Showing posts with label Strange diseases.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strange diseases.. Show all posts

Sunday 9 March 2014

Strange diseases.

What's in your mind when you hear the word ' insanity ' ? Maybe people are worn walking around babbling uncontrollably . Actually that's not all , there are some psychological disorder or psychological disorder in people who do not seem crazy .
Have you ever met a man acting strangely ? For example , a bath for hours and love to spray perfume filled the room, but the man still feels he smelled like fish . It is also possible that people are so panicked or scared even just a walk with his dog in the yard. There are also people who always get rid of something that does not appear on her skin .
Not easy to live with a man who behaves very strange or have a insanity . However , somehow they deserve to live and be treated well . Here are examples of some of the insanity that is known in the medical world .

Crazy Disease : Addison Poliglandular .

This disease is a type of disease due to hormonal influences . Crazy deep wounds caused by the death of a loved one . Jennifer , 10 years old girl , living in the UK , is a girl who is known poliglandular Addison disease .
This madness is the effect of the disruption of hormonal systems and the case is very rare . Diseased patient is not able to produce the hormone adrenaline to cope with distress .
Adrenaline or epinephrine, also known as a hormone that causes the body to work. Without adrenaline , the body's organs can not respond to stress , causing shock and death .
Jennifer patients require constant attention and medical treatment to be able to live his life . Jennifer's mother , when interviewed by the BBC , said , " Sometimes , Jennifer was so scared when walking with his dog . "
In fact , Jennifer felt immense pleasure when watching TV or dancing and exercising . Pleasure he showed so excessive that makes those around him disturbed . Imagine if you meet someone who keeps jumping for joy while watching television , if you can live at peace with them ?

Crazy Disease : Trymethilaminuria ( Malador Syndrome ) .

This disease is a type of metabolic disorder diseases . Caused the patient feels crazy smelling like rotten fish . Trimetilaminuria ( TMA ) is a metabolic disorder that rarely happens . Patients unable to produce the necessary TMA body . TMA is needed for breathing , sweating , urination , and other secretions .
People affected by this insanity TMA will show strange symptoms , like spraying perfume dozen times or use deodorant . In fact , patients also often a bath for hours but felt he smelled like fish .
All these peculiarities because they can not smell the fragrance of the perfume is sprayed on the body even though the fragrance to cross the room . They will always feel her smell like fish even after bathing hundreds of times , using deodorant , perfume and other fragrances up to thousands of times .

Mad disease : Morgellon .

This disease is a type of skin disease . Crazy due to patient felt something crawling on her skin , whether it's just a fantasy ? Morgolleon disease is a disease that is still a mystery in the medical world today .
Experts do not know the cause , whether the disease is there or just a question of excessive patient hallucination ? U.S. Center for Disease claimed that the cause of the disease is unknown Morgellon mad and medical people do not have enough information to describe the disease .
According Morgellon Research Foundation , a nonprofit organization , the symptoms of psychosis is characterized by feelings of something is crawling on the skin so that patients often behave like throwing something at her skin . Sometimes , they also feel there is biting his skin and others. The disease is very strange that the experts concluded that this is a disease of delusions ( delusions ) parasitosis .

Crazy Disease : Stockholm Syndrome .

This disease occurs in people who are kidnapped . If the person kidnapped is usually fear , trauma , and wanted to escape from his captors , people with Stockholm syndrome is precisely the person who kidnapped so submissive , loving , even falling in love with her ​​captor .
Cases like this have occurred many times , especially in people who were kidnapped over the years . One example is the case of the Stockholm syndrome on Natascha Kampusch kidnapping . Natascha Kampusch was a 10 -year -old girl who lived Austria . He was kidnapped in 1998 and escaped in 2006 ( at the age of 18 years ) . Even though it looks pale , he looks compassion on his captors and showed sadness when the kidnapper committed suicide .

Crazy Disease : Alien Hand Syndrome .

It may sound strange , what does this one crazy disease with aliens ? Alien hand syndrome is a disease in which a person felt his hand move on its own , even reaching and grasping beyond their control .
A grandmother with alien hand syndrome never strangle himself and punching his own face ! Living with alien hand syndrome is certainly troubling . Therefore many scientists figure out the cause and treatment of alien hand syndrome .
Apparently the alien hand syndrome is a neurological disorder in the brain form the left . The cause of this disorder remains mysterious . Research shows that only when the hands move on their own , only the right brain is functioning , while the brain is not jealous , so it is not understood by the brain .

Crazy Disease : Cotard 's syndrome .

This disease is insanity when a person feels that he is dead and rotting . This syndrome is rare . Patients with this disease usually is someone who has bipolar disorder and schizophrenia .
Someone who cotard syndrome feel the whole body , organs, blood and even decaying one by one . Involvement of brain injury is also one of the causes of the syndrome cotard . Cotard syndrome patients tend to depression , suicidal, negative thinking , and ultimately believe that he was already dead .
No therapy is considered effective to cure this disease . However, electroconvulsive therapy may be an option . With supply power to the brain , the brain is expected problems can be resolved ; cotard syndrome as well as his .

Crazy Diseases : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder .

This disease is a reflection of excessive anxiety in a person . People suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder tend to do things over and over again , for example washing hands frequently , check the door before going to sleep many times , overly perfectionist , and obsessed with neatness .
According to the study , here are some examples of forms of obsessive compulsive disorder that never happened :
*  Often times hoarding home favorite in his home even though it is in there a lot.
*  Often check the car alarm repeatedly for fear of not locked .
*  Tend to avoid those who act counter to her .
*  Calculating a thing repeatedly .
*  Obsessed would be neatness , can not see something just a little messy . * Though according to other people is neat , he will remain clean up and clean-up because there was not neat .
*  Too perfectionist .
*  Repeating like speech , movement , or behavior .
*  Worried made ​​a mistake in acting .
*  Worry not accepted by the people or are too worried about hurting the feelings of others.
Why can a person suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder ? Apparently this crazy disease generally is a person who is not confident and hesitant , so he felt compelled to do something over and over again until he was satisfied and consider it perfectly .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 09, 2014 at 23:46
Tag : Strange diseases.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 23:46