Showing posts with label Kejawen Sublime Teachings.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kejawen Sublime Teachings.. Show all posts

Monday 1 February 2016

Kejawen Sublime Teachings.

Local Wisdom Always Suspected
Kejawen teachings, in its historical development have ups and downs. It did not escape from the conflicts with theology and foreign cultures (Dutch, Arabic, China, India, Japan, USA). The loudest was a clash with the theology of foreigners, because the presence of the new belief is accompanied by efforts to build the impression that the Javanese culture was despicable, shameful, low-dignity, even local belief known as infidelity, so it had to be abandoned even by his own master, and must be replaced with "new trust" which is considered the most precious things. Naively trust recruiting new followers with certainty to heaven. The movement is very effective because it is done systematically received support from a foreign political forces who were fighting in the country.

In addition to the "newcomers" are always trying to build a bad image to the local wisdom (read: Javanese culture) by giving examples of social pathology (disease community), social deviation, violation of rules Kejawen, which occurred at the time, claimed by " newcomers "as tangible evidence of Java's error doctrine. It was tantamount to consider it a bad Islam by displaying examples of sadistic acts of terrorism, the minister of religious corruption, cheating veiled officials, clerics who impregnates his students, and so on.

Not stopping there, the foreign powers continued to discredit the Java man by manipulating or rewind past history. Evidence local wisdom destroyed, so many ancient manuscripts containing the teachings of etiquette, rules, noble character of the nation (Java) Indonesia fashioned before the era of sainthood comes, then earth scorched by the "newcomers" is. Vocabulary Java also experienced occupation, the terms have the meanings Java former wise, noble, wise, then deflected the meaning according to the interests and perspectives subjectively tailored to the interests of "newcomers" who do not like the "local wisdom". As a result; terms such as; kejawen, occult, mystical, superstitious degraded meaning, and a negative connotation. The terms of the "in-common-sense-kan" with sin and restrictions of religious dogma; for example; polytheism, gugon tuhon, slave demon, devil worship, and so on. But not the original meaning, the term otherwise it has a deeply religious meaning as follows;


an understanding of an event associated with the law of cause What effect associated with occult powers (metaphysical) that no other source of supreme Essence which is God the Holy One. In any religious element of "occult" is always there.


is a magical space or territory that can be encroached upon and understood human, as an attempt to understand God Almighty. In the Islamic religion mystical space to understand the true God known as Sufism.


is the belief in things unseen associated with supernatural beings ciptan God. Java man greatly believe in supernatural powers which he saw as a manifestation of the greatness of God the Creator. Belief in the Unseen is also contained in the pillars of Islam.


In Javanese tradition, one can realize a prayer in the form of emblem or symbol. Emblem and symbols provided with means ubo rampe as complementary perfection in prayer. Emblem and symbols also figuratively interpret natural language Java as a man who is believed to form a gesture of God's will. Java man would feel closer to God if the prayer is not only spoken in the mouth alone (NATO: not action talk only), but rather to be realized in the form of a cone, offering jobs as a symbol of oneness determination. Then the Java man in praying involves four elements determination that the heart, mind, speech and action. Traditional ceremonies as a form of concern for the environment, good for the environment and society human society occult coexist, to be in harmony and harmonious in manembah to God. For Java man, each of gratitude and prayer to be realized in the form of real action (effort) as a form of grit and determination that we believe can make a prayer answered. But intent and meaning behind the ritual tradition is often regarded as the origin of adherents activity alone, attitude to waste, and so on.


contains the rules of moral and noble character, and includes procedures for men in the highest worship to almighty Single. However, after the 15th century Majapahit invasion collapsed by his own son, with haphazard and subjective way, far from the wisdom and morality that sublime, "newcomer" dogma kejawen as biangnya idolatry, apostasy, immorality and infidelity. Then it must be destroyed. Ironically, Java man who had "kejawan" ilang jawane, even a bona fide big hand in this assasination cultural efforts. They forget that the original cultural values ​​of their ancestors that ever bring this archipelago reaching its heyday in the era of Majapahit to run for five generations successor to the throne.

Teachings About Budi Character, Man Reaching True

In the repertoire of cultural references Javanese literature known literature that have diverse and unique writing style. Call it for example; book, mysticism, fiber, chronicle, which usually is not merely a collection of the lines, but it is written with a high literary art, in the form of songs arranged in stanzas or that are part of the song for example; Canto, sinom, pickax, heron, Asmaradhana ff. The text is drawn up which contains an element of moral messages, which are taught key figures or author, coloring the entire text.

Moral character education into the subject preferred. Morals or manners here in the sense of the rules that distinguish good or bad things, etiquette, or rules that prohibit or encourage someone in the face of natural and social environment. Source of the rules is based on the beliefs, ideas, and values that thrive in the community concerned. The rules will appear in the manifestation of the behavior and actions of community members.

