexico. Even some English vocabulary is borrowed from Spanish like a tornado, bonanza, patio, quesadilla, enchilada, and taco grande supreme, etc..
Number of speakers: 400 million
Type characters: Latin
State of speakers: Spain, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela
To say hello in Spanish, say "Hola".


India is unique! Just imagine, this country has the second largest population in the world, Bollywood movies, the Taj Mahal, the Great King Ashoka, Mahatma Gandhi .... ehh, it turns India does not have an official national language. Hindi is spoken by the majority of the Indian community is recognized as the only official language of the everyday with the English language and not as a national language by konsitusinya.
Number of speakers: approximately 497 million
Type characters: Devanagari
Speaking countries: India, USA (100,000 inhabitants), Mauritius (685 170 inhabitants), South Africa (890,292), Yemen (232,760 inhabitants), Uganda (147,000 inhabitants), Singapore (5,000 inhabitants), New Zealand (20,000 inhabitants), Germany ( 30,000), Fiji, Nepal, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and the United Arab Emirates.
To say hello in Hindi, saying "Namaste" (Nah-MAH-stay).


This is the most popular language in the world at the same time the most widely adopted language became official language in several countries and international organizations. Noted there are 53 countries and 10 international organizations who use English as an official language. In addition, almost all countries in the world apply for English as a second language after their own national language.
Number of speakers: 500 million people
Type characters: Latin
Speaking countries: United Kingdom, the U.S., South Africa, Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Dominica, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Fiji, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong , India, Ireland, Jamaica, Cameroon, Canada, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Maritius, Micronesia, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts & Nevs, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenada, Samoa, New Zealand, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia, Zimbabwe. International Organizations: United Nations, European Union, Commonwealth, CoE, NATO, NAFTA, OAS, OIC, PIF, ukusa, etc..
To say hello in English, say: F ​​*** U.


Mandarin is the most widely spoken language of people around the world. The population in China / China is currently estimated to reach nearly 1.4 billion million. Of these, all are required to speak the official word in one language is Mandarin. Not to mention, the Chinese immigrants in various parts of the world who faithfully use Mandarin as their daily language.
The origins of the Chinese word
Indonesian mandarin word in itself seems to be absorbed from the English language that describes the Chinese as well as Chinese. But in fact, the Chinese word of the English language absorbed Chinese themselves. Mandarin is literally derived from the title stranger to the princes of the Qing Dynasty in ancient times.
Qing dynasty is a dynasty founded by the Manchu, so the princes of the empire commonly referred to as Mandaren (Hanzi: 满 大人) which means Majesty Manchu. From here, the language used by the Manchu officials at that time also referred to as Mandaren. Writing evolved into Mandarin in the future.
Number of speakers: 1.5 billion people.
Type characters: Chinese Character
Speaking countries: China and other Chinese communities around the world. The official languages ​​of the UN.
To say hello in Mandarin, say "Ni hao" (Nee HaOW).
So, thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 15:03
Tag ; The language is often used, language

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:03