Showing posts with label Osteoporosis faced by parents.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osteoporosis faced by parents.. Show all posts

Sunday 9 March 2014

Osteoporosis faced by parents.

Grandma prays to God
Old age does not mean helpless identified with particularly weak physical condition . Although already a grandfather or grandmother as long as we are good at maintaining health is not impossible we still have prime conditions . One complaint often faced grandfathers or grandmothers ( elderly people ) is the problem of osteoporosis .
Osteoporosis is one of the types of bone disorders characterized by reduced bone mass caused by bone loss process continuously . If this can be ignored bones become brittle and easily broken .
Osteoporosis mostly affects women than men with a ratio of 4 : 1 . In general, the majority of the body is often affected by osteoporosis , among others , backbone , hip bone and finger bone .
Keep in mind that in fact there are several bone mineral consisting of calcium and phosphate which affects bone density . By doing so , avoid osteoporosis is key to maintaining roads in bone calcium and phosphate .

Types of Osteoporosis .

Osteoporosis can be categorized into two types , among others :
*  Primary osteoporosis .
This generally occurs in osteoporosis grandmothers ( women aged ) . The disease is caused by the cessation of estrogen production that calcium be easily detached from the bone .
Primary osteoporosis is divided into two types , namely :
*  Primary osteoporosis type 1 .
Osteoporosis is also known as osteoporosis ideophatic or postmenoposal osteoporosis . The disease is caused by age and the cessation of the production of certain hormones .
*  Primary osteoporosis type 2 .
Osteoporosis is also known as involutional osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis . Osteoporosis is caused by bone aging process that occurs gradually and progressively .
*  Secondary osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is caused by bone disease. This disease not only attacks the elderly, but also young people a chance of developing the disease .

Know the Causes of Osteoporosis .

You need to know that women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men . In order to be alert to the dangers of osteoporosis , presented below are some of the causes of osteoporosis .
* Over the age of 50 years .
* Have experienced menopause for women .
* A shortage of calcium , vitamin D and sunlight .
* Unbalanced nutrition .
* Genetic ( no family history of descent with osteoporosis ) .
* Thin-boned and has a kind of small bones .
* Consumption of food and unhealthy drinks such as alcohol , soft drinks and coffee .
* Lack of exercise .
* The loss of production of certain hormones in the body .

Osteoporosis Prevention Tips

Things to do to prevent osteoporosis is we need to implement a healthy lifestyle . Starting from the consumption of healthy foods and beverages , sufficient exercise and attention to intake of vitamin D we get from sunlight . Here's the explanation .

Osteoporosis Prevention Tips - Consumption of Healthy Food and Drinks

Consumption of foods with balanced nutrition can help prevent osteoporosis . The intention is to meet the balanced nutritional elements calcium and rich in fiber and low in fat . The following are some foods and drinks that should be avoided to prevent osteoporosis .
*  Eating foods with high levels of salt / sodium like a pickled excess can cause loss of calcium through urine .
*  Coffee consumption can lead to excretion / excessive calcium release . The maximum safe limit coffee consumption per day is 3 cups .
*  Eating foods that contain excessive fiber .
*  Consume soft drinks / soft drink excessively . This can cause delays in absorption of calcium by the bones due to a fairly high phosphorus content of about 1500 mg .
*  Consume liquor / alcohol and smoking can cause loss of calcium in the body as a whole backup of calcium absorbed by the alcohol . This occurs because of disruption of the osteoblast cells .
*  Excessive fiber diets .
*  Eating red meat .
The food consumed is recommended to prevent osteoporosis is certainly food content of vitamin D and calcium is high enough , among other things :
*  Milk is high in calcium and low in fat .
*  Fruits .
*  Green vegetables . In the green vegetables are not only calcium , but potassium and vitamin K to help maintain calcium from the body .
*  Nuts .
*  Salmon and anchovy .
*  Processed soy products such as tofu , tempe and soy milk which contains phytoestrogens . This substance is useful to facilitate the absorption of calcium .
*  Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt . Calcium in yogurt is more easily absorbed by the body than calcium in the original milk product .
*  Canned sardines and mackerel

Osteoporosis Prevention Tips - Sports

No need to do strenuous exercise to prevent osteoporosis . You only need to do light exercise such as jogging , gymnastics , or a walk on a regular basis .

Osteoporosis Prevention Tips - Sunbathing .

Here not sunbathe sunbathing on the beach should tourists is on the seashore . Sunbathing here was made during the morning and late afternoon when the sun sets. The morning sun and afternoon sun contains many useful vitamin D for your bones .
Osteoporosis Prevention Tip - Keep your weight is always " Ideal "
The whole body activity mostly require the participation of calcium such as heart rate , muscle contraction , and metabolic processes . While the body needs calcium intake is directly proportional to your weight .
In other words, the more fat a person so the more calcium to be used by the body and vice versa . Thus , in order usage is not excessive calcium in the body guard to keep your weight ideal .
Tips for Prevention of Osteoporosis - Bone Health Monitor is Periodic .
Osteoporosis is almost no symptoms . Maybe that is felt by people just like ordinary pain in the bone in a matter of days will subside by itself . Generally, the patient realized after a fracture occurs suddenly for no apparent reason as dropped, bumped or hit.
So , diligent conduct a routine inspection of your bone health . Especially that meet the following criteria .
*  Grandmothers or women who have menopause .
*  Men over the age of 78 years .
*  Gastric ulcer patients who received proton pump inhibitor therapy in a long period of time .
*  Patients with autoimmune kartikosteroid therapy regularly .

Therapeutic Treatment of Osteoporosis

It is far better to prevent than cure . However, if you already have osteoporosis what could be said as rice has become porridge . Actually there is no type of treatment that can actually cure osteoporosis by 100 % .
But therapies and drug delivery is done only for the prevention of osteoporosis and inhibiting the process itself. Here are some of the kinds of therapies and medications used for the treatment of osteoporosis .

Natural or Herbal .


Horsetail is an herbal plant that contains silicon and beneficial to protect the release of calcium from the bones . Herbs have been used since ancient Greece to treat bleeding and pain in the digestive tract . The way of presentation , you can brew like tea or pack it in capsule form .

Dandelion leaf

Dandelion leaf is an herbal plant with a high content of boron where boron is beneficial to increase bone density . The way of presentation is simply steamed .

Wild pigweed

Wild herbs that pigweed is very high calcium content . The way of presentation is quite cooked or steamed .

Alfalfa leaf

Alfalfa leaf is an herbal plant that mamou provide nutrients on bone and body . The way of presentation is juiced .

Red Clover

Red Clover is an herb that contains isovaflon . Beneficial isoflavones to stimulate estrogen production, thereby reducing the risk of loss of calcium post-menopause.

In Medical

Hormone therapy estrogen / hormone replacement therapy ( HRT )
This therapy is devoted to the grandmother ( menopausal woman ) with the aim to replace estrogen no longer produced by the body . The hormone estrogen has an important role in relation to the body as calcium , because estrogen helps the absorption of calcium and helps maintain excretion / calcium release .
Giving Medicine
In the pharmaceutical world has now discovered a drug called Teriparatide (PTH).
This drug is used to stimulate new bone formation and increase bone density.
From the above review it can be concluded that the actual osteoporosis can be prevented or at least inhibited by a healthy lifestyle . Thus , although it later turned dusk you can still move normally due to avoid osteoporosis .
Even perhaps no one knows that you 've turned grandfathers or grandmothers . This is because the appearance and vitality of your looks are always primed thanks to healthy bone .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 09, 2014 at 15:14
Tag : Osteoporosis in Grandmother Grandfather age.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:14