Showing posts with label Facebook Acquisition WhatsApp.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Acquisition WhatsApp.. Show all posts

Thursday 20 February 2014

Facebook Acquisition WhatsApp.

 Facebook Acquisition WhatsApp

Facebook to buy mobile messaging service WhatsApp amounting to U.S. $ 19 billion in cash and stock . This deal is the company 's biggest acquisition and bigger than ever do Google , Microsoft , or Apple .
In the deal , the company 's largest social network in the world will pay the U.S. $ 12 billion in Facebook shares and U.S. $ 4 billion in cash to WhatsApp . In addition, the founders and employees - numbering around 55 people - will be given shares worth U.S. $ 3 billion, which will be awarded over a four -year deal to be closed .
The deal translates to about 9 percent of the market value of Facebook . By comparison , Google's biggest deal when buying Motorola Mobility to reach U.S. $ 12.5 billion , while Microsoft is the biggest deal is Skype , worth U.S. $ 8.5 billion . Apple , meanwhile , has never done a deal over U.S. $ 1 billion .
This deal makes Gartner analyst Brian Blau stunned . " I'm not surprised they buy WhatsApp , but the number is very surprising , " he said .
Facebook is likely to take advantage of WhatsApp users to target teens and young adults who are increasingly using these services to engage in online conversations outside of Facebook . The company was recently worried about his running young users .
" This is a bet on the future for Facebook , " said Blau . " They know they have to expand their business lines . "
The company had previously said it would develop a strategy of " multi - app " , which create their own applications that exist outside of Facebook and get a different user .
" Facebook seems to be the recognition that people use many different applications to communicate , " said eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson . " In order to continue to reach audiences , especially young people , need a broader strategy ... bottom line , do not put all your eggs in one basket . "
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 20, 2014 at 12:04
Tag ; Facebook Acquisition WhatsApp, facebook

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:04