So is the meaning of Kejawen true teachings, thereby adding a clear understanding of the concept of character education that characterizes Javanese culture. It can be passed on to the younger generation in order to form a virtuous character and personality are willing to forge a steadfast spirit. The description that describes the noble values ​​in the Java community culture described above can open the horizons of thought and conscience of the nation that the original ancient indigenous communities have contained a set of moral values ​​that can be applied to raise the dignity of human life.

Two great threats in the Doctrine Kejawen

In the teachings of kejawen, there are two major threats form the underlying attitude of vigilance (eling lan alert), because it can destroy the principles of humanity, namely; lust and disinterested. Man must be able to dampen the lust or up nine elements. Namely controlling its appetites arising out of nine elements contained in man, and his unconditional release.

In the perspective of the rules of Java, desires a rough feeling because thwart human self-control, handcuff, and blind to the inner and outer world. Lust would weaken human waste as a source of inner strengths without pointless. Furthermore, according to the rules of Java appetite will be more dangerous because it is able to close the intellect. So that people who indulge lust no longer obey his mind (character). Thus human beings can not develop subtle aspects, people increasingly threaten the environment, conflict, tension and undermine peace destabilizing nationality


Lust (lauwamah, anger, supiyah) are kejawen expressed in the form of an acronym, namely the so-called M5 or malima; opium, thief, manganese, play; drinking, womanizing, stealing, eating, gambling. To dampen appetite malima, Java man doing asceticism or "fasting". For example; asceticism, ascetic solitude, imprisoned in the earth, ascetic multiplied.

The attitude of a person who acts always hold / fasting lust emanating from the five senses. The greedy poor appetite lauwamah, anger, supiyah.

Tapa ngrame:
Is a character to vigorously help, help others but "quiet" in the puppet strings attached appetite butuhe dewe.

Tapa mendhem:
Ripple is buried lust, arrogant, pompous, ostentatious, strings attached. All the vices are buried deep, including "bury" good deeds we have done to others, from the minds of our own memories. Holy man are those who do not remember any good deeds that have been done on others, on the contrary always remember all the crimes which he had done.

Tapa ngeli:
Namely washed ourselves in the flow "of water flow of the river Essence", which is to follow the will of Gusti Maha Wisesa. "The water flow" belong to the Lord, like a stream of water flowing down the river, to the rhythm of nature, and the winding curves of the river, which is a form of language "wisdom" of nature. So people will come to the mouth of the ocean kabahagiaan or luck. Unlike the "water flow" bah, who indulge appetite will end up wretched, because the flood hit wewaler rules of etiquette, flung "fishing boat", hit the "trees", and destroy the "mainland".


Pamrih a threat to two for men. Acting as self-interest means that only the interests of the self is selfish. Disinterested, ignoring the interests of others and society. Sociologically, it messes strings attached (chaos) because his actions did not ignore social harmony environment. Pamrih also will destroy the self from within, because strings attached themselves to favor absolute ego (Freud term; ego). Therefore, self-interest will limit ourselves or isolate yourself from the source of inner strength. In the eyes of Java, profit derived from bodily lust will overcome lust sukmani (mutmainah) holy. Strings attached priority to the interests of the world, so humans bind itself to the outside world so that people no longer able to concentrate the mind in itself. Therefore also, selfless be a prohibitive factor for a person to achieve the "oneness" gusti subjects.

Pamrih was like what, not everyone is able to identify. Sometimes people easily interpret the strings attached, but unconsciously trapped by a subjective perspective that departs from their self-interest to justify his actions. It is important to put forward the Word sky strings attached forms are divided into three forms of lust in perspective


Lust always wanted to be the first, namely; lust seek victory alone; always want to win themselves.
Lust always considered himself always right; lust seek truth itself.
Lust is always concerned with their own needs; lust look for its own needs. Such misbehavior is also known as kala opportunity. For example, when in power, then corruption, regardless of the fate of others who are oppressed.

To keep the rules of men to remain steadfast in maintaining the sanctity of the body and the soul, known in philosophy and teaching Java as lakutama, the primary behaviors. Worship is one of lakutama, as written by the famous poet (1811-1880 years late) and a successful entrepreneur, who once Queen Gung Binatara renowned for magic mandraguna, Gusti Mangkunegoro IV in the book Wedhatama (Vedas = behavior, all main = ) suggests that a coherent systematic and orderly from the low to the highest level, namely chess worship; body worship, worship creativity, spirit worship, worship flavor. This is similar to chess worship nafsul mutmainah (Islam) that is used to achieve ma'rifatullah, nggayuh Jumbuhing Gusti servant. If a person can live in a coherent chess worship until it reaches the highest worship, surely whoever would get a great gift of being human Linuwih, top thanks to the grace of God Almighty Love, regardless of what religion.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86 @ gmail.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 01 February 2016 at 14:34
Tag : Kejawen Sublime Teachings.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:34