Kingdoms in Indonesia Indonesia is the first developing in Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms while the economic system that is in use at the time it is trading, so the relationship with neighboring countries and further afield as India, China and the Middle East region can be established.
At the time of the kingdom growing Hinduism was the first to enter Indonesia with less is expected in early AD Tarikh and continues to grow until the Islamic kingdoms emerged. Here's a list of kingdoms in Indonesia.
Kutai kingdom.
Kutai kingdom is the oldest Hindu kingdoms in global, this kingdom was founded in 400 AD, on the banks of the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan.The kings who ruled is:
* Kudungga (king pertartama).
* Aswamarman.
* Mulawarman.
Tarumanegara kingdom.
Kingdom of Tarumanegara a Hindu kingdom, founded in 450 AD, in West Java. Pernawarman is the reigning king.Kaling kingdom.
Kaling kingdom was established in the year 674 in Jepara, Central Java. Queen is the reigning king Sima. Famous pastor is lhanabhadra.Kingdom of Srivijaya.
Srivijaya kingdom was established in the 7th century in Sunmatra (Buddhist kingdom). The kings who ruled is:* Sri Jayanaga.
* Balaputradewa.
* Sri Sangrawijayatunggawarman.
Famous Buddhist teacher who is Sakyakirti
The causes of the collapse of Sriwijaya, among others:
* Attacks king Colamandaladari India.
* Attack the King Kertanegara of Singasari.
Malay kingdom.
Malay kingdom stood almost simultaneously with the Kingdom of Srivijaya, but in 692 it was ruled Srivijaya empire.Hindu Mataram kingdom.
Hindu Mataram kingdom in Central Java stand with capital Medang Kamulan.The kings who ruled is:
* Sarna
* Sanaya who holds Raka Queen Sanjaya of Mataram.
* Rakai Panangkara, which holds Mahraja Dyah Sri Sailendra Pancapana Rakai Panangkarana
After the reign of Rakai Panagkaran, Mataram split into two. As Buddhists, religious affiliation Hinsu. Buddhist dynasty in Central Java, South, ruling Hindu Syailendara around Dieng mountains. In the reign of Rakai Pikatan, Mataram reunited
Subsequent kings are:
* Belitung who holds Rakai Watukara.
* Daksha.
* Tulodong
* Wawa
* MPU Spoon.
Isyana royal dynasty.
Spoon MPU seat of government moved to East Java dynasty in 929, then form a new dynasty, the House of Isyana.The kings who ruled:
* MPU Spoon, Hino degree Rake Maharaj Sri Isyana Wikramadharmotunggadewa.
* Sri Isyanatunggawijaya
* Makutawangsawardhana.
* Darmawangsa, titled Sri Darmawangsa True Anantawikramatunggadewa.
* Airlangga, the title of Maharaja Sri Sri Lokeswara Dharmawangsa Rake Halu Anantawikramatunggadewa Airlangga.
In 1401 Kahuripan kingdom divided into two 2 (division of tasks submitted to the MPU Bharada), namely:
* Janggala or Singasari, with capital Kahuripan.
* Panjalu or Kediri, with its capital at Daha.
Kediri kingdom.
Janggala kingdom on orders by King Mapanji Garakasan. Kediri kingdom in order by the king Sri Samarawijaya.Usurper between Jenggala and kediri lasted until tahun1520. Furthermore, for more than half a century the two kingdoms is not mentioned again in history.
117 years of royal was performed again with the king:
* Sri Sri Maharaja Rakai Sirikan Kameswara.
* Jaya-aged, styled Sri Maharaja Sang Mapanji jaya Jayabaya
At that time, the book Baharata Yudha in sedihdan composed by MPU MPU proceed Panuluh (MPU Sedah leave before his book was completed)
* MPU Penuluh also wrote books and Gatutkacasraya Hariwangsa.
* Sri Aryeswara.
* Kameswara, styled Sri Maharaja Sri Kameswara Triwikramawarata.
