Description .
Physical form .
The octopus has eight arms ( not tentacles ) with a vacuum form concave dots on the arm used to move on the ocean floor and catch prey . Hidrostat octopus arms are muscular structure which consists almost entirely of bone or muscle layer without external skeleton . Unlike other cephalopod animals , most of the octopus of the suborder Incirrata have a body that is composed of skeletal muscle and without the . Octopus does not have a protective shell on the outside as well as Nautilus and does not have a shell or bones such as cuttlefish and squid . Part is the hardest part of the body is used as an octopus jaw to kill prey and bite it into small parts .The body is very flexible allowing the octopus to tuck themselves in a very narrow rock crevice at the bottom of the sea , especially when escaping from a predator fish such as sea eel Moray . Octopus lesser known people from Cirrata suborder have two fins and shell in that the ability to squeeze into a small room to be reduced .
Octopuses have a relatively short life span , and some species only live for 6 months . Larger species such as the North Pacific Giant Octopus that may weigh 40 pounds can live up to 5 years under appropriate environmental conditions . Reproduction is one of the causes of death , octopus males can only live a few months after mating , and females die octopus dies shortly after laying . Deaths caused by negligence octopus to eat for about a month while keeping the eggs that have not hatched .
Sheath abdominal body called octopus coat made out of muscle and looks like a bag . The octopus has three heart consisting of two pieces of the heart to pump blood to the gills two and a heart to pump blood throughout the body . Octopus blood contains a protein that is rich in copper Hemosianin to transport oxygen . Compared with Hemoglobin is rich in iron , Hemosianin less efficient in transporting oxygen . Hemosianin soluble in plasma and not bound by red blood cells so that blood is pale blue octopus . Octopus breathing by sucking water into the mantle cavity through both pieces of gills and sprayed out through a siphon tube. Octopuses have gills with very fine division , growth of body parts came from outside or inside of the experience vaskulerisasi .
Intelligence .
Octopus are very intelligent and probably the most intelligent animals among all invertebrate animals . Octopus intelligence is often a matter of debate among biologists . Results of experiments to find a way in the maze and solve the problem showed that octopuses have a short term memory and long term memory , although the short life span of an octopus that makes the knowledge to be learned octopus be limited .The octopus has a highly complex nervous system with partially localized in the brain . Two-thirds of nerve cells found in the nerve cords in eight octopus arms . Octopus arm can perform various kinds of complicated reflex , triggered by the 3 stages of the nervous system different . Some kind of octopus mimic octopus can move his arms to mimic the movements of other sea creatures .
In laboratory experiments , octopuses can be easily taught to distinguish between different shapes and patterns . Octopus can also unscrew the jar with a study of viewing only, although the invention is often disputed by various reasons .
Octopus ever found is conducting movements , to some people like I'm playing around . In many times , let go of the bottle and toy octopus in the middle of a circular water flow within the aquarium and then trying to catch it . Octopuses often break the aquarium who lived in and sometimes they travel to another aquarium in search of food . Octopus is also known to climb the fishing vessels and fish storage room open to memakani crabs .
In some countries , including the octopus animal that should not be dissected without anesthesia . In the United Kingdom , cephalopods such as octopuses are protected animals Animals ( Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the laws against cruelty to animals . Although invertebrates , octopus as experimental animals receive the same protection as do other vertebrates .
There is a belief that the octopus was in a state of stress will eat their own arms . Research is still limited in this field indicates that abnormal behavior may be due to eating virus octopus cell (autophagy) that attacks the nervous system of octopus. Arm yourself eating behavior may be regarded as a neurological disease
( neurological disorder ) .
Self defense .
Octopus usually have three self-defense mechanism : the ink bag , camouflage and decided arm .Octopus pale gray or white , but the color can be changed according the color and pattern of the neighborhood with the intention of doing camo ( camouflage ) . Chromatophores on the skin there is a layer octopus pigment sacs are flexible and can change the color , opacity and refleksitas epidermal tissue . The muscles around the chromatophores can make pigment sacs become visible or disappear . Chromatophores contain pigment yellow , orange , red , brown , or black . Most species of octopus have 3 colors of all chromatophores color options available , although there are also species that have 2 or 4 colors . Other cells that can change color is iridophore cells and cell leucophore ( white color ) . The ability to change the color used to communicate octopus or warn other octopuses . The blue-ringed octopus changes color to bright yellow with blue dots if you feel threatened at once warn the enemy that he is very toxic .
Some species of octopus can decide his own arm ( ototomi ) -like lizard and several species of lizard that decided the tail during escape. Octopus arm that was crawling also serves as a distraction for potential predators and useful at the time of mating .