Famous poets of the period are:
* MPU Tanakung, his Werasancaya and Lubdaka.
* MPU Darmaja, his Smaradhahana.
Kediri kingdom collapsed in 1222, because it was conquered by Ken Arok.
Kingdom of Bali.
A. Kings Wangsa Warmadewa.
One of the famous dynasty that ruled in Bali is Warmadewa dynasty.King is famous:
* Tri Candrabhaysingka Warmadewa.
* Udayana, titled Dhamodayana Warmadewa.
Udayana, rotating three persons, namely:
* Airlangga, who became King Dharmawangsa-law, and later became king Kahuripan (royal dynasty Isyana).
* Marataka, which replaces Udayana (but not famous).
* Children Wungsu, which replaces Marataka throne in 1049.
* From the Children Wungsu administration left behind 28 short inscriptions, which among other things found in the cave Gajah, Gunung Kawi (Siring), Mount Writing, and Sangit.
B. Other Kings in Bali.
After Warmadewa dynasty rule, the island of Bali in order by other kings alternated, and the famous among them:* Jayasakti, have codes of law that is uttara Widhi Balawan and Rajawacana (1133-1150).
* Jayapangus, using the book of the law Manawasasa nadharma (117-1181).
* Know 1284 Bali conquered by the Kingdom of the Lion-sari Kertanegara.
Singasari kingdom.
Ken Arok history and government as well as the kings Singasari contained in the book, and country Pararaton Kertagama. The kings who ruled is:1) Ken Arok.
Ken Arok became king after killing Tumapel Singasari Ametung and conquered the kingdom of Kediri in 1222 in Ganter. Ken Arok as the founder and first king of Sri Singasari who holds the antler Rajasa Amurwabhumi, then the offspring known as Rajasa dynasty.
2) Anusapati (child Ametung - Ken Dedes).
Anusapati became king after killing Ken Arok (his stepfather), by having a foundation of (slave).
3) Tohjaya (son of Ken Arok - Ken Umang).
Tohjaya became king after killing Anusapati. In 1248 launched a rebellion raised by:
* Ranggawuni (child Anusapati).
* Mahisa Campaka (child or grandchild Mahisa Wongaleleng Ken Arok and Ken Dedes)
4) Ranggawuni.
Sri Jaya holds Wisnuwardhana 1248-1268. Wisnuwardhana Singasari ruled together as Queen Anggabaya Mahisa Cempaka, the top official in charge of tackling the dangers that threaten the kingdom, Narasinghamurti title.
5) Kertanegara.
Degree Srimaharajadhiraja Sri mammal (1269 - I292), is the largest Singasari king. Pamalayu expedition sent in 1275.
Conquered areas that include Bali, Pahang, Sundanese, Bakulapura (Southwest Kalimantan) and Desert (Maluku) and held friendly relations with Jaya Singawarman - King of Campa. In 1292 conquered by Jayakatwang of Kediri.
Majapahit Kingdom.
1) Kertarajasa, Jayawardhana (1292-1309).Founded by Raden Wijaya (Ox-Tal child or grandchild Mahisa Campaka) in 1292 after Kublai Khan's armies deceive and China are intent on punishing the Javanese king insult tela envoy Meng Ki ie during the reign Kertanegara in Singasari.
Because Kertanegara been destroyed by Jayakatwag of Kediri, then destroy the armies of Kublai Khan Kediri, The above strategy Raden Wijaya further helped by Arya Wiraraja, the Chinese army could be destroyed by Raden Wijaya. Finally Raden Wijaya became the first king of Majapahit with a degree Kertarejasa Jayawardhana. Raden Wijaya marry Kertanegara 4 daughters, namely:
* Tribuana, as consort.
* Gayatri. which then lowers the kings of Majapahit.
* Narendraduhita.
* Prajnaparamita.
Kertarajasa King died in 1309, leaving three sons:
* Jayanegara (from empress).
* Sri Gitarya (Gayatri) then becomes Bhre Kahuripan
* Dyah Wiyat (Gayatri) then becomes Bhre Daha.
2) Sri Jayanegara (1309-1329).
Jayanegara replacing his father with the title Sri Jayanegara. In the reign of rebellion arises, namely
* Rebellion Ranggalawe of Tuban.
* Revolt Sora, in the year 1311.
* Revolt Nambi, in the year 1316.
* Revolt Kuti, in the year 1319. lbukota successfully occupied and the king of Majapahit
Jayanegara Bedander fled to the village escorted by 15 guards loyal (Bhayangkari troops) under the command of Gajah Mada. Top venture capital Gajah Mada can be taken again, and again Jayanegara throne, For his services was made duke of Gajah Mada Kahuripan and then Kediri.
In the reign of King Jayanegara using Minadwaya emblem (two fish)
3) TribhuwanaTunggadewi (1328 -1350).
Jayanegara died leaving no son, then Gayatri or Rajapatni entitled to become king. Because of Gayatri has been a nun (Buddhist priest), then delegated to Sri Gitarya, Bhre Kahuripan who holds Tribuwanatunggadewi Jayawisnuwardhana.
Sadeng rebellion arises, which can be quenched by Gajah Mada, for his services in 1331 Gajah Mada was appointed prime minister, saying that at the time of his inauguration Palapa Oath. 1350 Gayatri or Rajapatni died, representing Tribuwana hand over power to his son was named, Hayam Wuruk.
4) Rajasanegara (1350 -1391).
Hayam Wuruk ascended the throne at the age of 16 years, holds Rajasanegara, is the greatest king in the history of the Gajah Mada of Majapahit as Mahapatih. He ruled over the entire archipelago, even still with Tumasik (Singapore) and the Malay Peninsula.
Well-known literary works include:
* Negarakertagama work prapanca MPU.
* Sutasoma or Parusadashanta and Arjunawijaya Tantular MPU works.
Gajah Mada's death in 1364, his position is replaced by four ministers. Hayam Wuruk Died in 1389.
5) Wikramawardhana (1389-1429).
Hayam Wuruk with the queen just mempuyai a daughter who subsequently ruled that Kusumawardhani Wikramawudhana with her husband who was her cousin. Bhre Wirabumi, children of concubines were given the power to rule Blambangan area, was not satisfied, and feel more entitled to the throne of Majapahit.
Year 1401 - 1406 civil war broke out between Bhre Wirabumi and Wikramawardhana. Bhre Wirabumi fall (War Paregreg). Wikramawurdhana died in 1429, the Majapahit empire had become smaller as a result of the region melepaskau themselves one by one.
Lord King Girindrawardhana 1478 king of Majapahit king of Daha seize Kertabumi (the last king of Majapahit).
Kingdom of Samudra Pasai.
Pasai Ocean archipelago is the first Islamic empire. It is in North Aceh (now entering Lhoksumawe District) stand 13th century. King-king is:* Sultan Malik al Saleh.tahun 635 Hijri or AD L297
* Sultan Muhammad Malik al Tathir Sulatan degree.
Demak Kingdom.
1) Raden Patah (± 1500 -1518).In early 1500 a Demak regent who converted to Islam, namely Raden Patah escape from Majapahit. Helped establish the scholars Raden Patah of Demak Kingdom.
Demak subsequently developed into the center of the development of Islam. In 1511 Demak relationship with disconnected because Malacca Malacca Portuguese controlled. In 1513 a fleet under the command of Pati Unus Demak attacked Malacca but failed.
2) Pati Unus (1518 - l 521).
Pati Unus known as prince sabrang Lor, only three years to become king.
3) Trenggana Sultan (1521-1546).
Sultan Trenggana is law Pati Unus. In 1522 believe a scholar of Pasai (Faletehan) to lead the fleet Demak seize Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon from Padjadjaran.