Some species such as octopus mimic octopus has the 4th defense systems such as the ability to mimic the form of dangerous marine animals such as lionfish and eels thanks to a flexible body , combined with the ability to change color . Mimic octopus has also been found to change the texture of the coat in order to become more perfect camouflage . Coat mimic octopus can be seen pointy - pointy like seaweed or lumps like a rock texture .
Reproduction .
Octopus males reproduce by laying spermatofora bag into the mantle cavity of the female octopus uses a special arm called hectocotylus . The third right arm normally be hectocotylus . In some species , the female octopus can keep the sperm in order to stay alive until the egg becomes mature . Once fertilized , the female octopus can lay up to 200,000 eggs. The number of eggs octopus can vary depending on each individual , familia , genus or species . Female octopus hanging egg -shaped capsule collection that form strands in the ceiling nest . After the eggs hatch , the larvae drift octopus for a while along with a herd of plankton copepod prey in the form of feed , larval crabs and larval starfish until quite big and heavy to be on the seabed . Some octopus species with habitats in the deep sea does not have to pass through a cycle with swarms of plankton drifting . Larval period as a time of perilous easy prey for larval plankton-eating octopus while being part of a herd of plankton .Sensing devices .
Eye octopus Octopus vulgaris species isOctopus has a good vision . Pupils octopus shaped like a piggy bank hole so feared suffering refractive disorders such as astigmat , but it does not matter for octopus hunting with poor lighting . Octopus eye " can " distinguish the polarization of light but it looks like color blindness . Two special organ called a statocyst that are connected with the brain functions as a detector horizontal position . Orientation octopus eyes guarded by motion autonomic ( reflex ) so that the pupil aperture is always horizontal .
Octopus has an incredible sense of taste sharp . Suction tool on octopus arms completed with chemoreceptors so that the octopus can sense objects being touched . Octopus arms have pressure sensors to detect whichever arm was extended , but has the ability proprioception ( sense of position and movement of the body ) are very low . The pressure sensor is not enough to give the information to the brain about body position and arm octopus . As a result , the octopus does not have the ability to recognize objects in three dimensions ( stereognosis ) of the objects it touches . Octopus can feel the texture variation on objects touched but can not integrate the information to guess the shape of the object being touched .
Autonomic nervous system that each octopus arm causing difficult to know the result of the movement performed . Octopus brain issuing high-level commands to move the arm , but a more detailed instruction to move the arm supplied by the nerve cords . Octopus does not have a nervous system that gives feedback to the brain about the success of the brain commands to move the arm , so the arm is visually observed movement is the only way for the octopus to know the desired arm has moved or not .
How to move .
Octopuses move by way of crawling or swimming . Octopus crawling plus quite a bit of swimming if you want to move slowly and only swim if you want to move quickly . Octopus can move quickly once when he was hungry or when in danger . Oxygen levels in the blood is estimated that only about 4 % so that the octopus has a low stamina adverse consequences octopus lives in the wild .Octopus crawling owned by each arm , and often move several arms at once while moving on a solid surface while simultaneously supporting the body parts . In 2005 there were reports that wrote that some octopus could walk on two arms on a solid surface while mimicking the shape of a coconut or seaweed collection .
Octopus swimming with a blast of water like a jet engine derived from the contraction part of the mantle , while the spray direction is set by using a siphon tube .
Benefits .
Useful mollusks
Octopuses often captured for use as a food ingredient , kept in aquariums as specimens on display , or kept as pets .
Groceries .
Various species of octopus is food for the population of countries in the world . Arm octopus and various parts of the body can be a wide variety of foods .Octopus is a sea food for the people in the Mediterranean countries , Mexico , and the main ingredient of a variety of Japanese foods , such as sushi , tempura , takoyaki and akashiyaki .
Pet .
Octopus pet can be difficult though to keep it vague . Octopuses are intelligent animals and have the ability to solve problems so often reported escape from a sealed aquarium . Some octopus in the same species have many variations of size and age . Small octopus may be small because it is nascent but could also have been an adult , so it is difficult to determine the life expectancy of pet octopus . Bimaculoides Octopus species ( California Two - spot Octopus ) commonly used as pets, because while still a child the size of a tennis ball so long lived as a pet can be estimated .Octopus is a very powerful animals when compared to their size . Octopuses kept as pets can open the aquarium lid and survive long enough out of the water before it goes into the nearby aquarium and fish - eating fish in it . Octopus can also catch and kill some species of sharks.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 04, 2014 at 14:03

Tag ; Did You Know About Octopus ?, octopus
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