Trenggana Sultan died in 1546 in his quest to conquer Pasuruan. After a power struggle that arises between Sunan Prawata (eldest son of Sultan Trenggana) with Prince Sekar (brother of Sultan Trenggana). Sunan Prawata ascended the throne after killing the Prince Sekar, Sunan Prawata shortly afterwards killed by Arya Penangsang (son Prince Sekar).
Pajang kingdom.
Jake Tingkir (Sultan Trenggana law), managed to destroy the Aryan Penangsang the help Kyai Ageng archery. Jake holds the throne Tingkir Adiwijaya and move the center of the kingdom of Demak to Display.Display kingdom is not of long standing. After the death of Sultan Adiwijaya a power struggle. Arya Pangiri (son of Sunan Prawata) try to grab at Prince Benawa abort (son of Sultan Adiwijaya) assisted Sutawijaya (son of Kyai Ageng archery).
Prince Benawaa felt unable to replace handanya father, then handed power to Sutawijaya, who then moved the seat of government to Mataram.
Islamic Mataram Kingdom.
Panambahan Sutawijaya known as Senapati. Panembahan Senapati died in 1601.
Kingdom of Banten.
After seizing Faletehan Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon, then he is mastered. Because in the power struggles arise Demak in 1522 Faletehan handed to his son Hasanuddin Banten Banten as the first king and Faletehan focused on Islam in Gunung Jati, Cirebon.Other kings are:
* Joseph Prince (1570)
* Maulana Muhammad (9 years old), died in 1596 in his attempt to attack Palembang.
* Abdulmufakir (5 years old), controlled by the government Mangkubumi Jayanegara.
Kingdom of Malacca.
Kingdom of Malacca is not located in the archipelago. King-king is:* Paramisora, escape of Majapahit, who have entered Islam, which has changed the name of Sultan Iskandar Shah.
* Mansour Sultan Shah.
* Sultan Mahmud Shah.
* Year 1511. Malacca fell to the Portuguese.
Kingdom of Aceh.
In the early 16th century was a small kingdom, under the rule of Pedir.King-king is:
* Sultan Ibrahim. Aceh break away from the Kingdom Pedir. Aceh more advanced because of Malacca controlled by the Portuguese, so the Arab and Muslim traders from Gujarat divert trade to Aceh.
* Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1639). On reaching the summit ketayaannya Aceh administration.
Kingdom of Ternate.
Standing roughly 13 century. Being the 14th century Ternate Islamic kingdom. The Reign of Sultan Ternate Baabullah Reaching their peak. In 1575 Sultan Baabullah Dispelling Portuguese From the Moluccas. The degree-Pertuan Baabullah on 72 islands, expanding its territory to the Philippines.Tidore kingdom.
An Islamic empire in the Moluccas. Had played off by the Portuguese and Spanish, to be at odds with the kingdom of Ternate, but turned back together even expel the Portuguese from the Moluccas.Famous king was Sultan Nurku, indomitable fighting to repel the Netherlands. Its territory covers Halmahera. Seram, Kai, and, to Papua.
Makasar kingdom.
In the 16th century in South Sulawesi, there are two kingdoms, namely Goa and Tailo. Both kingdoms were united under the name of Goa-Tailo, or Napier with sombaopu the capital, as the first Islamic kingdom in Sulawesi.King-king is:
* King of Goa Daeng Manribia with the title of Sultan Alaudin. Mangkubuninya is king Tailo Karaeng Matoaya title of Sultan Abdullah.
* Sultan Hasanuddin, reaching the height of glory reign
Banjar kingdom.
With the help of Demak Kingdom, 76th century kingdom of Banjar in South Kalimantan conquer Daha (a kingdom in the interior of Borneo) is a question of the Islamic empire, with its king Raden Ocean Has Changed Name to Islam Sultan Suryanullah. Thank you for reading this article.Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 28, 2014 at 12:12

Tag : History kingdoms in Indonesia.